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Rota is a very small town in Spain. It is famous for its fruits and vegetables. In particular,it is famous for its tomatoes and pumpkins.

One would think that the soil of this region must be very good. It must be very rich in

order to grow 1        excellent tomatoes and pumpkins. 2       the soil is not good. It is poor. It is only sand and rock―nothing 3       (many) . The winds of the ocean blow hard. They have carried 4        the good soil. They have left only sand in its place. There is also little water. The soil is dry and hard.

The farmers of this region have to work very hard. They work from morning till night. They dig wells 5       (where) there is water. They carry water 6        hand to their gardens. They use anything and everything to make the soil a little 7 (rich) around each plant. They cover the young plants with leaves. In this way they protect them from the sun and wind. They watch each plant 8       (care) . They watch the plants 9        are not strong. They give these plants more water and more attention. They show the plants the same 10       (affect) they show for their wives or children.

There is a proverb about Rota farmers;The farmer of Rota touches each tomato plant at least forty times a day.

1.         2.         3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10.         

1. such   2. But   3. more   4. away

5. wherever   6. by   7. richer   8. carefully

9. which   10. affection

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) > 组合训练58


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In my opinion,it is high time that we must take quick action to protect them. A national publicly campaign should be launched to give animals a good living environment. In addition to,the government should pass some firm laws to forbid animal killing. Only with this way can we live in harmony with wild animals.

Each person must find their own strength and motivation when they overcome the difficulties that stand in their way. 1       They allowed me to develop in the competitive world of professional football and in my present profession as a motivational speaker and author.

2       As a parent we want great things for our children but unless that desire comes from within your child,they cannot succeed. I saw situations where parents had taken away the opportunity for their child to develop that burning desire to succeed. When parents step in and take these decisions away from young athletes,the young never develop the desire to win the competition at a higher level demands.

Goal setting is a training that successful people practice. Sports are great places to develop the habit of goal setting. I have found that setting preparation goals is much more effective than setting game goals. After honestly judging a performance I would pick one or two areas that need improving for the next game. 3       Dedication (奉献) is hard work,constant learning,and refusing to quit. 4       Do they know how hard their sports heroes worked and continue to work at their desire? Your dedication,approval,and respect for dedication will help develop it in your child.

Teamwork is what the world is hungry for. In great teams the team covers up for each person's weaknesses. 5       As a longtime captain of the Denver Broncos I have instant credibility in this field but the truth is that teamwork is as important in the workplace as at home.

   A. Many children give up easily.

   B. The first key to success is desire.

   C. The first factor we can't ignore is opportunity.

   D. And I would concentrate on them for a long time.

   E. It took me a long time to realize the importance of dedication.

   F. Meanwhile it values and makes full use of each one's strengths.

   G. Along the way I learned the universal unchanging keys to success.

1.         2.         3.         4.          5.        


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On New Year's Day,the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables,but many people attribute tribute various superstitious (迷信的) aspects with them.

Other foods include a whole fish,represent togetherness and abundance,and a chicken for prosperity. The chicken must be presented with a head,tail or feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles might be uncut,as they represent long life.

In south China,the favorite and most typical dishes is nian gao,sweet steamed glutinous rice (糯米) pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed leaves) ,other popular delicacy.

In the north,steamed wheat bread(man tou) and small meat dumplings are the preferring food. The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time is meant to symbolizing abundance and wealthy for the household.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Not a day passes that you are not called upon to make many choices. Most of them are of 1       importance. It just depends on 2        you like it or not.

But sometimes you must make significant choices such as those that will affect your future. You are called upon 3         ( select) your courses for the following term or year. You may find 4        strange that you should choose between 5        important activity and a parttime job after school. Such 6          (choice) can be difficult and the final decision may be of 7         (last) significance.

Making a choice always means 8       (give) up one thing for another. You cannot be in two places at the same time. You cannot spend the same money twice. You must decide which of the two things is9       (much) important and make your choice. It pays as many things as you can 10        you act. A hasty decision often leads to regret and the loss of time,money and opportunity.

1.         2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This morning I went to a shoe shop to buy a pair of new shoe. When I got there,I was noticed a foreign lady talking to a salesgirl. But salesgirl didn't understand what the foreigner was saying. They either looked worried,so I went up to help them. The lady is an Australian,which wanted to buy a pair of travelled shoes. So I explained those to the salesgirl. The lady was very glad whenever she took them. She sang praises of my spoken English. Both of them expressed their thanks on me. I felt happy to be able to express myself free in English.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Nearly every parent loses control and screams at the children now and then. But what if you do it repeatedly?

Researchers suspect parents are yelling more. 1       Three out of four parents yell,scream or shout at their children or teens about once a month,on average,for misbehaving or making them angry,research shows. Increasingly,therapists and parenting experts are homing in on how it hurts a child,as well as how to stop it.

Research shows that many parents lose control because they feel attacked or think the child's actions reflect poorly on them. Teens whose parents use "harsh verbal discipline" such as shouting or insulting are more likely to have behavior problems and depression symptoms,says a recent study.

2       Eight-year-olds whose parents disciplined them by yelling have less satisfying relationships with romantic partners and spouses at age 23,according to a 15-year study led by Stephanie Parade,an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University.

3       Warning signs can include:tightness in the throat or chest,rapid breathing,negative thoughts about oneself or feelings of being overwhelmed.

"Learning to start sentences with ' I,rather than * you' can help parents shift from an angry attack to a teaching moment," Ms. Faber says.

Leigh Fransen felt like yelling when her daughters,Alona and Elisha,forgot to feed the family dog,Balto,on two evenings in the same week. Ms. Fransen said, "I wanted to yell, 'You're not getting any dinner tonight,because you didn't feed the dog. 4       ,―that would lead to nothing but tears and misery."

Instead,she started her response with "I” ,saying, "I don't like seeing the dog not fed. Look at him: He is miserable.5       Ms. Fransen says. Alona and Elisha needed to be reminded of the deadline twice,but soon learned to remember on their own. Ms. Fransen praised them for taking responsibility and encouraged them.

   A. And you're going to know how it feels.

   B. I expect him to be fed before you eat your own dinner.

   C. Parents have been conditioned to avoid spanking,so they vent their anger by shouting instead.

   D. Parents can learn to notice signs that a blowup is brewing and dial down their own tension.

   E. Apologizing can help repair a relationship after an outburst.

   F. Another study suggests yelling at children may have consequences that go beyond those of spanking.

   G. Parents can turn a meltdown into a teaching moment by involving kids in finding solutions.

1.         2.                  3.       4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Rip Van Winkle lives in a pleasant village.  He enjoys solitary activities and 1       (love) by all in town.     2      ,he tends to avoid hard work,which makes his wife angry.

One winter day,to escape his wife's nagging,Van Winkle went to the mountains 3        his dog. Hearing his name 4       (call) out,Rip followed the sound and came to a hollow 5        some people were playing a game. Rip joined them,drank some of their wine and fell 6       (sleep) .

When he woke up,he discovered some 7       ( shock) changes. His gun was rotting,his beard was a foot long,and his dog was nowhere to be found. 8       he returned to his village,he learned his wife had died and that his close friends had died in a war 9        moved away. Rip also learned he had been 10        from the village for at least twenty years.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6. 7.                 8.       9.          10.      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

To be a good teacher,you need some of the gifts of a good actor―you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your audience;1       with a good,strong,pleasing voice which is fully under your control;and you must be able to act what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher,and 2      ;he stands the whole time for his explanations,using his face to express his feelings. Listen to him,and you will hear the loudness,the quality (音色) and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about.

The fact that 3        doesn't mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage for there are very important differences between the teacher's work and the actor's. The actor has to repeat words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words. Each time he plays a certain part,even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand. 4      

A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play; they ask and answer questions;they obey orders,and if they don't understand something,they say so. 5       He cannot learn his part by heart,but must invent it as he goes along. I have known many teachers who were fine actors in class but unable to take part in a stage play because they could not keep strictly to what other people had written.

   A. you must be a clear speaker

   B. Teachers are very important for students.

   C. a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor

   D. you will see that he does not sit still before his class

   E. A good teacher must learn from a good actor on the stage.

   F. The teacher therefore has to meet the needs of his audience.

   G. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions natural on the stage.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. I am writing to apply to be a volunteer of the coming International Trade Exposition.

All our citizens are host for this great event. All of us should work hard to make well preparations for it. I promise I would try to serve for our honored guests from all over the world with enthusiasm. Besides,have a rich knowledge of Chinese history,I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendidly culture. What's more,English,an international language,will play important role in communication during the Exposition. Unluckily,I am good at them and can express myself fluently and clearly in English.

To sum up,I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value the chance and do that I can if I could be accepted to be one.


