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Last Friday we have a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. Views vary from person to person. The majority of us consider this very necessary to go to college. They think it can be widen their knowledge and improve their qualities. Only in this way can they find better jobs before graduation. Very few students think it no use go to university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford. What’s more, it’s rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfied jobs. Thirty percents of the students, however, believe “All roads lead Rome.” Therefore, it doesn’t make some difference whether they go to college or not.

In my opinion, we can better themselves through college education so that we can serve society better in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春外国语校高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Suddenly my mobile phone rang. “Where are you?” the urgent voice demanded on my phone.

The woman on the other end of the phone had news—news that would change my life forever. Apparently my was on his way home at lunchtime he suffered an unexpected heart attack. a neighbor’s sharp eyes had spotted him. By now it was after 1pm and Ueli was on his way to the nearest hospital. It turned out that, a huge effort by a large team of medical staff, nine hours after the , Ueli, the father of two of my sons, died.

But Ueli’s story didn’t there. Ever since I met him, he had that, should he die before me, I must ensure that if it were possible his would be donated. So on that awful night I the medical staff to help make his wishes . Once the were made, I thought that I had honored Ueli’s final act of selflessness and would hear no more of it.

Some time later, , I received a letter telling me that the corneas(角膜) had been successfully transplanted into the eyes of two young women who would benefit greatly from improved vision. What a it was to know that this generous man’s would have such a positive impact on these women. But the best news was to come. More than a year after Ueli died, a lovely card arrived in the mail from the organ donor organization, me that a young man who may not have lived much longer had successfully Ueli’s heart valve(心瓣膜).

What happiness I have! I know Ueli would have been extremely to have had a part in this young man’s life and ensuring that he would now pursue his own dreams with much improved health. Now I can forever say, “Rest in peace, Ueli; you’ll be remembered—even by strangers.”

1.A.strange B.exciting C.different D.terrible

2.A.brother B.father C.husband D.son

3.A.when B.while C.after D.since

4.A.Interestingly B.Luckily C.Urgently D.Nervously

5.A.instead of B.due to C.in spite of D.except for

6.A.donation B.drive C.attack D.accident

7.A.work B.change C.happen D.end

8.A.decided B.predicted C.realized D.remembered

9.A.blood B.clothes C.money D.organs

10.A.challenged B.asked C.advised D.allowed

11.A.come about B.come true C.come across D.come out

12.A.arrangements B.experiments C.suggestions D.promises

13.A.therefore B.besides C.anyhow D.however

14.A.surprise B.wealth C.delight D.regret

15.A.wishes B.plans C.rules D.tips

16.A.just B.soon C.already D.yet

17.A. informing B.teaching C.suggesting D.encouraging

18.A.protected B.received C.liked D.accepted

19.A.anxious B.patient C.proud D.calm

20.A.saving B.controlling C.affecting D.completing


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川绵阳南山中学高二4月考英语试试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The management and staff are happy to welcome you and will do all they can to make your stay an enjoyable one.

We hope you will find the following suggestions and information of use to you.


Our overnight charge includes a continental-type breakfast.

Breakfast: 7:30-9:30 a. m. Lunch: 12:00-2:00 p. m.

Afternoon tea: 4:00-5:30 p. m. Dinner: 7:00-9:15 p. m.

Meals can be served in rooms at a small extra charge. We regret that owing to staff arrangements, meals cannot be served outside these times. In exceptional circumstances please consult one of our receptionists in advance.

Light refreshments, including tea, coffee, biscuits and sandwiches, can be served in rooms between 10:00 a. m. and 11:00 p. m. except during the meal times listed above. Cold drinks are available in the room refrigerator.


Please hang the appropriate sign on your door handle if you do not wish to be disturbed. It will be easier for the maids if you can leave the room temporarily at any time between 9:30 a. m. and 4:00 p. m.


We are not responsible for the loss of money, jewellery, or other valuables unless they are kept in the safe and signed for by the manager.


Please inform receptionists of your intended leaving before 9:30 a. m. of the day concerned and leave the room by noon to allow for its preparation for incoming guests. If circumstances (情况) require, luggage can be left temporarily in the charge of the Hall Porter.


We would respectfully suggest that in consideration of the comfort of other guests, the volume of radios and televisions should be turned down after 11:00 p. m.

1.Meals can be served _______.

A. outside the room at 3:00 p. m.

B. in the dining-room at 6:00 p. m.

C. in the dining-room from 7:30 a. m. to 9:15 p. m.

D. in rooms at 9:00 p. m.

2.If you do not wish to be disturbed, you should_______.

A. close the door all the time

B. turn off all the light

C. hang a sign on the door handle

D. inform receptionist not to telephone you

3.If you intend to leave the room tomorrow, you may leave at any of the following hours except ______

A. 3:00 p. m. B. 12:00 a. m.

C. 10:00 a. m. D. 11:00 a. m.

4.Where is this notice most likely to be found?

A. At restaurants. B. In shops.

C. In hotels. D. In the newspapers.

5.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A. You should respect the other guests’ privacy.

B. You are not allowed to use radios and televisions.

C. You shouldn't make the radios and televisions too loud after 11:00 p.m.

D. To comfort others, you should turn off radios and televisions after 11:00 p.m.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南东部六校高一下期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Pat O’Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family, and one morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage. The wood belonged to Lord Northwood, a rich gentleman. Pat had no right to go there, but in it there were swarms of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat, and Pat determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the wood. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face as he caught sight of the gun in Pat's hands.

Pat's heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly(大胆) up to the group and said to Lord Northwood, “Good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?”

Lord Northwood, rather surprised, said he and his friends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite(食欲) for their breakfast. Then, looking at Pat with suspicion(怀疑), he said, “but why are you out so early in the morning?”

“Well, sir” said Pat, “I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite.”

The whole crowd burst into laughter at Pat's ready wit, and with a smile Lord Northwood walked on, leaving Pat to try his luck with the rabbits.

1.This is a story about _____.

A. a rich man who owned a big wood

B. a poor Irishman who lived all by himself

C. a clever man who tried to get something to eat

D. an Irish hunter with a large family

2.There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face. Why?

A. He was not expecting Pat at this early hour.

B. He knew Pat was coming for shooting.

C. He didn't like the poor Irishman at all.

D. Pat had not told him he would come.

3.Why was Lord Northwood surprised?

A. He had not expected such a bold question from Pat.

B. He wondered why Pat didn't run away.

C. Pat wasn't afraid of him.

D. Pat had a gun in his hands.

4.What made the whole crowd burst into laughter?

A. Pat's funny looks.

B. Pat's interesting remarks.

C. Pat's quick and humorous response.

D. Pat's promise to leave fight away.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邯郸一中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The defeat of Lee Sedol, the world’s strongest Go (围棋) player, by a Google artificial intelligence (AI) program, looks like another milestone towards a world where computers can do almost anything a human can. It is not. There are uncountable things that only a human can do, and that no computer seems close to. The problem is that the purely human things are not economically useful to anyone. The things that computers can be taught to do are by contrast economically fantastic. But even the most powerful programs are not human, just as a shovel (铲车). They have no feelings. What they have is power, but this power is growing at a rate that should frighten us all.

It might be less frightening if computers were truly intelligent, but even the most powerful networks are less human than monstrous Martians (火星人). Their power will be used to make money for the firms that finance their development, and then for others quick and clever enough to take advantage of the new world. It is far more likely that they will increase inequality and still further remove the middle classes as we move towards an hourglass (以金钱来衡量的) society in which everyone is either very rich or very poor and likely indebted.

One of the ill effects of the spread of more intelligent computer networks is, at the same time, the spread of what might be called artificial stupidity. If AI is employed largely to replace unskilled labour, it is most productive when labour is kept unskilled or redefined that way. So much of the work in service industries is now simplified until it might be automated (自动化). And robots will never need pensions(养老金). AI is slowly reducing skilled work, like some forms of medical diagnosis (诊断), at the same time, as older doctors complain that the traditional human skills of diagnosis are falling out of medical training. The belief that everything worthwhile can be measured and then managed is far more damaging to humanity than the threat of artificial intelligence on its own.

But no victory in complicated Go games can bring us closer to truly human-like computers.

1.By mentioning the defeat of Lee Sedol, the author intends to tell us that ______.

A. computers can completely replace humans in everything

B. humans are of no practical economic values to the society

C. the power of computers is growing at a frightening rate

D. AI programs can not compare with humans economically

2.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that the power of computers will ______.

A. improve the quality of human life

B. widen the gap between the rich and the poor

C. make contributions to human development

D. promote equality at work places

3.What is the author’s attitude towards the future of artificial intelligence?

A. Optimistic. B. Supportive.

C. Cautious. D. doubtful.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邯郸一中高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever heard that we humans use only ten percent of our brains? This opinion holds a certain appeal because if it were true, then we could instantly become ten times more intelligent just by firing up that sleepy majority of the brain!

The idea that we use only a small part of the brain dates back to animal experiments in the 19th century. When scientists stimulated (刺激) a specific part of the brain, the animal moved its leg or tail. If a tiny part of the brain could do something so great, what was the use of the rest of the brain? Some scientists assumed that large parts of the brain were simply useless.

Then, in the early 20th century, scientists observed that stimulating certain parts of the brain had no physical effects. They named these seemingly useless parts of the brain the “silent cortex.” Today we know that in humans, much of the “silent cortex” is actually devoted to complex activities like language, learning, and imagining.

Brain scans have shown that different parts of the brain become much more active as we shift (切换) our attention and focus, but even as we sleep, many areas of the brain are extremely active. Would you be smarter if your entire brain constantly worked to maximum capacity (能力)? Interestingly enough, the opposite is probably true. The less brain activity you need to perform a given task, the more the brain as a whole is able to do.

1.Why does the opinion mentioned in paragraph l seem appealing?

A. People wish to become much smarter.

B. People believe it is scientific.

C. People know nothing about the brain.

D. People want to make little use of their brain.

2.What did scientists discover in their experiment in the 20th century?

A. The majority of the brain is sleeping.

B. Animals’ legs and tails have some connection with their brain.

C. Stimulation on some parts of the brain causes no physical reaction.

D. Certain parts of the brain are devoted to language and learning activities.

3.“Silent cortex” has proved to be______.

A. sensitive to stimulation

B. useful in complex activities

C. responsible for physical reaction

D. more active than the other parts of the brain

4.If you need less brain activity to perform a task, _______.

A. you will feel sleepy

B. you must shift your focus

C. you can use your brain to the fullest

D. you will be more productive


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东佛山一中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



A beggar was sleeping in the doorway of a fruit shop. The shop owner felt angry. He walked up to him and _________ him to go away in a rude manner, but the beggar did not seem to _________ him and lay still there. The shop owner got much _________ , shouting that he was a beggar in disguise (假装) and _________ cheated passers-by for money by making use of their kindness. At that time, it was the busiest moment of a day and the market was _________ with shoppers. They all blamed the beggar for _________ . Showing fear, the beggar _________ his face in an old blanket. What he received was bitter _________ rather than help.

The next morning, it was drizzling. An old man, who went to the market early, found the beggar _________ on the ground. He woke the beggar up and _________ asked whether he was cold or not, but the beggar made no _________ . Then the old man _________ his hands gently, saying that they felt_________ . With these words, he ran home in a hurry, returned with a pile of _________ , picked out a sweater and urged the beggar to _________ it on again and again. Seeing what happened, many other passers-by surrounded the beggar and gave him change one after another, showing_________ for him. It was not long before the beggar received a handful of _________ .

In many cases our behavior may have a great _________ on the people around us because they are likely to _________ us. Therefore, we should pay special attention to what we do and say, trying to infect others with positive words instead of _________ ones.

1.A. persuaded B. encouraged C. expected D. ordered

2.A. approach B. speak C. hear D. agree

3.A. angrier B. happier C. sadder D. braver

4.A. still B. only C. never D. already

5.A. crowded B. covered C. provided D. equipped

6.A. laziness B. dishonesty C. inability D. mistake

7.A. buried B. raised C. closed D. bent

8.A. admiration B. curiosity C. scold D. praise

9.A. crying B. eating C. playing D. sleeping

10.A. loudly B. rudely C. seriously D. kindly

11.A. comment B. reply C. introduction D. bet

12.A. lifted B. kissed C. held D. threw

13.A. freezing B. warm C. sleepy D. comfortable

14.A. books B. clothes C. pictures D. money

15.A. show B. take C. get D. put

16.A. respect B. pity C. worry D. appreciation

17.A. coins B. food C. fruit D. sand

18.A. change B. view C. effect D. impression

19.A. avoid B. invite C. compare D. follow

20.A. important B. meaningless C. negative D. harmful


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州思南中学高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


"What shall I do," said a very little dog one day to his mother, "to show my thanks to our master? I cannot draw or carry burdens like the horse; 1._ _ give him milk like the cow ... I am a poor unimportant creature, not worth of keeping." So saying, the poor little dog hung down his head 2._ _ (disappointed).

"My dear child, Fido," replied his mother, "although your abilities are small, yet a hearty good will is enough3._ _ (cover) all faults. Just love him dearly, and prove your love4._ _ all the means in your power, and you will not fail to please him."

The little dog 5. _ (comfort). From then on, he tried his best to help his master do all kinds of things.

One hot day, after dinner, his master6._ _ (sleep) in an old summerhouse, with Fido by his side. Suddenly, Fido saw the walls 7. _ _ (shake). He realized the 8. _ (dangerous) and began barking to awaken his master. Upon this the master woke up and had just time to get out of the door before the whole building fell down. Fido, 9._ _ was behind, got hurt by some rubbish which fell upon him. His master took care of him with the10._ _ (great) tenderness. Thus his love and loyalty(忠诚)had the full reward.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京顺义区高三第一次统练(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We should go by bus ______ we can get there earlier.

A. as soon as B. where C. in order that D. when

