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4. Who is (outgoing) student in your class?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        The next (绣球花) you grow could really save your life. A biologist at Colorado State University has taught plant proteins how to spot exp/osfves1 (炸药) . 

        Picture this at an airport: A terrorist rolls through the sliding doors of a station with a bomb packed into his luggage. All of a sudden,the leafy,green hydrangea ringing the gates goes white 往s a sheet. That's  the proteins inside the plants telling the authorities that they* ve picked up the chemical trace of the terrorist's  explosive.

       “Plants can't run and hide,” says June Medford,the biologist who's spent the last seven years figuring out how to get the plant to fight against terrorism. “If an insect comes by,it has to respond to it. And it already has its own particular way to respond.”

        That would be the “receptor (受体)” proteins in its DNA. which respond naturally to threats. If an insect chews on a leaf,for instance,the plant releases a series of chemical signals called terpenoids,Medford says,that thickens the surface of the leaf in defense.

         Medford and her team designed a computer model to direct the receptors: Basically,the computer program instructs the protein to react when it comes in contact with chemicals found in explosives or common air or water pollutants.

Right now,Medford's  labs have genetically designed plants going white when they come into contact with explosives. But that's in a research lab,where the amount of light is constant.

Medford says her goal is to get her plants as sensitive as a dog's nose. But there is one big problem: Medford probably thinks it's   not easy to get the plants to react to ammonium nitrate,a common chemical used for home-made bombs.

9. If the hydrangea discovers explosives,it will .

   A. change color              B. produce flowers

   C. make its leaves thinner   D. give off a special smell

10. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to.

   A. the explosive     B. the plant

   C. the insect        D. the terrorist

11. What do we learn about Medford's  technology?

   A. It will come into use in two years.

   B. It has been studied for seven years.

   G. It is chiefly based on medical science.

   D. It can help spot ammonium nitrate easily.

12. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Fight against terrorism in your garden

   B. Plants know how to respond to threats

   C. Biologist develops bomb-spotting plants

   D. Plant proteins hav^ been used to attract insects


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. Oh,this box is heavier than that one. I can't move it.

   A. pretty   B. quite   C. much   D. only


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


(1) The girl has a beautiful .

(2) Don’t make any in the cinema.

(3) We can hear the of birds singing in the countryside.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 今天我有点儿不舒服,不能你一起吃晚饭了。

I'm sick today so that I can’t join you for dinner.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 今天要到达北京似乎不可能。(it'seem,possible)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据短文内容,从方框i选择恰当的单词或短语 填空,有的需要变换形式。

excite,or so,adult,marry,wild,smile,shine,protect 

    The town of Longview has a very busy street. Many cars use it every day. In the past squirrels (松鼠) tried to cross the street and were killed.Amos Peters wanted (1) these lovely animals,so he built a bridge for them — one that would let them cross above the traffic.

    Now I'm standing on the bridge. The weather is fine. The sun is (2) bright.Around me I only see lots of (3) squirrels. Some are (4) squirrels and some are baby squirrels. They all look at me with(5) . Some of them even (6) at me. It seems that they say, “Hey,young manf Where are you from?”

    The bridge has been a symbol of the town for over 40 years (7) Some young couples come here to take photos before they get(8) ! . And every Christmas,the local (当地的) people add a small Christmas tree to the center of the bridge. How lovely!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 27. After months of hard work,Bob very good exam results.

   A. expected   B. cheated

C. reported   D. achieved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

69. I tried to clean the watch,but only (succeed) in breaking it.

