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His bright tie made him       in the crowd.

A.stand byB.stand for C.stand outD.stand up




科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年广东省梅州市丰顺中学高二学业水平考试(英语) 题型:完型填空

Kevin is a boy who might be described as “slow”. He didn’t learn his ABCs as fast as other kids. But Kevin was__1__with people, for his bright smile and big heart won him plenty of friends.
My friend Randy decided they needed a__2__team for boys.Kevin__3__up and practiced hard. But he simply shot baskets. Or more correctly, he threw the ball at the basket. He had a __4__spot near the free throw line(罚球线). He threw and threw, and it __5__went in.
The team did well but they never won a game that season except the night when it snowed and the opposing team never__6__. At the end of the__7__lot(签)of playing against the best team.
Game day arrived. The game went as__8__.Near the end of the last quarter, Kevin’s team stood nearly 30 points behind. It was then that one of the boys called timeout. ”Coach Randy, ” he said, ”this is our__9__game and Kevin has never made a basket. I think we should let him make a basket.”
The team agreed. Kevin wan __10__to stand at his special place near the free throw line and wait. When the ball was__11__to him, he shot and missed. A moment later, Kevin got the ball again, but shot and missed again.
Slowly the other team seemed to__12__what was going on. Both teams circled the boy by their time and all the other players were shouting, “Kevin! Kevin!” Soon everyone in the __13__ joined in.
Kevin attempted again and again, and one of his shots took a crazy bounce on the basket. Everyone held their__14__.The ball dropped in. Nobody remained __15__. Everyone stood and cheered as if one boy had won a world champion.
That day, an undefeated team kept their perfect record. But everybody won because everybody had participated in a crazy conspiracy(密谋)  of kindness.

A.basketball B.footballC.swimmingD.climbing
A.showed upB.took upC.started offD.gave in
A.give upB.bring aboutC.figure outD.believe in


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年湖北省武汉二中、龙泉中学高二下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

They once seemed more at home on the busy streets of Asia like Delhi, Calcutta and Bangkok but cycle powered rickshaws (人力车) can now be seen taking people across town in many European cities. Many people believe that rickshaws are a good way of experiencing a city close-up, while also cutting down on traffic jams and pollution. In Berlin, one of the first cities to introduce this new model of transport, more than 200 bike-taxis go along at 15km per hour, past many tourist attractions and city parks.
“It is completely environmentally friendly; we have new models with an engine to help the driver up the hills but they use renewable energy.” said a spokesman for VELOTAXI, the leading rickshaw company which has carried a quarter of a million people this year.
While the city still has 7,000 motor-taxis, rickshaw company officials say their taxis’ green ideas, speed and safety make them more than just a tourist attraction. While now increasingly out of fashion in Delhi, Berlin people have eagerly accepted the new fleet since their launch in 1997.
“It’s better than a taxi, better than a bus, better than the train,” said ULF Lehman, 36, as he leapt out of a rickshaw near the world famous Brandenburg gate. “ It feels so free.”
This is something out of the ordinary, you feel you are on holiday in Bangkok instead of Berlin,” said another traveler.
In Amsterdam, driver Peter Jancso said people like to be driven around in his bright yellow rickshaw and pretend to be a queen in a golden carriage. "I like my passengers to feel important," he said as he dropped off another passenger. Another visitor noted how cheap it was compared with a normal taxi.
Although increasingly popular in Europe, it is the opposite in India, where hand-pulled rickshaws are considered inhuman and a symbol of India's backward past.
Nearly 500 bike-rickshaws are running in London and are not required to pay the city's road tax but things may change as other taxi drivers complain of unfair treatment.
【小题1】 Where are rickshaws becoming more popular?

A.Delhi, Berlin, Paris.B.Amsterdam, Bangkok, Delhi.
C.Athens, London, Berlin.D.Berlin, Amsterdam, London.
【小题2】Why are rickshaws no longer as widely used in India as in the past?
A.They are a reminder of a bad period in India's history.
B.They have been banned because they are inefficient.
C.The streets of India are too crowded for them to move through easily.
D.Indians now prefer to travel by car because they are richer.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence "This is something out of the ordinary, you feel you are on holiday in
Bangkok instead of Berlin" suggest?
A.The passenger didn't like taking a rickshaw as it reminded him of Bangkok.
B.The passenger enjoyed being on holiday in Berlin more than in Bangkok.
C.The passenger was impressed when taking a rickshaw and considered it unusual.
D.The passenger disapproved of rickshaws because they were not original to Berlin.
【小题4】 What is the author's attitude towards rickshaws?
A.He gives no personal opinion.
B.He believes they will be of no use.
C.He thinks they will reduce pollution.
D.He thinks they are old-fashioned.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年湖北省武汉二中、龙泉中学高二下学期期末联考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

They once seemed more at home on the busy streets of Asia like Delhi, Calcutta and Bangkok but cycle powered rickshaws (人力车) can now be seen taking people across town in many European cities. Many people believe that rickshaws are a good way of experiencing a city close-up, while also cutting down on traffic jams and pollution. In Berlin, one of the first cities to introduce this new model of transport, more than 200 bike-taxis go along at 15km per hour, past many tourist attractions and city parks.
“It is completely environmentally friendly; we have new models with an engine to help the driver up the hills but they use renewable energy.” said a spokesman for VELOTAXI, the leading rickshaw company which has carried a quarter of a million people this year.
While the city still has 7,000 motor-taxis, rickshaw company officials say their taxis’ green ideas, speed and safety make them more than just a tourist attraction. While now increasingly out of fashion in Delhi, Berlin people have eagerly accepted the new fleet since their launch in 1997.
“It’s better than a taxi, better than a bus, better than the train,” said ULF Lehman, 36, as he leapt out of a rickshaw near the world famous Brandenburg gate. “ It feels so free.”
This is something out of the ordinary, you feel you are on holiday in Bangkok instead of Berlin,” said another traveler.
In Amsterdam, driver Peter Jancso said people like to be driven around in his bright yellow rickshaw and pretend to be a queen in a golden carriage. "I like my passengers to feel important," he said as he dropped off another passenger. Another visitor noted how cheap it was compared with a normal taxi.
Although increasingly popular in Europe, it is the opposite in India, where hand-pulled rickshaws are considered inhuman and a symbol of India's backward past.
Nearly 500 bike-rickshaws are running in London and are not required to pay the city's road tax but things may change as other taxi drivers complain of unfair treatment.
【小题1】Where are rickshaws becoming more popular?

A.Delhi, Berlin, Paris.B.Amsterdam, Bangkok, Delhi.
C.Athens, London, Berlin.D.Berlin, Amsterdam, London.
【小题2】Why are rickshaws no longer as widely used in India as in the past?
A.They are a reminder of a bad period in India's history.
B.They have been banned because they are inefficient.
C.The streets of India are too crowded for them to move through easily.
D.Indians now prefer to travel by car because they are richer.
【小题3】What does the underlined sentence "This is something out of the ordinary, you feel you are on holiday in
Bangkok instead of Berlin" suggest?
A.The passenger didn't like taking a rickshaw as it reminded him of Bangkok.
B.The passenger enjoyed being on holiday in Berlin more than in Bangkok.
C.The passenger was impressed when taking a rickshaw and considered it unusual.
D.The passenger disapproved of rickshaws because they were not original to Berlin.
【小题4】What is the author's attitude towards rickshaws?
A.He gives no personal opinion.
B.He believes they will be of no use.
C.He thinks they will reduce pollution.
D.He thinks they are old-fashioned.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省高二11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Little Bit

"Meow, meow, meow," is what I heard as I walked. I went to the noise and found there was a

  36   black and white cat under a piece of wood. I picked him up and   37   he must be freezing to death. I   38   home with the cat held in my jacket.

My new best friend, who soon became known as Little Bit, received his name because he was almost     39      when I held him in my hands. He stood about five inches tail. Little Bit' s small size had a great advantage -- he   40   perfectly in the pocket of my jacket, which made  41   him everywhere very easy. Any time I was home, he wouldn' t leave my   42   . He was always eager to play with me. When I fell asleep at night, he would always roll up around my head to keep me   43  .

Unfortunately, I grew up. My teenage life   44   my relationship with Little Bit. I lived at such a fast pace (节奏) that I stopped making time for him. My free time was spent with my   45      instead. I would come in the house on my phone and not   46   him at all. His meows became an annoyance to me, but it wasn' t his fault that he   47   his best friend back.

Time had caused a   48   to Little Bit. His body began shutting down and by the time I realized   49   was wrong with him, he had already lost his balance. He lay there and looked at me, and   50   this day I still remember the  51   look in his bright green eyes. I took him to the vet (兽医), but there was nothing he could do. The last time I   52   him he wasn' t the same tiny cat I had found ten years before. Little Bit filled my arms and he was put to sleep that day.

Little Bit' s  53   made me realize how much he meant to me. He was always there for me when I   54   him. I regret our last years together and I feel sorry for not always being there for him. I will always   55   the special memories we made.

1.A. lovely             B. tiny                 C. pretty          D. friendly

2.A. agreed             B. remembered       C. realized    D. proved

3.A. left           B. stayed           C. drove        D. hurried

4.A. weightless         B. useless          C. breathless   D. hopeless

5.A. grew           B. fitted           C. played       D. existed

6.A. showing        B. keeping          C. taking       D. putting

7.A. pocket             B. heart            C. mind         D. side

8.A. quiet          B. asleep           C. safe         D. warm

9.A. weakened       B. built            C. deepened     D. sharpened

10.A. friends       B. computer         C. parents      D. relatives

11.A. find          B. feed             C. notice       D. hear

12.A. pulled        B. won              C. wanted       D. permitted

13.A. fear           B. loss            C. accident     D. concern

14.A. everything    B. nothing          C. anything     D. something

15.A. before        B. until            C. during       D. for

16.A. shameful      B. serious          C. long         D. sorrowful

17.A. helped        B. met              C. held         D. doubted

18.A. illness       B. death            C. sadness      D. story

19.A. needed        B. caught           C. protected    D. picked

20.A. treasure      B. admire           C. remind       D. explore



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省梅州市高二学业水平考试(英语) 题型:完型填空

Kevin is a boy who might be described as “slow”. He didn’t learn his ABCs as fast as other kids. But Kevin was__1__with people, for his bright smile and big heart won him plenty of friends.

My friend Randy decided they needed a__2__team for boys.Kevin__3__up and practiced hard. But he simply shot baskets. Or more correctly, he threw the ball at the basket. He had a __4__spot near the free throw line(罚球线). He threw and threw, and it __5__went in.

The team did well but they never won a game that season except the night when it snowed and the opposing team never__6__. At the end of the__7__lot(签)of playing against the best team.

Game day arrived. The game went as__8__.Near the end of the last quarter, Kevin’s team stood nearly 30 points behind. It was then that one of the boys called timeout. ”Coach Randy, ” he said, ”this is our__9__game and Kevin has never made a basket. I think we should let him make a basket.”

The team agreed. Kevin wan __10__to stand at his special place near the free throw line and wait. When the ball was__11__to him, he shot and missed. A moment later, Kevin got the ball again, but shot and missed again.

Slowly the other team seemed to__12__what was going on. Both teams circled the boy by their time and all the other players were shouting, “Kevin! Kevin!” Soon everyone in the __13__ joined in.

Kevin attempted again and again, and one of his shots took a crazy bounce on the basket. Everyone held their__14__.The ball dropped in. Nobody remained __15__. Everyone stood and cheered as if one boy had won a world champion.

That day, an undefeated team kept their perfect record. But everybody won because everybody had participated in a crazy conspiracy(密谋)  of kindness.

1. A. patient        B. familiar          C. popular           D. careful

2.  A. basketball     B. football         C. swimming        D. climbing

3.  A. got           B. signed           C. went            D. set

4. A. strange        B. special          C. wrong            D. safe

5. A. randomly      B. automatically     C. possibly          D. occasionally

6. A. showed up     B. took up          C. started off        D. gave in

7. A. favorite        B. difficult          C. unfortunate       D. important

8. A. reported       B. designed         C. arranged          D. expected

9. A. first           B. last              C. excellent         D. poor

10.A. forbidden      B. wished           C. trained           D. instructed

11. A. passed        B. kicked            C. carried           D. shot

12. A. give up        B. bring about       C. figure out         D. believe in

13. A. school         B. gym             C. town            D. team

14.A. hands         B. breath            C. places           D. ground

15.A. seated         B. excited           C. amazed          D. puzzled


