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【题目】假定你是高中生李华,你曾在美国做交换生时的学校校报写信给你约稿。“Foreign Culture”栏目拟刊登介绍中国高中生学习生活及梦想的短文请根据下列要点完成你的短文。要求如下:

1. 介绍中国高中生的学习生活(学年,学科,假期,爱好);

2. 介绍中国高中生的梦想;



3.高考:CEE(College Entrance Examination)


【答案】The high school life in China is fulfilling. It takes us 3 years to study various subjects, including Chinese, Math, English, Physics, History, PE and so on. From the second year, we should choose to study arts or science. We must finish many study assignments every day. Finally, we will take the CEE. Meet the colleges’ qualifications, and we’ll attend our dreamy colleges. In addition, as you, we have the summer and winter vacation, when we could do whatever we like, such as traveling, writing and so on. There are many excellent students around me, who have a constructive philosophy of life and colorful dreams, among which are architect, artist and many creative ones. They are versatile students in China.



1步:根据提示可知,假定你是高中生李华,你曾在美国做交换生时的学校校报写信给你约稿。"Foreign Culture"栏目拟刊登介绍中国高中生学习生活及梦想的短文请根据下列要点完成你的短文。要求如下:1. 介绍中国高中生的学习生活(学年,学科,假期,爱好);2. 介绍中国高中生的梦想;

2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):consider as(把……看作)choose to do (选择做某事)College Entrance Examination (高考)in addition(而且)such as(例如)look forward to(期待)等。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What job does the speaker want to apply for?

A.Typist.B.Tour guide.C.Secretary.

2What does the speaker say about her language ability?

A.She has a good command of English.

B.She can speak Japanese very well.

C.Her oral English is not very good.

3Which is not the speaker’s hobby in her spare time?


4Which of the following may best describe the speaker ?

A.She is good at communicating with people.

B.She is very humorous.

C.She is always ready to help others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Are You Treated Too Nicely?

A new study found that when trying to build high self-esteem in children, parents may unconsciously be creating little narcissists (自恋狂). 1

Parents who are always praising their children may be trying to develop high self-esteem. 2 In fact, too much special treatment can lead to narcissistic behavior.

"3 That may not be good for them or for society." Brad Bushman, co-author of the study and professor of communication and psychology at the Ohio State University, said in a press release. "People with high self-esteem think they're as good as others, whereas narcissists think they're better than others."

This study, as well as previous studies about parent-child relationships Bushman has worked on, caused him to alter his own parenting style. When he began his research, he thought that children should be treated like they are special by their parents. 4 He said that interventions (干预) can help parents learn how to better support their children.

"Parent training interventions can, for example, teach parents to express affection and appreciation toward children without telling children that they are superior to others," Bushman said. "Future studies should test whether this can work."

A. Now he is careful not to follow that model.

B. Children whose parents tell them they are special are more likely to become narcissists.

C. But actually, they have realized that they are running their children.

D. Children believe it when their parents tell them that they are more special than others.

E. And he carefully carries out the principle.

F. However, the study showed that loving and emotionally warm parents are more likely to have confident kids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Keeping a busy social life among lots of friends may keep people thinner than spending hours doing some exercises, according to scientists. They say that socializing and meeting with friends help increase levels of brown fat in the body which burns calories to produce heat.

Living in an exciting social environment was found to reduce fat in mice's belly by half over four weeks, even if they ate more. US researchers say that social excitement aids weight loss by turning white fat into brown. White fat stores calories and makes us fatter, while brown burns energy to produce heat. Turning white fat into brown is extremely difficult, normally requiring long- term stay in cold conditions or exciting part of the body's nervous system.

However, scientists from Ohio State University now think that having a busy social life is an even more effective way of changing white fat into brown. The team came up with their theory by studying the effects of various living environments on mice. Those, who lived alongside a greater number of mice, had more space and toys to excite themselves and then lost far more weight over the course of the study than their “couch potato" fellows.

Study author, Dr Matthew During, whose team's findings appear in the journal Cell Metabolism, said, "I'm still amazed at the degree of fat loss that occurs." Explaining how new technology had threatened face-to-face socializing, he added, "It's not just a sedentary (久坐的) lifestyle and high calorie foods, but an increasing lack of social activities." Co-author Dr Lei Cao said"Loneliness is a potential factor for cancer and death; it's equal to cigarette smoking to a certain extent. Social activities are very vital.

1What information can we get from the first two paragraphs?

A.Brown fat stores calories and makes us fatter

B.It doesn't take long to turn white fat into brown.

C.Social excitement helps gain more weight

D.Brown fat can burn energy to produce heat.

2Which of the following statement does the text support?

A.Levels of brown fat can be increased by socializing.

B.The mice lacking social life lose more weight.

C.The research findings haven't been published so far.

D.Dr Matthew During wasn't convinced of the result.

3We can conclude from the text that _______.

A.the fat in mice's belly was reduced because of the relaxing environment

B.a sedentary lifestyle and high calories foods influence people's social life

C.surfing the Internet may influence people's face-to-face communication

D.cancer and death are mainly caused for lack of social life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

There's a widely-accepted line of thinking, especially in 2019 that says the people and things we love will eventually let us down.

It's never an if, always a when. So our heroes will inevitably to be trash monsters. Our favorite bands will in enter an experimental phase, even though no one asked them to. And our favorite TV shows will 1fail to reach greater heights, but they won't even come close to the same level of success they once had.

It was with this cynical mentality 2 I approached the second season of 2018’s breakout hit Killing Eve. How could a series that was so well written, so well acted, and so fiercely addictive in freshman season possibly3 (maintain) the same level of quality in Season 2, especially since Phoebe Waller-Bridge,4developed the series for TV and wrote four of the first season’s eight episodes, wasn't involved in the writing of the second? It seemed like an impossible task.

But then a strange thing happened: Killing Eve’s second season, at least the two episodes 5 (screen) in advance for critics, didn't let me down. The new episodes generated the same amount of joy I experienced 6 I watched Eve (sandra Oh) and Villanelle( Jodie Comer) dance around each other during the first go-around, only this time the stakes were considerably 7 (high).

As Phoebe Waller-Bridged, noted “Killing Eve is a character study on two lives, two women and their circumstances, their homes, their wants, their fears and 8 keeps them from ending it all. It's just that 9happens to be an assasin (暗杀者) and the other a spy. If I've done my job right, the audience 10 feel equally chilled as they are excited by the determination of these women, their journeys and how drawn they are to one another.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need..

One day, an American was driving, too fast, in the west of Ireland when he was pulled over by a police officer. “what would happen if you were to run into Mr Fog?" the officer asked angry in his thick Irish accent. Annoyed by the police officer’s manners, the American replied,”1” The officer stared at him strangely and said,” I said fog.”

For one moment, the American, who happens to be anthropology(人类学家), thought he had come across those who liked personifying aspects of the weather.2

People in Britain do not usually say “I appreciate it,” have a hard time, reach out to other people, stay focused, ask to be given a break, refer to the bottom line or get blown away. The word ”scary,” as opposed to “frightening “or "alarming " sounds childish to British ears.3 This is a term which, if banned in America, would cause airplanes to fall from the sky.

The phrase "to feel comfortable with" is typically American. Using the word "agreesive" positively also sounds strange across the Atlantic. The habit of using the word "like" every four seconds, widespread among American youth, has now caught on in Brain as well. Perhaps it has to do with an expectation of not sounding dogmatic(教条的).

Americans tend to say "Excuse me" when they accidentally get in your way, while the British say "Sorry.” Americans say "Excuse me" even when they are 10 paces away from you, since they are accustomed to a lot more space than people are in Europe.4

Brits and Americans, in short, are stranger to each other than they usually imagine. Every now and then, an American will reveal that he or she does not understand the word "fortnight(两周), has never used a teapot or does not know how to boil an egg.

A. But it was just another case of international miscommunication.

B. Well, I guess I’d put Mr. Foot on Mr. Brake.

C. Sorry, I was driving too fast.

D. Given a choice, Brits prefer to use longer words.

E. Brits tend not to use the word “awesome”.

F. One knows one is back in the U.K, when everyone is constantly saying sorry for no reason.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 China has made great improvements in environmental protection during the past 70 years 1 Each species(物种)on Earth has a role to play in the ecosystem.

In recent decadesa series of wildlife-protection movements have been carried out by the central government. 2 The giant panda and the crested ibis are among these success stories.

The giant panda used to have a population of 1114 in the 1970s. It now totals 1864 thanks to 52 protection areas. 3 By the end of last year seven of the nine pandas released had survived in the wild. 4 In 1981only seven crested ibises were found in Yangxian countyShaanxi Province.Since thenbreeding programs have helped the population reach 2000.China has even sent crested ibises to Japan and South Korea in recent years to help with the species' survival.

5 Key projects will be continually carried out to improve protectionincluding making the lists of wild animals and plants under State protectionand also fighting against illegal wildlife trade which includes ivory(象牙).

A.As environmental damage has increased signs of change have appeared around the world.

B.Another species was once thought to be extinct.

C.Scientists have worked to feed pandas and then release them into the wild.

D.People call for immediate protection of the remaining species.

E.Several species in danger of extinction have made impressive progress thanks to the methods.

F.China will continue its efforts of the wildlife protection.

G.Protecting wildlife is without doubt an important part.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/\), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



Miss Brown,

We have received your application last week. We regret to informing you that our company has hired other girl for the job of secretary. Having careful studied your certificate, we decided that we should need someone with more office experience for this particular position. You have impressed on your desire to learn and your ability work hard. But we do hope that you will apply for the position in our company sometime in a future. We would like to thank you for your interesting in our company. Please contact them if there are any further questions.


John Smith


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

People are social creatures by nature, and so it is hardly surprising that some portion of their self-esteem (自尊心) comes from the approval of others. This instinct is why the approval of peers, and the fear of disapproval, is such a powerful force in many people’s lives.

Despite the most common associations with the term peer, peer pressure is not always negative. A student whose friends do extremely well in academics may be obliged to study harder and get good grades. Players on a sports team may feel driven to play harder in order to help the team win. This type of influence may even get a friend off drugs, or help an adult take up a good habit or drop a bad one. Study groups, class projects, and even book clubs are examples of positive peer groups, that encourage people to better themselves.

However, for certain individuals, seeking social acceptance is so important that it becomes like an addiction. In order to fit in, they may go so far as to abandon their sense of right and wrong. Groups of children may join in bullying (欺凌) newcomers in school. Teens and young adults may feel obliged to use drugs or alcohol, or join gangs that encourage criminal behavior. Mature adults may sometimes feel pressured to cover up illegal activity at the company where they work, or end up in debt because they are unable to resist the temptation to buy a house or car that they can’t afford in an effort to keep up with the Joneses.

There is no question that some people are more easily affected by peer pressure than others. Being self-aware is at the root of managing this type of pressure. “Going with the flow,” is not always a bad thing, but as each individual is still responsible for the consequences, it is important to be a thinking participant in the decision.

