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Nowadays, mobile payment is becoming more and more popular with our shopping. In addition to pay in cash, by cheque or credit card, a consumer can use a mobile phone to pay for a wide range of services and goods. Compared with those traditional mean, mobile payment is faster and more convenient. Besides, it can be used at any given time or place, thus save much time and energy. Furthermore, we can’t overlook the fact it must be operated with a phone and a network. And it is only recently which the technology to support such systems has become wide available. It will be arouse public concern over its potential risk, such as the account security and other unexpected problems. Technology is changing its life rapidly, so we should get ready for it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽安庆一中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The impression you make at the beginning of an interview is very important. Employers often decide to hire someone in the first three minutes of the interview. They judge you by your appearance, attitude and manners.

A friendly smile when you walk into the room is important. A smile shows a confident and positive attitude.

When you introduce yourself, make eye contact with the interviewer. Some interviewers offer a handshake. Others don't.

Try to be as natural as possible. But pay attention to your body language. The way you sit, walk, gesture, use your voice and show feelings on your face is all part of your body language. It makes the interviewer know how you feel about yourself and the situation you are in. Are you feeling positively about yourself? Your abilities? Your interest in the job?

Speak clearly and loudly enough. Show interest and enthusiasm in your voice. When you speak, look at the interviewer. Also, don't say negative things about yourself, or former employer.

Listen to questions carefully. If you don't understand a question, ask the interviewer to repeat or explain: "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that." "I'm not sure exactly what you mean."

Almost everyone is nervous in a job interview. Interviewers know that. They don't expect you to be totally calm and relaxed. But they expect you to try to control your nervousness. They expect you to show confidence in your ability to do the job.

At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for her or his time.

It's a good idea to send a short thank-you letter right after the interview, or deliver it by hand.

Phone the company if you have not heard anything after one week. Ask if they have made a decision about the job.

Good luck!

1. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. you should always put on a smile when meeting the employer

B. you should stand still with respect before the employer

C. employers understand and like employees' nervousness

D. the first impression is very important in an interview

2.Why should we pay attention to our body language?

A. Because it is needed by our employer.

B. Because it can help us feel about the employer.

C. Because it can help us win the employer's positive impression.

D. Because we need it to improve our feelings.

3.The main purpose of the passage is _____.

A. to tell right from wrong about job interviews

B. to give you some advice on the art of finding a job

C. to explain why we should do something about an interview

D. to suggest not being shy in an interview

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Friendly Smile

B. Sending a Thank-You Letter

C. Don't Be Nervous

D. Making a Good Expression


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏南京市、盐城市高三第二次模拟英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Different tastes among tourists from outside the mainland____the list of the country's attractions

A.top B. shape C. lead D. show


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省黄冈市高三3月份质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mathilda,15, is Turkana, a native people that has survived by raising cattle in a semiarid (半干旱) region. Mathilda's school, like most schools in the area, doesn't have access to clean water and sanitation facilities for its students. So instead of spending their whole school day learning, Mathilda and her classmates start their day by spending two hours to the closest river fetching water ---water that is anyway most likely not safe to drink. They do the same thing again in the afternoon, so they often lose around half of their school day fetching water.

Mathilda has to do the same thing outside of school hours to get the water her family needs at home, leaving her little time for studying. Because of rising temperatures, water has become harder and harder to find here, and people have to spend more and more time trying to find it.

This is just one small example of how climate change is making it harder to realize people’s rights to water, education and security. Unfortunately, most higher-income countries remained silent on the issue.

This is despite studies showing that communities already facing marginalization(边缘化),such as women and children, mostly suffer from climate change. This is especially the case for those in countries with limited resources and fragile ecosystems.

Meanwhile, women consist of the majority of the world 's poor,and so are more dependent for their livelihood on natural resources that are threatened by climate change. And around the world, women and girls are the most likely to be responsible for fetching water for their families.

This exposes them to danger and leaves them with less time to attend school, earn money, or simply to rest. But the fact is that the effects of climate change will be felt globally.

Despite the difficulties she is facing, trying to get an education, Mathilda says she hopes to serve her community in a leadership role when she grows up.

“All of the world's leaders need to work together to solve this problem that we are all facing,” she said.

1.Mathilda has to spend _______fetching water every school day.

A. two hours B. four hours

C. more than four hours D. almost a whole day

2.The first two paragraphs are intended to tell us____________.

A. the cause and effect of lack of water

B. one serious consequence of climate change

C. the difficulties in fetching water in the semiarid region

D. the hardship of life for the people in the semiarid region

3.We can conclude from the passage that________________.

A. climate change is everyone's business

B. water is becoming rare because of rising temperatures

C. fetching water takes up Mathilda's half of studying time

D. females are more responsible for fetching water for their families

4.The passage is mainly about the problem caused by_______________.

A. rising temperatures B. fetching water

C. climate change D. water shortage


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆市高三3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Best of Alaska

Nothing evokes(唤起) Alaska like a whale exploding out of the water or an eagle pulling a silver fish from the river. Combine these images with high mountains, brilliant icebergs and wonderful meal8 and you really do have the Best of Alaska!


JUNEAU: Juneau, the state capital, is rich in culture and scenic beauty. It is here that we start and end our trip.

HAINES: Haines is a small community located along the fords(海湾). The natural beauty and expansive wilderness found here have made Haines a premier center for adventure in Alaska.

ALASKA INDIAN ARTS: Alaska Indian Arts is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the preservation and continuation of traditional native craft and culture of the Northwest Native Tribes.

SKAGWAY: Skagway is famous for its role in the Klondike Gold Stampede over 100 years ago. Today, it is a historic yet lively town, which still reflects its gold rush roots and contains colorful shops. In Skagway, we stop by the Klondike Gold Rush National Park Visitor's Center and ride the White Pass Yukon Route Railway.

GUSTAVUS: Gustavus is the gateway to Glacier Bay National Park. We'll stay at a comfortable lodge here for two nights. This will be the base for both the whale-watching excursion and a full day cruise in Glacier Bay.


May 15, June 17, July 16, August 14.

7 days-$3500, including lodging, all meals, excursions, guides, park fees, sales taxes, and transportation between Juneau, Skagway, Haines, and Gustavus. Not included: Alcohol, personal items, airfare to and from Juneau.


E-mail: info@alaskamountainguides.com

Call: 800一766一3396

Write: Alaska Mountain Guides & Climbing School

P. O. Box 1081, Haines AK 99827

1.You can feel the history of the local place at .

A. Juneau B. Skagway

C. Haines D. Gustavus

2.You can watch a whale exploding out of the water at .

A. the Northwest Native Tribes

B. the Klondike Gold Rush National Park

C. Glacier Bay National Park

D. the White Pass Yukon

3.Which of the following is a participant required to pay additional fees for?

A. Going from Gustavus to Juneau by train.

B. A full day cruise in Glacier Bay.

C. Having the last supper at Juneau.

D. Flying from Juneau to his hometown.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆市高三3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

While most of us are happy to take the credit when things go well, few of us are willing to take the blame when things go wrong. Rather than trying to hide our shame or embarrassment, experts found that we are simply less aware when our actions result in a negative outcome.

The research may explain why we often feel it hard to take the blame for our actions.“Our result suggests that people may really experience less responsibility for negative than for positive outcomes,” said Patrick Haggard, leading researcher and professor of the institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London.

In a series of tests, participants were asked to press a key. A sound then followed, either disapproving, neutral or approving, and they were then asked to estimate the time between the action and when they had heard the sound.

Researchers found that individuals experienced different levels of responsibility depending on the outcomes. They also discovered they were significantly slower to recognize if their actions had resulted in a bad consequence, compared to when they had done well.

“Effectively, we have found that we experience a negative outcome differently, not just retell it differently. We make a weaker connection when there is a bad result. And respond much more strongly when something good happens,”said Professor Haggard. When something goes right, everyone wants to take the credit, and when things go wrong, nobody is interested in putting their hands up.

The researchers said our brain is“very much concerned”with reward, as good results are key to survival. Although our own perception(认知) of whether we are guilty of something or not is changed by the outcomes, this does not provide a defense if we have done something wrong.“Our experience of our own responsibilities can be misleading and can be strongly colored by the outcomes of our actions.”said Professor Haggard.“We have to take responsibility for what actually do, not just for how we experience things.”

1.People who don’t take the blame for their actions .

A.always try to hide their shame or embarrassment.

B.are only willing to take the credit when things go well

C.feel less responsible for negative than for positive outcomes

D.are less aware of what to do when a negative outcome happens

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Our level of responsibility can be strongly affected by the outcomes of our actions.

B.When something bad happens, nobody is interested in dealing with the problem.

C.People were quicker to recognize if their actions had resulted in a bad consequence.

D.Participants were asked to count the time between pressing a key and hearing the sound.

3.How is the passage developed?

A.By giving examples.

B.By quoting research findings.

C.By analyzing cause and effect.

D.By providing data.

4.According to the passage, a person who is concerned with reward is .

A.awkward B.natural C.absurd D.stubborn


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北武邑中学高三下学期周考3英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Mountain biking is a great way to explore the outdoors, stay in shape, or just have fun. 1. Even though it’s dangerous, if you ride with caution, it can be enjoyed by the entire family.

Mountain biking can best be characterized into three different styles - downhill, free riding, and cross country. Even though the different styles are similar in some ways, they still require different skills. 2.

You can find groups that have mountain bike rides and competitions. You can look on the Internet or even in a local paper and see exactly what’s available in your area. 3. Like all other sports, it takes time and practice. Those just beginning will have to get past the bumps and bruises from falling off the bike.

The bike you select is more of a personal choice, and a big determining factor on the type of riding you will be doing. Bikes come in all styles, shapes, and prices, which will make selecting one for yourself very difficult indeed. 4. A great mountain biker will become one with his or her own bike. When buying, make sure you check for comfort, how it fits.

5. Anytime you are riding, you should wear a helmet, along with knee and elbow pads. If you are following a group or riding in the woods you should strongly consider a pair of goggles(护目镜) as well. Safety should be your top priority and never taken lightly anytime you are mountain biking.

A. You may be able to find groups for the more advanced riders as well as beginners.

B. Racing down the side of a mountain is a lot of fun indeed, although it can also be quite dangerous.

C. Mountain bike riding on unpaved roads can be very dangerous, as mentioned earlier.

D. To buy a bike for mountain biking, you should mainly consider how much the bike costs you.

E. It takes practice to succeed for a great mountain biker.

F. Before you buy a bike, always ask to try it out first.

G. The style that youpick will determine the type of bike you get.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省扬州市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He made great achievements in spite of his lowly _______.

A. resource B. belief C. origin D. source


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆兵团农二师华山中学高二下学期一次考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Regrowth Poetry Competition is open to all published and unpublished, UK and non-UK based male and female writers over 16 years of age. This competition is open to poetry submissions. Poems must be based around the theme of “regrowth, birth, survival, and new life” and in any genre. The poem should be between 5 and 30 lines in length (including title).

Entry details, rules and regulations to the competition are listed below:

1. All entries must be sent using the form online.

2. Entry will cost £4.00. You can pay online via PayPal or credit card. You can also pay by cheque, making it payable to Susan Cawte. The postal address is 412 Thorold Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4HF. Multiple entries are allowed.

3. Entries will not be returned.

4. All entries submitted must be work which has not been published elsewhere or submitted to another competition which is currently still open.

5. All entries must be your own work. Any entry found to be plagiarized or printed elsewhere will be disqualified.

6. All entries submitted must clearly state the author's name, address, email address and contact telephone number on the submission.

7. The winner will be notified within one month of the closing date.

8. The closing date for entries is midnight (BST) 30th April 2016.


1st: £50, published story in the magazine, and a feature article about the winning author.

2nd: £25, story published in the magazine.

The 20 shortlisted authors will be listed online in May. Winners will be announced on 1st June 2016.

1.What should be the theme of the poems in the competition?

A. Peace. B. Friendship.

C. Regrowth. D. Health.

2.If you want to take part in the competition, ____.

A. you can only submit one entry

B. you must be a British boy of 16

C. you have to pay the entry fee by cheque

D. you must send the entries before 30th April 2016

3.What is the probably meaning of the underlined word “plagiarized”?

A. Written. B. Copied. C. Typed. D. Read.

