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3.Which boy hasn't dreamed of being a cool secret agent(特工)?The wonderful fighting and the world-saving adventures are much more colourful than most people's everyday lives.Well,Cody Banks is just like any other boy,except that he is not just dreaming.He has a big secret his friends never know about.He was trained to be a spy(间谍)by a special CIA programme,which was made to look like a summer camp.He learned high-speed driving,hand-to-hand fighting and the use of high-tech tools.
After proving he could become a young hero by saving a baby from a runaway car,Banks gets his first real task.He must make friends with a popular girl at school,Natalie Connors.Then,he must spy on her father,a scientist who has developed a dangerous technology(技术).Banks must stop a group of bad people from forcing Natalie's father into using the technology to endanger the world.
The CIA may have taught him first-class self-defence moves,but they didn't show him hoe to talk to girls.Banks has zero ability when it comes to dealing with girls.How can he get around his problem and get an invitation to the girl's upcoming birthday party?Will he finally become Natalie's boyfriend and find out whatever he can about her father's work?
Agent Cody Banks has everything that young people are interested in:big explosions,breath-taking performances and funny girl-dating experiences.It was listed in No.2in the American box office last week.
"This story is interesting and fun for the whole family to enjoy,and especially cool for young boys."said Paul Perkins,a film reviewer in the US.

72.What is Bank's first real task?D
A.To test a high-tech tool               B.To save a baby from a car
C.To study a new technology              D.To watch a scientist secretly
73.Banks wanted to go to Natalie's birthday party toC.
A.meet her father                             B.know more people
C.make friends with her                       D.steal some information
74.What is considered as a great danger in the text?A
A.The technology developed by Natalie's father     
B.An explosion set off by some bad people            
C.The CIA's training of boys for its task             
D.Secret agents spying on scientists
75.What is the purpose of the text?D
A.Making known the work of the CIA      B.Telling the story about a cool boy
C.Showing the dark side of science      D.Introducing a new film.

分析 文章介绍了一部电影"少年特工科迪".每个男孩都想成为很酷的秘密特工,有精彩的打斗,还有拯救世界的历险.这一切听起来是那么的精彩.科迪班克斯正是这样的一名特工,他接受联邦调查局的训练,飞车,徒手格斗,高科技工具使用.他接受的第一项任务是去监视一位科学家.首先必须要结识这位科学家的女儿,他能成功吗?这部影片对年轻的男孩子们充满吸引力.

解答 72.D 细节理解题.第一段说He must make friends with a popular girl at school,Natalie Connors.Then,he must spy on her father,a scientist who has developed a dangerous technology.他要调查一位科学家.故选D.
73.C 细节理解题.第二段说How can he get around his problem and get an invitation to the girl's upcoming birthday party?Will he finally become Natalie's boyfriend and find out whatever he can about her father's work?为了调查,他必须参加Natalie的生日宴会,他能成为她的男朋友吗?故选C.
74.A 细节理解题.第一段最后说a scientist who has developed a dangerous technology(技术).Banks must stop a group of bad people from forcing Natalie's father into using the technology to endanger the world.这位科学家开发了一种危险的技术.故选A.
75.D 推理判断题.文章最后说It was listed in No.2in the American box office last week它位列上周美国电影票房第二位,后面又说said Paul Perkins,a film reviewer in the US一位影评人对它进行了评价.可以知道这是在介绍一部电影.故选D.

点评 阅读理解是考查语篇理解能力.常考的题型有:推理判断题;主旨大意题;细节理解题;猜测词意题.近几年又出现了两种新的考查方式:写作态度判断题和文章结构题.解题时,在读懂文章的基础上,还有特别注意掌握题型的特征,尤其是细节题和推断题不可混淆:细节题是文章信息的再现;推断题是文章信息的提取.本题是广告类文章,考查主要是以细节题为主,细节题要注意常用的出题陷阱有:夸大,缩小,张冠李戴,偷梁换柱,无中生有等,做题时要看清看准.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Jack doesn't smoke now,but he______for almost twenty years.(  )
A.was smokingB.had smokedC.has smokedD.smoked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Fred is second to none in math in our class,but believe it or not,he         passed the last exam.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.For a moment nothing happened; then______ from the excited audience.(  )
A.cheers cameB.did cheers com
C.cheers would comeD.came cheers


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Members of the post-1990 generation looking for work apply for multiple positions and hold high expectations of the jobs.They are particular about employment and it was common for them(61)to break (break) appointments for job interviews.
The only child is characteristic of the most of the families since 1990.His or her living condition  has(62)greatly (great) improved from that of the post-1980and post-1970generationsgenerations.They don't experience much pressure in life so they pay closer attention to (63)personal (person) preferences and interests when (64)hunting (hunt) for a job.
They also does not care about the amount of money they make.(65)Instead,the working environment,the happiness they get from their work and respect from others are the things (66)that/which matter most.
As the saying goes,second (67)thoughts(think) are best.The post-1990generation does not think twice about leaving in their first year of work.If they lose interest in a job or are not clear about their future career path,they (68)will quit (quit) easily.
Members of the generation are also more self-centered.They want more time for(69)themselves(they) and are not willing to work overtime.Their attitude to life is more casual.
This generation is very sensitive and has a lot of self-respect,(70)so the employers need to be concerned about their temperaments (性情) and ways of communication.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.A good listener takes part in the conversation,________ ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Robert A.Heinlein was considered one of American's"Big Three"western science fiction  authors,along with Issac Asimov and Arthur C.Clarke.He was born in a family of seven   children in 1907,attended public school in Kansas City,and graduated from Central High   School in 1924.In 1929 he graduated from fhe U.S.Naval Academy at Annapolis,and served   as all officer in the Navy.This experience had a strong influence on his character and writing.At the age of thirty-two,he turned his hand to writing science fiction.
    Heinlein's first published stories appeared in the action-adventure magazine Astounding   Science Fiction in 1939.Under his influence writers started to examine how technology might   affect the everyday lives of ordinary people,and society in general.
    Heinleiu's early works emphasized adventure,and were aimed at young readers.In 1959   he received the Boy's Clubs of American Book Award.In these novels Heintein avoided open   didacticism(说教),although his main characters learned lessons in courage and tolerance.Beginning in the late 1950s,Heinlein started to write specially for adults,and to deal with such topics as cloning,religion,and free love.
    Heinlein produced fifty novels and collections of short stories during his career.One of his best-known works is the novel Stranger in a Strange Land,published inl961.A few years later it was adopted by the"Peace and Love"generation,and became the most successful       science-fiction novel ever published.Glory Road(1963),written in the tradition of Edgar Rice   Burroughs's Mars stories,is another of his most popular works. 
    Within the framework of his science fiction stories,Heinlein repeatedly addressed such   social themes as the importance of self-confidence and the duties each person owes to the   society.In his fiction,Heinlein coined words that have become part of the English language,including"grok"and"waldo".He also described a modern version of a"waterbed"in his novel The Door Into Summer and several of his works have been adapted for film and television.

41.What do we learn about Heinlein from the first paragraph?A
A.His navy life affected his writing.
B.His early works had little influence.
C.He was born into a wealthy family.
D.He wrote science fiction from childhood.
42.Which of the following is true about Heinlein's works?D
A.They were Never aimed at adults.
B.They forced readers to accept moral ideas.
C.They were greatly influenced by other writers.
D.Early works were popular among young readers.
43.Which of the following was adopted by the"Peace and Love"generation?C
A.Astounding Science Fiction   
B.Glory Road.
C.Stranger in a Strange Land     
D.The Door Into Summer
44.The underlined word"coined"in the last paragraph mostly meansA
45.From the last paragraph we know HeinleinB
A.misunderstood some English words
B.stressed the topics related to moral training
C.focused on getting rewards from society
D.produced many films and television programmes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The teacher divided us into several groups       we could do an experiment.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Munkacsy ever worked as a carpenter.He spent 3years in workshop and 2years as a woodworker.The experiences of working with the underclass have trained his observation ability of realism,which foretold the future creation of his masterpiece The Last Day of Condemned Man.I have seen many of Munkacsy's paintings on different occasions.
Despite having suffered many setbacks in his life and passed away only at age of 56,Munkacsy had created large numbers of paintings in various styles.From his early success of realism themes to Barbizon landscapes(风景画),then to those beautiful Salon paintings which represented lives of Paris upper class society,Munkacsy was always challenging himself by changing subjects and themes.However,after a period of creative practice,he found out that instead of making those peaceful and elegant landscapes or Salon paintings,deep down in his heart he was still willing to represent more deep and meaningful themes.Thus,after his realism masterpiece The Last Day of Condemned Man,he started to focus on another traditional theme creation:The Christ Trilogy(三部曲).
Christ Before Pilate was the first theme in his Christ Trilogy series.Based on the Bible(圣经),the picture shows a victorious Christ who is standing in the middle with a bright whiteness and defeats his mean enemies and the hesitating Roman governor Pilate.Comparing through each character's facial details,the one which is displayed in Munkacsy Museum is more like an unfinished piece,which is far rougher than the largest and most famous edition of this painting,exhibited in the Beijing Fine Art Academy earlier this year.The fact is that it is not so unusual that an artist painted one theme for many times.In Munkacsy's case,he completed two versions of The Last Day of Condemned Man,and I have personally seen three versions of this late Christ Before Pilate altogether,exactly same composition but the sizes and details of each painting are quite different.How many Christ Before Pilate did he paint?Which one did he paint first and what are their orders?Maybe someday,I will write an academic thesis to discuss this topic.
32.Which is related to Munkacsy's life as a carpenter?B
A.The Christ Trilogy.
B.The Last Day of Condemned Man.
C.Barbizon landscapes.
D.Salon paintings.
33.What is the theme of Munkacsy's latest paintings?C
34.What does the writer think of an artist painting one theme for many times?B
35.What makes the three versions of the late Christ Before Pilate different?D
A.The characters.
B.The themes.
C.The time periods.
D.The sizes and details.

