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1.Grandparents might be known for spoiling grandchildren,but a new study says they might also be helping the kids improve their social skills and behavior.
Spending time with grandma and grandpa especially appears to help children from single-parent,divorced/separated or stepfamily households,according to the report,published in the February Journal of Family Psychology.
"Grandparents are a positive force for all families but play a significant role in families undergoing difficulties,"the study's lead author,Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz,of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,said in an American Psychological Association news release."They can reduce the negative influence of parents separating and be a resource for children who are going through these family changes."
In interviewing 11-to 16-year olds from England and Wales,Attar-Schwartz and her team found that the more conversations the youths had with a grandparent,including asking for advice or even money,the better they got along with their peers and the fewer problems they had,such as hyperactivity and disruptive behavior.
"This was found across all three family structures,"she said."But adolescents in single-parent households and stepfamilies benefited the most.The effect of their grandparents'involvement was stronger compared to children from two biological parent families."
The study did not look at children who lived solely with their grandparents,though.
The findings have great implications for people in the United States,the authors said,because American grandparents are increasingly sharing living space with their grandchildren.A 2004 U.S.Census Bureau survey found that more than 5 million households include a grandparent and a grandchild under 18,up 30 percent since 1990,according to background information in the news release.
31.It is generally believed that a grandmotherC.
A.can help a child through hard times
B.can help kids develop social skills
C.can spoil a child
D.is a positive force for all families
32.According t o the passage,grandparents will be of least benefit to a childA
A.from two biological parent families
B.from a single-parent household
C.from a divorced household
D.from a stepfamily household
33.A child who asks his grandmother for money willB
A.have difficulty in getting along with his peers
B.still get along well with his peers
C.be easier to be spoiled than his peers
D.not be popular with peers
34.We can learn from the last paragraph thatA.
A.there are more families in America undergoing difficulties
B.American parents are much busier than those from other countries
C.American grandparents are much better at bringing up their grandchildren
D.American kids like to share more living space with their grandparents
35.The passage implies thatB.
A.children who live solely with their grandparents may benefit the most
B.grandparents are a source of comfort to children from families undergoing difficulties
C.grandparents play a more positive role th an parents in children's growth
D.all families should leave their children to be brought up by grandparents.

分析 本文是一篇科教类阅读,主要讲了最新的一项研究表明祖父母在孩子的社会技能及行为方面能起到帮助的作用,而不是人们通常所认为的只会溺爱孩子.

解答 31-35.CABAB
31题答案案:C考查细节推理,根据文章首句Grandparents might be known for spoiling grandchildren,可知本题答案为C选项.
32题答案:A考查细节推理,根据原文第二段首句Spending time with grandma and grandpa especially appears to help children from single-parent,divorced/separated or stepfamily households,可知A选项并未提及;故本题答案为A选项.
33题答案:B考查细节推理,根据原文第三段Attar-Schwartz and her team found that the more conversations the youths had with a grandparent,including asking for advice or even money,the better they got along with their peers and the fewer problems they had.可知本题答案为B选项.
35题答案:B考查细节推理,根据原文第二段的They can reduce the negative influence of parents separating and be a resource for children who are going through these family changes.可知"对于来自正在经历困难的家庭的孩子而言祖父母是一种安慰",故本题答案为B选项.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.I would like to suggest that for sixty minutes each evening,right after the early evening news,all television broadcasting be banned by law.
Let us take a serious look at what the results might be if such a suggestion were accepted.Families might use the time for a real family hour.They might sit around together after dinner and actually talk to one another.It is well known that many of our problems-everything,in fact,from the generation gap(代沟) to the high divorce rate to some forms of mental illnesses-are caused at least in part by the failure to communicate.We do not tell each other what is disturbing us.The result is emotional difficulty of one kind or another.By using the quiet family hour to discuss our problems,we might get to know each other better,and to like each other better.
On evenings when such talk is unnecessary,families could rediscover more active entertainments.Freed from TV,forced to find their own activities,they might take a ride together to watch the sunset.Or they might take a walk together and see the neighborhood with fresh,new eyes.
With free time and no TV,children and adults might rediscover reading.There is more entertainment in a good book than in a month of typical TV programming.Educators report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence,even at the college level.Writing is often learned from reading.A more cultured new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.
At first glance,the idea of an hour without TV seems radical (激进的).What will parents do without the electronic baby-sitter?How will we spend the time?But it's not radical at all.It has been only twenty-five years since television came to control our free time.Those of us thirty-five and older can remember childhoods without television,spent partly with radio-which at least involved the listener's imagination-but also with reading,learning,talking,playing games and inventing new activities.It wasn't that difficult,honest.The truth is that we had a ball.
28.The author's suggestion can helpA.
A.people solve emotional problems
B.draw people's attention to the evening news
C.college students get along well with others
D.develop strong neighborhood relationships
29.According to the text,good booksB.
A.offer as much knowledge as TV does   
B.are more entertaining than TV
C.should be made into films            
D.cannot be found easily
30.In the author's opinion,life without TVC.
A.is not good for children's imagination   
B.will be accepted by more people
C.used to be a lot of fun                
D.is not worth living
31.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.The future of television   
B.Turning off TV:a quiet hour
C.Saying goodbye to television   
D.Effects of television on humans.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

12.I met Ryan,a young man with cerebral palsy (脑瘫),in my biology class.My simple"Hello!"and his cheerful reply were the (36)Bto our friendship from the first day of school.There was a time when Ryan was not able to come to school.He was in a great deal of   (37)C  after having a surgery on his legs,but he   (38)A    his sufferings from everyone.
In our junior year,we found that we didn't  (39)D a single class.This was not a problem,though.We just talked a little more in the hallway  (40)C passing periods.That year seemed to fly by.One day,Ryan asked me to hold the torch (火炬) runner's flag that would (41)A  the spot where Ryan would  (42)B   his Olympic torch run.He gently explained that he would be honored  (43)C   I would accept this position for him.The Olympic committee sent a letter saying that the person that holds the flag for him must be someone   (44)D  to him.He said I was the only true friend he had   (45)A  made that talked to HIM and not to his wheel chair.How could I (46)B    such a request?
On the morning of June 5th,as I walked down the sidewalk,my heart   (47)B and my mind became a factory of questions.I kept wondering how everything was going to happen and how Ryan would   (48)C the huge crowd of thousands of people.
After the van arrived,the other runners got out and lined up outside the van,chanting his name,"Ryan!Ryan!"Then all of the people (49)D in,"Ryan!Ryan!"The lift then lowered Ryan to the ground.There he was,in all his    (50)C.
It all became slow motion at the sight of the arriving torch.The runner lit Ryan's torch and then Ryan began his    (51)B.As he took off down the street,the chanting became louder and louder.The  (52)D filled the air and even I felt like I was on cloud number nine.I could not have been any prouder of Ryan!He  (53)A this moment in time--a historic moment--a moment that he was a part of and  (54)C   me to be a part of,too.
Mr.Weinheimer,the next torch runner,bent over and gave Ryan a hug.That moment will last in time forever.It symbolized the whole   (55)D   of the flame:love,excitement,enthusiasm,brotherhood,and life of any man.The flame united us all and showed that love is really what makes this small world go around after all.

48.A.explain toB.differ fromC.respond toD.call on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.He says the problem with teachers is,"What will a kid learn from someone who chose to become a teacher?"He reminds the other dinner guests that it's true what they say about teachers:Those who can,do; those who can't teach.
I decide to bite my tongue instead of biting his and stop myself from reminding the other dinner guests that it's also true what they say about lawyers-that they make money from the misfortune of others.
"I mean,you're a teacher,Taylor,"he says to me."Be honest.What do you make?"
I wish he hadn't asked me to be honest,because now I have to teach him a lesson.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
I can make a C+ feel like a great achievement and an A-feel like a failure.
How dare you waste my time with anything less than your very best?
I make parents tremble in fear when I call them:
I hope I haven't called at a bad time,
I just wanted to talk to you about something Billy said today.
Billy said,"Leave the kid alone.I still cry sometimes,don't you?"
And it was the bravest act I have ever seen.
I make parents see their children for who they are and what they can be.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids wonder.
I make them question.
I make them criticise.
I make them think.
I make them apologies and mean it.
I make them write,write,write.
And then I make them read.
I teach them to solve math problems
that they once thought impossible.
I make them understand that if you have brains then you follow your heart
and if someone ever tries to judge you by what you make,you teach them a lesson.
Let me make this simple for you,so you know what I say is true;
I make a great difference!What about you?

41.What do we know about the man that the author is speaking to?C
A.He is respectful to teachers.
B.He is in the author's home.
C.He is actually a lawyer.
D.He dislikes lawyers.
42.The underlined phrase"bite my tongue"in Paragraph 2is closest in meaning toD.
A.say something which is wrong
B.speak out honestly but carelessly
C.keep silent about myself
D.stop myself saying what I really think
43.The author called Billy's parents toC.
A.let them tremble in fear
B.ask why Billy cried that day
C.praise what Billy did that day
D.advise them to leave Billy alone
44.What is the tone of the passage?A
A.Angry and proud.
B.Upset and disappointed.
C.Humourous and light-hearted.
D.Cheerful and positive.
45.What's the best title of this passage?B
A.An Argument between Two Guests
B.What Teachers Make
C.Requirements of a Good Teacher
D.A Dinner Conversation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shuteye may feel refreshing,but it can give a false sense of security.
New research shows long-term sleep loss cannot be cured that easily.Scientists researched the effects of short-and long-term sleep loss and found that those who suffer long-term sleep loss may function normally soon after waking up,but experience steadily slower reaction times as the day goes by,even if they had tried to catch up the previous night.
The research has important safety significances in an increasingly busy society,not just for shift-workers but for the roughly one in six Americans who regularly get six hours or less of sleep a night.
"We know that staying awake 24 hours without sleep will affect your performance to do all sorts of things,and this effect equals to drinking too much when driving,"said lead researcher Dr.Daniel Cohen of Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital.But when those who suffer long-term sleep loss become all-nighters,"the harm is increased ten times,"Cohen said.
The National Institutes of Health says adults need seven hours to nine hours of sleep for good health.Regularly getting too little sleep increases the risk of health problems,including memory impairment and a weakened immune system.More immediately,too little sleep affects reaction times; sleepiness is to blame for car crashes and other accidents.
It has critically important complicated and unexpected results for anyone who works"crazy hours"and thinks they are performing fine with a few hours of weeknight sleep,said Harris,director at New York's Montefiore Medical Center."Don't think you can just bank up your sleep on the weekend,because it doesn't work that way,"he warned.
61.The text mainly advises peopleC.
A.to sleep more time                         
B.to sleep in on Saturday
C.to sleep scientifically                     
D.to sleep little on weekend
62.People with long-term sleep lossB.
A.are quicker in thinking                   
B.may feel refreshed soon after waking up
C.are surely energetic                        
D.can have a strong sense of security
63.What can we learn from the text?B
A.Most of the Americans get six hours or less of sleep a night.
B.Staying up is worse for those who suffer long-term sleep loss.
C.Traffic accidents have little to do with sleepiness.
D.One in six Americans are all-nighters.
64.Which of the following is the immediate effect of long-term sleep loss?C
A.Health problems                            
B.Immune system
C.Reaction times                              
D.Memory impairment
65.The underlined phrase"bank up"in the last paragraph most probably meansA.
A.pile up      B.pick up      C.add up               D.build up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.If you enjoyed the spring-like sunshine over the weekend and thought the weather has finally turned a corner,you're sadly mistaken.
Chilly (寒冷的) days and grey clouds are forecast for the week-making it far too early to pack away the winter woollies.
Temperatures will struggle to rise above zero at night and fail to make double figures during the day.
People enjoy the spring sunshine in Sefton Park,Aigburth,Liverpool.Forecasters have predicted a return to chilly weather this week.
Met Office forecaster Charlie said,"It was a nice,dry,bright weekend in many parts and Monday is going to be a similar affair for many."
"Temperatures will be between 5℃and 8℃,which is below average for the start of spring."
The sun will disappear from the south of the country after today,with dry but cloudy conditions forecast for tomorrow and Wednesday.
Wednesday will be warmest of the three,with temperatures peaking at 9℃.But this is still two degrees below the March average for the district.
Overnight,temperatures will drop sharply,with lows of minus 3℃for the next three nights.
"It will generally stay on the cold side of average,"said Mr.Powell.
The March misery comes at the end of the coldest winter for more than 30years.
Temperatures in December,January and February struggled to stay above zero,with the UK's average 1.5℃,making it the deepest freeze since 1978-79.
It claimed there was just a one-in-seven chance of a cold December to February.
The agency also sadly predicted a"barbecue summer",saying it was"quite optimistic"that it would be warmer and drier than average.
Following the two mistakes,the Met Office has dropped its long-range seasonal forecasts and will instead publish a monthly prediction for Britain,updated once a week.
In its defense,it says that while short-term forecasts are extremely accurate,Britain's size and geographical position makes long-term predictions much more challenging.
It also points out that it gave warning of any heavy falls of snow this winter.

60.According to the passage,the weather on Tuesday in the south might beA.
A.dry but cloudy    B.sunny but chilly  
C.sunny and warm    D.cloudy and chilly
61.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?B
A.British people can put away their winter clothes now.
B.The Met Office has shortened its forecast range.
C.The weather forecast becomes more and more accurate.
D.The agency was quite confident of long-term predictions.
62.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A
A.The big chill isn't over yet 
B.A warm spring finally arrives
C.A heavy snow is on the way 
D.The Met Office drops forecasts
63.From the passage,we can concludeC.
A.the weather report is more and more important
B.British people become worried about bad weather
C.Britain has just experienced a very freezing winter
D.The Met Office can always predict any heavy snow falls accurately.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.That is just _________ challenging job all the workers want to get.Do you have anyone in _________ mind for it?(  )
A.a; theB.the;/C.the; theD.a;/


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The White House has announced plans to allow visitors to take photos and use social
media during public tours of the building for the first time in 40years.In previous years,the public was banned from taking photographs with camera phones inside 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue.However,visitors will now have the chance of taking the perfect
selfie(自拍)as long as it's nor with a selfie stick at the White House,since the ban has been abolished,First Lady Michelle Obama made the announcement about the change of policy in a video posted to her Twitter account."If you've been on a White House tour,chances are that you may have seen this sign,"she said holding up a piece of paper."Well,not any more,"she said smiling as she tore the sign apart,which had been displayed during tour hours.
The White House said in a statement,"Guests are now welcome to take photos
throughout the White House tour route and keep those memories for a lifetime."The
long-standing ban ends on July 1st,and from that point on guests will be able to start using camera phones.
Embracing the increasing importance of social media,the White House is even encouraging people who pay a visit to the house to share their experiences on Twitter using
the tag"White House Tour".Official guidelines state that guests will be able to use phone cameras with a lens(镜头)of three inches or less.
But the White House warns that visitors must ensure that their photography doesn't
interrupt the enjoyment of other guests on the tour.While it gives no specific reason for the sudden change,there are still a few things that guests are not permitted to do.For instance,video cameras,including iPads and camera sticks,are not allowed for the moment.
21.Which of the following will be allowed for photography in the White House?A
A.Camera phones.B.Four-inch lenses.C.Selfie sticks.D.iPads.
22.We can learn from the passage thatD
A.the photo ban in the White House annoyed visitors
B.the first lady plays a key role in changing the policy
C.visitors can take photos in the White House as they like
D.the sign corn apart by Michelle Obama read"NO PHOTOS"
23.Where can we most probably read the passage?C
A.In a travel guide,
B,In a government report.
C.In a newspaper.
D.In a photography magazine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.We've been covering standing desks for a long time now because experts agree that sitting all day is killing us.We want to be productive while also keeping our bodies healthy.Over the years,there have been several solutions to this from fixed standing desks to adjustable ones,portable desks to ones that change into shelves.
However,the most high tech and elegant solution has to be this new smart desk called The Stir Kinetic Desk.The desk learns your daily behaviors and moves between a sitting and standing height regularly throughout the day to keep you moving without interrupting your work flow.
You can program specific sitting and standing intervals or let the desk set the schedule.If you tend to sit while returning emails in the morning,but always want to stand during that afternoon conference call,the desk will learn those regular habits and adjust the schedule to fit them.Of course,the desk can always be manually lowered or raised by using the touch screen on the lower left comer of the desk.
When switching positions,the desk gently dips and rises to let you know that a change is coming up.If you're not ready to switch positions at that time,you can tap the touchscreen to stay sitting or standing for a while longer.
The built.in touchscreen also keeps track of your daily sitting and standing times and tells you how many calories you've burned.You can even set goals for how long or often you want to stand.The desk also works with fitness devices like the FitBit to track your movements.
All of that smart tech doesn't come cheap though.The M1 desk,which is the everyday model,runs a steep 2,990,whilethemoreexecutivemodelwithaddedfeatures,theF1,goesfor4,190.
While expensive,it's worth thinking of how much time we spend at our desks.Much like a good mattress(床垫),a good desk that works with you is worth the investment.Hopefully in a few years these smart,integrated desks will be more common and less expensive.

32.The Stir Kinetic Desk has been designed toC.
A.help users with their work 
B.keep users moving all the time
C.get users to exercise while working 
D.remind users of their working schedule
33.Which is the feature of the touchscreen of the deskB?
A.It can tell users when to change positions.
B.It can track users'changes of positions.
C.It can keep users in a fixed position.
D.It can detect users'health condition.
34.Which of the following can best describe the deskD?
A.Productive but challenging. 
B.Convenient but unaffordable.
C.Complex and impractical.
D.Multi-functional and intelligent.
35.What does the author intend to tell us in the last paragraphA?
A.To spend money on such a desk is rewarding.
B.We should get such a desk as soon as possible.
C.It won't be long before the desk is widely used.
D.Desks play a very important role in our daily life.

