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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。

                               ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

           Like many 13-month-olds,Byron knows a few simple words: mama,dada,and the sound ba for ball,baby,and bottle. But how can he 1 his mother about the lions at the zoo,or the piano at Grandma's house? 2 for Byron,his mom has helped him find a(n) 3 to describe these interesting 4 . The solution is what we have come to call baby signs.

           Similar to the sign language 5 by the deaf,each baby sign is a simple gesture that 6 an important object,event,or need in a baby's world. Just as children learn to 7  “bye-bye” long before they can say it,Byron has learned to open his mouth 8  for “lions ,” and 9  his fingers up and down on imaginary keys for “piano." With these and 20 other 10 

available for use,Byron is able to be an active partner in 11  with the important people in his life.

           Baby signs make life with a baby 12 and more fun: Children are less likely to become frustrated,for example,13 they can tell you what they want by using signs for “bottle” and “cold." One baby invented a sign for “afraid”-patting(轻拍) on his chest repeatedly. 14 a dog frightened him,he would add the panting (喘气) 15 he had learned for “dog” to make the 16 even clearer and easier to understand. 17,his family could 18 provide exactly the reassurance (安心) he needed: “It's okay,Zack. The doggy is behind the fence.”

            Baby signs make life sweeter in many ways. Among the additional 19: higher self-esteem (自尊) , increased attention ,greater interest in reading,and closer relationships with older brothers or sisters — who seem to find signs extremely 20 .

1. A. tell   B. ask   C. teach   D. show

2. A. Interestingly   B. Surprisingly  C. Fortunately   D. Generally

3. A. word   B. way   C. story   D. occasion

4. A. animals   B. events   C. people   D. objects

5. A. created   B. spoken   C. used   D. discovered

6. A. consists of   B. makes up   C. stands for   D. turns into

7. A. wave   B. kiss   C. shake   D. sing

8. A. slightly   B. normally   C. wide   D. up

9. A. move   B. point   C. put   D. raise

10. A. tools   B. voices   C. behaviors   D. signs

11. A. conversation   B. discussion   C. study   D. play

12. A. longer   B. busier   C. quieter   D. easier

13. A. though   B. because   C. so   D. unless

14. A. As   B. Since. C. If   D. Before

15. A. performance   B. gesture   C. emotion   D. advice

16. A. message   B. lesson   C. idea   D. problem

17. A. For example   B. To begin with   C. In conclusion   D. As a result

18. A. slowly   B. immediately   C. eventually   D. directly

19. A. features   B. results   C. expressions   D. advantages

20. A. difficult   B. entertaining    C. embarassing   D. clear

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. B



1. A. 由下文中的 they can tell you what they want by using signs可知,但是他如何“告诉(tell)”妈妈他想说的是动物园里的狮子和奶奶家的钢琴呢?

2. C. 

3. B. 由 his mom has helped him find a(n) ... to describe fP The solution is ... 可知“幸运的是(Fortunately) ”,Byron的妈妈己经为他找到了一种描述这些事物的“方法(way) ”。

4. D. 由上女中的the lions和piano可知,此处是指描述这些有趣的“事物(objects)”。

5. C. 由下文中的by the deaf可知,此处指耳聋的人所“用(used)”的手语。

6. C. 由文中的描述可知,婴儿的每个手势也“代表(stands for)”一种物体或他们的需要。

7. A. 由上文中的baby sign和gesture以及下文中的 long before they can say it可知,小孩在会说“再见”之前是用“挥手 (wave)”来表示的。

8. C. 由下文中的lions可知,Byron把嘴张“大(wide)”来表示“狮子”。

9. A. 由下文中的 his fingers up and down on imaginary keys for “piano.”可知,他用手指在想象的琴键上上下“移动(move)” 来表示“钢琴”。

10. D. 由上文中的 each baby sign is a simple gesture可知,此处指Byron所用的“手势 (signs)”。

11. A. 由上文中对婴儿手势的描述可知,婴儿用手势来与生活中重要的人“交流 (conversation)”。

12. D. 由下文中的 clearer and easier to understand和Baby signs make life sweeter 可知,婴儿的手势使得与婴儿在一起的生活和交流变得“更简单(easier)”、更有趣。

13. B. 前后句之间表示因果关系,故用“因为(because)”。

14. C. 

15. B. “如果(If)”一只狗吓坏了他,他就会加上他学会的用来表示狗喘气 的“手势(gesture) ”。

16. A.  由上文中的a sign for “afraid”可知,婴儿用手势是为了表达“他被狗吓坏了”这一“信息(message)”。

17. D. 

18. B. “因此(As a result) ”,他的家 人就会“立即(immediately) ”安抚他。

19. D. 由下文中的 higher self-esteem ... closer relationships with older brothers or sisters可知,这些都是婴儿手势的“优点(advantages) ”。

20. B. 稍微大一点的孩子会觉得婴儿手势非常“有趣(entertaining )”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第43期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           Every day hundreds of people pass through the San Francisco Ferry Building,a place where a variety of products and services are available. The San Francisco Ferry Building is the place where commuters catch their ferries at. It is also a place whose people come to walk and watch the activity on the bay. The area in which people shop for food is also where people can find restaurants and shops.

           The Ferry Building began to be built at a time in 1875 there were no bridges. People had to take a train to the Berkeley or Oakland ferry terminals,there they would catch a ferry to San Francisco. When the Bay Bridge opened in 1936,the Ferry Building became an unnecessary place in that the ferries were left and forgotten. In the 1970s,when the traffic on the bridge made the commute difficult,the ferry boat service resumed. Now the Ferry Building serves as an activity center which San Franciscans shop,eat,catch transportation,and relax near the water.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                             ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

            The most frequent arguments for travel broadening the mind are that you get to interact(互动) with many different 41,ways of life and new experiences. In general this should be the case. 42,how much it broadens your mind depends as much on how you travel as where. 43 you go to Thailand and spend most of your time in a hotel,what you,re seping isn't 44 Thai culture. But if you take time to 45 its temples or stay with a family and immerse ( yourself in their 46 ,you might begin to get a good 47 of it. If you 48 anything out of your comfort zone,then you won't make the most of your 49 ,wherever you go. Of course travel 50 the mind if you’ re open to it and equip yourself with the knowledge you need for where you’ re headed; and after all,expanding our horizons is 51 to our growth and progress as human beings.

            We're told that broadening the mind comes from challenging yourself,52 , learning and that this can in part be achieved by travelling. But is broadening the mind the only 53 reason for travelling? What if you 54 want to enjoy some much needed rest and 55 ?

             How much distance you cover doesn't show how adventurous you are. You can go halfway round the world, but if you just spend all your time 56 shopping malls,you can 57experience the real workings of the culture you’ve landed in. It's up to you whether or not you come back from another country with a 58 perspective on things. Travel doesn’t automatically broaden the mind. If you’ re a narrow-minded bore at home,the 59 are that travel just makes you a narrow-minded bore 60 a plane ticket. And what of those who don't,can't or won’t travel? Are they forever (注定) to an “unbroadened”

view on life? I'm sure they would beg to differ.

41. A. experts   B. cultures   C. objects . D. situations

42. A. For example   B. Above all   C. At times   D. Of course

43. A. If   B. Although   C. Since   D. Because

44. A. correctly   B. generally   C. really   D. seriously

45. A. construct   B. paint   C. introduce   D. visit

46. A. work   B. life   C. conversation   D. concept

47. A. idea   B. command   C. result   D. photo

48. A. attempt   B. challenge   C. avoid   D. overcome

49. A. journey   B. freedom   C. advantage   D. break

50. A. occupies   B. crosses   C. amazes   D. broadens

51. A. suitable   B. vital   C. similar   D. harmless

52. A. determining   B. planning   C. exploring   D. preparing

53. A. worthwhile   B. private   C. normal   D. obvious

54. A. eventually   B. slightly   C. exactly   D. simply

55. A. health   B. relaxation  C. sport   D. thinking

56. A. picking out   B. Finding out  C. wandering round   D. passing by

57. A. hardly   B. possibly   C. expectedly   D. undoubtedly

58. A. narrow   B. social   C. different   D. common

59. A. problems   B. occasions   C. facts   D. chances

60. A. for   B. with   C. beyond   D. except


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 事故发生在昨天下午五点钟。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Tom came to the party in patched jeans, surprised the other guests,most of were wearing evening dress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

② The changes are beneficial .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. When she fell ill her daughter the business from her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. They had a wonderful holiday,despite of the bad. weather.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read the part of the text describing the procedure of cloning Dolly the sheep,and put the following events in the correct order according to the procedure.

   A. Remove the cell's nucleus.

   B. Wait until the egg cell with its new nucleus grows into an embryo.

   C. Remove the nucleus from a female sheep's egg cell.

   D. Put the embryo into another female sheep.

   E. A cloned lamb is produced.

   F. Take a cell from the sheep you intend to clone.

   G. Put the cell's nucleus into the female sheep’s cell.

