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Hi Eva,
Sorry that I haven't been in the touch for a while. But I catch cold last week, and I’ve been in bed for four day. I’m feeling better today. Lucky my classes won't start till next week.
I have good news. I'm going to a conference in you town in May, from 16th to 20th. Could you recommend a hotel where is in the centre of the town? It needs to be somewhere not too expensive because the tight budget. I’ll have a freely half-day for sightseeing. Do you think you can showed me around?
Looking forward to hear from you soon.

【答案】去掉touch 前面的the;catch错误,改为caught;day错误,改为 days;Lucky错误,改为 Luckily;you错误,改为your;where错误,改为 that /which;because 后面加上of;freely错误,改为free;showed错误,改为 show;hear错误,改为hearing
①去掉touch 前面的the be in touch 是固定搭配,保持联系,所以去掉touch 前面的the。
②catch错误,改为caught last week提示本句是一般过去时动词用过去式,所以catch 改为caught。
③day错误,改为 days 句意:我卧床好多天。根据语境可知用复数days。
④Lucky错误,改为 Luckily 用副词修饰全句,句意:所幸,我们下周才开始上课。
⑤you错误,改为your 句意:我要去你们小镇开一个会,用形容词性物主代词your修饰名词town。
⑥where错误,改为 that /which hotel后面是一个定语从句,在从句中缺主语,应该用关系代词that /which,where是关系副词做状语,所以where 改为 that /which。
⑦because 后面加上of because 后面是名词短语the tight budget,应该用because of,because后面连从句。
⑧freely错误,改为free 句意:我会有半天的时间观光,free time意思是空闲的时间,所以freely 改为free。
⑨showed错误,改为 show 情态动词can后用动词原形show。
⑩hear错误,改为hearing to是介词,后面的动词用动词-ing形式,所以hear 改为hearing。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Having been occupied with her graduation exam for a month, Bonnie Rivers passed finally. But unfortunately, though (die)to get it on her own, she could not collect her certificate, because the building the graduation ceremony was being held was not wheelchair (access). So she had to (accompany) by her friend, who then came to Bonnie's (assist) while she waited outside. situation would not have happened a qualified architect had designed a building with wheelchair access. is often the case, the rights of the (disable) are not taken seriously.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Two weeks before my 12th birthday, my teacher asked me to conduct an experiment. When I mixed some powder together, they exploded. Molten liquid hit me in the face, but I felt no pain.

I vividly remember standing there in a state of calm. I thought I was in a dream, but however hard I struggled to swim to the surface of consciousness, I couldn’t wake up. I didn’t understand how terrifying it was until I heard people saying, "Who’s that?" That’s when I knew I was unrecognizable.

I was taken to hospital, but the doctors didn’t know what to do with me. Later I was flown to Houston for surgery. Between the ages of 13 and 16, I had 40 operations. As each operation came and went, my vision would come back, then fade again. Eventually, it faded completely and I had what was left of my eyes removed for cosmetic reasons.

Since then, I have lived in total darkness. Most blind people, even if they don’t have any sight they’re aware of, are still able to sense light. That gives them a sense of day and night. But not me. I absolutely lost that sense of time passing.

For many years, I felt my sight loss darkening my life like the loss of my parents from which I would never recover. But when I was in my 40s, I realized I had to find a way to live. I trained to become a counselor, and that has helped me see my experiences in a different way. I can’t fix people’s broken lives just like I can’t fix my sight but I can help them find a way to manage.

Sometimes it feels as if all the struggles and negative experiences I’ve lived through were in fact a kind of preparation for helping others to make their own way towards the light.

【1】How did the writer feel when the mixed powder exploded?

A. Painful. B. Frightened. C. Calm. D. Desperate.

【2】 What can we know about the writer?

A. She recovered her sight at last.

B. She just has slight sense of sight.

C. She is now living a meaningful life.

D. She received 40 operations in 28 years.

【3】What is the passage mainly about?

A. Telling her own experience.

B. Encouraging the blind to cheer up.

C. Calling on people to care for the blind.

D. Warning students doing experiments is dangerous.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。

Do you want to worry less? Of course you do, right? That’s like me asking if I could send you free bacon. Worry is like black mold it appears in damp conditions and spreads uncontrollably. And often times we don’t realize it’s there until it’s killing us. We must get rid of worry before it destroys us. But how? 【1】

Do What You Need to Do.

2】 You ought not to avoid tough projects or hard conversions until the last moment. If you dont do what you should be doing, you will end up spending the rest of the time worrying about the must-do things. Believe it or not, the anxiety that comes from worrying is much worse than the task we’re worried about.

Get Intentional.

I think many of us act like we’re puppets in a play and we’re waiting for something or someone to put us in the right place. You just react to whatever is going on. We need to stop letting life just happen. We need to live on purpose. 3


You can’t have intentionality without making plans. Making plans will enable you to achieve your aims more smoothly. Yet, don’t place your plans in stone. You can adjust your plans flexibly. Accept changes. Make new plans. 5

There are other ways to lessen worry. As long as you are determined to take action, you will live a worry-free life.

A. Worry ruins creativity.

B. Make

C. Do what you should be doing.

D. Here are some effective ways to deal with it.

E. Then move forward.

F. You do the same as people around you do.

G. Nothing can cause worry like purposelessness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Everyone wants more free time to do the things they love. Here are four methods that you can use in your personal life to get things done more efficiently and save time.

1. Save time by shopping all at once.

【1】 Go out and do all of your shopping on a single day in a single trip. By the way, the very best time to shop for groceries is Tuesday afternoon and evening. Why? Store shelves are restocked再备货on Monday after the weekend. On Tuesday, you can get the greatest selection, get out fast, and get more free time.

2. 2

Wasting the time of other people is usually not deliberate. If you are a boss with people reporting to you, avoid wasting the time of your staff by keeping them waiting or being late for meetings. The more respect you show for the time of your staff, the more valuable and important they will feel. 3

3. Get more free time by being punctual.

Only 2 percent of people are punctual all the time, and these people are respected by everyone. Punctuality is professional and polite. 4 There is no such thing as being fashionably late.

4. Get things done quickly.

Get things done at a fast pace. 5 The more efficiently you work and the more you get done, the better you feel. Most successful people work at a faster pace than unsuccessful people.

A. Don’t waste the time of others.

B. Get into the hait of being on time.

C. When you go shopping, do it all at once.

D. Dont break the rule of meeting strangers.

E. The same rule applies to your personal life.

F. Remember, fast pace is essential to success.

G. Get everything done before going shopping every time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


This week, Chinese and international pollution management professionals are gathering in Beijing for a series of events as part of a Pollution Management and Environmental Health Business Week 【1】 (host) by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Beijing Environmental Protection to share their experience in air quality management. These events are particularly time as the cost from air pollution is becoming 2 (increase) apparent across the world, especially for low and middle-income countries.

Over the past five years, the Chinese government has been focusing on addressing PM2.5, 3 is the most 4 (criticize) pollutant for public health. In 2012, the government issued stricter standards for ambient PM2.5 concentration, which went into 5 (affect) in January 2016 and are comparable to standards 6 (define) by the World Health Organization. The thirteenth Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) has set 7 target of reducing PM2.5 concentration 8 18 percent. This is the first time PM2.5 targets 9 (include) in a five-year plan. China is establishing the most extensive air monitoring system in the world, 【10 (cover) 338 cities nationwide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1What Teenagers Can Do To Earn MoreRespect
Asteenagers continue to grow and develop into young adults, the transition(过渡) into adulthood has begun. With so many physical andemotional changes going on, certain manners are often forgotten and other adulttraits are not yet accepted as a way of life. By doing the following things, youwill earn more respect.
2Contribute to the household
Atthe very least, clean up after yourself. As a teenager, you are old enough toclean up after yourself. When you make a mess, clean it up. All chores that you do help to reduce the loadof the person who did them before. Now that you're old enough and capable, whyshouldn't you contribute to the household?
3Be responsible
Whether they are basic things, like brushingyour teeth or doing your homework , or more involved chores that contribute tothe household, simply fulfill your responsibilities on time. When adults knowthat they can rely on you, their trust and respect for you will increase.
4 Solve more of your own problem without asking for help
Insteadof taking the easy approach and asking for help, make an effort to solve yourproblems on your own first. The “easy way ” is only easy for you, but it is anextra task for the person from whom you are seeking help. Seek help only afteryou have make an honest effort to solve your own problems. When you become a good problem solver, youincrease your valve to the community.
a.Everyone has certain responsibilities.
b.By being aware of these manners and traits, you can managethem sooner.
c.The people doing the chores before will greatly appreciate thehelp.
d.This includes. But is not limited to , your dishes and yourroom.
e.It will make your life more pleasant.
f.Depending on the problem, 15 minutes of effort is usually a good guideline.
g.When speaking to a group, speak loud enough.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When you’re having a hard time with your homework or when you’re preparing for your term paper, these student-focused websites can help you with just about anything you need. The key to getting the most out of these online resources is to know how they can best be used to your advantage.


Although Facebook can be one of your biggest time-wasters and distractions when you are supposed to be getting work done, it can also be one of your most valuable resources. Most of your classmates will probably have a Facebook account, so anyone you need to connect with about a class you missed or about a problem is usually just a few clicks away.


With a free library of history timeline, philosophy study guides and library summaries, SparkNotes has covered just about any reading-related jam you find yourself in. Just run a search for the book, play, or short summary of the material you are supposed to read.


Do you finish every term with many expensive textbooks you will never open again? Instead of letting the money spent go to waste, get back some of your cash by selling your books on Amazon.


Choosing new classes can sometimes be like trying to pick out your clothes in the dark, a total guessing game. Which teacher gives out the hardest problem sets? How much homework will that history professor give you every week? At RateMyProfessors.com, students all over the country rate their professors on quality, helpfulness, and how hard their classes are.


While Wikipedia isn’t aimed specifically at students, it is difficult to think of another website that does more to reduce the pain of paper writing and researching. Wikipedia gives you a quick way to find sources and get the details of almost any topic you need to research — all without walking to the library.

1The passage was mainly written to ________.

A. explain some websites for parents

B. compare some educational websites

C. offer some websites that may help students

D. introduce different parts of a website

2While you are taking great pains to write a research report, ________ can most probably be a help.

A. Facebook B. Wikipedia C. Amazon.com D. SparkNotes

3RateMyPorfessors.com is a place ________.

A. where you can make friends all over the country

B. that gives you information about professors in advance

C. where you can communicate with your professors

D. that gives tips on how to get along with your professors

4Which of the following will you most probably refer to, if you need brief ideas for class discussion in reading?

A. Wikipedia. B. Facebook. C. SparkNotes. D. Amazon.com.

