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The vase on the left is ________ than the one on the right, and not ________

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A.more nicer;so expensive

B.much more better;as expensive

C.nicer;as expensive

D.better;such expensive


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省无锡一中2011届高三10月阶段性质量检测英语试题 题型:001



1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Who bought the vase.

B.Who broke the vase.

C.Who hurt the cat.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The boy doesn't like Mr.Smith to teach him.

B.Mr.Smith is returning to his country.

C.The girl likes Mr.Smith to teach her.

3.What is the woman going to do?

A.Work in France.

B.Take picture lessons.

C.Take a trip.

4.Who is wearing glasses according to the conversation?

A.The woman's sister.

B.The woman.

C.The woman's mother.

5.What will the man do?

A.Stop to do other things.

B.Have a good rest.

C.Give up the problem.



6.Where did the man go just now?

A.He went to the teacher's office.

B.He visited a new school.

C.he went to a northern district.

7.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.


C.Teacher and student.


8.What happened to the man?

A.He was hurt by the woman accidentally.

B.He got injured by himself.

C.He has been badly ill for a long time.

9.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will be disabled.

B.The woman is a doctor.

C.The man will be taken to hospital.


10.How about the man's hair?

A.It is dry and thin on top.

B.It is oily and wavy on top.

C.It is dry and wavy on top.

11.Who will come to the woman's at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon?

A.The man's friend.

B.The man's wife.

C.The man's sister.

12.How much tip does the man give the woman?

A.A dollar.

B.Two dollars.

C.Fifty cents.


13.What did the woman do last weekend?

A.She visited her mother at Sunshine Hotel.

B.She wrote a paper about the beach.

C.She relaxed on the beach.

14.Why did the woman have to stop playing in the volleyball game?

A.She had to return home.

B.She was too tired to continue.

C.It rained suddenly.

15.Why didn't the woman go swimming?

A.The water was not warm enough.

B.She didn't know how to swim.

C.The water was too dirty.

16.What can we know about the man?

A.He is hard-working.

B.He has been to the beach once.

C.He is poor in English.


17.What does the speaker want to tell us?

A.Many people like planting flowers.

B.We should be careful to give others flowers.

C.Many people don't know how to express themselves.

18.What was a lady's reaction if we gave her yellow roses in the past?

A.She was angry.

B.She was happy.

C.She was grateful.

19.What kind of flower will we give him if somebody helps us?

A.Lily or tulip.


C.The peach rose.

20.What kind of flower will we give a person to show that we admire him?

A.The red rose.




科目:高中英语 来源:山西省山大附中2011届高三10月月考英语试题 题型:001




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Who bought the vase.

B.Who broke the vase.

C.Who hurt the cat.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man doesn't like Mr.Smith to teach him.

B.Mr.Smith is returning to his country.

C.The woman likes Mr.Smith to teach her.

3.What is woman going to do?

A.Work in France.

B.Take picture lessons.

C.Take a trip.

4.Who is wearing glasses according to the conversation?

A.The woman's sister.

B.The woman.

C.The woman's mother.

5.What will the man do?

A.Stop to do other thing.

B.Have a good rest.

C.Give up the problem.



6.Where did the man go just now?

A.He went to the teacher's office.

B.He visited a new school.

C.He went to a northern district.

7.What is probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife


C.Teacher and student


8.What happened to the man?

A.He was hurt by the woman accidentally.

B.He got injured by himself.

C.He has been badly ill for a long time.

9.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will be disabled.

B.The woman is a doctor.

C.The man will be taken to hospital.


10.How about the man's hair?

A.It is dry and thin on top.

B.It is oily and wavy on top.

C.It is dry and wavy on top.

11.Who will come to the woman's at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon?

A.The man's friend.

B.The man's wife.

C.The man's sister.

12.How much tip does the man give the woman?

A.A dollar.

B.Two dollars.

C.Fifty cents.


13.What did the woman do last weekend?

A.She visited her mother at Sunshine Hotel.

B.She wrote a paper about the beach.

C.She relaxed on the beach.

14.Why did the woman have to stop playing in the volleyball game?

A.She had to return home.

B.She was too tired to continue.

C.It rained suddenly.

15.Why didn't the woman go swimming?

A.The water was not warm enough.

B.She didn't know how to swim.

C.The water was too dirty.

16.What can we know about the man?

A.He is hard-working.

B.He has been to the beach once.

C.He is poor in English.


17.What does the speaker want to tell us?

A.Many people like planting flowers.

B.We should be careful to give others flowers.

C.Many people don't know how to express themselves.

18.What was a lady's reaction if we gave her yellow roses in the past?

A.She was angry.

B.She was happy.

C.She was grateful.

19.What kind of flower will we give him if somebody helps us?

A.Lily or tulip


C.The peach rose.

20.What kind of flower will we give a person to show that we admire him?

A.The red rose




科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省葫芦岛一高中2012届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:001


1.Where does this conversation probable take place?

A.In an office.

B.In a drugstore.

C.In a department store.

2.Can the woman go to the concert?

A.No, she can't.

B.Yes, she can go with her mother.

C.Yes, after she goes to her mother's office.

3.Where does the woman live?



C.San Francisco

4.Where did the noise that the woman heard come from?

A.The children's playing.

B.The vase broken by someone.

C.The cat's playing.

5.How much will it cost the woman to send the package?




6.What will Mrs.White probably not do on the fifth?

A.Go to Chicago.

B.Shopping in Chicago

C.G.o to Salt Lake City.

7.How long will Mrs.White stay in Salt Lake City?

A.Two days

B.Three days

C.One day

8.What is the caller's number?




9.What does MRS.Adams want to tell her husband?

A.To pick her up at 1 p.m.

B.Her mother would come on Thursday.

C.To ring her at home.

10.Which of the following is true?

A.Mrs.Adams was calling from her home.

B.Mr.Adams mother was arriving at 1 p.m.

C.Mr.Adams was not in his office then.

11.What does the man ask Zhou Lan for?

A.A book

B.A magazine

C.A newspaper

12.What's “ the Red Rose”?

A.A performance

B.A theatre

C.A.pop group

13.What time will the speakers meet at the theatre?

A.At 6∶10

B.At 6∶50

C.At 6∶30

14.Who is the man?

A.The repairman

B.The woman's friend

C.The woman's neighbor

15.When will the man come?

A.Tomorrow afternoon

B.Tomorrow morning

C.In a while

16.Who often broke the window according to the dialogue?

A.Erica Stone's children

B.Erica Stone herself

C.Not mentioned

17.What is the reason for the traffic accident?

A.The bad weather

B.The carelessness of the driver

C.Not fully known

18.Where did the traffic accident happen?

A.In New York City

B.In the town

C.On Highway 37

19.How many people were killed in the accident?




20.What can we infer from the news report?

A.The accident occurred at 11∶30 p.m.

B.The rain and the many curves of the road might be the cause of the accident.

C.The number of the dead in the accident would rise.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年上海市吴淞中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

If you are ever lucky to be invited to a formal dinner party in Paris,remember that the French have their own way of doing things, and that even your finest manners may not be “correct” by French custom.For example,if you think showing up promptly(迅速地)at the time given on the invitation,armed with gifts of wine and roses,complimenting(称赞)your hostess on her cooking,laughing heartily at the host’s jokes and then leaping up to help the hostess will make you the perfect guest,think again.
Here Madame Nora Chabal,the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris,explained how it works.
The first duty of the guest is to respond to the invitation within 48 hours.And,the guest may not ask to bring a guest because the hostess has chosen her own.
Flowers sent ahead of schedule are the preferred gift.They may also be sent afterwards with a thank–you note.It is considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift of flowers vase when she is too busy to do with that.
See,that’s the logic!The type of flowers sent has a code of its own,too.One must never send chrysanthemums(菊花)because they are considered too humble(谦卑)for occasion.Carnations(康乃馨)are considered bad luck,and calla(马蹄莲)are too reminiscent(令人联想)of funerals(葬礼).A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic intent.Don’t send those unless you mean it,and never to a married hostess.And though the French love wine,you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party.Why?It’s as if you feared your hosts would not have enough wine on hand,and that’s an insult(侮辱).You may,however,offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.
If an invitation is for eight o’clock,the considerate guest arrives at a quarter past eight.Guests who arrive exactly on time or early are mere thoughtless ones who are not giving the hostess those last few minutes she needs to deal with details and crises.
【小题1】Which of the following is right about sending gifts?

A.If someone in France is dead, send chrysanthemums or calla.
B.If someone in Paris is ill in hospital, send carnations.
C.If you are invited to a dinner party in UK, never bring a bottle of wine, because that’s an insult.
D.If you are invited by a single French hostess whom you love, send red roses.
【小题2】What does the word “considerate” in the last paragraph mean?
A.thoughtful B.shamefulC.respectfulD.grateful
【小题3】If you are invited to a French dinner, the correct custom is to ______.
A.compliment your host on his cooking
B.arrive fifteen minutes behind schedule
C.hurry to help the hostess
D.show up promptly at the time given on the invitation
【小题4】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Different flowers have different meanings
B.How to send flowers
C.Good manners at a French dinner party
D.Different countries have different manners


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省高三2月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I moved from Chicago to Brooklyn in July of 2010,just in time to watch my mother die. Our parents were both gone now; I took with me as many things they had left behind as I could.

I was out walking one Saturday later that summer when something caught my eye - a pale green dress. Laid out on the pavement was stuff like earrings, glass candle-holders, books. Hanging on the fence behind were a few pairs of jeans and a green cotton dress.

The woman, the host o£ the stoop (门廊)sale, looked like she was getting rid of a past she didn’t need or want. A dress that was too big for her. A chest of drawers that took up too much space, space she needed, maybe, to heal ,recover, or grow.

I wasn’t planning on buying anything really, but now I needed to show her that I appreciated her things and I would give them a safe home. Then I had my first stoop sale —I paid her 20 dollars for her green cotton dress and her blue candle-holder,

From that day on, I became interested in stoop sales. Some of my favorite things are from someone else’s life. I find no joy in shopping at regular stores any more. I love trying to sniff out a memory from a bud vase or a drawer. It is comforting to know that someone has breathed and laughed inside a sweater before me.

A few weeks ago, I carried my mother’s dresses to a friend’s stoop. These were her best items ,which were once worn by the most important person in my life. For many hours, I watched from across the path people advancing the stoop, some leaving with Mom1S dress. I used to think that her stuff was as forever sacred (神圣的)as my memory of her, I know now that once I love a scarf or shirt too dearly,it needs to find a new home. Even that green dress is long gone by now.

1.The author took her mother*s dresses after her death because ______

A. she valued the things used by her mom

B. she didn’t want to throw them, away

C.      she could sell them later

D.      they were her mom’s best items

2.From the passage, we know that ______.

A.      the things the author bought from the woman are too big

B.      the author is fond of imagining others’ life experiences

C.      the author will never shop at regular stores any more

D.      the author still keeps most of her mom’s things

3.In the last paragraph ,the author tries to tell us that ______.

A her mom is the number one person in her life

B.      she didn’t really want to sell her mom’s dresses

C. she still thinks of her mother quite often

D. love doesn’t mean holding on to something tightly

4.It can be inferred that the author will ______.

A.      not sell her own things at stoop sales

B. keep her mom in her mind in another way

C.      be sad about all the memory of her mom

D.      move to another city for a new life


