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 Some classmates are against my plan while the majority are ________ it.

       A.in view of        B.in favor of          C.in honor of       D.in memory of



科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修三英语人教版 人教版 题型:014

I can do nothing but review part of my previous lecture ________ those who have been absent from some class.

[  ]

A.on purpose

B.on the pretext of

C.in return for

D.for the benefit of


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川省射洪县射洪中学高三零诊英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didn’t know enough to really care. My older bother and I lived with Mom in an ugly multi-family house in Detroit. We watched TV every night. The background noise of our lives was gunfire and horses’  hoofs(马蹄) from “Wagon Train” or “Cheyenne”, and laughter from “I Love Lucy”, or “Mister Ed”. After supper, we’d lie on Mom’s bed and stare for hours at the TV screen.
But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But, she was much brighter and smarter than we boys know at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses where she cleaned books. So she came home one day, switched off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of themselves. “You boys are going to read two books every week,” she said. “And you’re going to write a report on what you read.”
We moaned(不满,发牢骚) and complained about how unfair it was. Besides, we didn’t have any books in the house other than Mom’s Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: “I’ll drive you to the library.”
So pretty soon there were these two peevish(坏脾气的)boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. I wandered reluctantly(不情愿) among the children’s books. I loved animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing through them.
The first book I read clear through was Chip the Dam Builder. It was about beavers(河狸). For the first time in my life I was lost in another world. No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this virtue visit to a cold stream in a forest and these animals building a home.
It didn’t dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV. There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes. And I could return to them again and again with the flip(快速翻动)of a page.
Soon I began to look forward to visiting this quiet sanctuary form my other world. I moved from animals to plants, and then to rocks. Between the covers of all those books were whole worlds, and I was free to go anywhere in them. Along the way a funny thing happened: I started to know things. Teachers started to notice it too. I got to the point where I couldn’t wait to get home to my books.
Now my older brother is an engineer and I am chief of pediatric neurosurgery(儿童神经外科)at John Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore. Sometimes I still can’t believe my life’s journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position, which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery.
But I know when the journey began the day Mom switched off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.
【小题1】We can learn from the beginning of the passage that ___________.

A.the author and his brother had done well in school
B.the author had been very concerned about his school work
C.the author had spent much time watching TV after school
D.the author had realized how important schooling was
【小题2】Which of the following is not true about the author’s family?
A.He came from a middle-class family.
B.He came from a single-parent family.
C.His mother worked as a cleaner.
D.His mother had received little education.
【小题3】How did the two boys feel about going to the library at first?
A.They were afraidB.They were reluctant.
C.They were impatient.D.They were eager to go.
【小题4】The author began to love books for the following reasons EXCEPT that ___________.
A.he began to see something in his mind
B.he could visualize what he read in his mind
C.he could go back to read the books again
D.he realized that books offered him new experience


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届广东省新兴县惠能中学高三第五次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

As a senior, my future is always on my mind. To be exact, thoughts of the future have kept me up countless nights and made me worry enough to do poorly on more than one test. Because of this, words of wisdom are a source of comfort. Steve Jobs gave a speech to Stanford’s graduating class in 2005 and his words resound repeatedly in my mind whenever I think about my future.
It wasn’t always like that, though. It started when I became a junior, when college came into view. It’s the first big step to making your life your own. So when Jobs discussed his life as a student, some fears were eased. He, too, felt the need to attend college to make something of himself. He faced what many are extremely afraid of: uncertainty. His lack of understanding caused him to stop attending college and focus on what he felt was important. His story had a happy ending, of course, since he certainly turned out well.
This doesn’t mean that students shouldn’t attend college, but rather that they shouldn’t worry so much. You’ll get where you need to go, even if your path is a bit more winding(蜿蜒的)than you’d like.
Jobs talked about the hardships in his work. His love of his work helped him carry on and he got where he was meant to be, which restates the point: don’t panic.
One particular part of his speech stayed with me. Steve Jobs quoted(引用)the saying “Stay hungry, stay foolish” and it has become my motto. Staying foolish is realizing that you are still a fool, no matter how much you’ve learned or experienced. There is always more to explore. Staying hungry is wanting to find those things about which you are still uneducated.
Steve Jobs’s level of success is attainable, and I aim to prove that. With the will power to go into the world living every day like it’s my last and allowing the future to take care of itself, I will do great things. In the last moments of my life, I’ll be proud of what I have done and hope to have all the wisdom a person could wish for.
【小题1】The author felt worried when _________.

A.he had to take tests at school
B.he thought about his future
C.he had lots of sleepless nights
D.he searched for words of wisdom
【小题2】It is suggested in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that _________.
A.Steve Jobs didn’t attend college
B.Steve Jobs failed because of his decision
C.the author is a college student
D.the author cares much about his future
【小题3】What did the author gain from Jobs’s speech?
A.Courage to drop out of school.
B.Confidence in defeating Jobs.
C.Interest in computer industry.
D.Bravery to face uncertainties.
【小题4】What did NOT Steve Jobs encourage students to do in his speech?
A.Have the desire to learn more.
B.Be content with what they know.
C.Stay calm in the face of hardships.
D.Be modest so as to learn more.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about _________.
A.the wisdom drawn from a speech
B.the most impressive quote in life
C.a memorable meeting with Jobs
D.an experience of a speech


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

I can do nothing but review part of my previous lecture ________ those who have been absent from some class.

  1. A.
    on purpose
  2. B.
    on the pretext of
  3. C.
    in return for
  4. D.
    for the benefit of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Because all the other classmates had known each other quite well, he found himself, the new comer of the class, ______ whenever there were some class activities.

A.stood out        B.left out        C.picked out        D.given out

