精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1Why will the woman go downtown?

A. To have lunch. B. To see her sister. C. To go shopping.

2What is the woman’s sister?

A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A shop assistant.

3What gift does the man recommend?

A. Some books. B. Some flowers. C. Some clothes.










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger 1and become more 2I have to work hard to live a 3life but it has been 4itIf I had a chance to say one thing to 5childrenit would be thishaving a disability does not mean your life is not 6So don’t feel 7for the disabled or make fun of themand don’t ignore them eitherJust 8 them for who they areand give them 9 to live as 10 and full a life as you do


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是校英语话剧俱乐部(School English Drama Club)的负责人李华,现负责英语话剧《百万英镑》面向全校的演员选拔工作。请你根据以下提示信息拟一则通知:

1. 选拔时间:2018320日;

2. 地点:学校礼堂;

3. 具体要求:热爱戏剧表演,具有较好的英语口语表达能力,熟悉马克·吐温的小说《百万英镑》;

4. 写通知时间:2018313日。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词:礼堂auditorium 标准criteria



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I lost my passport two days before at about 8:30 in the evening that I bought three dictionaries at the MBC bookstore. By accidents, I left my passport at the shop. When I realized what I have done, I telephoned the shop, but the shop assistants there could not find one. I would be grateful if you could tell me what documents I need send you in order to get a new passport. Do you require any passport photographs, and if so how many? How much will a new passport cost but in which currency would you like me to pay off? I must apologize to any inconvenience caused and look forward to hear from you soon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What do we know about the man?

A. He is in poor health.

B. He wants to stay at home today.

C. He hasn’t finished his homework yet.

2What relation is Mr. Bell to the man?

A. His neighbor.

B. His teacher.

C. His father.

3What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Help him hand in his project.

B. Call to ask for leave.

C. Drive him to school right now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 You may be surprised to learn that English gets 30 to 45 percent of its words from French. The reason goes back to the year 1066, when Norman forces invaded (入侵) what is now Britain. The Normans were from northern France and spoke French. During the Norman occupation, French became the language of England’s rulers and wealthy class. This lasted for more than 300 years. Other people in England continued to speak English during this period.

Over time, the two languages combined and shared words. Some researchers believe that about 10,000 French words eventually entered the English language. However, although English took many French words, their meanings have not always stayed the same. Sometimes the differences in meanings can be very important, and lead to funny or strange situations if the words are used in the wrong way.

Take, for example, the French word college. In English, college can often be used in place of the word university, or sometimes as a school within a university. However, in French, college actually means “middle school”, or the level of schooling for students in grades five or six through eight.

There are many other similar words in the two languages with completely different meanings. In English, the word chat is a verb which means “to talk casually”; but in French, the word chat is the word for an animal: a cat.

If an English speaker says someone is jolly, that means they are cheerful or friendly. But in French, jolie means someone is goodlooking or pleasant to look at. In any case, both are nice things to say to someone.

1What language did the upper class speak in Britain of Norman times ?

A. English.

B. French.

C. Both English and French.

D. Some unknown language.

2What does college mean in French?

A. The teenager time.

B. University in French.

C. Middle school in English.

D. University in common sense.

3What is the text mainly about?

A. Comparison between two languages.

B. Difficulty in grasping English.

C. French words in English.

D. Development of English.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Sports performance can be influenced by many different things. 1

There are many physical factors(因素)that play a part in sports performance. 2 The natural talent and strength of the players will make a difference. Alsoit is important to get enough sleep before you are in a sports event. 3 Eating good meals is also important. When you are hungryyou cannot perform the same. You might be thinking about food when you should be thinking about the game.

of coursethe more a team or a player practicesthe more likely they are to perform well. The same person with the same physical abilities might just become better as he practices.

Researching your competitor can matter a lot in sports performance. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses can help you adjust how you play to give yourself a better performance against them. 4 If you can figure out where to hit the ball in tennis that would confuse your competitorfor examplethen this can help you score points.

5 If someone is very pessimistic about a gamefor exampleand is sure that he will losethen he might increase his chances of doing so. If he is very nervous then he might be thinking about that instead of focusing on the game. If he is focused then he might do betterachieving what he didn't even realize he could. His confidence can also affect how the other team views him.

A. It is important to be aware of these factors.

B. It is necessary to get to know your competitor and yourself.

C. Also, there are ways to play something smartly and do better.

D. If you are tired, you may not perform as you normally would. ools1

E. If you have practiced enough to keep fit, you should have a rest.

F. If someone is in good shape, then of course he will perform better.

G. There are many psychological factors that can play a part in how well you perform.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


What makes the sea tum red and causes thousands of fish to dieAs far back as anyone could rememberthe blame was placed on the "red tides. " In 1947scientists finally connected the red tides with a microscopic sea organism(有机体)1callthe dinoflagellate.

The dinoflagellate is so tiny 2 6000 of these organisms may be contained in 3 single drop of water. It stands on the borderline between plant and animal in its clasification. it produces its own foodas plants do. But it moves 4freeand eats other organismsas animals do.

Dinoflagellates are normally only one of the many kinds of organisms found in plankton. Plankton is the name given to all very small 5formof sea life. Howeverwhen the air and water 6becalm and warmdinoflagellates multiply with 7amazesped. The surface of the water appears 8coverwith a red carpet.

The dinoflagellates give off a poison. Many fish die. Their bodies are washed up on the beach. Beaches are not fit 9 any use. Fish that are not killed may become 10poisonto animals or people who eat them. Commercial fishing comes to a stop.

As dinoflagellates consume all the food and oxygen in an areathey die. After a timethe sea returns to normal. But when conditions are rightthe red tide comes again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 喜欢这项运动的缘由;

2. 开展这项运动的情况;

3. 从事这项运动的体会。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Emily,

I am so delighted to receive your e-mail.________________________________________________________







What about your favorite sport?


Dear Emily,

