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Peter:Mary,we are going to have a party on New Year's Eve.I'm sure we'll have a good time.(6)B
Mary:I'd like to.Thank you.(7)F
Peter:In our classroom.We are going to decorate it and turn it into a splendid dancing hall.
Mary:(8)E.I shall be very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you.
Peter:But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance.(9)G
Mary:I will.My voice is not very pleasant to the ear,though.
Peter:I heard you sing once.(10)C I'm sure you'll be the star of our New Year party.
Mary:Oh,thank you.
A.Let's go to the party together.
B.Where are you going to have it?
C.Your voice is sweet and beautiful.
D.Thank you for inviting me.
E.Oh,it is great.
F.Would you like to join us?
G.Do sing us some English songs,please.

分析 本段对话的话题是关于"我们"邀请Mary 参加新年晚会的相关内容,并就装饰教室邀请对方唱歌等内容进行了简单的交流.

解答 6-10:FBEGC
6.选 F.这从下句的答语 I‘d like to.可知此空应是一个表示邀请的句子(另外对话的中心及大意也可看出).
7.选 B.假若仅从上文来看,此题似乎应选 D,但这与下文表地点的答语 In the classroom.显然对不上号.正因为下文这个答语 In the classroom.告诉我们此空应是一个询问地点的疑问句(即B).
8.选 E.此题应联系上下文来考虑,上文讲到要把教室装饰成 an splendid ball-room,而下文又讲到 I shall be very glad to spend …所以此空这个承上启下的担子显然应由 E 来承担.
9.选 G.这从上文的…ask everyone at the party to give a performance.以及下文的 I will.My voice is not very pleasant to the ear,though.可显然推出.
10.选 C.这也要从上下文来看,上文讲到 I heard you sing once.下文又说 I‘m sure you'll be the star of our New Year party.只要联系起来一看,答案就很显然了.

点评 对于对话填空题相对来说信息量少,内容简单,只要抓住对话的核心,问题即可较快解决,最后稍加检查核对即可.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Have you ever been to the city before?
-No.This is the first time I _____ here.(  )
A.wasB.have beenC.comeD.am coming


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

12.I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner.Mother was(41)C   quilt after quilt from the boxes,(42)A  showing me their beauties.She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church.When we began to (43)D   and put them back into the boxes,I noticed something at the(44)B   of one box.
"What is this?"I asked.
"Oh?"Mom said,"That's Mama's quilt."
I (45)B  the quilt.It looked as if a group of school children had pieced it together;
(46)D  designs,(47)A pictures,a winding line on the right.
"Grandmother made this?"I said,(48)C.My grandmother was a master at making quilts.This   (49)B   didn't look like any of the quilts she had made.
"Yes,right before she died.I (50)D   it home with me last year and made some   (51)C,"she said."I'm still   (52)A   on it.See,this is what I've done so far."
I looked at it more (53)B.At the center of the quilt,she had sewn a piece of  (54)D  with these words:"My mother made many quilts.She didn't get all lines  (55)C.But I think this is beautiful.I want to see it   (56)A.Her last quilt."
"Oh,this is so nice,Mom,"I said.It (57)C   to me that by completing my grandmother's quilt,my mother was honoring her own (58)B.I realized,too,that I held in my hands a family (59)D.It started with the loving hands of one woman,and (60)A   with the loving hands of another.
41.A.splitting upB.picking upC.pulling outD.showing off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Working outside the International Space Station (ISS),an astronaut is suddenly hit by a piece of space debris(碎片)that damages his spacesuit.Alarmed,he realizes he's just seconds from disaster.Moving fast,his prepared robot partner slaps(拍打)an auto-patch over the tear in his spacesuit.Huge sighs of relief fill the ISS.Inside,the astronaut responsible for saving the spacewalker's life controls everything the robot avatar has done-including rescuing its human partner-while it works outside the space station.
R2:The Real Deal
A robot companion can come in handy to space travelers,whether they're as far away as Mars or as close as a space station or moon base.Space-travelling avatars,controlled remotely by humans are still a concept.But earlier in the year 2011,NASA sent a humanoid robot into space for the first time.It's called R2,short for Robonaut 2.The robot was delivered by the space shuttle Discovery and will remain on the ISS to be tested.
NASA expects robots like R2 to be a huge help to astronauts."Our goal is for robots to work side by side with humans,"says NASA's Matt Ondler.R2 is controlled by humans using laptops. It's programmed to perform a number of small tasks,such as"find an object."In most situations,humans are still far better with their hands than robots.But that's not necessarily true in space,where astronauts must wear bulky spacesuits and heavy gloves.And since they don't need to eat,breathe,or go to the bathroom,robonauts have the advantage for lengthy jobs.
R2 isn't ready for spacewalks yet,but NASA hopes that future improvements will make this possible."Robonauts will help our astronauts with the three D's:jobs that are dirty,dull,and dangerous,"says Ondler.
To The Moon
Someday the space agency hopes to send R2 to the moon.Sending a robot to the moon will befar less expensive than sending a human.A robot is stronger,can survive in tighter spaces,and doesn't need air.Even better,robots don't care how long it takes for NASA to return them to Earth.
Once on the moon,the robonaut could perform experiments,send live video back to Earth,talk to classrooms full of kids,and explore the lunar surface.R2 will be able to move using legs,or by attaching its torso(躯干)to a four-wheeled rover(探测器) and becoming part of vehicle.And when R2's battery is low,it can plug into a solar-powered recharging station and get some much-needed juice.All in all,a pretty sweet life for a humble robot!
The future R2 would be designed to operate by itself.But for difficult tasks,a human operator would control it like an avatar in a video game.NASA will need people skilled at operating robonauts to ensure the success of future missions.So the next time your mom complains that you're spending too much time on video games,just tell her you're training for a job with NASA.

51.In paragraph1,the writer gives a detailed description of a space accident toD.
    A.stress the danger of an astronaut's walk in space
    B.tell readers the unforgettable experience of an astronaut
    C.show his concern for the present situation of space walk
    D.introduce what robots are likely to do for astronauts
52.Why does the writer say Robonaut 2 is"The Real Deal"?A
    A.It may have the advantage for complex and small tasks at low costs.
    B.It has been programmed to help astronauts with three D's.
    C.It is flexible and can be easily controlled by humans beings.
    D.It proves to be a good companion for space travelers.
53.By saying"All in all,a pretty sweet life for a humble robot!",the writer means thatB.
    A.an ordinary robot will be able to move freely in comfortable surroundings
    B.an ordinary robot will enjoy a comfortable life in space like humans on Earth
    C.a future robot will explore the moon easily by using a four-wheeled rover
    D.a future robot is stronger and will handle any difficulty in space easily
54.It can be learned from the passage thatC.
    A.the future R2 will perform experiments without human control
    B.humans are much smarter with their hands than robots in space
    C.someday humans might control an avatar on the moon
    D.sending a human to the moon will cost far less than sending a robot.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Of all the problems facing modern astronomers,perhaps the most fascinating is:"Can intelligent(有智能的) life exist elsewhere?"Since the Earth is an unimportant planet moving round an unimportant star,it would be a pride on our part to suppose that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe.But to obtain proof is difficult.
The main trouble is that our neighbor worlds,the bodies in the solar system appear to be unsuitable for advanced life forms.The Moon may be ruled out at once; it has hardly any atmosphere.Venus(金星) is little better; the surface temperature is extremely high and the atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide.Mars(火星) with a very thin atmosphere and a severe shortage of water,may well support simple plant life but there seems no hope of finding animals,while the attractive Martians of the story-tellers have long since been given up.
Of course this has not stopped the flow of bright ideas for communicating with the supposed people on Mars.In the early nineteenth century the great mathematician Gauss suggested planting tree-patterns in Siberia,so that the Martians would see them and replay suitably.Following up this idea,the Austrian scientist Karl Littrow proposed digging very wide ditches(沟) in the Sahara,triangular in patterns,and then filling them with petrol or some substance so that,when lit,the ditches would present Martian observers with a"flaming triangle"which would show the existence here of intelligent minds.Even better were the plans of Charles Cross,a French writer of the 1870's,who wanted to build a large mirror to reflect the sun's rays and concentrate them on the surface of Mars,thereby making a vast burning-glass.By swinging the mirror around,Cross explained it would be practicable to write words in the Martian deserts simply by burning the sand.For many years he bombarded (鼓吹) the French government with literature about this plan and was very disappointed when no official interest was shown.

48.From the passage we can learn that the opinion of the writer is thatC.
A.people on the earth are almost certainly the only intelligent beings in the universe
B.people on the earth are definitely the only intelligent beings in the universe
C.there may be other intelligent beings in the universe
D.there are other intelligent beings in the universe
49.Why is there unlikely any life on Venus?D
A.Because the weather is too cold.
B.Because it is severely short of water.
C.Because it has a very thin atmosphere.
D.Because the surface temperature is too hot.
50.According to the passage,it seems that MarsC.
A.may have both vegetable and animal life
B.may be inhabited by attractive Martians
C.may have some vegetable life
D.can have no life at all
51.How did Gauss,the mathematician,want to establish contact with the Martians?B
A.By building a large mirror.
B.By making patters with trees.
C.By filling wide ditches with oil.
D.By planting trees in triangular shape.
52.It can be learned from the last paragraph that Charles Cross feltA.
A.disappointed at the lack of official interest shown in his plan
B.surprised that the officials were interested in his suggestion
C.angry when the government paid little attention to his ideas
D.pleased when the government did take notice of his plan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.The human body consists of organs,each ____a definite job to do.(  )
A.haveB.to haveC.hasD.having


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-It's really a __________ story!
-Exactly.Almost everybody was __________.(  )
A.touching; movedB.touching; moving
C.touched; movingD.touched; moved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.represent,value,tiring,convenient,be used to,deal with,customer
1.Now heis used towalking his dogs in the park every morning.
2.A problem like this is very difficult todeal with.
3.It is so strange that a number ofcustomersordered the same sandwich yesterday.
4.In Beijing Opera,many body movements canrepresentactions,such as opening a door,climbing a hill or rowing a boat.
5.It is wise for people to enjoy theconvenienceof smart phones while not depending on them completely.
6.After atiringhike,all the students fell asleep quickly at night.
7.Our friendship is sovaluableto me that I wouldn't do anything to harm it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11._____ himself with necessary knowledge and skills,the young man went to the job market with much confidence.(  )
A.EquippedB.Having equippedC.EquippingD.To equip

