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Happiness and sadness are states of being that define the way we view the world. It is often said that some people by nature have a sunny character. Now scientists may have discovered why.

Some people may be born for happiness, while others are genetically negative, scientists have suggested in a study published late February in a British journal.

Earlier research had already established that the gene known as 5-HTTLPR plays a key role in determining how the neurotransmitter (神经传递素) serotonin (含于血液中的复合胺) works within the brain. Serotonin, a hormone (荷尔蒙), passes chemical messages between nerve cells. It has been closely linked to mood. Several anti-depressant (抗抑郁) drugs regulate serotonin levels. Scientists had also identified three variants (变体) of the gene. Two so-called "short" variants were linked to a higher risk of depression and suicide attempts. Unlike the two "short" variants, the "long" variant of 5-HTTLPR showed a clear dislike of negative images, such as fierce animals, and a clear liking for positive ones, such as flowers.

Researchers from the University of Essex in Britain, led by Elaine Fox, showed participants a series of images. The images were divided into three kinds: negative ones aimed at inspiring fear or stress such as a spider or person about to commit suicide, pleasant ones and neutral (中性的) ones. The participants who had the long variant of the 5-HTTLPR gene "showed a clear dislike of negative material alongside a careful attention for positive material," the researchers found. They paid close attention to the pretty pictures, and ignored the frightening ones. On the other hand, the short variant groups had the opposite reaction.

In January, the Australian government organized "happiness workshops", teaching government staff how to be happy. The department that held the "happiness workshops" said unhappy staff weren't productive staff. Australian political opposition parties have argued that the "happiness workshops" are probably a waste of money and couldn't increase productivity as intended. However, whether the workshop will have a happy or disappointing result, we will have to wait and see.

1. For the passage,by what means can we view the world?

A. Happiness and sadness.                                        B. Happiness and curiosity.

C. Sadness and amazement.                                      D. Disappointment and sadness.

2. What is most important in the role of deciding how the the neurotransmitter serotonin works within the brain?

A. The gene known as 5-HTTLPR.                            B. Three variants.

C. Neurotransmitter serotonin       .                                  D. A hormone.

3 Which of the following sentences is WRONG?

A. Serotonin, a hormone within the brain., passes chemical messages between nerve cells, which has been closely linked to mood.                              

B. Scientists identified the two "short" variants, and the "long" variant of 5-HTTLPR which showed a clear hatred of negative images, such as fierce animals.  

C. Scientists identified three variants of the gene. Two so-called "long" variants were linked to a higher risk of depression and murder attempts.                     

D. In terms of researchers’ research, the images were divided into three kinds: negative ones, pleasant ones and neutral ones.  

4. Why did the Australian government organize “Happiness workshops”?

A. To enrich staff’s free life.                                 

B. To teach staff the ways to be happy.

C. To prove the result of the researchers’ research.     

D. To test who weren’t productive staff.

5. What is the result of setting up “Happiness workshops” according to the last paragraph?

A. A waste of money.                                              

B. No effect on increasing productivity.

C. A disappointing result       .                                 

D. An uncertain result.









3、首先一定要注意,题目的要求是选出“表述是错误的一项”;然后从第三段后面部分可以看出,正确的表述是“Two so-called "short" variants were linked to a higher risk of depression and suicide attempts.”所以,C项表述有误,为正确答案。

4、从“In January, the Australian government organized "happiness workshops", teaching government staff how to be happy.”这句中可以看出,B为此题正确选项。



科目:高中英语 来源:必修一导练英语外研版 外研版 题型:050


  The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that annoy(打扰)us by coming to our picnics uninvited.They are not trying to make pests of themselves, but are only doing the housekeeping job they were made for.They are nature’s cleanup crew.

  One of these ants, scouting(侦察)in the grass, finds the trail of an injured beetle(甲虫).In some mysterious way the news spreads.Soon there are two ants, then a few more.Then a dozen or more are running around the beetle.Enough ants will come to put an end to it.

  When the beetle is dead, the ants carry it away to their underground burrows(穴).The efficient(讲效率的)ants leave nothing in the grass but the empty shell.


The ants that come to our picnics are ________.

[  ]


trying to make pests of themselves


doing their job


looking for company


help injured insects


The selection says that the job of these ants is to ________.

[  ]


clean up the grass


kill all beetles


make trails


help injured insects


As soon as an ant finds an injured insect, it ________.

[  ]


kills it


lets other ants know


eats it


carries it away


More ants learn about the beetle ________.

[  ]


by passing by it


by smelling it


from other ants


by hearing the sounds it makes


The ants clean the grass by ________.

[  ]


burying the beetle


carrying the whole beetle away


eating the beetle


carrying away everything but the shell


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省温州市直六校协作体2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:053


  NetSmartz advises using the following “Internet Safety Pledge(誓言)” to make sure of kids’ safety on the Internet.Here is the safety pledge for middle and high school students.

  1.I will set up some rules with my parents for going online, including the time of day I may be online, the length of time I may be online and whom I may communicate with.I will not do anything against the rules.

  2.I will keep my identity(身份)secret from people online.I will never give away personal information such as my full name, my mailing address, my telephone number, the name of my school, or any other information that could help someone know my actual identity.I won't give away any personal information about my friends or family, either.

  3.If I come across some information that is rude or makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused, I won't respond(应答)to it, and I will show the message to a trusted adult right away so that he or she can decide if it is necessary to contact the online service or other authorities(机构).

  4.Since the biggest danger to my safety is getting together with someone I have first “met” online, I won't meet in person with anyone unless my parents agree.If they agree, I will ask them to go with me and the meeting will be in a public place.

  5.I will respect others’ rights while I am online- I will always treat others the way I would like to be treated and I will respect copyright laws.I will not do anything that hurts others’ feelings or anything that goes against the law.


1.It is ________ to meet someone you have first “met” online.

2.I will never ________ people online any personal information about myself, my friends or my family.

3.Who should you ask for help when coming across rude scary, uncomfortable or confusing information.?


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年吉林普通高中高一新生综合能力摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Music touches our hearts and shortens (缩短) the distance between people of different countries. The super star Jay Chou has cooperated with the American NBA star Kobe Bryant to create a song named The Heaven and Earth Challenge. That’s a song written by Jay Chou whose favorite sport is basketball. It expresses the love for basketball. And it encourages young people to be more confident. Jay Chou has learned much from Kobe’s sports spirit. In the song, Jay Chou does most of the singing part while Kobe plays a part of rapper (说唱者). People can download the ring tone (铃声) of the song from the Internet. All the money from the downloads will go to Project Hope, which aims to improve educational environment in poor areas in China.


1.d__________: space between two points or places  

2.e__________: give confidence or hope to somebody


Jay Chou has learned much from Kobe’s sports spirit.  

Jay Chou has learned 3.______4.______ from Kobe’s sports spirit.


5.What does the song express? _________________________________.



科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省2009-2010学年度高一下学期单元测试试卷(二)(英语) 题型:阅读理解

第二部分 阅读理解  (满分35分)

第一节 语篇阅读 (每小题2分)


Astronomy (天文学) is the oldest science known to man. Thousands of years ago man looked at the stars and wondered about heavens (天堂). But the six planets that he could see with his eyes alone limited man.

The Greeks studied astronomy over 2,000 years ago. They could see the size, color, and brightness of a star. They could see its place in the sky. They watched the stars move as the seasons changed. But the Greeks had no tools to help themselves study the heavens.

Each new tool added to the field of astronomy helped man reach out into space. Until there were telescopes (望远镜), man did not know much about the moon. He did not know that the planet called Saturn (土星) had rings around it. His sight was so limited that he could not see all the planets. In the early 1700s, people thought there were only six planets. Pluto (冥王星), the last of the nine planets to be discovered was seen until 1930.

Before the spectroscopes (分光镜), man didn’t know what kind of gas was in the sun or other stars, without radio telescopes (射电望远镜), we did not know that radio noise came from far in space.

Today, astronomy is a growing science. We have learned more in the past fifty years than in the whole history of astronomy.

1Thousands of years ago, man watched ____ with his eyes.

A. the moon       B. the stars         C. the universe    D. all the planets

2 When the Greeks watched the stars, they could ____ .

A. know what the stars were made of     B. not see their places in the sky

C. help themselves study the heavens     D. watch the stars move as the seasons changed

3Until there were ____ , man knew very little about the moon.

A. telescopes      B. spectroscopes C. radio telescopes   D. spaceships

3People didn’t know about Pluto until ____ .

A. the 1700s      B. 2,000 years ago   C. 1930             D. thousands of years ago

5____ people began to do research on astronomy.

A. 50 years ago  B. 90 years ago  C. In the early 1700s      D. Over 2,000 years ago


