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     BEIJING-Worldrenowned Oxford and Cambridge have come to China __1_ (attract) toprank
postgraduate students in cooperation with the China Scholarship Council.
     Oxford made its first __2__ (appear) at the China Scholarship Council's annual International
Graduate Scholarship Fair, __3__ opened on Saturday in Beijing. The school wants to encourage
excellent Chinese students to consider __4__ Oxford can offer for    5    academic and professional
     "The students came wellprepared with specific questions and were serious about the chance, "said
Sherwood, director of graduate admissions and funding at Oxford, who will make __6__ two stops
for the fair in Wuhan and Shanghai.
     The University of Cambridge __7 _ (attend) the fair since its first session in 2009, and stresses that
it would continue to invest to train students to be problemsolvers.
      __8 _ Cambridge and Oxford present at the fair in competition for __9_ best and brightest,
Osterfield and Sherwood agree that the two universities usually have more interest in cooperation
__10__ competition, except in their traditional annual boat race.
1. to attract
2. appearance
3. which
4. what
5. their
6. another
7. has attended
8. With
9. the
10. than

科目:高中英语 来源:江西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     The personal computer has overtaken the family dog as man's best friend.according to a study.
     Researchers found that just 6 per cent of us believe that" most people rely more on their dog than
they do on their PC",while 67 percent think the opposite to be true.
     Even 38 percent of dog owners admitted to relying more on their PC than on their dog, although
36 percent disagreed.
     And 71 percent of 18 to 24-year-old dog owners said they relied more on their computer.
     Paul Allen,editor of Computer-active magazine said:"These days you can even take your PC for
a walk,provided you have a laptop or tablet."
     "It's only a matter of time until the first PC that fetches your slippers."
     Researchers questioned 2,000 British adults to find out the change modern technology has brought
to their home life.
     They found that male dog owners are almost twice as likely as female owners to rely on their computer than a canine companion.
     Mr.Allen said:"With broadband bringing them global news and newspaper sales falling,the family
dog even misses out on the pleasure of taking the paper to his owner."
     But it's not all bad news for obedient dogs.
     "The family PC has given dog owners access to a wealth of resources and information that can help
with the long-term care that a dog needs,"Mr.Allen said.
1.Who are most likely to rely on computers?
B.People in their early twenties.
C.People in their early thirties.
D.People in their early forties.
2.What is the general idea of the passage?
A.The personal computer has replaced the dog as man's best friends.
B.The computer and the dog as man's best friends.
C.Modern technology has brought changes to people's home life.
D.The dog as a pet will disappear completely from people's life.
3.The advantage of dogs as pets over the personal computer now is that             . 
A.the dog can go out for a walk with people    
B.the dog can help people fetch something
C.the dog can bring people more pleasure    
D.the dog is more likely to follow its owner's orders
4.The underlined word"canine"in Paragraph 8 probably means            .
5.According to Mr.Allen,the personal computer             .
A.won't have effect on newspaper sales    
B.can't help people take better care of the dog
C.will drive the dog as a pet out completely  
D.will be able to help people fetch something


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     LOS ANGELES-Once in a blue moon there is one on New Year's Eve.Revelers (狂欢者) ringing in
2010 will be treated to a socalled blue moon.According to popular definition, a blue moon is the second
full moon in a month.But don't expect it to be blue-the name has nothing to do with the color of our
closest space neighbor.
     A full moon occurred on Dec.2,2009.It will appear again on Thursday in time for the New Year's
     "If you're in Times Square, you'll see the full moon right above you.It's going to be that brilliant, " said
Jack Horkheimer, director of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium and host of a weekly astronomy TV
      The New Year's Eve blue moon will be visible in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America
and Africa.For partygoers in Australia and Asia, the full moon does not show up until New Year's Day,
making January a blue moon month for them.
     However, the eastern hemisphere can celebrate with a partial lunar eclipse (月偏蚀) on New Year's
Eve when part of the moon enters the Earth's shadow.The eclipse will not be visible in the Americas.
      A full moon occurs every 29.5 days, and most years have 12 ones.On average, an extra full moon in
a month-a blue moon-occurs every 2.5 years.The last time there was a blue moon was in May 2007.
New Year's Eve blue moons are rarer, occurring every 19 years.The last time was in 1990.
     Blue moons have no astronomical significance, said Greg  Laughlin, an astronomer at the University
of California, Santa Cruz."' Blue moon' is just a name in the same sense as 'a hunter's moon'  or 'a
harvest moon', "  Laughlin said in  an email.
     The popular definition of blue moon came about after a writer for, Sky & Telescope magazine in
1946 misinterpreted (误解) the Maine Farmer's Almanac (历书) and labeled a blue moon as the
second full moon in a month.In fact, the almanac defined a blue moon as the third full moon in a season
with four full moons, not the usual three.Though Sky & Telescope corrected the mistake decades later,
the definition caught_on.

1. According to the popular definition, "a blue moon" means________.

A. the second full moon in a month
B. a moon which looks blue
C. a partial lunar eclipse
D. the second full moon in a year

2. In Japan, people can see a blue moon in________.

A. December,2009  
B. January,2010
C. May,2010  
D. July,2011

3. The next New Year's Eve blue moon is most likely to appear in________.

A. 2013  
B. 2018  
C. 2026  
D. 2028

4. The underlined phrase "caught on" means________.

A. understood  
B. got rare
C. became popular  
D. was out of date

5. Which of the following is the best title?

A. Blue moons have no astronomical value
B. Rare New Year's Eve "blue moon" to ring in 2010
C. Rare New Year's Day "blue moon" to celebrate New Year
D. A blue moon comes again


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     L'HAYLESROSES,France:Three teenage girls admitted starting a fire in a suburban Paris housing
project over the weekend that killed 17 people,including three children,police said yesterday.A fourth girl
was held yesterday morning.
     The fire in a 19storey building south of Paris was the third fatal blaze in the Paris area in nine days.The
death toll rose to 16 after a man died last Sunday in a hospital,where seven others were being treated for
serious injuries,police said.
     Three teenagers taken in for questioning on Sunday admitted having started the fire for fun,police said.
Two of the suspects were 18yearold,the other was 16,police said.Further details were not available.
     Witnesses claimed to have seen a group of youths who lived in the building start the fire,said Patrick
Seve,mayor of the town of L'HAYLESROSES,near Orly airport,where the building was located.
     The fire is believed to have broken out in the lobby (门厅) of the building before raging up a stairwell at
least three floors.Some residents jumped from windows as the fire spread through the building's entrance.
     Authorities were investigating possible criminals in an August 26 fire that killed 14 African children and
three adults in a Paris apartment building.Three days later,another fire killed seven in a building.
     Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy suggested on French television on Sunday night that copycats (盲目
模仿者) were at work."Each time there is a new story,sometimes that gives ideas to people who then turn
into criminals," Sarkozy said,promising severe punishment for anyone found guilty of arson (纵火).
1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Three girls were caught setting fire to a building.
B.The fourth girl wasn't present when the fire broke out.
C.All the people lost their lives before police came.
D.Paris was troubled by fire during that period.
2.Why did the teenagers start the fire?
A.They were interested in playing with fire.
B.They wanted to make fun of their parents.
C.They were not satisfied with the surroundings.
D.They wanted to warm themselves.
3.From the fourth and fifth paragraphs we know that________.
A.the witnesses must have put out the fire
B.the lobby of the building was covered with wood
C.the witnesses were familiar with the teenagers
D.the residents shouldn't have jumped from windows
4.What the Minister said in the last paragraph means that________.
A.he doesn't like to listen to new stories
B.he has no time to write new stories
C.teenagers often have ideas to turn into criminals
D.teenagers may do the same as others have done


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     BEIJING-Pharmacologist Tu Youyou has become the first scientist on the mainland to win America's
respected Lasker Award for her discovery of a new approach to malaria (疟疾) treatment.
     The 81yearold was presented with the medical prize by the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation on
September 23, 2011 in New York.
     Tu, a scientist at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, was praised by the jury (评判委员会) for her "drug therapy (治疗) for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe, 
especially in the developing world," according to a statement on the foundation's website.
     In early 1969, Tu was appointed head of a government project that aimed to eradicate(消灭) malaria, and it was then that she began applying modern techniques with Chinese traditional medicine to find drug
therapy for malaria.
     After detecting  (检测)  380 extracts ( 提取物)  made  from  2,000 candidate  recipes,  Tu and her
colleagues obtained a pure substance called "Qinghaosu", which became known as artemisinin in 1972.
An artemisininbased drug combination is now the standard regimen (养生法) for malaria, and the World
Health  Organization  lists artemisinin and  related agents in its catalog  of  "Essential  Medicines", said a
statement from the foundation.
     The Lasker Awards are given annually to people who have made major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of human diseases since 1945.
     Lasker  Awards  are  known as  "America's Nobels"  for their knack  (熟练技术)  of  gaining  future
recognition by the Nobel committee. In the last two decades, 28 Lasker laureates (得奖者) have gone
on to receive the Nobel Prize, and 80 since 1945.
1.Which of the following statements about Tu Youyou is FALSE?
A.She is the first scientist on the mainland to win America's respected Lasker Award.
B.She is a scientist at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing.
C.She is the first scientist in the world to win America's respected Lasker Award.
D.She began applying modern techniques with Chinese traditional medicine to find drug therapy for
malaria in 1969.
2.Lasker Award is awarded by ________.
A.New York Foundation
B.the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
C.Chinese Medical Sciences
D.Albert and Mary
3.What's the influence about Tu Youyou's "drug therapy for malaria"?
A.It has surprised the people in the world.
B.It has reduced malaria.
C.It applied modern techniques with Chinese traditional medicine.
D.It has saved millions of lives across the globe, especially in the developing world.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解


Beijing - The public has responded with vigorous support for an NPC deputy’s proposal to extend the
Spring Festival holiday from three days to 10.
     More than 78 percent of about 27,600  respondents to a poll on www.people.com.cn <http://www.
voted in favor of the idea of Li Jing, who is also the mayor of Meishan city in South-west
China's Sichuan province.  Li   said the lunar new year festival holiday was too short for family reunions,
especially fog the nation's  220  million migrant workers.
     With hundreds of millions of people on the move during such a short time span,the holiday puts great
stress on the public transport system and suppresses tourism,  he added. He suggested the ho1iday be
extended and cover the three adjacent (毗连的) weekends, which means  the public could take a total
of 16 days off and floating population could spend the Lantern Festival,which falls on the 15th day of the
lunar new year, with their families.
     People would  then have sufficient time to fully enjoy the  traditional  holiday with their families, Li said
during an interview with People's Daily Online on Friday.
     Most online voters agreed that extending the holiday  will ease the burden on public transport and
strengthen family ties. "The Spring Festival is an occasion for family reunions and should be longer than  
the  National  Day holiday," one responder said  in an online post.  "Every year,  I wish I could spend
more time at home for  the Spring Festival,  but I always have to go back to work. I hope the NPC will
approve this  proposal.
     " Another online comment read:   "Extending the Spring Festival holiday could prevent  the  annual  
transportation crush, which has in recent years resembled an exodus (出走) of fleeing refugees (难民)''.
     Most of the about 13 percent  who  opposed the idea citied difficulties readjusting to work after the
break. Some pointed out that office moral (士气) was generally low during the first week after the holiday. "After thesix-day holiday, many people come back to work feeling absent-minded," one respondent said. Some who opposed the extension suggested adding the Lantern Festival as an official holiday.
     Another 10 percent said lawmakers should carefully study the impacts before they make any decisions
on holidays.

1. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Li Jing suggested extending the Spring Festival holiday?
A. The floating population could spend the Lantern Festival.
B. People could spend more money and this could promote consumption.
C. The lunar new year festival holiday was too short for family reunions.
D. The holiday puts great stress on the public transport system and suppresses tourism
2. What was Li Jing's plan for the lunar new year festival holiday?
A. It could cover the two adjacent weekends.
B. The holiday would be from the first day of the lunar year.
C. He added the Lantern Festival as an independent official holiday.
D. The public could take a total of 16 days off including the Lantern Festival.
3. The underlined word "crush" in the sixth paragraph probably means “______” .
A. uncomfortable pressure caused by a great crowd of people
B. a drink made by pressing fruit and used as juice
C. a traffic accident resulting from traveling too fast
D. people's eagerness to go home to meet their families
4. Why were some netizens against extending the holiday?
A. It was a waste of time.
B. people would not earn much money.
C. It would have a bad effect on China's economy.
D. people wouldn't be in a good working stag after so long a holiday.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     A good cell phone policy should be a required part of any company. It not only covers
liability (法律责任) issues, but also covers many other legal and financial challenges that
might cause you problems. For instance, there is an IRS guideline that requires company
cell phones to be used only for business purposes. Personal use of these devices is
considered as a taxable benefit, which can be considered as part of your income and
therefore must be included in the income to be declared for tax.
     Then how to make a good cell phone policy? Here are some tips for you to follow.
     Make sure there are provisions (条款) in your cell phone policy for business and personal
use. You must make it clear what is allowed and what is not. A good Cell phone policy should
clearly show your managers and employees the company-wide rules for cell phone usage. This
will avoid some managers making their own decisions.
     Employees should understand that cell phones are controlled not by them, but by a company
authorized (公司批准的) employee who is the only person authorized to order devices, assign
plans, manage devices and the like. This will prohibit employees from ordering whatever services
they want.
     Another mobile device issue is liability for damage (赔偿责任). A good cell phone policy also
states responsibility for lost or damaged phones and how to report problems. This will prevent
confusion and help keep costs under control.
     Once you have a company cell phone policy in place, make sure you read and discuss it
thoroughly with all of your employees. Have them sign the policy to ensure that they understand
the information contained within. Be sure to provide employees with a copy of the policy. This
will help reduce your company's liability for any legal issue that may arise.
1. According to the IRS guideline, an employee will ______.
A. pay more tax if he doesn't use a company cell phone
B. pay more tax if he uses a company cell phone for business purposes
C. pay less tax if he uses a company cell phone for personal purposes
D. pay more tax if he uses a company cell phone for personal purposes
2. A company cell phone policy should ______.
A. allow some managers to make their own decisions
B. be discussed and signed by all the employees of the company
C. be provided for employees in copies to make sure they understand it
D. prohibit employees from ordering any kind of service they want
3. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A. Why a company needs a good cell phone policy?
B. How to make a good cell phone policy?
C. Reasonable rules are necessary in running companies.
D. Ways to make companies run well.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     TOKYO-At first glance, Japanese cellphones are the young's dream: ready for Internet
and email, they double as credit cards, and even bodyfat calculators (计算器). However,
despite years of competition in overseas markets, Japan's cellphone makers have little
presence beyond the country's shores. "Japan is years ahead in any innovation. But it hasn't
been able to get business out of it," said Gerhard Fasol, president of the Tokyobased IT
consulting firm, Eurotechnology Japan.
     This year, Mr Natsuno, who developed a popular wireless Internet service called iMode,
invited some of the best minds in the field to debate how Japanese cellphones can go global.
     Yet Japan's lack of global influence is all the more surprising because its cellphones set the
pace in almost every industry innovation: email capabilities in 1999, camera phones in 2000,
thirdgeneration networks in 2001, full music downloads in 2002, electronic payments in 2004
and digital TV in 2005. "The most amazing thing about Japan is that even the average person
out there will have a superadvanced phone," said Mr Natsuno. "So we're asking, can't Japan
build on that advantage?"
     Japan has 100 million users of advanced thirdgeneration smart phones, twice the number
used in the United States, a much larger market. Many Japanese rely on their phones, not a
PC, for Internet access.
     Indeed, Japanese makers thought they had positioned themselves to dominate the age of
digital data. But Japanese cellphone makers were a little too clever. In the 1990s, they set a
standard for the secondgeneration network that was refused everywhere else. Then Japan
quickly adopted a thirdgeneration standard in 2001.  However, it made Japanese phones too
advanced for most markets.
     At a recent meeting of Mr Natsuno's group, the discussion turned to the cellphones
themselves. Despite their advanced hardware, they often have ugly interfaces (界面), some
participants said.
     "Because each cellphone model is designed with a customized user interface, development
is timeconsuming and expensive," said Tetsuzo Matsumoto, senior executive vice president.
"Japan's phones are all 'handmade' from scratch," he said. "That's_reaching_the_limit."
1. The first paragraph intends to tell us that Japanese cellphones ________.
A. are popular with the young          
B. don't sell well abroad
C. can meet daily needs              
D. will go out of the country
2. Why were Japanese cellphone makers a little too clever?
A. Because their technical standards couldn't be accepted in overseas markets.
B. Because they didn't want to improve their products.
C. Because they used secondgeneration network earlier than others.
D. Because their phones couldn't be connected to PC.
3. What's the disadvantage of Japanese cellphones?
A. Their interfaces fall behind the fashion.
B. They are too expensive.
C. They are always out of order.
D. Their hardware can't keep up with the development.
4. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A. Japan's phones have too many functions.
B. Japan's phones can't continue their history any longer.
C. Japan's phones have been developed far enough.
D. Japan's phones have been out of state.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     TAIBEI-Increasing numbers of Taiwanese students are joining the island's "China rush", seeking
education on the Chinese mainland.
    According to official Chinese figures, the number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and
postgraduate (研究生) programs on the mainland totaled 461 in 1996, 928 in 1997 and 839 in 1998.
Although no latest official numbers were available," Netbig. Com Said this number had risen between
30 to 50 percent annually in the past two years with well over 1000 entering mainland campuses last
    The Internet site, based in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, provides education service and information
on Chinese mainland college and universities. "Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese education giving more
knowledge about the people and culture in the mainland will increase their chances in the Chinese job
market, Netbig. Com vice-president Ingrid Huang said. "I believe it will give me hands-on experience in
the business field in the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"
said Lydia Chang, a 19-year-old majoring in journalism at Shih Shin University. Chang plans to go on to
get a master's degree in business administration in Shanghai, which she says offers the best environment
for such studies.
    A journalism graduate student, surnamed Lin, at the National Taiwan University said he would like to
study law on the Chinese mainland since "there will be better career prospects now that more Taiwanese
companies are going there". "They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations," said Yang Ching-yao, professor of the Chinese mainland studies. A
Netbig. Com survey showed the campuses favored by Taiwan students included Beijing, Qinghua and
Renmin universities in Beijing, and Jinan and Zhongshan universities in Guangzhou. The most popular
studies were law, business and Chinese medicine.
    At present, Chinese Taibei doesn't recognize diplomas earned in the Chinese mainland nor help with
any inquiries about studying there. But recognizing the trend, education authorities are giving a final form
to a policy accepting certificates (证书) from selected universities.
1. More Taiwanese students study on the Chinese mainland because _____.
A. Taiwan will reunite with the mainland sooner or later
B. the fees asked for are lower than those of Taiwan
C. what they have learned on the mainland will bring them a bright future
D. there are many famous universities for them to choose
2. Some business executives were sending their children to study in the Chinese mainland so that
    their children _______.
A. could receive better education 
B. could learn more about the policy there
C. could do well in the business operations  
D. could make more friends there
3. The underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refers to ________.
A. Netbig. Com                    
B. Chinese education on the mainland
C. the Chinese job market  
D. the university
4. The author wrote the article to tell us ______.
A. more Taiwanese students are studying on the mainland
B. the number of Taiwanese students going to universities on the mainland had been increasing
     year after year
C. education on the mainland is more attractive compared with that of Taiwan
D. Taiwan and the mainland should cooperate with each other in every field.
5. Which is true according to the passage?
A. Chinese Taibei recognizes diplomas earned on the Chinese mainland
B. The number of Taiwanese students going to study on the mainland will surely be increasing
     in the next few years.
C. Chinese Taibei doesn't help with any inquiries about Taiwanese studying in the mainland
D. Education of Taiwan is far behind the mainland.

