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Liverpool city council want to clear the city of fat pigeons. They say that people are feeding the birds, which makes them fat. The pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of seeds and insects, not high-fat junk food they are eating in the city centre.

The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birds. They hope to encourage the birds to move away from the city centre and into parks and open spaces.

Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city centre to scare the pigeons away and visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any food. The mechanical birds - known as “robops” - will sit on the roofs of buildings. They can be moved around to different locations. They look like a peregrine falcon, which is a bird that kills pigeons. They even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeons. They hope that the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two years.

1.What do Liverpool city council try to do?

A.They want people to feed the pigeons with healthy food.

B. They want the pigeons to move out of the city centre.

C.They want people to keep the pigeons at home.

D.They want to keep robotic birds instead of pigeons.

2.The robotic birds are used to _________.

A. help feed the pigeons B.make the city colorful

C. drive away the pigeons D.show people directions

3.This passage is most probably a(n) __________.

A. news report B. notice

C.short story D.Advertisement


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上学期第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。

Dear Smith,

I have a good news for you. All senior three students will take part in a mountain- climbing activity in May 18th, which is intending to help reduce our pressure from study. So I’m writing to invite you to go along.

We plan to gather at the school gate at 8:20, weather permitting. Then they will set off at 8:30, heading for the mountains nearby on feet. After having a good time, we are supposed to go back school for lunch at about 12.

The suggestions are as following. You’d better wear strong and comfortably shoes so that you can enjoy the trip. A bottle of water and some snacks were also necessary in climbing. In addition, you can take with you a camera to get some photos taken.

Look forward to your reply.


Li Yan


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆三峡推荐高二12月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




1. 时间:每年11月21日至12月31日,今年是第九届。

2. 活动内容:⑴开幕式 (Opening Ceremony)







Dear Peter,

I’d like to share with you some information about the International Red Leaf Festival of Wushan.




Best Wishes.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川雅安中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Being able to count at least ten people as friends makes us happy,but those with five or fewer are likely to be miserable,researchers say.

Their study of hundreds of men and women also found that people who feel satisfied with their lives always have lots of close friends and regularly make new ones.

While it is not clear whether our friends make us happy or we make friends because we are happy,the researchers say it is clear that we should maintain our friendships. Psychologist Richard Tunney said,“Whatever the reason is,actively working on friendships in the same way as to maintain a marriage is a prerequisite(必备条件) to happiness.”

Dr.Tunney,of Nottingham University,quizzed more than 1,700 people about their satisfaction with their lives and the state of their friendships.Those with five friends or fewer had just a 40 percent chance of being happy. .

In other words they were more likely to be unhappy than happy.Ten was the first number at which people were more likely to be happy than unhappy.The happiest people were those with dozens of friends,according to the study,which was carried out for the National Lottery(彩票).

For women,this meant having 33 friends;for men,the number was 49. Dr.Tunney said,“People who were extremely satisfied with their lives had twice the number of friends of people who were extremely dissatisfied.” Women tended to have fewer friends than men but formed tighter relationships.

Interestingly,the study found that childhood friends are no more likely to make us happy than people we become close to later in life.Lottery winners,however,have a different opinion on life.They are always happier than others despite spending their time with a small circle of old friends.This could be because they trust people they’ve known for a long time.

1.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.The Secret to Happiness Is to Make New Friends

B.Having at Least 10 Good Friends Makes People Happy

C.Why Most People Like to Make Friends Regularly

D.Men’s and Women’s Friends Are Different

2.Which of the following opinions may Richard Tunney NOT agree with?

A.People with few friends are sure to be unhappy.

B.Our friends can make us happy.

C.Happiness may come from a good marriage life.

D.We may become happier if we have more friends.

3.According to the passage,lottery winners ________.

A.enjoy making new friends

B.make new friends easily

C.like staying with old friends

D.have no time to make friends

4.We can conclude from the passage that ________.

A.it’s enough for one person to have ten friends

B.unhappy people must have few friends

C.childhood friends make people happier than adulthood ones

D.friendships play a major role in people’s life


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广西武鸣高级中学高二上段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Some people live in the world for body 1. others for dignity (尊严).

I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk, with 2. Pepsi can in my hand. An old woman in ragged clothes, who was living on collecting used cans and tins, moved slowly towards me, with a bag on the back. 3. (walk) nearer, she looked up at me and then fixed her eyes 4. my can. At that time, I hadn’t finished my cola, 5. I gave several coins instead.

She stared at me for a few seconds and handed back the money. Quite 6. (confuse), I asked, “Why not? Isn’t that what you want?”

“I am not a beggar,” she said seriously, word by word. Instantly, I felt so sorry. I 7. (intend) to help her, but I8. (complete) misunderstood her. Thus I hurt her. 9. I could do at that moment was to drink up the cola and hand her the emptied can. This time, she gave me a smile with 10. (satisfy) and gratitude in her eyes. The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a person. I am not only moved but also have learned a good lesson.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东滕州第一中学高三12月阶段检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People are being tricked into Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing they’re paying for it by giving up loads of personal information.

Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they’re paying for Facebook because people don’t really know what their personal data is worth.

The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules . That was the great thing about Facebook. You could create your own little private network. Last year, the company changed its privacy rules so that many things: your city, your photo, your friends’ names ,were set by default (默认)to be shared with everyone on the Internet.

According to Facebook’s vice-president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don’t share information, they have a “less satisfying experience”.

Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money. In original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them. At the side of the pages totally, who wants to look at ads when they’re online connecting with their friends?

The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April, Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social networking sites. “I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,” Schrage admits.

I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it’s only the beginning, which is why I’m considering canceling my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I’m upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don’t know. That’s too high a price to pay.

1. What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?

A. It provides loads of information to its users.

B. It earns money by putting on advertisements.

C. It is a website that sends messages to users who want to get married.

D. It makes money by selling its users’ personal data.

2. What does the author say about most Facebook users?

A. They don’t know their personal data enriches Facebook.

B. They are unwilling to give up their personal information.

C. They don’t identify themselves when using the website.

D. They care very little about their personal information.

3.Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?

A. To obey the Federal guidelines.

B. To expand its business.

C. To improve its users’ connection

D. To provide better service to its users

4. Why does the author plan to cancel his Facebook account?

A. He is dissatisfied with its present service.

B. He finds many of its users untrustworthy.

C. He doesn’t want his personal data badly used.

D. He is upset by its frequent rule changes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江牡丹江一中高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Some time ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn't think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended, as there are a lot of antique (古董) shops near my home. So I left home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception. I was quite wrong. The man wouldn't even look at my chair.

The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth - so I decided that my approach must be wrong. I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, "Would you like to buy a chair?" "Twenty pounds," I said. "OK,"he said. "I'll give you twenty pounds." "It's got a slightly broken leg," I said. "Yes, I saw that. It's nothing." Everything was going according to the plan and I was getting excited. "What will you do with it?" I asked. "Oh, it will be easy to sell once the repair is done. " "I'll buy it," I said. "What do you mean? You've just sold it to me," he said. "Yes, I know but I've changed my mind. I am sorry. I'll give you twenty-seven pounds for it." " You must be crazy," he said. Then, suddenly the penny dropped. "I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair." "You're right," I said. "And what would you have done if I had walked in and said, 'Would you mend this chair for me?'" "I wouldn't have agreed to do it," he said. "We don't do repairs, not enough money in it and too much trouble. But l'll mend this for you. Shall we say for five pounds?"

He was a very nice man and was greatly amused by the whole thing.

1.We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer_____.

A. was rather impolite

B. asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair

C. asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair

D. was warmly received

2.The underlined word "approach" in the second paragraph means_____.

A. plan for dealing with things

B. decision to sell tings

C. way of doing things

D. idea of repairing things

3.The expression "the penny dropped" means the shopkeeper______.

A. changed his mind

B. accepted the offer

C. saw the writer's purpose

D. decided to help the writer

4.From the text, we can learn that the writer was_____.

A. honest B. careful C. funny D. smart


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州遵义航天中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Oldest , Youngest , or in the Middle ?

Were you the first or last child in your family? Or were you a middle or the only child? Some people think it matters where you were born in your family. But there are different ideas about what birth order means.

Some people say that oldest children are smart and strong-willed. They are very likely to be successful. The reason for this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child. They give him or her a lot of attention. So this child is very likely to do well. An only child will succeed for the same reasons.

What happens to the other children in a family? Middle children don’t get so much attention. So they don’t feel that important. If a family has many children, the middle ones sometimes get lost in the crowd. The youngest child, though, often gets special treatment. He or she is the “baby”. Often this child grows up to be funny and charming.

Do you believe these ideas about birth order? A recent study saw things quite differently. This study found that the first children believed in family rules. They didn’t take many chances in their lives. They usually followed their own ideas . They took chances. And they often did better in life.

Which theory about birth order do you believe? Look at your own family or you friends’ families. Decide which idea fits what you see.

1.This passage is about __________.

A. why the oldest children in a family usually succeed

B. why some children refuse to follow orders

C. ways in which birth order may affect how children grow up

D. how people have a lot of trouble agreeing about ideas

2.The statement that middle children “ sometimes get lost in the crowd” means that _________.

A. they have a poor sense of direction

B. they don’t get a lot of attention

C. they have a strong desire to be leaders

D. they can’t get along with others

3.The underlined word “ theory “ means ________.

A. idea B. comparison C. evidence D. surprise


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届吉林实验中学高三上学期第五次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


As we all know, questioning can lead to1. (search) for an answer. If we are in the habit of raising doubts as to2. what we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.

Two years ago, our teacher3. (offer) us an answer to a difficult math problem in class. Although the answer seemed a little strange, nobody 4.me doubted it. Thinking that his answer might be wrong, I5. (careful) analyzed the problem and tried to work6. out in a different way. Half an hour 7.(late), I managed to find the correct answer. When I showed my answer to him, the teacher praised me for my8. (depend) thinking.

From this experience, I have learned that questioning can serve as9. bridge that helps us to seek the10._(true).

