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“Migrant workers”(外来务工人员)is a familiar term for 17 -year- old Shi Jian. Her father and uncle often talk about the problems surrounding this group of people. However, Shi cares more about the children of these migrant workers.
Last year Shi’s housekeeper’s daughter had to give up her schooling in Beijing because she would not be allowed to sit the national college entrance exam. She was forced to continue her high school education in her hometown in Sichuan Province.
Shi thinks the current law is unfair for migrant workers’ children, as it prevents them from studying at public schools, unless their parents pay huge sums. So, Shi decided to do a survey of migrant workers so that she could find some solutions to help solve the problem.
In the last six months Shi has spoken to 186 migrant workers in Beijing. Her interviewees include babysitters, guards, keepers, supermarket clerks, house cleaners and construction site workers. Shi found out that 55 of them were parents. Among this group, only eight have children who attend schools in Beijing. The other 47 had to leave children with relatives in the countryside. However, 40 of the 47 would like to enroll(使入学)their children in city schools.
From her interviews, Shi found that the workers’ lowest income was 400 yuan each month. Over one - third earn a monthly wage of or below 1000 yuan. “Even schools for migrant workers’ children charge more than public schools. Moreover, parents constantly worry about these schools closing or relocating,” she explained.
Shi has recently completed a report about her survey, in which she makes a series of recommendations. “The government can set up public schools for migrants’ children equal to schools for city children. Second, to offset(弥补)migrant workers’ very low pay, public schools should offer them special rates so they can afford their children’s tuition(学费).
1. What drove Shi to do the survey of migrant workers?
A. She wanted to draw people’s attention and become famous.
B. Her housekeeper’s daughter was forced to move to her hometown to continue studying.
C. She was asked to do a survey of migrant workers as part of a school project.
D. Her curiosity about migrant workers’lives.
2. According to Shi’s survey, most migrant workers’kids ________.
A. have to help their parents support the family
B. attend schools near their parents’ working places
C. don’t live together with their parents
D. always do better in schools than children from the city
3. All of the following prevent migrant workers’ kids from attending schools in cities EXCEPT ________.
A. their parents’ low income
B. that schools for migrant workers’ children may close or relocate
C. schools’ high tuitions
D. their lack of confidence to face the fierce competitions in city schools
4. Shi suggested in her survey that ________.
A. children’s tuition should be reduced
B. more money should be collected for migrants’ children
C. more private schools for migrants’ children should be built
D. students from the city and the countryside should be encouraged to communicate more




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Makoto、Mr. Zheng、Mr. Zhu、Jack 和Xiao Wang 正在广州寻找合适的餐厅,下列各题是对他们个人情况的介绍。阅读下列餐厅的信息(A、B、C、D、E、F), 选出符合他们各人需要的最佳选择。选项中有一项是多余的。

Makoto is a Japanese tourist who has stayed in Guangzhou for a few days. He wants to make a tour of North China but unfortunately he has no time. So he would like to find a restaurant where he can taste northern food and experience the life in the north.

78. Mr. Zheng was born in Hunan but went to Japan at an early age. This time he came to Guangzhou to deal with some business affairs. Coming back to his homeland after being away for about 20 years, he hopes to find a restaurant serving food of his home town.

79. It is the first time for Mr. Zhu, who comes from the northeast of China, to visit Guangdong Province. He is interested in traditional Cantonese food and Cantonese lifestyle.

80. Jack is a successful businessman. He is flying to Guangzhou to meet some people, who are likely to sign a contract with him. He wants to find a high quality restaurant. Of course, it is the quality rather than the price that he cares about.

81. Xiao Wang, a migrant worker in Guangzhou, plans to hold a party with his 10 friends. All of them are fond of the Sichuan cuisine. Xiao Wang hopes to spend less than 600 yuan for the dinner.


Nanhai Yucun Restaurant

Founded in 1986, Nanhai Yucun Restaurant has always been one of the gourmets’ choices in Guangzhou.

Prices are high, but so is the quality. Just look at the gust list; the King and Queen of Spain, South Korea’s Prime Minister and his wife have eaten here, along with lots of local famous people.



Dongbeiren is meant for northerners. The decoration is basically red—from the paper cuts and the curtains to the Kang (a bed with a table where people can sit comfortably without shoes and with their legs folded). It is perhaps a way to remind the northerners of home or for other people to get in touch with the north. 


Taotaoju Restaurant

Taotaoju Restaurant is one of Guangzhou’s most well-known traditional Cantonese restaurants, located in a historic building in the heart of the city’s Xiguan District.

You can’t get any more traditional Guangzhou than this, which is a great place for dim sun and seafood. You haven’t lived in Guangzhou until you’ve eaten dim sum in a true local place like Taotaoju. It’s also a popular spot for parties.


Chongqing Xiaodongtian Restaurant

It’s one of the top Sichuan cuisine restaurants in Guangzhou, featuring Chongqing flavor.

It is a group of chain restaurants in Guangzhou. The food is Sichuan style, but the decoration and surroundings are a bit old.

Like most Sichuan restaurants, the pleasant smell of their traditional hot pot spreads throughout the whole place.

Food here is medium-priced, around 50 RMB per person.



Maojia Reastaurant

Maojia Reastaurant is a local favorite for strong-flavored Hunan dishes.

It has a strong cultural atmosphere related to Chairman Mao and also introduces Maojia dishes characteristic of tasty Hunan local flavors, which are a bit softer than the traditional Hunan flavor.



Enmi Japanese Reastaurant

The decoration here is beautiful and peaceful.

A small “courtyard of bamboo” is refreshing while the space between tables is large and comfortable. The diverse sashimi (raw fish slices) is a must-try here.

The food, however, is served slow and the regulated tow hours for ordering is strange.


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省绵阳中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期第一次月考 题型:写作题

1 民工学校的现状: a. 设施简陋;b. 师资缺乏;c. 民工子弟热爱学习;
2 调查引发的感受;
3 改善民工学校现状的建议(至少2条)。
要求: 100 词左右。信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入词数。           
参考词汇:民工学校  migrant school 民工子弟 migrant kids
Dear editor,
We have done some research about migrant schools in our city lately and we are
shocked to see the environment of the schools is so poor. ________________________________
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建省高三上学期11月学段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


It’s common to hear the honking of horns in New York. Whoever tries every day to get more than a few minutes of sleep in the city will tell you that he could do nothing about it! Honking of horns is just one of their most widely enjoyed pastimes.

But Aaron, a Japanese website developer has had enough of it. Once, the 31-year-old man approached the open window to wait for the driver to finish honking, delivered a polite "excuse me" and then yelled " Ho-o-o-o-onk!", which suggests fierce anger in Japan. Then he threw three eggs from the window of his apartment on to a passing car honking loudly below when his patience was worn out. Instead of apologizing to him, the driver threatened to kill him angrily. So, nobly, Aaron turned to non-violence. He started writing anti-honking haiku verses, a form of Japanese poetry, and submitted them to local newspapers:

Oh .forget Enron;

The problem around here is;

All the damn honking

(Enron: a major American company that recently caused a scandal by going bankrupt be­cause of corrupt(腐败) mismanagement)

"Then this kind of chain reaction started happening," Aaron says. "All these other haiku star­ted appearing that I haven't written." Aaron’ s community is now covered in anti - hon­king poetry, written by all walks of life, ranging from scary environmental activist types to violent revolutionaries:

Patience slowly fades;

Residents store up their eggs;

That day is coming soon.

It’s no surprise that Aaron has started a website — www. honku. org — and now people from across the country send him news of their own anti - honking activities. It seems that poetry can change the world after all. Then, just recently, anti-anti- honking haiku started to appear, taped up by locals who thought Aaron should stop worrying about honking and start wor­rying about starving children, say, or war in the  Middle East instead. Aaron has an answer for that. "Stop me if this is too tenuous(不靠谱的) ," he says," but they talk about the violence in the Middle East like it' s a force of nature, like it' s beyond our control. But actually it's kind of like the honking - the violence is man -made. If we can figure out how to stop honking on the streets, I think we could learn some things that we could use on a large scale. "

1.The first paragraph of the passage is intended to tell us that_______.

A. New Yorkers have formed a habit of honking while driving

B. most New Yorkers enjoy sleeping late in the morning

C. honking noise has influenced people's life in New York

D. New Yorkers enjoy listening to the honking of horns

2.What is Aaron’s final response to the frequent honking of horns?

A. Pretended to ignore it.

B. Screamed at the driver.

C. Acted in a peaceful way.

D. Complained to the government.

3.According to the passage, most New Yorkers think Aaron's response is ___.

A. pointless

B. abnormal

C. sensitive

D. acceptable

4.Faced with the criticism of his anti-honking campaign, Aaron notes that___.

A. fierce violence in the Middle East is more of an issue worthy of concern

B. finding the solution to anti - honking is as meaningful as that to starvation

C. big issues are beyond our control while small ones are under our control

D. if not handled properly, honking may cause serious problems like starvation



科目:高中英语 来源:河南商丘市2010年高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


 “Migrant workers”(外来务工人员)is a familiar term for 17 -year- old Shi Jian. Her father and uncle often talk about the problems surrounding this group of people. However, Shi cares more about the children of these migrant workers.

Last year Shi’s housekeeper’s daughter had to give up her schooling in Beijing because she would not be allowed to sit the national college entrance exam. She was forced to continue her high school education in her hometown in Sichuan Province.

Shi thinks the current law is unfair for migrant workers’ children, as it prevents them from studying at public schools, unless their parents pay huge sums. So, Shi decided to do a survey of migrant workers so that she could find some solutions to help solve the problem.

In the last six months Shi has spoken to 186 migrant workers in Beijing. Her interviewees include babysitters, guards, keepers, supermarket clerks, house cleaners and construction site workers. Shi found out that 55 of them were parents. Among this group, only eight have children who attend schools in Beijing. The other 47 had to leave children with relatives in the countryside. However, 40 of the 47 would like to enroll(使入学)their children in city schools.

From her interviews, Shi found that the workers’ lowest income was 400 yuan each month. Over one - third earn a monthly wage of or below 1000 yuan. “Even schools for migrant workers’ children charge more than public schools. Moreover, parents constantly worry about these schools closing or relocating,” she explained.

Shi has recently completed a report about her survey, in which she makes a series of recommendations. “The government can set up public schools for migrants’ children equal to schools for city children. Second, to offset(弥补)migrant workers’ very low pay, public schools should offer them special rates so they can afford their children’s tuition(学费).

1. What drove Shi to do the survey of migrant workers?

A. She wanted to draw people’s attention and become famous.

    B. Her housekeeper’s daughter was forced to move to her hometown to continue studying.

    C. She was asked to do a survey of migrant workers as part of a school project.

    D. Her curiosity about migrant workers’lives.

2. According to Shi’s survey, most migrant workers’kids ________.

    A. have to help their parents support the family

    B. attend schools near their parents’ working places

    C. don’t live together with their parents

    D. always do better in schools than children from the city

3. All of the following prevent migrant workers’ kids from attending schools in cities EXCEPT ________.

    A. their parents’ low income

    B. that schools for migrant workers’ children may close or relocate

    C. schools’ high tuitions

    D. their lack of confidence to face the fierce competitions in city schools

4. Shi suggested in her survey that ________.

    A. children’s tuition should be reduced

    B. more money should be collected for migrants’ children

    C. more private schools for migrants’ children should be built

    D. students from the city and the countryside should be encouraged to communicate more



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南通市2010届高三第三次模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:单项填空


An official said the plan had also taken migrant workers into account, ________ medical care would be provided even if they didn’t have a stable job.

A.for whom

B.for which

C.with whom

D.with which


