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76.  Government should be encouraged to get rid of all mass-killing w______.

77.  A bomb e______ near a supermarket, shocking the people in it.

78.  At the wedding, we all made a t______ to the happy couple.

79.  She was always o______, even when things were at their worst.

80.  She felt cut off from the outside world after giving up her c______ to get married.

81.  The crowd all ______ (惊慌失措)at the sound of the guns.

82.  He used his ______ (有影响力的) friends in the government to help him get into the civil service.

83.  The victim of the robbery could hardly remember what had happened, except that he was knocked ______ (失去知觉的) from behind when walking in a dark alley.

84.  Confucius’s teachings are still ______ (塑造) Chinese society.

85.  The hotel has a restaurant attached for its guests' ______(方便).



76. weapons    77. exploded          78. toast                79. optimistic  80. career             

81. panicked   82. influential        83. unconscious      84. shaping     85. convenience




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


81. The volunteers were kept busy d________ food and drinks to the people affected by the earthquakes.

82. There was a strong wind__________ (伴随) by thunderstorms last night, damaging lots of houses in the district.

83. Now that he a_______ that he had stolen the money, you should forgive him.

84. The tourists were rather satisfied with the restaurant because its _______(菜肴) was excellent.

85. _________(相比较而言) speaking, this part of the coast is much less polluted yet.

86. We would very much a__________ it if you could do us that favor.

87.The final result seems explicit, as there is a _______ (公认的) agreement as to who should become Chairman.

88. Don’t eat anything that will spoil(破坏) your a_______ for dinner.

89. The nurse’s job is to ________(护理) the patients in the hospital.

90. The president’s speech was i__________ by the ringing of his mobile phone.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Government should be encouraged to get rid of all mass-killing w______.

A bomb e______ near a supermarket, shocking the people in it.

At the wedding, we all made a t______ to the happy couple.

She was always o______, even when things were at their worst.

She felt cut off from the outside world after giving up her c______ to get married.

The crowd all ______ (惊慌失措)at the sound of the guns.

He used his ______ (有影响力的) friends in the government to help him get into the civil service.

The victim of the robbery could hardly remember what had happened, except that he was knocked ______ (失去知觉的) from behind when walking in a dark alley.

Confucius’s teachings are still ______ (塑造) Chinese society.

The hotel has a restaurant attached for its guests' ______(方便).


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈三中2009-2010 学年度高一上学期第二模块测试 题型:填空题

76. Steel is a mixture of iron and other _________ (物质) such as carbon, nickel(镍) and so on.
77. Rachel soon came to the            (结论) that John was only interested in himself.
78. When it was performed in America, there was an            (观众) of 100,000 people.
79. I can’t             (集中注意力于) on my study with all that noise going on.
80. If you smoke many cigarettes, you will easily become           (上瘾) to tobacco.
81. John is seriously ill, and his disease is so r____ that even the best doctors don’t know how to deal with it.
82. People should drive out of town to b       fresh air and relax at weekends.
83. The pressure of his job led to the complete b         of his health, so he had to receive treatment in hospital.
84. The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, which can be a______ through a computer.
85. If the words of a song are c      , they are not easy to understand and the song is not catchy.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年黑龙江省高一下学期期中考试英语 题型:单词拼写



76. The cruel man shot his wife and __________(埋葬)the dead body in the backyard.

77. There are still quantities of stars we haven’t known in the __________(宇宙).

78. It’s no good using __________(暴力)to solve the problem. We’d better take effective measures.

79. With the ____________(发展)of science and technology, people’s life is becoming more and more convenient.

80. The test measures students’ ____________(成绩,成就)in reading, spelling and writing.

81. Tom and I chat on the Internet very often, but only see each other very o__________.

82. Harbin No. 3 Middle School was f_________ in the year 1923.

83. Recently many earthquakes have s_________ some places in Asia and South America.

84. Lots of poor elder people in the mountains live in p_________.

85. A third of the worst accidents o_________ in the home last year, and the rest happened on the roads.


