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3. Of the three rivers,which one is (wide) ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          Do you think we can understand people's characters from the way they write? Many people would disagree with the idea. However,some business leaders and a group called “graphologists(笔迹学家)”believe our personalities are revealed in our handwriting.

           Graphology is a term used to describe the practice of analyzing people's  handwriting to determine what kind of personalities they have. It's  thought that certain letter formations and patterns in wnting reveal personality types.

           Many organizations in France invite graphologists to help with the selection of employees. Applicants are required to submit a handwritten letter so that graphologists can determine if they have the right personality for the job. Handwriting that is big and carefully planned is thought to indicate that the writer is outgoing and confident. Thus,jobs that require such a personality would be given to people with this type of handwriting. People with plain handwriting who use small letters would be thought to be shy and thus not suitable for the job.

           The slant(倾斜) of a person's handwritjng is ajso thought to reveal something about his character. Writing with a slant to the right、vShows that the person thinks about the future,while writing with a slant to the left reveals a tendency to be stuck in the past. A person whose letters are round rather than (有棱角的) would be thought to be friendly.

Though graphology is widely used,it is not supported by scientific evidence. The reason it seems to work is that the personality descriptions revealed are highly generalized. It is much like a horoscope(占星术) or palm reading,which describes personalities using very general terms. And people tend to notice the parts of the description that are true while ignoring the parts that are not true.

5. Applicants* handwriting is analyzed mainly to find out whether they .

   A. have the ability to handle the job

   B. can devote themselves to the job

   C. were good students in the past

   D. have big plans for the future

6. Which of the following about graphology is mentioned in the text?

   A. The size and angle of letters.

   B. The space between letters or words.

   C. The scientific evidence of graphology.

   D. The speed and pressure of the writing.

7. What do we know about a person by his handwriting according to the text?

   A. A person who writes round letters is silent.

   B. Angular writing shows someone is easy-going.

   C. A person who has a right slant in his writing is future-oriented.

   D. Large writing shows someone likes to live in the past.

8. The text is mainly about .

   A. what helps graphologists analyze handwriting

   B. what people's  handwriting reveals about them

   C. how graphology is used to predict people's future

   D. how we can improve our handwriting with practice


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 28. —What should I do,Miss Green?

—Your job cleaning the desks and answering the telephone.

   A. provides   B. continues

C. carries   D. includes 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(3) 他跑得如此快以至于赢了这场比赛。

He ran he won the race.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 这本书是上个月出版的。

This book last month.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 我成功地买到了音乐会的门票。(succeed,concert)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Jean,Mark hurt his left foot when climbing a mountain.

B: (1) . Did he decide to give up mountain climbing?

A: (2) . He’s a brave climber.

B: We can learn a lot from Mark.

A: Yeah,we shouldn’t give up in the face of difficulties. I hear Mark is going to climb Tianzi Mountain next month.

B: Really? (3) ?

A: It's in Zhangjiajie.

B: (4) ?

A: It's about 1,262. 5 meters high.

B: (5) ?

A: No,it isn’t. Tianmen Mountain is the highest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 26. 一Jean,I really like that skirt,but it doesn’t.

—Don’t be upset. Maybe we can find a better one.

   A. fit   B. win C. matter   D. appear


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

68. The high walls give the garden (protect) from the wind

