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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,备出最佳逸项。


          Our tiny boat was ploughing through(费力穿过) the waves across the Indian Ocean and I was absolutely freezing. The further we got from the shelter of the land,the more I thought how foolish I'd been to come along on this trip.

          The pilot of the boat looked almost 60 but,perhaps because of a lifetime on the open sea in the hot sun,was very fit and strbng. I was wondering how he managed to find his way. To me,it seemed difficult enough to navigate a boat without any electronic equipment even on a sunny day.

           So at least we were safe. But this was not what we had come along for. A look at the other diversfaces suggested that now they were also doubtflil that we'd ever get the chancy to see a whale shark — these weather conditions were totally unsuitable for diving!None of us spoke. It seemed too much of an effort. Then suddenly the boatman stopped the engine. He said a few words in his own language to the diving instructor,who immediately jumped up from his seat and told us to get ready to dive.

           When I jumped into the grey sea,I was sure I wouldn’t  see anything. But then …there it was!An enormous whale shark,slowly swimming  through the water. I couldnt believe my eyes — my first whale shark!I hardly dared breathe — I was afraid my streams of bubbles(气泡) might scare the huge creature away. And the other divers were equally awed. Slowly we approached this huge animal. It was swimming quite slowly and we were able to swim with it,looking at the beautiful markings on its back. I was still holding my breath,telling myself that this huge fish was harmless!Then I reached out and touched it'stroking (轻抚) its thick skin. It was amazing how this giant suddenly gained speed — we watched it as it swam away from us,and a few moments later it was gone.

21. While riding a tiny boat across the Indian Ocean,the author.

   A. volunteered to act as,a pilot

   B. felt regret about his decision

   C. enjoyed the beautiful sunshine

   D. talked with other people happily

22. The author probably wanted to know how the boatman .

   A. kept fit in his spare time

   B. spent his life on the boat

   C. navigated his boat at sea

   D. communicated with others ,

23. What was the purpose of the author's trip?

   A. To see a whale shark.

   B. To learn how to dive.

   C. To swim the Indian Ocean.

   D. To save underwater creatures.

24. How did the author feel after he jumped into the sea?

   A. Rather anxious and angry.

   B. A little scared but excited.

   C. Doubtful and disappointed.

   D. A bit tired but later relaxed.

21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B



21. B. 推理判断题。由第一段Our tiny boat was ploughing through the waves ...I thought how foolish T d been to come i along on this trip可知,由于天气不好,作者对他出海看鲸鲨的决定感到后悔。

22. C. 细节理解题。由第二段的Iwas; wondering how he managed to find his way. To me,it seemed difficult enough to navigate a boat without any electronic equipment even on a sunny day可知,作者最想了解这位船夫.是如何在海上辨别方向的。

23. A. 细节理解题。由第E段的… doubtful that wq d ever get the chance to see a whale shark和最后一段作者描述他下水后看到鲸鲨的过程可知,作者此行的目的是看鲸鲨。

24. B. 推理判断题。由最后一段可知,当看到鲸鲨这个庞然大物然出现时,作 者有一点害怕;再由他不敢相信自己的眼睛、与鲸鲨一起游泳和大胆轻抚鲸鲨 可知,此时的他又有点兴奋。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第36期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 

                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

              Recently,the idea that listening to classical music can increase intelligence,especially in 41, has caught the attention of the media,researchers,and parents around the globe. In the early 1990s,researchers from France and the US published articles that said 42  Mozart for 10 minutes temporarily 43 performance on IQ tests and challenging tasks. 44 ,the media quickly began reporting on the “Mozart effect”.

              In 1997,Don Campbell published a book about this 45 phenomenon. Campbell said that classical 46 could improve health and memory,prevent mental and physical disorders,and 47 stress and depression. He soon 48 with The Mozart Effect for Children,as well as CDs and products for parents of young children. Today,a wide selection of similar products is 49 ,including Baby Mozart and Baby Bach,two bestselling DVDs in the popular Baby Einstein series. There are even music players specially 50 forexpectant(预产期的) mothers to wear on their stomachs. 51 ,babies can listen to classical music before they’ re even 52 .

               53 ,there is some doubt surrounding the “Mozart effect”. Parents  54  whether it is a proven reality or just a fad (潮流) designed to make money. Frances H. Rauscher,a psychologist and author of one of the original studies,is 55 . Much of the original 56 pointed to temporary improvements on specific tasks. She 57 these findings have been incorrectly described as a general increase in 58 . “I don't think it can hurt,” Rauscher said. Yet she added that 59 may still want to think twice 60 spending a fortune trying to make a genius(天才) out of their baby.

41. A. scientists   B. musicians  C. adults   D. babies

42. A. joining in      B. dreaming of  

    C. talking about   D. listening to

43. A. improved   B. measured  C. provided   D. enjoyed

44. A. On the whole      B. As a result

    C. On the contrary   D. In other words

45. A. common   B. natural   C. interesting   D. alarming

46. A. literature   B. music   C. world   D. education

47. A. cause   B. place   C. reduce   D. limit

48. A. began   B. dealt   C. agreed   D. followed

49. A. useless   B. priceless   C. available   D. changeable

50. A. tested   B. designed   C. searched   D. collected

51. A. By the way   B. In this way   C. On the way   D. All the way

52. A. bom   B. lost   C. trained   D. invited

53. A. Besides   B. Therefore   C. Instead   D. However

54. A. check   B. question   C. determine   D. evaluate

55. A. real   B. right   C. normal   D. doubtful

56. Ar anxiety   B. material   C. research   D. argument

57. A. cheers   B. expects   C. remembers   D. believes

58. A. costs   B. health   C. disorders   D. intelligence

59. A. teachers   B. experts   C. parents   D. players

60. A. after   B. unless   C. before   D. as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Dear Editor,

          Please publish more articles about women scientists. Women scientists have made outstanding contributions to the world. These women make excellent role models. More young women may choose science as a profession if women read featured articles on female scientists like Marie Curie and Rachel -Carson. Both women were encouraged to study science,and they both accomplished great things.

          With her fathers encouragement,Marie Curie made the world a better place through her scientific accomplishments. She studied the emission(放射) gf rays from uranium(铀) ,a feature she called “radioactivity(放射性) .” Later,Curie and her husband,also a scientist,processed the mineral pitchblende before separating two radioactive elements(元素). With this discovery,Marie Curie earned her doctorate,and shortly thereafter,both she and her husband were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics. In 1911 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her work with the newly discovered elements; this work laid the foundation for X-rays and atomic physics.

           When Rachel Carson was young,her mother encouraged her to study nature. As an adult,she became known as the mother of the modem environmental movement. After studying marine biology and zoology in college,Carson worked as2.government scientist End wrote several books on how all living things relate to each other. In 1951 her book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea accessible to the general reader and remained on the best-seller list for eighty-six weeks. In 1962 Carson wrote Silent Spring,a book that helped lead to improvements in the use of chemical pesticides (农药) .

           Humans have benefited greatly from the work of Marie Curie and Rachel Carson. What if these women had not been encouraged to become scientists? I believe that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of science. With that goal in mind,I sincerely hope your magazine can publish more articles about the contributions that women make to science.


                               Annie Bastien,Grade 7

                               Capistrano Middle School

24.According to the text,Marie Curie.

   A. achieved success with her fathers help

   B. separated two radioactive elements alone

   C. made contributions to the study of X-rays

   D. won the Nobel Prize twice with her husband

25.What can we learn about Rachel Carson?

   A. She was a physicist and chemist.

   B. Her books had a great influence on the public.

   C. She was inspired by her father to become a scientist.

   D. Her role as an environmentalist was rarely known by people.

26.What can we infer about the author?

   A. She aims to become a scientist.

   B. She likes reading and writing stories.

   C. She has a great interest in women scientists.

   D. She wants to publish articles in the magazine.

27.The letter was written to .

   A. introduce some women role models

   B. praise women scientists’ contributions

   C. offer the magazine editor some suggestions

   D. provide information about women scientists


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Phoebe carefully   (整理了她的衣服和头发) before going out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 4. George beat the water with his oar to kill the whale.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

b. She spoke for an hour without a pause.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. The airport (complete) next month will help promote tourism in this city.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The peaks of the Pyrenees could be seen.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词) 。

1. Last year he d$1,000 to cancer research.

