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What i           him to give such an excellent performance on the stage the other day?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

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Stuck on a desert island?

Started on 23rd April by Steve                   Posts 1 – 7 of 42

Post 1



Hi, everyone. What would you miss most and least if you were stuck on a desert island? For me, it would be the changing seasons in New England. I guess this will sound stupid but I’d probably miss the rain, too. I wouldn’t miss getting up at six every day to go to work, though! What about you?

Post 2



Good question. Steve, I think I’d miss different types of bread, and shopping at the supermarket. I’d miss the food most. What would I miss least? My mobile phone---I’d like to be completely quiet --- at least for a little while

Post 3



I would miss the company of people because I know I’d like to have someone to share experiences with. I’d go mad on my own. And I sure wouldn’t miss junk mail(垃圾邮件) --- I hate coming home every evening and a pile of junk mail in my post box.

Post 4



Hi, I would miss Manga cartoon, the internet and Japanese food, like sushi. I’d also miss TV shows and shopping for clothes… In fact, I’d miss everything.

Post 5



I would miss my daily newspaper and listening to the news on TV and radio. I’d feel very cut off if I didn’t know what was happening in the world. What I’d miss least would be traffic jams in the city, particularly my journey to work.

Post 6


Why hasn’t anyone mentioned their family? I’d be lost without my husband and two kids. They’re the most important for me. And I can’t get started in the morning without a cup of black coffee. I wouldn’t miss doing the housework! 

Post 7



It would have to be music. I couldn’t live without my music. I wouldn’t miss going to school at all or doing homework!

Who would miss his or her family most?

A. Jaime       B. Jayne         C. Miko          D. Paola.

Which of the following people would feel most uncomfortable without the news media?

A. Steve.       B. Jaime          C. Roger.        D. Tomas

How many of them mentioned that they would miss food or drink?

A. One          B. Two          C. Three         D. Four


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“If it rings one more time, I’ll hang up,” Amy thought hopefully, as she waited for someone to answer. Apologizing wasn’t an easy thing to do. 

“Hello,” a woman’s voice said. There was no backing out now. 

“May I speak to Missy, please?”

“Just a minute.”

In much less than a minute, Missy was on the phone. “Hi, who’s calling?” asked the cheerful voice. 

“It’s Amy. I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry about what I said to you. I didn’t really mean it.” Amy paused, trying to think of what to say next. 

“Thank you, Amy. No hard feelings.”

“Missy, you’re a very nice person. You’re a lot nicer than I am!”

Missy laughed. “You’re not so bad, Amy. By the way, I’ve got some great news. Mr. Grumbell said that you were the only candidate for class president. He talked me into being a candidate too. Isn’t that cool?”

Amy didn’t think the news was cool. Missy was very popular; she’d get a lot of votes. Fortunately, Amy was in a gracious mood. “You’ll be a tough opponent, Missy,” she said. “May the best woman win.” “Thanks, Amy,” Missy replied. “But you might even win.”

Amy had to laugh. “Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to make comments like that!”

Amy called Missy on the phone to _______. 

A. tell her that the Titanic sank     B. tell her she needed a brain

C. apologize for insulting her       D. ask her to run for president

Amy was hoping that no one would answer the phone because _______. 

A. she was too tired to talk

B. she felt uncomfortable about apologizing

C. she was afraid she had dialed the wrong number

D. she was wearing pajamas

If one of the following statements is true, which is it?

A. Missy was home alone. 

B. Missy’s mother answered the phone. 

C. Missy’s father answered the phone. 

D. Missy’s little sister answered the phone. 

Which word best describes the girls’ conversation?

A. Nasty. B. Uncomfortable. 

C. Sad.    D. Friendly. 

Missy let Amy know that she wanted something that Amy wanted. What was it?

A. She wanted to have the most friends.

B. She wanted her own telephone.

C. She wanted mushrooms on her pizza.

D. She wanted to be class president.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


    I was shopping in the supermarket when I.heard a young voice boom from across the aisle.“Mom,come here! There’s this lady here my size!”

    The mother rushed to a boy she called Mickey;then she turned to me to apologize.

   I smiled and told her,“It’s okay.”Then I talked to the boy,“Hi,Mickey,I’m Darry

Kramer.How are you?”

   He studied mc from head to toe,and asked,“Arc you a little mommy?”

   “Yes.I have a son”I answered

   “Why are you so little?”he asked.

   …It s the way I was born.”I said.“Some people are little.Some are tall.I’m just not going to grow any bigger.”After about five more minutes of answering questions,I shook Mickey’s hand, and he returned to his mother.

    My life as a little  person is filled with stories 1ike that.I enjoy talking to children and Explaining why I look different from their parents.it has taken many years to develop my confidence to be able to do that.

    It takes only one glance to see my uniqueness.I stand three feet.nine inches tall I was born an achondroplasia dwarf(侏儒).Despite this,my parents encouraged me to do all the things the kids around me did when I was growing up When my neighbors got two-wheel bikes,I got a two-wheel bike When they roller-skated, I roller-skated.

    I didn’t realize how short I was until I started school There,a few kids 1picked on me,calling me names.Then I knew.After that,I began to hate the first day of school cach year.I didn’t know who was new and would stare at me as I struggled to climb the school bus stairs.

    As time went on,I just tried to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be noticed my whole life.I was determined to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage.

What I lacked in height,I made up for in personality.

    I’m 47 now,and the stares have not diminished as I’ve grown older.People 1ook in disbelief when they see me get out of my car off the driver’s side.During those times,I try to keep a good attitude When people are rude,I remind myself,“Look what else I have—a great family.Nice friends.”

    And it’s the children’s questions that make my 1ife special.When I talk with children.They leave content that their questions have been answered My hope is that in taking time with them,I will encourage them to accept their peers whatever size and shape they come in,and treat them with respect.

How was the author brought up?(回答词数不超过9个)


Why does the author enjoy talking to children?(回答词数不超过12个)


Please Use several words to describe the author’s personalities.(回答词数不超过5个)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Wings of Angel

    I used to hate myself because I wasn’t “normal”. Everyone else could play on the monkey bars and ride on a bicycle, but not   36  . I had a severe spinal cord disorder(脊髓病) and I knew I would always be much   37  than others.

I hated going to school and I hated   38   at me. I hated seeing others smiling broadly and standing   39  and tall. And most of all, I hated looking in the   40  and seeing an ugly and hunchback(驼背).

My friends found me   41  because I didn’t let other get close to me. I thought I was going to go on like this for the rest of my life   42  Angela appeared.

That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the school—a spot where no one would

  43  me. That’s when I first heard your voice.

“Hi. Can I sit down?”

I raised my head and there she was, with an irresistible smile on her round face.

“What are you looking at?” you asked.


“What are they doing?”

 “No   44  .”

“I bet they’re playing games and make friends. Don’t you think so?”

That was how our   45  started and it didn’t stop. We talked about everything under the sun—the ants, the clouds, my little niche(处境)—until it was sunset.

Then suddenly, you saw my   46  . She just stared.

My heart   47  . What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure she would   48   me now.

She stood up, pointed at my back and said, “I know why your back is hunched.”

I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be   50  . I begged in my heart for her to   51  , but you just kept on going. “I know what you’ve got in there. Do you?”

“No,” I answered   52  .

She bent and whispered in my ears.

“Your back is bunched because you’ve got a pair of wings from the angels.”

I was   53  . I looked into your eyes and her   54  touched my heart. From that day on, I started to learn to   55  myself because I have the wings of an angel and a kind – hearted friend.

36.A.them B.it      C.mo    D.her

37.A.sadder      B.shorter      C.weaker     D.slower

38.A.looking    B.smiling     C.aiming      D.glaring

39.A.still   B.alone C.straight     D.together

40.A.street B.sun    C.corner      D.mirror

41.A.distant      B.stubborn   C.hopeless    D.unfortunate

42.A.after B.before      C.since D.until

43.A.disturb     B.seek  C.interrupt   D.ignore

44.A.wonder     B.idea   C.sign   D.action

45.A.connection       B.competition      C.conversation     D.comprehension

46.A.face  B.back  C.eyes  D.shoulders

47.A.sank  B.beat  C.broke       D.ached

48.A.care for    B.rely on     C.look down upon      D.put up with

49.A.that   B.how  C.whether    D.why

50.A.accused    B.arrested    C.punished   D.sentenced

51.A.relax B.leave C.stop   D.pause

52.A.shyly B.weakly     C.proudly    D.firmly

53.A.astonished B.ashamed   C.annoyed    D.amused

54.A.wisdom    B.generosity C.honesty     D.kindness

55.A.control     B.like   C.comfort    D.enjoy


科目:高中英语 来源:2011湖北华师一附中荆州高三5月模拟考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

I was shopping in the supermarket when I heard a young voice.

“Mom, come here! There’s this lady here my size!”

The mother rushed to her son; then she turned to me to apologize.

I smiled and told her, “It’s okay.” Then I talked to the boy, “Hi, I’m Darryl Kramer. How are you?”

He studied me from head to toe, and asked, “Are you a little mommy?”

“Yes, I have a son,” I answered.

“Why are you so little?” he asked.

“It’s the way I was born,” I said. “Some people are little. Some are tall. I’m just not going to grow any bigger.” After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy’s hand, and left.

My life as a little person is filled with stories like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents.

It takes only one glance to see my uniqueness. I stand three feet nine inches tall. I was born an achondroplasia dwarf. Despite this, I did all the things other kids did when I was growing up.

I didn’t realize how short I was until I started school. Some kids picked on me, calling me names. Then I knew. I began to hate the first day of school each year. New students would always stare at me as I struggled to climb the school bus stairs.

But I learned to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be noticed my whole life. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lacked in height, I made up for in personality.

I’m 47 now, and the stares have not diminished as I’ve grown older. People are amazed when they see me driving. I try to keep a good attitude. When people are rude, I remind myself, “Look what else I have — a great family, nice friends.”

It’s the children’s questions that make my life special. I enjoy answering their questions. My hope is that I will encourage them to accept their peers (a person of the same age, class, position, etc.), whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with respect.

1... Why did the mother apologize to the author?

   A. Because the boy ran into the author.

   B. Because the boy laughed at the author.

   C. Because the boy said the author was fatter than him.

   D. Because she thought the boy’s words had hurt the author.

2..  When did the author realize that she was too short?

   A. When she began to go to school.       B. When she was 47 years old.

   C. When she grew up.             D. When she met the boy in the supermarket.

3..  Which of the following word can best replace the underlined word “diminished”?

   A. dismissed       B. increased       C. decreased      D. discriminated

4.. How does the author feel about people’s stares?

   A. Angry.         B. Calm.          C. Painful.        D. Discouraged.


