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10. I'll give you my friend's home address , I can be reached most evenings.

   A. which   B. when

   C. whom   D. where

10. D

10. D解析:where在句中引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作地点状语。which引导非限制性定语从句时,通常 在从句中作主语、宾语或表语;when表 示时间,whom指人。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修3外研版 > 周内课时练24 Period Four Grammar & Writing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. They’ve won their last three matches , I find

a bit surprising actually.

   A. that   B. when

   C. what   D. which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Recently,everything has been changed from the past including peopled behaviors and thoughts. People now do not know each other even if they are neighbors. Besides,people at present have many diseases which did not exist in the past. The air and environment surround people have several elements which have dangerous germs and chemical substances. Life in the past was the best because people and cared about each other,had good health,and had clean environment.

   In the past,people lived in small communities with a small number of populations. Everyone knew each other. In addition,if one had problems,all of his neighbors would help him. Also,if someone had a party,everyone would come,help him and celebrate together. But in these days no one cares about others even if they are their relatives or neighbors;they are busy all day,and they just think about themselves. Moreover,technology plays an important role in communicating and meeting other people,for example,when people want to talk with others,they just send a massage or call without visiting each other.

   People in the past had better health than people now. In the past people worked on farms and walked by from one place to another. Also,the kind of food they ate was natural and did not have poisonous chemicals. But,nowadays,people do anything faster and easier than in the past by using the machines to help them such as in the housework or in their jobs. As a result,this less of movement and depending on the machines affect peoples’ health. People may get terrible diseases that can't be cured.

() 1. In the past,people lived in .

   A. the countryside   B. towns

   C. small communities   D. big cities

() 2. In these days,people don't care about others because .

   A. they are busy all day

   B. they just think about themselves

   C. they don't have much time

   D. Both A and B

() 3. The writer thinks life now is than before.

   A. easier   B. worse   C. harder   D. better

() 4. In the past,people went to work .

   A. on foot   B. by bike   C. by bus   D. by car


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   China is now one of the most sought-after destinations (目的地) for tourists. With some of the best World Heritage sites and places of attractions (吸引力) that have a fine blend of traditional and modern Chinese civilizations,one can understand why tourists from all over the world flock to this beautiful place. Traveling within China itself has become more convenient with the improvement of transport facilities. There are many famous places in this country,which are a must to visit for any tourist. Here,we shall take a look at some of these popular sites in China.

   The Great Wall of China:

   The Great Wall of China continues to attract millions of visitors from around the world. Many parts of this wall have been restored recently. Even then,certain parts are in a dilapidated condition. This wall was mainly built to prevent attacks from the Xiongnu. It was continuously rebuilt and underwent maintenance particularly during the 5th century BC to the 16th century. This wall extends to a length of over 6 ,400 km!There are many areas of interest along the Great Wall of China such as the North Pass,the West Pass,etc.

   Forbidden City:

   The Forbidden City is yet another famous place in China. This imperial place was built during the period of 1406 to 1420. Today,the Forbidden City holds the Palace Museum. This place also has some collections that are highly prized and valuable. The Palace Museum has a beautiful collection of over 340,000 pieces of ceramics as well as porcelains. Apart from this,there are some exquisite artworks and bronze works that date back to the Shang Dynasty. It also includes over 30 ,000 pieces of jade from the Ming and Qing Dynasty.

() 1. Traveling in China itself has become more convenient with the improvement of.

   A. technology   B. Internet

   C. transport facilities   D. environment

() 2. Why was the Great Wall built?

   A. To prevent attacks. B. To make it beautiful.

   C. To attract the visitors. D. To make money.

() 3. The Forbidden City is the imperial place. It took years to build.

   A. five   B. eight

   C. ten   D. fourteen

() 4. The Palace Museum has a collection of over pieces of ceramics as well as porcelain.

   A. 20,000   B. 30,000

   C. 300,000   D. 340,000


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   How Americans eat is funny. They eat almost everything with forks. But how to use the fork is very important. When you have dinner with Americans,if you hold a knife in your right hand longer than a few seconds,they will think you have the bad table manners.

   If you must use the knife,you should take the fork in your left hand,and cut with it in your right hand. Then you put the knife down,take the fork with your right hand,and then put the food in your mouth. This is clearly funny,but it's good manners in America.

   You will see there is always one knife and two forks on the table when you visit your American friends. The outside fork is for the dinner. The inside fork is for the desserts. The knife is used for cutting meat. The spoon by your dessert is for coffee.[辽宁建平县改编]

() 1. Americans eat almost everything with .

   A. knives   B. forks   C. chopsticks   D. spoons

() 2. If you must use the knife in America,you should take the fork in your.

   A. left hand   B. right hand

   C. both hands   D. mouth

() 3. What is the spoon for?

   A. Desserts. B. Meat. C. Coffee. D. Soup.

() 4. What is the bad manner in America?

   A. You must hold a knife in your right hand longer than a few seconds.

   B. You cut with the knife in your right hand.

   C. There is always one knife and two forks on the table.

   D. The inside fork is for the desserts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   As a student,it's necessary to talk with your teachers. Here is some a 1

   When should you t 2 to a teacher?

   You don't have to become a dork (无聊的人) to f 3 the teacher around. You don't have to speak to the teacher at the end of every class. However,you should check in with your teacher every time he or she assigns a project that is new or unfamiliar.

   You should also c 4 with your teacher if you receive a poor grade unexpectedly. Teachers are humans,and they can make mistakes. If you don't u 5 why your grade is low,go and ask!Be polite. Your teacher will explain.

   You should also ask q 6 any time before a big test day is coming. On test review days,pay a 7 to what the teacher says again and again,ask the teacher to explain any questions or exercises that aren5t clear to you. 

   How to talk to a teacher?

   Your teacher will p 8 contact information and let you know how he or she wants to communicate with you. If the teacher provides an email address,use it often!Be sure to be respectful in your wording,watch your grammar before you send a m 9 to your teacher.

   If your teacher gives you his/her cell phone or home phone number,use it,but don't use it often and don't call your teacher after dinner time. Teachers have their own lives and they might use the evening hours to take c 10 of family matters and to sleep!

1.  2. 

3.  4. 

5.  6. 

7.  8. 

9.  10. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The railway is still under (建设) and it may be completed next year.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. We will be shown around the city : schools,museums,and some other places, other visitors seldom go.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 他告诉我们他已经戒了烟,这是真的。

He told us that he had given up smoking, .

