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_____ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.

A. Being no rain B. There was no rain

C. To be no rain D. There being no rain


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建厦门双十中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.After the police arrested him, they went to the thief’s house to (追回)the stolen jewelry.

2.Some adverts about __________(环境)protection cater for our conscience or our desire to be respectable citizens.

3.Though he has retired, still he reads newspapers every day to keep himself i of the latest news.

4.Oh, I’ve put on weight recently. I should eat less and take exercise on a r basis.

5.As we know, Wardian cases improved the __________ (存活) rates of plants transported long distances.

6.In the center of the b of flats, there is a small courtyard where I can plant some flowers.

7.In France the children place their shoes by the fireplace, a tradition d back to when children wore wooden peasant shoes.

8.I was quite annoyed the other day, with Xiamen Airline c me extra for the overweight luggage.

9.The young girl has been __________(提拔)from an ordinary office clerk to a manager due to her excellent performance.

10.These comments came in r to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.

11.Some cigarette advertisements are not aimed at mature audiences but instead t at children.

12.Another __________(潜在)dangerous sea animal is the jelly fish, which can cause severe pain to anyone who touches them.

13.If an alarm is s , do get out of the water as quickly as possible, as sharks are spotted nearby.

14.Many countries have a government organization to deal with customers’ __________(投诉)about ads.

15.Teaching as a career ____________(吸引)to many young people because of the long holiday.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西康杰中学高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You said you took away the dictionary without his permission. , you stole it.

A. In one word B. In words

C. In other words D. In a word


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年辽宁东北三省高三第二次联合模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Every one of us gets so used to punctuation marks that not many of us give them a second thought. Actually, the ancient Greeks wrote this way. The lack of punctuation marks probably didn’t bother good readers, though. As they read, they just put pauses where they fit best. Also at this time, sentences switched directions. A sentence read from left to right. The next one read right to left, and then left to right again, etc. The ancient Romans sometimes punctuated like this: They put something that can separate words in a sentence. The word punctuation actually comes from this idea and the Latin word punctum, which means a dot.

When the 5th century arrived, there were just two punctuation marks: spaces and points. The spaces separated words while the points showed pauses in reading. Then in the 13th century, a printer named Aldus Manutius tried to standardize punctuation. He always used a period for a complete stop at the end of a sentence. He used a slash (/) to indicate a short pause. Over time, that slash was shortened and curled, and it became the modern comma (逗号).

Since that time, other marks have enlarged the punctuation family. The exclamation mark (感叹号) comes from the Latin word io. It means “exclamation of joy.” The question mark originally started out as the Latin word questio, meaning question. Eventually, scholars put it at the end of a sentence to show a question.

Punctuation even keeps changing nowadays. New marks are coming into existence, and old punctuation marks are used in new ways. Take for example the “interrobang”. This 1962 invention combines the question mark and exclamation mark for times when writers want both. For example, “She did what?” or “How much did you pay for that dress?” Obviously, the interrobang is not widely used or recognized yet, but its invention shows that English is not yet finished with its punctuation.

1.From the first paragraph, we can know that _______.

A. good readers had trouble reading without punctuation marks

B. a sentence always read from left to right in ancient Greece

C. ancient Greeks switched the direction of punctuation marks

D. the use of punctuation marks can date back to ancient times

2.The passage is developed _______.

A. by time B. by space

C. by comparison D. by importance

3.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A. ancient Romans didn’t use any punctuation marks

B. exclamation and question marks came from Latin

C. spaces and slashes were already used before the 5th century

D. Aldus Manutius first started to use commas

4.What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

A. The combination of two marks will not work.

B. It takes time for people to accept new punctuation marks.

C. Old punctuation marks need to be standardized.

D. Punctuation marks are still changing today.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南八市高三12月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A California man who was feeling sick almost died recently from a shocking cause.

26-year-old Luis Ortiz went to a hospital because of a headache and nausea(恶心,作呕). When doctors examined him, they were shocked to find a tapeworm larva(绦虫幼虫) in his brain. The story gets stranger. The larva was still alive.

The creature had caused a cyst(囊肿) to form inside his head. The cyst was restricting the flow of liquids to different areas of his brain. The situation was so serious that doctors said they had to perform an emergency operation to remove the larva.

A doctor who operated on Ortiz told him he had only 30 minutes to live. When the doctor pulled the worm out of his head, it was still moving.

Luis Ortiz was a student at California State University in Sacramento. He began experiencing headaches in late August. But Ortiz said he did not think the headaches were serious.

In September, he visited a friend and his parents in another city. That is when the pain got worse. His mother saw Ortiz throwing up and took him to a hospital emergency room.

The doctors saved Ortiz's life. However, the surgery also affected him. Ortiz had to drop out of school and move back home. For now, he is not permitted to work or drive a vehicle.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the U.S. has about 1,000 reported cases of tapeworms each year. The CDC adds that tapeworms are more common in developing countries with poor public health systems.

The best way to avoid a tapeworm infection (感染)is to wash fruits and vegetables. Also, make sure meat is cooked thoroughly. The CDC suggests cooking all meats to an internal temperature of at least 63 degrees Celsius.

1. What caused Luis Ortiz to feel sick and headaches?

A. Dirty food eaten in August.

B. Travelling for a long way,

C. A living creature in his brain.

D. Uncooked meat eaten by him.

2.If the doctors didn’t have an emergency operation on him , Luis Ortiz was likely to ________ _ .

A. die of cancer B. live for only half an hour

C. finish studying in school D. pass the driving tests

3. How should people avoid infecting tapeworms?

A. By washing fruits and vegetable.

B. By boiling plates and bowls before meals.

C. By cooking meats to at least 63 °C outside,

D. By improving the development of economy.

4. What did the writer think of the cause of Luis Ortiz’s disease?

A. Quite frightening. B. Very dangerous.

C. Rather puzzling. D. Extremely surprising.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西上高县第二中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last weekend, I spent busy but meaningfully days ! I helped my grandparents with their trip in Dalian. On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Dalian, or some hotel informations. In the afternoon, they went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents though there had a long queue. After dinner, I packed the things into the suitcase, which my grandparents would be need, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, and a map. The next morning, I went to station to see them off. Waved goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happy for them and wished them a safe journey.

Now they must be enjoying themselves in Dalian , I thought !


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Some people think it ________ privilege to study abroad, but it doesn't make _______ sense if you go when you even cannot look after yourself.

A. a; / B. a; the C. the; / D. the; a


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北“五个一推荐”高三上学期教学质量监测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Preventing obesity (肥胖) and smoking can save lives, but it doesn’t save money, reported researchers. “It was a small surprise, for it is against the common belief,” said Pieter Van Baal, who led the study. “But it makes sense. If you live longer, then you cost the health system more.”

The researchers found that from age 20 to 56, obese people racked up (累计) the most expensive health costs. But on average, healthy people lived 84 years. Smokers lived about 77 years, and obese people lived about 80 years. Smokers and obese people tended to have more heart disease than healthy people. Therefore in the long run, the thin and healthy group cost about $417, 000, from age 20 on. Smokers cost about $326, 000 and obese people $371, 000.

“The result throws a bucket of cold water onto the idea, based on guesswork, that obesity is going to cost trillions of dollars,” said Patrick Basham, a professor of health politics. “If we’re going to worry about the future of obesity, we should stop worrying about its financial impact,” he said.

“The benefits of obesity prevention may not be seen immediately in terms of cost saving in tomorrow’s budget, but there are long-term gains,” said Van Baal. “These are often immeasurable when it comes to people living longer and healthier lives.” In the meanwhile, he said that governments should recognize that successful smoking and obesity prevention programs mean that people will have a longer chance of dying of something more expensive later in life.

“Lung cancer is a cheap disease to treat because people don’t survive very long. But if they are old enough to get Alzheimer’s (早老性痴呆症) one day, they may survive longer and cost more. We are not advising that governments stop trying to prevent obesity,” Van Baal said. “But they should do it for the right reasons.”

1.Among middle-aged people, who may cost the health system most?

A. Those who are heavy smokers.

B. Those who are overweight.

C. Those who are too thin.

D. Those who are suffering from heart attacks.

2.What can we know about the belief that obesity costs much?

A. It turns out to be incorrect.

B. It comes from scientific study.

C. It is based on medical evidence.

D. It has changed over the past years.

3.According to the text, governments prevent obesity for the purpose of _______.

A. reducing the risks of suffering cancer

B. weakening obesity’s financial impact

C. making sure of people’s long and healthy life

D. reducing the money spent on medical programs

4.What would be the best title for this text?

A. Recent Medical Study Shows Truth about Health

B. Preventing Obesity and Smoking May Cost More

C. Obesity and Smoking Lead to Expensive Diseases

D. Governments Change Attitude towards Obesity and Smoking


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏大学附属中学高三上学期第五次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A supermarket checkout operator was praised for striking a blow for modern manners and a return to the age of politeness after refusing to serve a shopper who was talking on her mobile phone.

The supermarket manager was forced to apologize to the customer who complained she was told her goods would not be scanned unless she hung up her phone. Jo Clark, 46, said, “I don't know what she was playing at. I couldn’t believe how rude she was. When did she have the right to give me a lecture on checkout manners? I won’t be shopping there again!”

But users of social media sites and Internet forums(论坛) were very angry that store gave in and the public appeared to be supporting the angry checkout worker. “Perhaps this is a turning point for mobile phone users everywhere. When chatting, keep your eyes on people around you. That includes people trying to serve you, other road users and especially people behind you in the stairs,” said a typical post.

“It’s time checkout staff fought back against these people constantly chatting on their phones. They can drive anyone crazy. It’s rude and annoying. I often want to grab someone’s phone and throw it as far as I can, even though I am not a checkout girl, just a passer-by,” said another.

Siobhan Freegard, founder of parenting site www. Netmums.com said, “While this checkout operator doesn’t have the authority to order customers to switch off their phones, you can see clearly how frustrated and angry she felt. No matter how busy you are, life is nicer when you and those around you have good manners.”

1.According to Jo Clark, the checkout operator_____________.

A.lacked the knowledge of checkout manners

B.played with a mobile phone while at work

C.had no right to forbid her from using her mobile phone

D.deserved praise for her modern manners

2.The third and fourth paragraphs imply that the public_________.

A.are used to chatting on their mobile phones

B.are driven crazy by constant mobile calls

C.ignore the existence of mobile phone users

D.seem to support the checkout operator

3.The attitude of Siobhan Freegard towards the checkout operator was________.

A.disapproving B.supportive

C.neutral(中立的) D.indifferent

4.The passage is mainly about _________.

A.whether we should talk on our phones while being served

B.why we can talk on mobile phones while shopping

C.what good manners checkout operators should have

D.how we can develop good manners for mobile phone users

