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【题目】There are two medicines that change people’s lives, one of 1 is aspirin, 2 (invent) in 1897. It is made from leaves or tree barks(树皮) possessing a special chemical and was first sold in 3 form of tablets in 1900. Aspirin has saved many people’s lives by reducing fever and pain. It 4 (recommend) for reducing potential heart attack strokes and some cancers. There have been more discoveries on how it can help increase the 5 (long)of people’s lives and help people with diseases.

The other drug which has proved 6 (benefit) to mankind is penicillin. It was first discovered in 1928, but it was not until World II 7penicillin was purified and produced in large quantities. Due 8 the widespread use of penicillin, many 9 (life)were saved during the war. Had penicillin not been available, many people would have died from sickness of even small wounds. Penicillin became the 10 (great) drug of the 20th century.





4is recommended









1考查定语从句。one of ___1___ is aspirin是一个介词 + 关系代词引导的定语从句,指物,只能用which

2考查时态。根据时间状语in 1897,可判断出是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以填invented

3考查固定短语。句意:它是由一种含有特殊物质的树叶或树皮制成,在1900年,第一次以药片的形式出售。in the form of的形式,该短语是固定短语,所以填the

4考查时态和语态。它被用来推荐减少潜在的心脏病发作和癌症的发生。“它”和“推荐”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,表示主语现在的状态,用一般现在时,所以填is recommended


6考查固定短语。句意:另外一种被证明对人类有益的药物是青霉素。beneficial to有益,该短语是固定短语,所以填beneficial

7考查强调句。把it was和该空去掉这个句子结构仍然完整,所以这是一个强调句,强调句的基本结构是it is/ was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子的其他成分,所以填that

8考查固定短语句意:由于青霉素的广泛使用,在战争期间,许多生命被救活。due to由于,该短语是固定短语,所以填to



小题7考查强调句。解题的关键在于准确判断出强调句英语强调句型的基本结构是“It+be+被强调成分+that (who)…”。在该结构中,It was…that (who)… 为强调句的结构词,原则上说,若将其去掉,句子意思依然清楚、结构依然完整。如:1. It was Jack who stole our money. 是杰克偷了我们的钱。若去掉it was…who…,即为:Jack stole our money. 杰克偷了我们的钱。2. It was in May that you can see this kind of flower. 你在五月可以看到这种花。若去掉it was…that…,即为:In May you can see this kind of flower. 你在五月可以看到这种花。若去掉It was…that (who)…结构词,句子意思则不通、结构则不完整,那么就可能不是强调句。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Building a Greener Future

Year after year, Earth's precious resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Still people need materials to build new houses, office buildings and schools. There's only one solution to this problem: do more with less. That's what sustainable construction is all about. Advocates of sustainable construction believe the entire building process can be done without harming the environment, and by doing so, the earth is kept sustainable for future generations. To make these green buildings possible, however, the process must be implemented from the beginning.

Picture a city government that wants to build a green office building. The first thing these city planners would do is select a site with a small environmental impact. Ideally, they would choose a site that had already been developed, thus keeping the forests and grasslands protected.

Next, city planners would turn their attention toward the construction process. Only green materials could be used to build their office towers. These include wood, steel, and other materials that have been recycled from destroyed buildings. If possible, they have been manufactured, recovered, or resourced locally. The closer that these green materials are to the construction site, the less energy is wasted getting them to where they're needed.

Maintenance costs are the next important factors that need to be considered. City planners would design heating and cooling systems that use as little energy as possible. They would fit solar roof panels that will absorb the heat from the sun to power the building. Toilets and sinks designed to minimize water waste would be fitted throughout the building. These efficiencies don't just help to protect the environment; they can save money over the long run as well.

After all this was finished, the city planners would relax and maybe even throw a party. They have designed a building that was green at every step--the golden rule of sustainable construction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Being organized is an important skill for school and life. When you’re well organized, you can stay focused, instead of spending time hunting things down.

1For schoolwork, it means having one notebook or place where you store all your assignment, so you know what you have to do and when. Keeping all your school work neat and in a specific place--these are the main parts of organization.

For home stuff, being organized means having a place to put your things and putting them back as you go.2It means keeping your schoolbag, your shoes, and your clean underwear in the same places so you always know where to find them.

Planning is part of being organized, too. 3Calendars, lists, and schedules can help you plan. You can buy or draw a calendar and keep it near your workplace. Making a schedule or “to-do” list for yourself is a good idea. Looking at your list helps you keep track of what you need to do. 4Check off things when you’ve done them. Use your list to help you decide which thing is the most important to work on first.

5But once you’re organized, it feels great. The less time you spend hunting around for things or panicking about homework, the more time you have for better things, like reading a good book or playing.

A.Planning means deciding what you will do and when you will do it.

B.First, you should get your schoolwork organized.

C.Add new things as you get assignments.

D.You will benefit a lot from a good habit.

E.What does it mean to be organized?

F.It takes some extra efforts to organize yourself and your stuff.

G.It means hanging your coat up instead of dropping it on the floor or throwing it on a chair.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Which country do the man and his wife choose for their holiday?


2Why does the man's wife refuse to travel by ship?

A.She often gets seasick.

B.She has made many ship travels.

C.She feels dangerous about ships.

3What does the woman suggest about the hotel?

A.Choosing a cheap one.

B.Finding more information about it online.

C.Booking a high-star one.

4What does the man want to see most while traveling?

A.Man-made buildings.

B.The beauty of natural scenery.

C.His wife's favorite attractions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear sir,

I'm pleasing to know that you need volunteers for the Belt and Road Culture Festival, so I’m writing to apply to the position.

I strong believe that I am competent for it. Above all, having learned English for 8 years, I have good command of spoken and written English. Thus, I can communicate with foreigners with easy. Besides, I am fond of Chinese culture and had a rich knowledge about Chinese history, that enables me to make a detailed introduction of our colorful culture. I hope I will be make more friends abroad by take part in it. Thank you for you reading.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How did the woman find her airplane ride?

A. Terrible. B. Relaxing C. Exciting..

2Why didn’t the woman listen to music?.

A. Because she didn’t like music.

B. Because she wanted to chat with the couple.

C. Because her ears ached when she did that.

3What did the woman do this morning?

A. She watched a movie. B. She went to see a doctor. C. She bought a pair of earphones.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






When my father left a store and returned to his car yesterday, he suddenly realised that he' d lock his keys and cell phone inside and didn't know why he could get his spare key. A teenager ride a bike saw him kick about a tire and asked what was wrong. My father explained his situation. The teenager handed my father his cell phone, "Call your wife but tell her I'm coming get the key.” That was a round trip of seven mile, but the teenager didn't mind. An hour late, he returned with the key. My father offers him some money, but they refused. Then, like a cowboy in movies, he rode off into the sunset.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


There 1 (be) no lights in sight but the night sky glowed (发出) a dusky yellow, because the Amazon was burning. The yellow flames engulfed (吞噬) trees 2 lit up the sky. During the day, the sunshine was blocked 3 thick smoke. So far, the fire 4 (put) out.

The government has recorded 72, 843 fires. The fire is just one of 5 (they) in the Amazon, the world’s 6 (large) rainforest and a fighter against climate change. According to Brazil’s space research agency INPE, the wildfire has decreased by 17 percent so far this year compared to the same period in 2018.

Environmental 7 (group)said the policies of the government encouraged deforestation (采伐森林) of the Amazon,8 led to more fires. But the government posted a report and wanted 9 (argue) against that. The government claimed that non-governmental organizations 10 (angry) set fire to the forest after it cut their funding.

