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Thousands of taxi drivers in Shenyang, Liaoning province, reportedly blocked streets with their cars on Sunday in protest against unlicensed cars using taxi-hiring apps (打车软件) and apps-based car rental companies providing passenger services, including high-end cars. Although the drivers also complained about the withdrawal of the fuel subsidy(补贴) by the government, their main complaint was the loss of business because of the rising number of Internet-based car services companies.

On Wednesday, news reports came that Beijing transport authorities will take measures to stop the illegal “taxi business” of private cars through the newly rising Internet apps, following the footsteps of Shenyang and Nanjing.

It is not yet clear how the Shenyang city government will handle the issue and whether it will declare the services offered by market leaders such as Didi Dache, a taxi-hiring app provider backed by Tencent Holdings, and Kuaidi Dache illegal. But Shanghai transport regulators(交通管理机构) have set a rule, by banning Didi Zhuanche, or car services offered by Didi Dache in December.

Such regulations (规定) will cause a setback(挫折) to the car-hiring companies and investors that are waiting to cash in on the potentially booming business. Just last month, Didi Dache got $700 million in funding from global investors, including Singapore state investment company Temasek Holdings, Russian investment company DST Global and Tencent. Besides, the market is uncertain that Kuaidi Dache is about to finalize its latest round of funding after getting $800 million from global investors.

Regulatory uncertainties, however, could cast a shadow on the future of the Internet-based car-hiring services, which have become popular in most of China’s big cities. To be fair, these companies’ business model is anything but bad. For example, Didi Zhuanche works side by side with established car rental companies to provide high-end car service mainly for business-people through the Internet and mobile phone apps.

Every link in this business model chain has legal companies and services. Hence, it is hard to define it as illegal and ban it.

1.Why did taxi drivers in Shenyang block the streets with their vehicles?

A. Because they wanted the authority to increase their driving allowances.

B. Because they wanted to be taught how to use the taxi-hiring apps.

C. Because they wanted to make their main complaints known to the authority.

D. Because they wanted to appeal to passengers not to hire the private cars.

2.The author’s attitude to banning internet car-hiring service is ________.

A. positiveB. negative

C. neutral (中立的)D. unclear

3.Which of the following statements is false according to the passage?

A. The problem referred to in the passage exists in all cities.

B. App-based car rental is functional to some degree.

C. The government should regulate the app-based car rental market.

D. Didi Dache is a China-foreign joint company.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届江西师范大学附中高三10月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In our daily life, music plays a important part. It can give us energy and making us happy. There is many kinds of music, such as country music, R&B, rock music and so on. Different people have different ideas about music. My friend Betty enjoys listen to the music she can dance. John likes rock music and Jazz music so he thinks that they are interesting. Jane is fond of listening to some relaxed music. She likes country music a lot of, because it is easy to learn, and this kind of music can easy make people calm. What about you? What kind of music did you prefer?


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高二9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完成句子


1.His parents died in the earthequake , ____________(leave) him an orphan.

2.________________ (force) to change his fortune abroad, he left for America.

3.The fireman warned him not ____________(enter) the burning house.

4.Allow us to thank you for the kindness ____________(extend) to us.

5.With the Chinese people _______(unite) as one, any attempt to separate China is bound to fail.

6.Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only _______(find) it didn’t fit.

7.I have great difficulty ____________(solve) this problem

8.The question ______________(discuss) at tomorrow’s meeting is a very important one.

【小题9 When ______________(compare) with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.

9.Generally speaking, ___________(take) the drug according to the directions has no side effect.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届10月浙江普通高校招生选考科目考试英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假定你是李华。下学期你将作为交换生(exchange student)去加拿大一所高中学习,住在Lynn家里。请给Lynn写一封邮件,内容包括:








科目:高中英语 来源:2017届贵州遵义航天高中高三上第二次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

成语(Chinese idioms)是中国文化的重要组成部分,它能用简单的词语表达出丰富并且深刻的意义。假定你是李华,你的外国笔友James对中国成语很感兴趣,向你咨询有关中国成语的信息,请你写一份回信,包括如下内容:

1. 简单介绍成语;

2. 学习成语的益处;

3. 分享自己学习成语的感受和体会。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear James,

I am glad that you are interested in Chinese idioms. __________________________










I sincerely hope you can learn them well.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南南阳市高三上第一次月考英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Tricia,

I’ve come back home safely. Looked back on my stay in Britain, I felt so happy and satisfied.

The beautiful scenery and friendly people impressed on me a lot. I also benefit a lot from learning together with the local students. Much important, your help and kindness made it easier for me to have better understanding of British culture but adapt to the life there. So please accept my thank for the help you have given me. By the way, attached to the letter is the photos taken with you, which I believe will remind you about the happy time we spent together. We are expected to come to China soon. Looking forward to your reply.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南南阳市高三上第一次月考英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“A good book for children should simply be a good book in its own right", says Mollie Hunter. Born and brought up near Edinburgh, Mollie has devoted her talents to writing primarily for young people.She firmly believes that there is and should always be a wider audience for any good book whatever its main market is.In Mollie’s opinion, it is necessary to make full use of language and she enjoys telling a story, which is what every writer should be doing."If you aren't telling a story, you’re a very dead writer indeed." she says.With the chief function of a writer being to entertain, Mollie is indeed an entertainer."I have this great love of not only the meaning of language but of the music of language,’ she says, "This love goes back to early childhood.I had a school teacher who used to ask us what we would like to be when we grew up and, because my family always had dogs, and I was very good at handling them, I said I wanted to work with dogs, and the teacher always said ‘Nonsense, Mollie; dear, you’ll be a writer.’ So finally I thought that this woman must have something, since she was a good teacher and I decided when I was nine that I would be a writer."

This childhood intention is described in her novel, A Sound of Chariots, which although written in the third person is clearly autobiographical(自传体的) and gives a picture both of Mollie’s ambition and her struggle towards its achievement.Thoughts of her childhood inevitably(不可避免地) brought thoughts of the time when her home was still a village with buttercup(金凤花)meadows and strawberry fields—sadly now covered with modern houses."I was once taken back to see it and I felt that somebody had lain dirty hands all over my childhood.I’ll never go back, "she said."Never.When I set one of my books in Scotland” she said, “I can recall my romantic feelings as a child playing in those fields, or watching the village blacksmith at work.And that’s important because children now know so much so early that romance can't exist for them, as it did for us.”

1.What does Mollie Hunter feel about the nature of a good book?

A.It should not aim at a narrow audience.

B.It should be attractive to young readers.

C.It should be based on original ideas.

D.It should not include too much conversation.

2.In Mollie Hunter’ s opinion, which of the following is one sign of a poor writer?

A.Being poor in life experience.

B.Being short of writing skills.

C.The weakness of description.

D.The absence of a story.

3.What do we learn about Mollie Hunter as a young child?

A.She expected to become a writer.

B.She didn’t enjoy writing stories.

C.She didn’t have any particular life aims.

D.She didn’t respect her teacher’ views.

4.What’s the writer’s purpose in this text?

A.To share her enjoyment of Mollie Hunter’s book.

B.To introduce Mollie Hunter’s works to a wider audience.

C.To provide information for Mollie Hunter’s existing readers.

D.To describe Mollie Hunter’s most successful books.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年吉林松原油田高中高二上期初考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you like texting and are trying to lose weight, a new study found that using texting(发短信) to track diet and exercise habits may help you lose weight.

Previous research has shown that keeping food and exercise diaries improves the likelihood of success when you are using it to lose weight. Using a computer or a pen and paper to record information, however, can be a burden and cause some people to give up.

Duke University researchers said using text messages to track eating and exercise habits can save time, and increase the chances that people will stick with their weight-loss rules.

The study included 26 obese/fat women with an average age of 38. The women used daily texting as part of their weight-loss program. The text messages focused on tracking personalized goals, such as avoiding sugary drinks or walking 10,000 steps a day. Messages also provided brief feedback (反馈) and [Z-X-X-K]tips.

Every morning, the women received a text from an automated system that said, “Please text yesterday’s personal information of steps you walked and how many sugary drinks you had.” Based on the women's responses to the text message, the system sent another text with personalized feedback and tips.

After six months, the women who used daily texting lost an average of nearly 3 pounds, while another group of women who used traditional methods to keep food and exercise diaries gained an average of 2.5 pounds, according to the study, which was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

“Text messaging has become popular and may be an effective method to simplify tracking of diet and exercise behavior,” Dori Steinberg, who was responsible for this research, said.

Steinberg said, “Text messaging offers several advantages compared to other self-monitoring methods. Unlike web-based diet and exercise diaries, data in a text message can be entered quickly on nearly all cell phone platforms so it is very convenient to receive feedback. Besides, because of the limited number of words used in text messages, it saves time.”

1.According to the study, traditional methods _________.

A. are easier for people to lose weight

B. may cause people to give up losing weight

C. provide brief feedback and tips

D. are easy to track diet and exercise behavior

2.Which is NOT true about text messaging according to Steinberg?

A. It saves time.

B. It saves money.

C. It can be entered quickly.

D. It is easy to receive feedback.

3.What’s the best title for the text?

A. Texting helps keep healthy

B. Texting saves time and money

C. Texting provides brief feedback and tips

D. Texting can help you lose weight

4.What’s Dori Steinberg’s attitude towards text messaging?

A. Unknown. B. Negative.

C. Positive. D. Unconcerned.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届宁夏高三上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was stuck in O'hare airport on an extremely long weather delay, pacing up and down the waiting hall for some exercise, when I passed a wine bar for the twentieth time or so. But this time there was a young woman behind the piano, playing what I could only describe as absolutely beautiful classical music. She had not been there ten minutes earlier when I passed.

I sat down at an empty table for four very near the piano, and began to be warmed by her music and a bit by the wine! She played so effortlessly and with such beauty in every note. Her music immediately brought a huge smile to my face!

Soon, on a break, I thanked her and she told me that after a long day traveling, and now also facing long weather delays, she "just needed to blow off some steam." Wow! Her version of blowing off steam was a gift to get.

As I sat alone drinking my wine, absorbed in this young woman's celebration of her musical passion, two women approached my table and asked if they could join me. I invited them to sit and we immediately began sharing our love of music and celebrating the happiness the piano music was bringing us at that moment.

The two women and I began to talk about our travels, life journeys, and passions. Hearing that unbelievable piano music, and then meeting such interesting women, who generously shared with me their wisdom, perspectives, and feelings of love for each other, was truly joyous. Faced with an 11-hour travel day — to get what normally takes 45 minutes — could have been physically and emotionally exhausting. Rather, by accident of walking by a wine bar at the right moment, and having a couple of seats open at my table, my life was filled with joy.

I will cherish those moments for some time to come. This experience highlights (突出) the critical need in our lives to stop and listen to the music, to invite others to sit at your life table, to open yourself up to a stranger or two, sharing some of your deepest perspectives and experiences. Be open to noticing, absorbing, and also contributing to the joy around you!

1.What does the underlined phrase “blow off some steam” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Reduce anger.

B. Relax herself.

C. Make full use of time.

D. Breathe fresh air.

2.How long was the author’s travel supposed to take without weather delay?

A. 10 minutes.B. 20 minutes.C. 45 minutes.D. 11 hours.

3.How did the author feel about the experience in the airport?

A. Happy and meaningful.

B. Lonely but unforgettable.

C. Boring and meaningless.

D. Long and tiring.

4.The author writes the text in order to encourage people _______.

A. to make the acquaintance of strangers

B. to share your experiences with others

C. to communicate with others more often

D. to notice and enjoy the happiness around you

