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 They do it late at night when their parents are asleep. They do it in restaurants and while crossing busy streets. They do it in the classroom with their hands behind their back. They do it so much that their thumbs hurt.

  Spurred(刺激) by the unlimited texting plans offered by carriers like AT&T Mobility and Verizon Wireless, American teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month, according to the Nielsen Company一almost 80 messages a day.

  The phenomenon is beginning to worry physicians and psychologists. Dr. Martin Joffe, a pediatrician in Greenbrae,Calif.,recently surveyed students at two local high schools and said he found that many were routinely sending hundreds of texts every day.

  The rise in texting is too recent to have produced any conclusive data on health effects. But Sherry Turkle, a psychologist who has studied texting among teenagers in the Boston area for three years,said it might be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop.

  "Among the jobs of adolescence are to separate from your parents,and to find the peace and quiet to become the person you decide you want to be," she said. "Texting hits directly at both those jobs.”

  Psychologists expect to see teenagers break free from their parents as they grow into autono- mous adults,Professor Turkle went on, " but if technology makes something like staying in touch very,very easy, that's harder to do;now you have adolescents who are texting their mothers 15 times a day,asking things like, * Should I get the red shoes or the blue shoes?'" 

(   ) 5. The purpose of the first paragraph is to tell us        .

   A.American teenagers are addicted to texting

   B.texting can affect American teens in many ways

   C.the great influence of texting on American society

   D.the value of texting for American teenagers

(   ) 6. According to psychologists, teenagers        as they grow into autonomous a-


    A.should keep in touch with their parents

   B.should live without modern technology

   C.need some freedom or independence

   D.needn't be independent from their parents

(   ) 7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

   A.American teenagers are not allowed to use mobile phones in school.

   B.Texting can also affect American teenagers' studies.

   C.Texting has no bad effects on American teenagers' health.

   D.Parents are not worried about the effects of texting. 

(   ) 8. We can infer from the last paragraph that        .

   A.texting helps narrow the generation gap between parents and kids

   B.technology can help teens to become more autonomous adults

   C.it's necessary for teens to ask for their parents' advice

   D.texting can play a .negative role in teenagers' becoming autonomous adults

5—8 ACBD






题目来源:丢分题高中英语高二上 > Unit 4 Making the news


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Dogs are wonderful companions, but there're some breeds(品种) more challenging to live with and to train. Some breeds are not the best choices for new trainers or owners.

  However, if you compare the numerous breeds which are more difficult to train,you'll find differences of opinion, probably based on individual experiences with individual dogs. It's im?portant to remember differences in individual dogs. If you're a novice owner or trainer,talk to a good breeder or trainer. You may need to adjust your choice of dog or adjust your training meth?od. Here,re a few other points to consider:

  High-energy dogs can be a training challenge, especially if they don't have sufficient op?portunity to burn off that energy before training sessions.

  Don't assume that a dog is dumb just because they're a challenge to train. If you find the

right method and if you're realistic in setting your training goals, most dogs will be more than willing to learn,although it may take some longer to learn than others. Listing a particular breed as being difficult to train may lead owners to assume that their dog can't be trained or that their dog is somehow less intelligent.

  Some breeds were bred to work independently,and may not be interested in a lot of inter?action with their owners.

  Other breeds are so highly tuned into their particular skill that at times it's very hard for them to focus on anything else.

  Dogs bred to be vocal―guard dogs,dachshunds or hunting hounds―will be more difficult to be taught that barking is unacceptable.

  Finally,any dog breed can be a challenge to train if you are attempting to train for some?thing other than what they were bred to do or that they are physically able to do. Pugs and Bull?dogs probably won't do well with scent(嗅觉) work―their noses and brains aren't wired that way. Working dogs need jobs to do or you will never train them to stop destroying the house if you leave them for hours at a time. Don't adopt a dog simply because you like the breed;mak?ing sure your dog won't be a challenge to live with and to train is as much about selecting the right breed and the right individual for you,your lifestyle and training abilities. 

(   ) 5. This passage is mainly about .

   A.how to train different dog breeds

   B.some challenging dog breeds to train

   C.details of different dog breeds

   D.different kinds of famous dog breeds

(   ) 6. Which of the following statements about training challenging dogs is right?

   A.It's the same difficult with different trainers.

   B.Trainers with different experiences all think it's really challenging.

   C.It's not really so difficult for some trainers with proper methods.

   D.Even experienced trainers can hardly train them well. 

(   ) 7. If a dog is bred to work independently,          .

   A.it hates being trained with its owner

   B.it hates staying alone at home

   C.it can work very well without its owner

   D.it is pleased to stay with its owner

(   ) 8. What can we learn about breeding and training dogs from this passage?

   A.Trainers can never let any dog burn off its energy before it's trained.

   B.If it's hard for you to train a dog,the dog is most probably dumb.

   C.it's difficult to train dachshunds to not bark because they like barking nature.

   D.All dogs will probably destroy the house if they have nothing to do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.The government        into the shipbuilding industry, (attract)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.Americans ail know the old proverb, " Waste not,want not. " This means if you use what you have carefully, you        . (lack)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Girls' behavior at school is becoming worse due to the appeal of Wag lifestyles and reality TV shows, according to teachers.

  They are giving up on studying because they want an " easy route to money" by becoming a footballer's wife or an instant star on Britain's Got Talent or The X Factor. Many want to be?come a mini-celebrity instantly and they often interrupt classes,spread rumors and even take cy-berbullying. As a result, teachers' time is increasingly taken up with dealing with "horsing a-round",use of mobile phones in lessons and bullying.

  The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) surveyed 859 teachers, heads, lecturers and support staff working in state and independent schools ahead of its annual conference,which begins in Liverpool today. Nearly half said girls' behavior has worsened over the past two years. And one in five believed that girls' behavior is more challenging than that of boys.

  Hank Roberts, ATL's junior vice president, cited the influence of Wags―young women who obtain instant wealth by marrying sportsmen. And he thought that teaching is made more difficult by programmes such as The X Factor, which is judged by Cheryl Cole―herself the winner of a TV talent show and a former footballer's wife.

  Mr Roberts,a teacher at Copland Community School in Wembley,said that the TV shows create a "false image of success that anyone can do it and it's just a matter of luck rather than hard work". Other reasons given for girls' bad behavior are bust-ups(破裂) with friends and family and problems associated with puberty(青春期) .Almost half of teachers said the most common form of bad behavior is bullying by isolating another pupil and spreading rumors. 

(   ) 1. Girls are giving up on studying because   . .

   A.the lessons at school are not valuable enough

   B.they prefer to watch TV shows

   C.they want immediate wealth or success

   D.they can become wealthy more easily

(   ) 2. Under the influence of Wag lifestyles, girls want to        .

   A.work hard to become successful

   B.become wealthy by marrying sportsmen

   C.become successful in the field of sports

   D.compete with boys in both study and work

(   ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true about Cheryl Cole?

   A.She is just an example of Wag lifestyles.

   B.She became wealthy by marrying a sportsman.

   C.She won a TV talent show once.

   D.She can influence girls in a positive way.

(   ) 4. Mr Roberts believes that the TV shows      .

   A.give more practical lessons to students

   B.influence the relationship between girls and their parents

   C.are misleading girls

   D.should be forbidden


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.I suppose there would be people who will come        on the competition day. (inform)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 "If there is one thing I'm sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers. It is not that newspapers are a necessity. Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio. Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday. But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to genera?tion.

  The nature of what is news may change. What basically makes news is what affects our lives―the big political stories, the coverage of the wars,earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. It's already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic(基因的) engineering. In the future,I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do―as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

  It's quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact,I'm pretty sure that it will happen in the future. You will probably be able to choose from a menu,making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read―sport and international news,etc.

  I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media(媒体) .They actually feed off each other. Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn't happened. What is read on the printed page lasts lon?ger than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air. And as for the Internet, it's never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.

(   ) 1. In the writer's opinion, in the future,        .

   A.more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news

   B.newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer

   C.newspapers will cover more scientific research

   D.more and more people will watch TV

(   ) 2. From the passage, we can infer that        .

   A.newspapers will win the competition among the different media

   B.newspapers will stay with us together with other media

   C.television will take the place of the newspaper

   D.the writer believes some media will die out

(   ) 3. The phrase "feed off" in the last paragraph means "        _".

   A. depend on   B. compete with   C. fight with   D. kill off

(   ) 4. What is the best title for the passage?

    A. The Best Way to Get News.   B. The Changes of Media.

   C. Make Your Own newspaper.   D. The Future of Newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Kids have less safety sense. Though it is difficult to stop the children from suffering inju?ries,we can always take measures and learn the first aid available in case of an emergency. Lis?ted below are a few tips on first aid and safety which should be paid attention to.

  Tragedy involving fire is the worst and safety methods taken to prevent these things from happening are the best. Educating children on measures to prevent fire is the first step towards fire prevention. The next step is to operate tire items with care. Children should not be allowed to cook or operate a gas stove alone. Fire drills can help children learn the methods of escape in case of a fire. In case of burns of low intensity(强度) ,run cold water until the pain disappears; however, with serious burns,you must seek medical help immediately. Also make sure that there are enough smoke alarms installed in the house.

  Another major fear involving kids is drowning. The children should never be left unattend?ed while swimming, even if your child is a great swimmer, if a girl has long hair she must make sure that she ties it firmly in the swimming cap before swimming to prevent it getting tangled (缠绕) in the pool. Take measures by making children wear lifesaving jackets and stop them from going to any place like the docks where water is dangerous to swimmers.

  Carbon dioxide is poisonous especially to children. Even a small dose of it can be fatal for them or at least has the power to make a child seriously ill. Place all medicines and other poison?ous substance away from the reach of children.

  Cuts are common among children, but parents can avoid it by making their children wear shoes at home and removing any furniture with sharp edges. Avoiding injuries is as important as learning first aid.

(   ) 1. From the passage we can learn that .

   A.it's hard to pay attention to children's safety

   B.there're no ways to stop children suffering injuries

   C.if we take measures few injuries will happen

   D.children's suffering injuries is easy to happen

(   ) 2. What should we do first of all according to the author?

   A.We should let children know it is dangerous to cook or play with fire.

   B.We should have children know tragedy involving fire is the worst.

   C.We should make children master the measures to prevent fire.

   D.We should teach children how to operate fire items with care. 

(   ) 3. What is the author's opinion about children's doing cooking?

   A.Children should not be allowed to cook.

   B.One must keep watching as his kid is doing cooking.

   C.Children should be told to cook by himself.

   D.Parents should teach their children how to cook.

(   ) 4. Children need to study fire drills in order that they can        .

   A.learn how to deal with burns

   B.learn how smoke alarms work

   C.take effective measures against fire

   D.escape when a fire breaks out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.Some experts        certain people are predisposed to be late and that part of the problem may come deep from the brain. (subscribe)


