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13.Drunk driving,which wsa once a frequent occurrence,is now ______.(  )
A.under debateB.under control
C.under constructionD.under investigation

分析 曾经频繁发生的酒后驾驶,现在已得到控制.

解答 答案:B.
考查介词短语的辨析,under debate"讨论中,争论中",under control"处于控制之下",under construction"修建中",under investigation"在调查研究中",根据语境是酒后驾驶得到了控制,故答案为B.

点评 考查介词短语的辨析,在平时的学习中要对这些短语进行积累,再根据具体的语境确定答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.She is very reliable and I knew I didn't need to encourage her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.1would begrateful/thankful/appreciative(感激的)if you could give me some help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-Which would you rather ________,tea or coffee?
-I'd prefer_______tea.(  )
A.to have; haveB.have; to have
C.to have; to haveD.have; have


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.The use of fish oil to treat cancer has brought _______ hope to millions of sufferers.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.When the typhoon Fitow came,the officials in Yuyao _____ the villagers to go to the safe places,but they refused.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Student Puts School President On eBay
An Ohio State University student has put their school president on the online auction(拍卖)site eBay.Bidding(出价) started at a penny and the seven-day auction had 64bids from 19.bidders topping out at almost $ 100million.
Skydiver,96,Hurt In Attempt To Set Record
In Washington,a 96-year-old man aiming to become the oldest person to make a solo skydiver had a rough landing and suffered a dislocated shoulder,but otherwise safe.
Pets Fight In Car,Cause Wreck
An American Lovell man was moving to his new home with all his belongings packed into his car when his pet cat got loose,found his pet snake and started fighting inside the car,causing him to lose control and crash into a narrow ditch(沟).
Thieves Steal Built-In Swimming Pool
When a Norwegian family visited their mountain cabin over the weekend,they discovered a big hole in the yard in place of the built-in swimming pool that had been installed(安装) 20years ago.
Man Burns Down Home Over No Gifts
In Southampton,Long Island,Wednesday.A man,angry that he got no presents for Christmas,burned down his parents'home early Christmas morning.
29.According to this passage,which of the events happened at the weekend?D
A.A man's pets fought in the car and caused a car crash.
B.An old man aiming to set a record got hurt.
C.A man burned down his parents'home over no gifts.
D.A family found their swimming pool stolen.
30.Which of the following events happened to the Lovell man?B
A.He was put on the online auction site eBay.
B.His car crashed into a narrow ditch.
C.His built-in swimming pool was stolen.
D.He burnt down his parents'home.
31.The passage is most probably taken fromD.
A.a science magazine B.a research paper C.a personal diary D.a newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Though British and American English have some differences in spelling and pronunciation,they have much            . (  )
A.in generalB.in commonC.in placeD.in words


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The longest day of the month is the day after my younger brother T.J gets his new issue of Just Joking,a magazine filled with all kinds of jokes.When the new issue arrives,T.J tells me every riddle in it.But a constant stream of riddles can get annoying.
"Hey,Keith!What did he hamburger name his daughter?"
"T.J!"I shout."Enough riddles!"
He is suddenly quiet.
"Keith,be nice,"Mom says."T.J,honey,what did the hamburger name his daughter?"
"Patty,"he says.
During dinner,T.J doesn't say anything.Usually he brings Just Joking to the table with him and tells us some riddles in between bites of food.This evening,he does not.I'm relieved.At last---some peace and quiet.
After dinner,I go to my friend Brad's house to work on a project for science class.We're painting the planets when Brad's little sister,Nita,comes into the room.
"Brad,can I help you with the project?"Nita asks.
"Nita!"He shouts at her."Leave us alone!"
Nita walks out of the room looking sad.I feel bad for her.I can tell that she just wants to be around her big brother.The look on Nita's face reminds me of the look on T.J's face earlier in the evening.Now I don't feel so good about T.J's silence at the dinner table.
When Brad and I finish working on the project,I see Nita in the front of the room.She still looks sad.
"Hey,Nita!Do you know what the hamburger named his daughter?"I ask.
"I don't know.What?"Nita says.
Nita laughs and I laugh too."I heard that from my brother,T.J,"I say."He's very funny.
When I get home,T.J still looks unhappy.
"T.J,guess what?"I say."I used one of your riddles tonight.Brad's little sister thought it was really funny.So let's find more riddles for the next time I go over there.And maybe you can come along with me sometime."
"Really?"T.J's eyes light up."OK!"T.J runs upstairs,and then comes back,smiling and carrying Just Joking.
64.Keith shouts at T.J.becauseC.
A.he is a cruel boy                
B.he doesn't like T.J
C.He is tired of the riddles told by T.J 
D.He doesn't know the answer to the riddle
65.During dinner,Keith is relieved because T.JB.
A.looks Norman                
B.doesn't tell riddles
C.is not angry with him           
D.is usually quiet during dinner
66.Keith begins to feel ban for T.J whenD.
A.he has dinner               
B.he shouts at T.J
C.Nita come into the room     
D.Nita walks out of the room
67.Why does Keith tell Nita the riddle about the hamburger and patty?C
A.Because he wants to relax.
B.Because he wants to impress Nita
C.Because he wants her to be happy 
D.Because he wants to know if she is smart.

