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It was still a long way, especially when a wind was blowing in. Trint reached for his jacket and 1 when he saw the box on the passenger seat. His mother had been 2 him spending Christmas on the road 3 and had given him a box filled with 4. His mum still 5 him like a kid, though he was a driver now. He reached into the stocking and 6 a toy truck that looked a lot like his truck. He wondered how many stores his mother had to go before she found such a close match. 7 filled his eyes.
He climbed out of his cab(驾驶室) and ran into the allnight cafe, 8 which many truckers were eating and talking. And a family of three were huddled(挤在一起) in a corner, tired and 9.
Trint 10 the boy. No kid should have to spend Christmas Eve in a truck stop.
Trint missed his family. His mum raised four kids by herself, 11 no matter how 12 life was, she'd always make sure they had a good Christmas. Then he 13 his box in the truck.
He looked at the kid again and knew what he had to do. He forced himself into the 14outside to open his truck. He took the 15 out of the cab and hurried back to the warmth of the cafe. He walked to the family. “I think 16 left this for you,” Trint said and handed the red stocking to the boy. “Tell Santa…well, tell him 17 , ” the boy's father said and shook Trint's hand long and hard. The mother smiled gratefully. The boy 18 reached out and caught the stocking and dug inside.
Trint felt good. He had a job he loved, clear weather and miles of open roads ahead. He wasn't 19 any more, or lonely. He loved this life and he wouldn't 20 a thing.
(1)A.continued B.moved C.left D.stopped
(2)A.worried about B.excited at C.satisfied with D.disappointed at
(3)A.backward B.alone C.together D.ahead
(4)A.flowers B.cakes C.presents D.chocolates
(5)A.blamed B.treated C.thought D.respected
(6)A.put back B.turned over C.brought out D.sold out
(7)A.Tears B.Water C.Blood D.Sweat
(8)A.around B.on C.by D.inside
(9)A.excited B.unhappy C.enthusiastic D.pleased
(10)A.felt proud of B.got tired of C.felt sorry for D.became interested in
(11)A.for B.so C.though D.but
(12)A.hard B.unfair C.hopeless D.boring
(13)A.threw away B.sent back C.thought of D.put down
(14)A.cold B.warmth C.snow D.rain
(15)A.toy truck B.jacket C.bag D.stocking
(16)A.God B.Santa Claus C.my mother D.someone kind
(17)A.yes B.no C.sorry D.thanks
(18)A.sadly B.weakly C.eagerly D.seriously
(19)A.surprised B.tired C.relaxed D.confused
(20)A.improve B.miss C.throw D.change


【解析】1 continue继续;move移动;leave离开;stop停止。Trint伸手去拿夹克时,看到副驾驶座位上有一个盒子,这时他停住了拿衣服的动作,故选D。
2 be worried about担心;be excited at因……而兴奋;be satisfied with对……满意;be disappointed at因……而失望。Trint的妈妈一直担心他会在路上度过圣诞节,故选A。
6put back推迟;turn over移交,仔细考虑;bring out取出,生产,出版,使显现;sell out售完。他从装圣诞礼物的长袜里拿出了一个玩具卡车,故选C。
7tear眼泪;water水;blood血液;sweat汗水。根据“He wondered how many stores his mother had to go…”可知,妈妈一定跑了很多家商店才买到如此相像的玩具卡车,Trint感动得眼含泪水,故选A。
10feel proud of为……自豪;get tired of厌烦;feel sorry for同情……;become interested in开始对……感兴趣。根据“No kid should have to spend Christmas Eve in a truck stop.”可知,Trint很同情那个孩子,故选C。
12hard困难的,努力的,坚硬的;unfair不公平的;hopeless没有希望的;boring令人厌烦的。根据“His mum raised four kids by herself…”可知,一个人带四个孩子,生活可能是艰难的,故选A。
13throw away扔掉;send back送回,归还;think of想起,考虑;put down记下,镇压。这时,他想到了卡车里的礼物盒,故选C。
14cold寒冷;warmth暖和;snow雪;rain雨。根据第一段的“…a wind was blowing in.”可知,外面很冷。根据下文的“…back to the warmth of the cafe.”可知答案,故选A。
15toy truck玩具卡车;jacket夹克衫;bag包;stocking长袜。根据下文“…handed the red stocking to the boy.”可知,Trint跑回车里拿了装着礼物的长袜,故选D。
16God上帝;Santa Claus圣诞老人;my mother我的妈妈;someone kind好心人。跟圣诞节有关的人物是“圣诞老人”,故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Vegetarian UK
Vegetarians and vegans
Vegetarians (people who don't eat meat) and vegans (people who don't eat or use any animal products) are becoming increasingly common in UK culture. A recent survey showed that three million people were vegetarian. Visit a British supermarket and you will see a wide range of vegetarian ingredients and prepared meals on the shelves, including vegetarian sausages and vegan cheese.

So why are Brits cutting out meat? Many are unhappy about the poor treatment of animals and the effects of meat and fish production on the environment. Worries about food safety (for example BES or “mad cow disease”) also play a part. According to the Vegetarian Society, a meat-free diet could help reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease, as well as obesity and high blood pressure.
Organic farming
Another rising trend is in how UK food is produced. Many people are rejecting GM (genetically modified) food and intensive farming practices. They want their food to be organically produced. Organic farmers use very few or no chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers and organic meat is produced without the use of drugs and antibiotics.
Organic food
According to the Soil Association, three out of every four UK households now buy some type of organic food. Some get organic meat, fruit and vegetables from farmers' markets, where products are sold directly to the consumer. Others have a box of organic fruit and vegetables sent to their homes every week. Although it\s often more expensive, fans of organic food say it tastes much better!
A. A healthy diet
B. A balanced diet
C. Many people buy organic products in their local supermarket.
D. More and more people are deciding not to eat meat or use animal products.
E. A healthy soil reduces disease and helps crops grow strong and healthy.
F. Others choose to change their eating habits to improve their general health.
G. Organically farmed animals also have more living space and more nutritious food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—How much do they ______ for the house? —450, 000 yuan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Sir,
I have to travel every day from Souk Road to the airport. Two buses travel along this route—No.49 and No.16. However, by the time No.16 reaches Souk Road, it's always full.The timetable states that there are buses from Souk Road to the airport every ten minutes.The instructions state that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting.
The instructions state that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday, I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport.There were 129 of them.
Clearly printed on the back of every bus is a sign that says “Maximum speed 50mph.” Saturday morning a No.49 bus travelled the distance in ten minutes, at an average speed of 60mph. At times it must have done it at least 80 or even 90 mph.
It is obvious that our bus companies have neither respect for the instructions nor consideration for their passengers. Can nothing be done about this?
A I counted the other passengers as they got off.
B Is there anything we can do to change this?
C The problem is that we can have to pay more for our trip.
D The distance from Souk Road to the airport is 10 miles.
E This leaves No.49 which sometimes has empty seats on it.
F If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?
G Why is it that halfempty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Every time we get behind the wheel of a car, we put our lives and the lives of others at risk. Self-driving cars are designed to reduce those risks by letting technology control our vehicles.

Accident rates for self-driving cars have been much lower than the rate, for human-driven cars. 1

As humans, we can make moral choices in avoiding accidents. To avoid hitting a child, for example, human drivers might sharply turn a car away from the child even if others may be injured. 2 Researchers studied this issue. They have developed the Moral Machine website to help explore the choices self-driving cars should make.

3. You are shown two possible traffic situations and you choose between them. An accident will take place. You choose how many living beings would be hurt or killed.

In one situation there may be a female doctor, a child, two dogs and a homeless person who would be killed. In the other situation, you might have two babies and a cat who would be killed. 4

The Moral Machine website has many situations and many possible outcomes. When you click on the situation of your choice, it will be highlighted. 5 At the end of the situation, you are shown the results, based on the choices you made. The results show which character you were most likely to save and which character you were most likely to have die.

A. Who should those victims be?

B. Then the next situation appears.

C. You choose who lives and who dies.

D. You can use the Moral Machine to be the judge.

E. But what moral choices can self-driving cars make?

F. The Moral Machine website lets you choose how you would react in a collision.

G. Google’s self-driving car has had only 13 collisions after traveling 1.8 million miles.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 People used to say that horses sweat, men perspire(流汗), and ladies glow. Now that most of us live a healthy lifestyle which includes exercise, we all sweat! The main reason our bodies produce sweat is to help us cool down. As you exercise or sit in the hot sun, your body temperature rises and your sweat glands(腺) get to work passing liquid through your skin. When your sticky sweat evaporates, it cools your skin and helps your body stay at a healthy temperature.
You may think that the sweatiest people at the gym are the ones who are out-of-shape. In fact the better shape you are in, the more you sweat! With lots of exercise heating your body regularly, your 3 million sweat glands will grow larger so they can cool you down faster. But it’s not all about exercise: genes determine how likely you are to sweat, and there isn’t much you can do to change it! On a very hot day, an average person will sweat 3 pints of liquid an hour, but someone used to the heat will sweat 8-5 pints in an hour! No wonder it’s important to drink lots and lots of water when the sun beats down.
Staying comfortable in the heat will mean sweating, but there are other ways to keep cool. Stay in the shade and dress in light colors and natural fabrics like cotton. Wear a light hat that will shade your face but will still let heat escape from your head. Drink a lot of cool liquids to rehydrate. If you are sweating a lot, you will be losing salt as well as water through your skin, so you may want a salty snack. Sweat is odorless, but the bacteria that live in it can smell bad. Keeping clean will help your friends stay friendly all summer long!
(1)Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.You may sweat when your body temperature rises.
B.You’d better drink salt water in hot weather.
C.You can’t do much to control how much you sweat.
D.The number of glands will grow larger.
(2)If you want to keep cool, you can do the following things except__________.
A.wear a light hat
B.dress in cotton clothes
C.s tay in the shade
D.drink a lot of water
(3)We can know from the second paragraph that__________.
A.we should do lots of exercise to keep health
B.the sweatiest people are the ones who are out-of-shape
C.some people are more likely to sweat than others
D.the more sports you do, the more sweat you have
(4)It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __________.
A.sweat can smell bad sometimes
B.you’d better bathe yourself after sweating a lot
C.sweat can make you feel energetic
D.there are many ways to keep cool
(5)Where can we most probably read this text?
A.In a personal diary.
B.In a science report.
C.In a book about health.
D.In a sports book.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Teachers at American colleges and universities have many different teaching methods. Some teachers give homework and check the work every day, and students in their classes have to take many exams. Some teachers give only writing tasks. Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use the textbook, while others send students to the library for tasks.
The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal. Students call their teachers Professor Smith, Mrs. Jones and so on. Other classrooms have an informal atmosphere. Students and teachers discuss their ideas together. Teachers dress informally, and students call them by their first names. American teachers are different in their teaching styles.
At most American colleges and universities, libraries and learning centers can be used by students at any time. They can often use tape recorders, video machines and computers. They can buy books, notebooks and other things at campus stores. There are also services to students. They can get advice on their problems from their teachers. Colleges and universities usually offer facilities to students. Some schools have swimming pools and tennis courts. Most have fast food restaurants.
(1)At American colleges and universities, some teachers .
A.never give their students any homework
B.give classes in the library
C.only ask their students to do some writing tasks
D.only give their students writing exams
(2)In an informal class, .
A.students call their teachers Professor Smith, Mrs. Jones and so on
B.students exchange their ideas with their teachers
C.students have to take many exams
D.teachers wear business clothes
(3)According to the passage, there are in most schools in America.
A.swimming pools
B.fast food restaurants
C.tennis courts
D.basketball courts
(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?
A.Teaching methods.
B.Teaching styles.
C.College facilities.
D.University dining rooms.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)We came (偶然遇见) an old man lying on the road yesterday.
(2)The teacher was (satisfy) with my results.
(3)Who will (主演) in the new film?
(4)When I think of the (puzzle) problem, I feel puzzled.
(5)In (总的来说), her work has been good, but this article is terrible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





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3. 词数100词左右。

Dear David,

I’m very glad to receive your e-mail inquiring about my suggestions on your visit to a Chinese family next weekend.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

