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Dear Toby,


Li Hua


Dear Toby

I am writing to express my gratitude for your hospitality while I stayed at your home in England, which was an unforgettable experience for me and I benefited a lot from it .

During the two weeks, I learned a lot about English culture and history by visiting many museums in England. In an environment exposed to English, my English listening and speaking abilities got improved greatly. Furthermore ,I made some new friends, who helped me a lot Welcome to my home next summer, I will be your guide and you can experience traditional Chinese culture and taste Chinese food . I m look forward to your coming.



【亮点说明】范文中运用一些常见的短语benefit from从。。中受益;be exposed to 暴露于;I am writing to express my gratitude for your hospitality while I stayed at your home in England, which was an unforgettable experience for me这个句子运用到which引导非限制性定语从句;In an environment exposed to English, my English listening and speaking abilities got improved greatly.这个句子运用到非谓语动词做后置定语;


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假如你叫李华,是校报的英语小记者。校报《英语园地》本期的话题是Festivals and Holidays。你打算以Spring Festival为题向校报投稿。请根据以下内容要点,介绍你最喜欢的传统节日——春节。


1. 春节是中国最重要的节日。

2. 节前人们要大扫除。

3. 除夕夜全家人在一起吃年夜饭。

4. 孩子们会收到压岁钱。

5. 大年初一穿新衣服,走亲访友。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:春联couplet 压岁钱lucky money










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



(3)时间:星期六晚六点;(4)地点:阳光俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间;


注意:可适当添加细节以使行文连贯;词数100左右,开头和结尾已给,不计入总字数。参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party。

Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams. ________________________________________________




Yours, faithfully Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


As we all know, games play a very important role in the growth of children. Children should grow along with playing games; for,1playing games, they can not only acquire knowledge, but also develop their abilities to get along with others.

However, most children are2(face) with a completely different situation. Most parents fear that games will prevent children from increasing new knowledge and3the children will fail in the future examinations. So, instead of4(let) the children themselves find and learn naturally from their surroundings, they force their children to take part in5(variety) kinds of classes, learning English, playing6piano or practicing drawing, etc. What’s more, some parents put away the children’s toys which are very useful in developing children’s7(imagine) and practical abilities.

Here is a piece of good advice to those parents:8you want to expect your child to be able to accomplish something, you must first of all develop his ability to adapt9the new surroundings. That cram (填鸭式的) education can lead to nothing10a failure in the children’s growth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Maybe you have heard the expression “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. So when you want to do business in France, you have to get to know French culture, to make marketing plans, and to run your business by local laws.

【1】 The French take great pride in their language, so anyone who does not speak it may run the risk of being disrespected by his French colleagues or business partners. Also, another reason why learning French is important is that it is a great way to show every possible French business partner that you care and respect their country’s culture and language.

The first thing that you should do when meeting someone new is to shake his hand firmly and always look the person in the eye. In social meetings with friends, kissing is common.

Use first names only after being invited to. 2 The French will sometimes introduce themselves using their surname first, followed by their first name.

Dress well. 3 Your business clothing is a reflection of your success and social status. Always try to be tasteful and stylish. Women are advised to dress simply but elegantly. Wearing make-up is practiced widely by business women.

The French are passionate about food, so lunches are common in doing business in France, which usually consist of an appetizer, main meal with wine, cheese, dessert and coffee, and normally take up to two hours. 4

Do not begin eating until the host says, “bon appetite”. Pass dishes to the left, keep wrists above the table and try to eat everything on the plate. 5 This may suggest that you find the food tasteless. If eating in a restaurant, the person who invites always pays.

A. The French draw information about people based on their appearance.

B. This is a time for relationship building.

C. Remember to be as polite as possible.

D.Language should be the focus of anyone planning to do business in France.

E. Be careful with adding salt, pepper or sauces to your food.

F.Use Monsieur or Madame before the surname.

G.Make an appointment with your business partner in advance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The Chinese invented paper in 105 A. D. They mixed the bark of a tree and rags (破布) with water, put a screen into the mixture, and lifted out a thin piece of wet paper. They dried the paper in the sun.

The Chinese kept their secret of how to make paper until a war with Muslims in the ninth century. The art of papermaking soon spread throughout the Muslim world.

The Mayan Indians in Central America and Pacific Islanders also discovered how to make paper, but their knowledge never spread to the rest of the world.

For centuries, all paper was made by hand. Rags were the main material. Then a French scientist discovered that people could make paper from wood, too. Finally, in the eighteenth century. a Frenchman invented a machine to make paper from wood.

【1】 Who discovered how to make paper?

A. The Chinese. B. The Pacific Islanders.

C. The Mayan Indians. D. All of the above.

【2】When did the Chinese invent paper according to the passage?

A. About 1 ,800 years ago.

B. About 1, 900 years ago.

C. About 2, 000 years ago.

D. About 2, 100 years ago.

【3】 How was papermaking introduced into the rest of the world from China?

A. Through wars.

B. Through the Muslims.

C. Through the Mayan Indians.

D. Through the Pacific Islanders.

【4】Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. The Invention of Paper.

B. The History of Papermaking.

C. Different Ways of Making Paper.

D. The Invention of a Papermaking Machine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It was the second time that we ________ in holding such important parties.

A. succeedB. had succeededC. succeededD. have succeeded


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


New Zealand Education

Compulsory Education

Compulsory education starts at age 5 and ends at age 16.

Class Size

The number of students in a class is 30 students.


Students from Years 5-8 stay in the same classroom for most subjects and move to other classrooms only for specific subjects. In Year 9, students take some courses With their homeroom class and some optional classes with students from different classes. Starting from Year 10, students no longer stay in the same classroom most of the time. They go to different classes according to their own choices and abilities.

Term Dates

A school year starts in January and ends in December. There are four terms in a year. Each term is about 10 weeks.

Class Schedule

School starts at around 8:30 and ends at 15:15. There are only five periods a day and a period is about an hour long. In the morning, around 10:30, there will be a 20-minute break when students usually have some snacks during this time. There is a lunch period at around 12:40 for about an hour.


Teachers have to teach students of different year level at the same time. Most teachers teach students from at least three to four different year levels. Besides, quite a number of teachers teach more than one subject. This is because the fact that many courses are optional.

1This passage is most probably taken from.

A. an educational book B. a sport magazine

C. a traveling guide D. a film website

【2】When you are in your 10th school year, you may.

A. choose and take some optional courses with your homeroom class

B. stay with your classmates in the same classroom for all the subjects

C. have both required and optional classes with the same classmates

D. choose different classes according to your own choices and abilities

【3】The meaning of the underlined word "optional" in Paragraph 3 is close to " ".

A. limited B. selective

C. sensitive D. typical

【4】According to the passage, why can many teachers teach more than one subject?

A. Because many courses are optional.

B. Because there are not enough classrooms.

C. Because many of the subjects are too easy.

D. Because the teachers are more than enough.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 问题出现的原因:爱吃甜食及脂肪含量高的食物,缺乏运动等

2. 从饮食、运动及生活方式等方面提出建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear fellow students,

How are you doing? I am Li Hua, president of the Student Union. ___________________________






Thanks for your attention.

