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    Kelly Trella has found a way to get rid of her 2-year-old son's old clothes; she swaps (交換) them. Trella was clearing her house when she came across a magazine article about ^ThredUP,a children's clothes swapping web- site. She signed up and has been swapping used clothes ever since.

ThredUP now has 15 ,000 members with another 1 ,000 being added each week. Founder and CEO James Reinhart says the company is trying to attract parents who are buying their children clothes for the new term. The existence of ThredUP is surely driven by the economy.

     “These days people who once only dropped off clothes arebuyingthemtoo ,”saidJamesReinhart.“Morepeo- ple are more careful of what they spend,M he said. uThey (Mn’t have to worry about it before. They still want their kids to have those really nice things,but they don't have the money to do it. ”

    ThredUP worked with a Boston charity to give $ 1 from every swap to the charity to help clothe children and buy them school supplies. The site sends 10 boxes online to each customer. The customers can put their used clothes into the boxes and browse (浏览) the website for what they want. Once a customer finds what he wants,he pays $13 for transportation. The customer who owns the clothes then is informed so he can send the clothes off. There are no photos of the clothes,so decisions are pretty much based on brands and descriptions.

     "The first box I got,I paid $ 13 in total and I got 13 shirks. Of course,they have gone through the wash a couple of times,but they are of good quality,” Trella said. “You are giving and you are getting. It's nice to share."

The company relies on customer reviews to get rid of the people who are giving clothes that are in bad condition. There is trust involved for the people who use the site.

56. Kelly Trella found the way of swapping clothes

   A. when surfing the Internet

   B. on TV

   C. in a magazine

   D. when talking with friends

57. People who visit ThredUP are mostly.

   A. students   B. teachers   C. children   D. parents

58. If people want to swap clothes through ThredUP, they must first.

   A. pay some money to the website

   B. visit the website every week

   C. become a member of the website

   D. prepare some very nice clothes

59. The site sends 10 boxes online to customers so that they can .

   A. put their used clothes in the boxes

   B. browse the website for boxes of clothes

   C. give $ 1 to help children buy school supplies

   D. be informed when someone wants their clothes

60. Trella considers the Thred  UP.

   A. crazy   B. beneficial

   C. meaningless   D. entertaining

56. C 57. D 58. C 59. A 60. B

56. C解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的 “Trella was clearing her house when she came across a magazine article about ThredUP...”可知,她是在浏览杂志的时 候发现介绍旧衣交换的网站的,故选 C.

57. D解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第二 句中的“••• about ThredUP,a children's clothes swapping website. ” 以及第二段第二 句中的 “the company is trying to attract parents who are buying their children clothes for the new term. ”可知,该网站的主要访 问者是孩子的父母,故选 D.

58. C解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段 中的“She signed叩…”以及第二段中的 ThredUP now has 15. 000 members with another  1. 000 being added each week. ” 可推 断出,要在这个网站交换旧衣服,必须先成 为该网站的会员,故选C

59. A解析:细节理解题,根据第三段中的 44 The site sends 10 boxes online to each customer. The customers can put their used clothes into the boxes.可知选 A 

60. B解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段 中 “ ‘ You are giving and you are getting. It's nice to share. ’”可知,Trella认为这种交换 很好,故选 B.

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修3外研版 > 周测月考卷8阶段性测试(二)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     A sandstorm refers to a high amount of wind occurring in sandy areas,usually in deserts,where the wind speed is able to lift the top layer of sand from the ground,and push it in every direction. The sand involved in the sandstorm can reach heights of about 3. 05 m—15. 24 m.

It is very dangerous to experience sandstorm. Sand can get into the nose,eyes,mouth and lungs. If you happen to be caught in a sandstorm,you must protect yourself by wearing masks,scarves and so on.

If you’re driving when such a storm approaches,it ,s advised that you pull off the road,since it's difficult to continue driving. This is also important since vehicles can fail in during sandstorms and you could end up stuck on the road.

Most sandstorms occur in spring,and during the daytime. Many of the areas around the Persian Gulf and the Sahara Desert are associated with the most serious storms. Since it's a natural phenomenon,it can't be entirely controlled. In areas that are natural desert regions,you can't always prevent a sandstorm. There's much evidence that the planet Mars has dust storms,and clearly,no human intervention (介人) is responsible for such. Though it can move whole sand dunes and destroy crops,a sandstorm is not without benefit (益处) .

36. Which of the following is TRUE for a sandstorm?

   A. It occurs not only in deserts but also on the coast.

   B. It is very strong because it blows in a direction.

   C. The sand in it can be blown up as high as 15 metres.

   D. It can be often seen on the beach.

37. If you’re driving in a sandstorm,you’d better

   A. stop your car in the middle of the road

   B. continue to make your way

   C. stop and ask for help

   D. stop your car on the side of the road

38. When and where are you most likely to see a sandstorm?

   A. In the Sahara Desert in autumn.

   B. In the Sahara Desert in spring.

   C. Around the Persian Gulf in winter.

   D. Around the Persian Gulf in summer.

39. According to the writer,a sandstorm .

   A. is the result of human activities

   B. can be prevented

   C. can't completely disappear on the earth

   D. can't be forecast 

40. The underlined sentence shows that,anyway,sandstorms are .

   A. useful   B. useless

   C. harmful   D. powerful



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

14. Operations which left patients and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.

   A. exhausted   B. injured

   C. ridiculous   D. delighted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

28. But the truth,at that time I didn't have any choice but ahead.

   A. tell;go   B. to tell;to go

   C. telling;go   D. telling;going 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

27. No matter how I read it,this sentence doesn t make any.

   A. sense   B. meaning   C. reason   D. idea


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     In Europe,many people make friends across the borders through town twinning. Two towns in different countries decide to become twin towns.

    Their citizens find penfriends in the twin town. They exchange newspapers and stamps. The school teachers discuss teaching methods with the teachers in the twin town. Officials visit the twin town for celebrations. Ordinary citizens travel to the town,too,but not very often if it is far away.

   Sometimes,schools even exchange school classes for two or three weeks. For example,German middle school students study for a while at the school in their twin town in Britain,staying with British families. A few months later,their British friends come to study in Germany.

   Some towns even arrange exchange visits for theatre groups,choirs and orchestras (管弦乐队). Others send lecturers to the twin town who tell the people there all about their own town,and show photos and slides.

Some towns organise exhibitions to show works of art,for example paintings by artists from their own town.

Many British towns are so pleased with the result of the twinning that they set out to find more than one twin town.

    Tonbridge,a medium-sized town in Kent,for example,has twin towns in Germany and in France. Richmond near London has links with Germany,France and a town in former Yugoslavia.

     Town twinning can help make friends and help people to learn from each other. It helps students to improve their language skills,and it contributes to international peace and understanding.

1. Altogether countries are mentioned in this


   A. 4   B. 5   C. 6   D. 7

2. Which of the following can't be found in this passage?

   A. Newspapers and stamps are exchanged between twin towns.

   B. Business trade is developed in the town twinning.

   C. Teachers of the twin towns often discuss the scientific ways of teaching.

   D. Lecturers are sent to the twin town who tell the people there about their own town.

3. Twin towns develop .

   A. between European countries and China

   B. in the English-speaking countries

   C. between countries not far away from each other

   D. between different countries

4. The underlined part u it contributes to international

peace and understanding” in the last paragraph has similar meaning to “ ”.

   A. it helps people between countries to know each other better and live peacefully

   B. it encourages people to do something for the peace of the world

   C. it makes people understand the international peace

   D. it is good for students to learn the language better by understanding

5. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

   A. Town Twinning

   B. Friendly Towns

   C. Exchange Teachers and Students

   D. International Peace and Understanding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. acj.地理的

4. adv.在哪里

5. prep.在 对面


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. The city is also famous its restaurants,cafes and theatres.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


8. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower,the famous symbol Paris.

