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1. John had a g_______ look on his face after the accident.
2. Her dedication to her work was a_________.
3.  She's been ______( 故意地) ignoring him all day.
4.  The doctor will see you again next week. _______( 其间) ,you must rest as much as possible.
5.  He has ______( 照相) some of the world's most beautiful women.
6.  I have recently a_________a taste for lives.
7. We were friends and _______( 同事 ) for more than 15 years.
8. We'll a ______ you in finding somewhere to live.
9. Completed projects must be s_______ by 10 March.
10.  It's about time we ________ (更新) our software.
1. guilty  2.admirable  3.deliberately  4.Meanwhile 5. photographed  
6.acquired  7.colleagues  8.assist 9. submitted 10. update

科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省月考题 题型:填空题

1. To Tom's great regret, his mother died two days p______ to his arrival.
2. With a lake nearby, his new house is situated in very pleasant s________.
3. Overslept, John s_____ into the classroom through the back door without being noticed.
4. Life is like the p________ of running in which one should never stop making progress.
5. He seldom, if ever, loses his temper. In fact, he is the m_____of all the persons I have ever seen.
6. His views vary _________(不断地) just like the variable weather.
7. The Internet keeps us ______(告知) of the latest news every day.
8. Take your time with each resume(简历) , as it is the first ______(印象) you make on the hiring
9. Her report of what happened was ______(精确的) in every detail.
10. As a top student, he received a prize at the graduation ______(典礼) of the university.


科目:高中英语 来源:0103 期末题 题型:填空题

1. John lives in France but has British______(国籍).
2. Chairman Mao spoke with a strong Hunan _____(口音).
3. What a bad _____(气候) it is! I can't stand it.
4. It is a _____(传统) in China to eat moon cakes on the Mid-autumn Festival.
5. She was forced to the centre of the political _____(舞台).
6. They all came to help _____-(搬开) the stones.
7. Can you tell us the _____(技巧) you have used in learning English?
8. The ______(关系) between our two countries are improving fast.
9. The teachers _____(围住) him, holding his hands firmly and congratulating him.
10. Under my teacher's____(指导), I set myself to learn English.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省月考题 题型:填空题

1. John snow wanted to face the _____ (挑战) and solve the problem.
2. His heart disease has been _____ (治愈).
3. England is _____ (划分)roughly into three zones.
4. They are _____ (不愿意)to face the facts.
5. Geatly to your _____ (赞扬), you helped the woman find her son.
6.We can't travel to the United States for _____ (缺乏)of money.
7.Wat he said at the meeting left a deep _____ (印象)on us.
8.They said the problem was in the engine, which was what I had ___(怀疑).
9. The rich man _____ (捐赠)a lot of money to the Red Cross.
10. _____ (吸引) by the football match,the man forgot to do his work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. John is b_______ on getting the first place in the following race.

2. Better be envied than p______(怜悯).

3. He graduated from Cambridge University, so he was able to speak s ___________ English.

4. Oliver Twist was written by one of the greatest n______ in the world.

5. She ____________(叹气) with relief when she learned that her son passed the exam..

6.After months of overworking, Jack was suffering from m          and physical exhaustion.

7.Princess Turandot             (折磨)Liu , and Liu killed herself.

8.She speaks Italian                (流利).

9.Big Joe Tuner never achieved much fame when he was alive mainly because there was still racial d_______             in the USA then.

10.That man is            with(醉心于)power.

