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12.John Barry was born in Ireland in 1745.At the age of 15,driven by the British from his hometown,he got onto a ship secretly.It was leaving for the American colonies (殖民地).The ship took him to Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.As Barry stepped off the ship,he had no idea that he would become one of America's important historical figures.
Barry grew to be over six feet tall.During his time as a sea captain,he set a model for the new navy (海军).He was well-known for his bravery and fairness.He had strict rules for his men,including no alcohol on the ship.Of Barry,historian John Frost,in his 1844American Naval Biography wrote,"Barry's operations were not surpassed (超越) during the war."
When the American War of Independence began,Barry discovered a secret British plan.The British wanted to block the Delaware River and catch every ship sailing to or from Philadelphia.The idea was to starve the American colonists.Barry worked quickly to change merchant ships (商船) into warships.Then he fought the British from a tiny ship.He managed to keep them from getting control of the Delaware River.After his ship sank,he set up his guns on shore.From there he joined in the battles of Trenton and Princeton.Then Barry commanded the American warship Lexington and caught the Prince Edward,the first British ship taken in the war.
After the war ended,Barry suggested to the U.S.government that it should have a standing navy.It was the best way to protect its long coastline.He was made captain of the first U.S.Navy in 1794.He personally trained the men.Barry left no children when he died in 1803.However,he is called a father.He is the"Father of the American Navy."

53.John Barry left for the United StatesA.
A.because he had no choice           
B.because he hated living in Britain
C.in the hope of building a new navy    
D.in expectation of visiting Philadelphia
54.The second paragraph is written in a tone ofC.
55.It can be inferred from the text that the Delaware RiverD.
A.is a terribly dangerous river            
B.is far away from Philadelphia
C.had been under the control of the British  
D.had been an important waterway to transport goods.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了约翰•巴里荣耀的一生,从无奈来到美国到成为美国历史的骄傲的一生.

解答 53.A.细节理解题.根据第一段:At the age of 15,driven by the British from his hometown,he got onto a ship secretly.It was leaving for the American colonies 可知约翰•巴里离开美国因为他别无选择;故选A.
54.C.推理判断题.根据第二段:historian John Frost,in his 1844American Naval Biography wrote,"Barry's operations were not surpassed (超越) during the war可知第二段使用赞扬的语调写的;故选C.
55.D.推理判断题.根据第三段:.Then he fought the British from a tiny ship.He managed to keep them from getting control of the Delaware River可知特拉华河是运输货物的重要航道;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.If there is one thing I am sure about,it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers.It is not that newspapers are a necessity.Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio.Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday.But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.
The nature of what is news may change.What basically makes news is what affects our lives-the big political stories,the coverage of the wars,earthquakes and other disasters,will continue much the same.I think there will be more coverage of scientific research,though.It's already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives,like genetic(基因)engineering.In the future,I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do-as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.
It's quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted(传送)electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home.In fact,I am pretty sure that it will happen in the future.You will probably be able to choose from a menu,making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read-sports and international news,etc.
I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media(媒体).They actually  feed off  each other.Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers,but that hasn't happened.What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen of sound in the air.And as for the Internet,it is never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.

63.What will probably be on in the newspaper made by yourself?D
A.Sports and international news.
B.A menu of important news.
C.The most important news.
D.What you are interested in.
64.From the text,we can infer thatD.
A.newspapers will win the competition among the different media
B.some media will die out
C.television will take the place of newspapers
D.newspaper will stay with us together with other media
65.The underlined phrase"feed off"in the last paragraph meansB.
A.compete with      B.depend on       
C.fight with        D.kill of
66.What is the best title for the text?B
A.The Best Way to Get News        B.The Future of Newspapers
C.Make Your Own Newspaper         D.The Changes of Media.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.It was on the day before the examination that the girl experienced anxietyand stress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Protagoras was among the great teachers of ancient Athens.He taught many subjects,including the laws of argument(辩论)and the right use of language.It is said that he was the first teacher to accept money for his services.
A student,Evalthus,heard of this famous teacher and asked him to give him lessons.However,Evalthus didn't want to pay for his lessons at once,and after some discussion it was finally agreed between them that Evalthus should pay only if he won his first case in the court.For if he won,it would prove that he had been taught well.
The lessons began and Evalthus proved himself to be a good student.But he refused to pay Protagoras anything at the end of his studies.
Protagoras therefore took Evalthus to the court and told the judges that he wanted his money.He explained that he must be paid whether he won or lost the case."Whatever you decide,"he declared(宣称)to the judges,"I must be paid.For if you decide in my favor(赞成),then I win the case,and so I must be paid.But if you decide against me,then Evalthus has won his first case in the court; according to our agreement,he must pay me for his lessons.Therefore,I shall get my money whatever happens."
The Athenian judges found no fault(过错)in it,so they asked Evalthus to reply.
"No,it's quite clear,"said Evalthus,"that I need not pay.If the judges decide in my favor,then I have won the case,and I need not pay.But if Protagoras wins,then I have lost my first case.Therefore,according to our agreement,I do not have to pay.So I need not pay in any event."
As both arguments appeared to be faultless,the judges were unable to come to a decision.They therefore ordered the two men to appear before them one hundred years later.
21.Evalthus would pay ProtagorasD.
A.before he started his lessons          
B.after he finished his lessons
C.after the court decided against him     
D.after the court proved that he was taught well.
22.What do we know about Protagoras?B
A.He won the judges'favor in the end and got his money.
B.He was probably the first teacher to accept money for his lessons.
C.He didn't teach Evalthus well because Evalthus didn't pay.
D.He was not confident of his winning the case in the court.
23.The underlined phrase"in any event"in the last but one paragraph meansA.
A.whatever it costs 
B.whatever happens
C.wherever it happens 
D.whenever it happens
24.Why did the judges ask Protagoras and Evalthus to come to the court one hundred years later?
A.They couldn't make a decision
B.They needed to think it over again.
C.They wanted to make fun of them.
D.They wanted more money from them.
25.What is probably the best title for the text?C
A.A Smart Student-Evalthus         
B.A Great Teacher-Protagoras
C.Come Here One hundred Years Later    
D.A Fight Between Teacher and Student.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Do you like green?
---No,I don't.My favorite ____is blue.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.The number of people hiding their identity while surfing the web has risen in the past year.
Research shows that the level of"encrypted"internet activity has risen dramatically across the world,suggesting that millions of people have begun to use sof
tware that hides who they are while accessing the web.
According to Sandvine,the technology networking company,hidden internet traffic in peak hours in Europe has been up to 6.1per cent of all web activities compared with about 1.5per cent a year earlier.In North America encrypted traffic went up to 3.8per cent from 2.3per cent a year earlier,while in Latin America it jumped to almost 10.4per cent from 1.8per cent.
Experts said that the changes in online behavior were the result of exposure(曝光) about widespread internet spying by intelligence agencies,such as that exposed by Edward Snowden,the US National Security Agency whistleblower.
"It will be interesting to see how these trends develop,"said Ernesto Van der Sar,the pen-name used by the editor-in-chief of Torrentfreak.com,the website that first reported the figures."In any case,it's clear that internet services and their users are becoming more aware of their privacy online,which is generally a good development."
Last week Sir Tim Berners-Lee,the British inventor of the web,defended the right of agencies to spy on the internet for law enforcement (强制实施).He said,"We have to figure out how to balance that against rights."

28.The word"encrypted"in Paragraph Two has the closest meaning withB.
29.Which area has seen the largest rise in"encrypted"internet activity?C
B.North America.
C.Latin America.
D.Eastern Asia.
30.Why do more people hide their identity while surfing the web?D
A.To cheat others.
B.To have more fun.
C.To follow the fashion.
D.To prevent their privacy being spied on.
31.What's Sir Tim Berners-Lee's opinion on some agencies'spying on the internet?D
A.It's illegal.
B.It's totally right.
C.It's against human rights.
D.It's acceptable to some degree.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.You wake up in the morning,the day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time.Then the telephone rings,you say hello,and the drama starts.The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to.You are still in a wonderful mood?Impossible!
Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness.It may not change what you think,but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.
Life brings ups and downs,but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer.They only feel glad when they make others feel bad.No wonder they can hardly win others'pity or respect.
When you communicate with positive people,your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted.When the dagger(匕首) of a negative person is put in you,you feel the heavy feeling that all in all,brings you down.
Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people.This could be a co-worker,or a relative.In this case,say what needs to be said as little as possible.Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person,but all this does is to lower you to that same negative level and they won't feel ashamed of themselves about that.
Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized.The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to(附着) you throughout the rest of your day,which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness.Life is too short to feel negative.Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.
27.The purpose of the first paragraph is toC.
A.make a comparison     
B.offer an evidence
C.introduce a topic      
D.describe a daily scene
28.How can negative people affect us?A
A.By influencing our emotion.          
B.By telling us the nature of life.
C.By changing our ways of thinking.      
D.By comparing their attitudes to life with ours.
29.Some negative people base their happiness onB.
A.other people's pity for them      
B.making other people unhappy
C.building up a positive attitude            
D.other people's respect for them
30.According to the passage,to reduce negative people's influence on us,we are advised toD.
A.change negative people's attitudes to life
B.show our dissatisfaction to negative people
C.make negative people feel ashamed of themselves
D.communicate with negative people as little as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

June 12,Sunday
Today is Sunday.I didn't get up early as usually.In the morning after I finished my homework,I do some washing.Then I telephoned one of my classmate and invited him to see a film.
And unfortunately,when we got to the cinema at 3:00pm we found all the tickets had sold out.Then we went to our school and played the football.Later,we were about to go home while we saw our English teacher,Mr.Wang,came through the school gate.He told us we had made many progress in English this term.He also suggested that we read more and wrote more.We promised him that we would follow his advice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.The student was very clever.He won the first prize.(用定语从句合并)
The student who won the first prize was very clever..

