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The annual Dalian International Sand Cultural Festival ended in September and 1 three-month festival attracted 3.1 million tourists both from home and abroad to Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort(度假胜地).

According 2 the organizing committee, the festival promoted tourism consumption by 1.55 billion yuan for the national 5A-level resort in Dalian Jinpu New District, Northeast China's Liaoning province. “We're promoting the tourism industry 3 (build) Jinshitan into a world-famous tourist resort," said Shang Shuchen, 4 (direct) of Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort.

5(know) as Golden Pebble Beach, Jinshitan is famous for its beautiful 6(nature) scenery. During the festival, 18 themed activities 7 (hold) , showing international youth culture and art exchange, seafood cuisine, beach volleyball match, model contest, environmental protection and so on, 8 provided more choices for citizens and tourists to enrich the beach life.

Over the years, Dalian Jinpu New District has 9 (successful) held a number of special tourism festivals with its rich culture and tourism resources. The International Sand Cultural Festival at Jinshitan 10 (become) a well-known brand in Northeast China and even Northeast Asia.




3to build




7were held



10has become




考查冠词。festival为可数名词,此处特指上文The annual Dalian International Sand Cultural Festival这个“三个月的节日”应用定冠词。故填the


考查介词。句意:根据组委会表示,该节日为位于中国东北辽宁省大连金浦新区的国家5A级度假区带来了15.5亿元的旅游消费。结合句意表示“根据”短语为according to。故填to


考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知build在句中应用非谓语动词形式,且本句中作目的状语应用不定式。故填to build


考查名词。句意:大连金石滩国家旅游度假区主任尚书臣表示:“我们正在推动旅游业,把金石滩建设成为世界著名的旅游度假区。”此处做Shang Shuchen的同位语,表示“主任”应用单数名词director。故填director


考查非谓语动词。句意:金石滩以其美丽的自然风光而闻名于世。分析句子结构可知know在句中应用非谓语动词,此处为短语be known as“以……而闻名”,应用过去分词作状语,去掉be动词。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Known




考查动词时态语态。本句中主语activities与谓语动词构成被动关系,且事情发生在过去应用一般过去时,主语为复数名词,谓语动词应用复数。故填were held






考查动词时态。此处强调过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响,应用现在完成时,主语为The International Sand Cultural Festival at Jinshitan,助动词应用has。故填has become


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where did the woman meet Bradley Cooper?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a bookstore.

C.At a shopping center.

2What did Bradley Cooper do for the woman?

A.He gave her a book.

B.He signed a book for her.

C.He helped her with her English.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。

Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying “curiosity killed the cat.” It’s a phrase that's often used to warn people - especially children - not to ask too many questions. Yet it’s widely agreed that curiosity actually makes learning more effective. In fact, research has shown that curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining how well students do in school.

Curiosity can also lead us to make unexpected discoveries, bring excitement into our lives, and open up new possibilities. In science, basic curiosity-driven research can have unexpected important benefits. For example,one day in 1831, Michael Faraday was playing around with a coil and a magnet when he suddenly saw how he could produce an electrical current. At first, it wasn't clear what use this would have, but it actually made electricity available for use in technology, and so changed the world.

However, curiosity is currently under the biggest threat, coming from technology. On one level, this is because technology has become so advanced that many of us are unable to think too deeply about how exactly things work any more. While it may be possible for a curious teenager to take a toaster apart and get some sense of how it works, how much do you understand about what happens when you type a website address into a browser? Where does your grasp of technology end and the magic begin for you?

In addition to this, there’s the fact that we all now connect so deeply with technology, particularly with our phones. The more we stare at our screens, the less we talk to other people directly. All too often we accept the images of people that social media provides us with. Then we feel we know enough about a person not to need to engage further with them.

That means we end up inside our own little bubbles, no longer coming across new ideas. Perhaps the real key to developing curiosity in the 21st century, then, is to rely less on the tech tools of our age.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It's a tragedy (悲剧)that could be avoided: every year, more than 400 people in Britain die while waiting for a replacement organ for their bodies. Although organ transplants(器官移植)have been saving lives for more than 60 years, the right body part is often not available at the right time simply because not enough people choose to be donors. Should people therefore be required to allow their organs to be used by others after death?

The British Medical Association (BMA), which represents doctors in Britain, says yes. A system of "presumed consent (默许) " would automatically make everyone over the age of 16 an organ donor .Individuals would be allowed to put out, that is to say, decide not to be an organ donor, if that's what they prefer. The BMA points to much higher organ donation rates in countries that have opt-out systems, such as Spain, Belgium, Austria and the Czech Republic.

England's chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, also wants to change the organ-donor system from opt-in to opt-out. All of this sounds like very good news for the 7,500 people in the UK who are waiting for transplants of critical organs, tissues, skin and bones.

Britain's National Health Service (NHS) recently counts 14.3 million organ donors on a list which began in 1994. Not everyone wants to participate, however, according to the NHS, 90 percent of the British strongly support organ donation, but only 23 percent are on the organ-donor list.

Why the discrepancy(差异)? One reason is that organ donation is a personal matter. Another reason may be indecision: when families are not sure about a dead relative's wishes, 40 percent decide not to donate his or her organs. Interestingly, religion has little to do with a decision not to donate. All six of the main religions in Britain support organ donation and transplantation.

The government decided in 2018 how the system of organ donation should work--- without a policy of presumed consent. Opinion among members of parliament (议会) continues to be divided; but the tragedy goes on: as things are now, one in 10 Britons in need of an organ will never get one.

1What does the tragedy in Para.1 refer to?

A.People are required to be organ donors.

B.Organ transplants could save lives for more than 60 years.

C.More and more donors' organs are not proper for operation.

D.Many patients have to die because of no replacement organ.

2According to Para. 4, most British people______.

A.support organ donation without actionB.want to participate in organ donation

C.are willing to donate their organsD.don't like NHS' activity

3What' s the main idea of the passage?

A.Analyzing the tragedy of organ donation.

B.Persuading people to support organ donation.

C.Praising those people who donate their organs.

D.Listing government' s measures on organ donation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Are you sick of going to bed late and waking up tired? Then grab your hiking boots and a tent. A new study suggests that a couple days of camping in the great outdoors can reset your circadian (昼夜节律的)clock and help you get more sleep.

The circadian clock, more commonly known as the body clock, is an internal system that tells our bodies when it's time to go to sleep and when it's time to wake up. Scientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin(褪黑激素)circulating in a person’s blood at any given time. In a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime, stay high through the night, and then settle back down when it's time to wake up.

In our modern society, however, most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we could. And the trouble is that your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, which leads to grogginess(头晕眼花). It may also have other health consequences as well, such as diabetes(糖尿病), overweight problems and heart disease

Professor Kenneth P. Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a short stay in nature. His team recruited (招收)14 physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30s. Nine went on a weekend camping trip, while the other five stayed home. At the end of the weekend, the researchers reported that in just two days, the campers' body clocks had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the trip. By contrast, the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend. 'This tells us we can reset our clocks fast, ' Wright said.

Therefore, if you want to change your sleep patterns you could try to increase your exposure to natural light during the day and decrease the amount of artificial light you see at night.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Many people don’t have a home because of an illness or because they lost their jobs. They have bad health and can’t start working, and because of that, they can’t pay for a doctor, so it’s a never-ending circle. Homeless people don’t have anywhere to go, so they have to sleep on the streets, covering themselves with newspapers and looking through the rubbish cans to find some food or warmer clothes.

Seeing these horrible living conditions, the Australian charity Beddown decided to help these people in need. They came up with an amazing idea to make shelters in places that are vacant at night-like parking lots! The organization asked one of the largest car park-opera tors, Secure Parking, and they agreed upon it.

“It was great to start with a group of our volunteers to help us and set up some beds. Although as expected we had a few challenges to overcome, it was good to start bringing Bed down to life. Beddown will provide an immediate response for those who can not sleep well to access safe, find shelter-and access to a real bed and a great night’s sleep. We will work with our other partners to provide long-term solutions to providing our guests with accommoda-tion, education and employment opportunities.” The founders of Beddown said in one of their Instagram posts.

The charity also provided other services to the guests, like doctors, nurses, dentists, hairdressers. They gave them new clothing, a place to clean themselves and helped provide social services. “After spending the week here, having a good sleep at night, it reminded me of life and I want to begin my life again,” one homeless man said.

1What can we learn about the homeless in Australia

A.They live a hard life.B.They lost their families.

C.They don’t want to work.D.They like to live on the street.

2What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to

A.Making beds for the homeless.B.Using the parking lot to get money.

C.Using the parking lot to help the homeless.D.Inviting the car park operators to organize the activity.

3What did the founders of Beddown say about setting up beds for the homeless

A.It is only a part of their help.B.It helps the volunteers greatly.

C.It makes the Beddown get more reputation.D.It gives the homeless a chance to return to real life.

4What can be the best title for the text

A.The Homeless Get Good Diet Now.

B.Beddown Shelters the Homeless in Car Parks.

C.Beddown Helps the Homeless Find Jobs in Car Parks.

D.Australian Charity Beddown and the Homeless in Australian.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I do something called homeschooling. It’s like going to a regular school, but you get1study what you want to study, and you do your studying at home. But some basic subjects like math, history, and English2require.

My home school friend’s mom and dad are writers. They love everything3relateto reading and writing. Once, I wanted to please my friend’s dad on his birthday by4givehim a book which I thought he would love.

I wanted to bring it to a learning session at their home but I forgot it. When my father came to pick me up from class, he brought the book along with himHow thoughtful my dad5be)!I got all excited and left the book at my friend’s dad’s work table. What6lucky chance that my friend’s dad wasn’t in his office at the time

After that, my friend who I study with came to my house along with me and we played together. When my friend’s7parentcame to pick her up, her dad said “I don’t know who left a book, but I’d like to offer my thanks”. As my heart was filled8joy, my friend’s mom and I winked at each other because she knew about my plan. After that9wonderexperience, I think that doing something10makes other people happy, makes me happy, too


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是李华,最近你的美国笔友Robert来慈溪体验中国传统文化。你想邀请他一起去鸣鹤古镇尝一尝当地的特色手工年糕(New Year cake)。请根据以下内容要点写一封邀请信。

1. 活动时间、地点;

2. 鸣鹤年糕的特点;

3. 表达你的期望。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Robert,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If you are trying to _________a new skill, please concentrate on gaining some practical experience.


