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How to be popular
Many people desire to be popular with others£¬but not everyone can achieve this goal£®What is the secret to popularity£¿We have conducted a survey among the students recently and got the following results£®

·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪͼ±íÌá¸ÙÀà×÷ÎÄ£¬ÎÒÃÇÐèÒªÓÃÕýÈ·µÄÓ¢Óï°Ñ¸ø³öµÄÒªµã±í´ï³öÀ´£®¶¯±ÊÇ°£¬Ò»¶¨ÒªÈÏÕæ·ÖÎöÒªµã£¬Àí½âÒªµãÒª±í´ïµÄº¬Ò壬²»ÄÜÒÅ©Ҫµã£¬ÅÜÌâÆ«Ì⣮±¾×÷ÎÄÖиø³öµÄÒªµã±È½Ï¾ßÌ壬¹ÊÐèҪ׼ȷ±í´ï£®Ð´×÷ʱעÒâ׼ȷÔËÓÃʱ̬£¬ÉÏÏÂÎÄÒâ˼Á¬¹á£¬·ûºÏÂß¼­¹Øϵ£¬¾¡Á¿Ê¹ÓÃ×Ô¼ºÊìϤµÄµ¥´Ê¾äʽ£¬Í¬Ê±Ò²Òª×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍʹÎÄÕÂÏԵøüÓеµ´Î£®Ìرð×¢ÒâÔÚÑ¡Ôñ¾äʽʱҪ¸³Óè±ä»¯£®Æ½Ê±³ýÁ˼ÓÇ¿´Ê»ã»ýÀÛ£¬Ð´×÷ÁªÏµÒÔÍ⣬»¹¿ÉÒÔÊʵ±¼ÇÒäһЩÀàËƵķ¶ÎÄ£¬ÕâÑùÔÚ¿¼ÊÔÖпÉÒÔÆðµ½Ê°빦±¶µÄЧ¹û£®
¡¾ÁÁµã˵Ã÷¡¿·¶ÎÄÖÐÔËÓÃһЩ³£¼ûµÄ¶ÌÓïin good spirits£®¾«Éñ״̬Á¼ºÃ£»care for¹ØÐÄ£»In this wayÓÃÕâÖÖ°ì·¨£»In my opinionÔÚÎÒ¿´À´£»get along withÓ룮£®Ïà´¦£»speak ill of˵»µ»°£»It is also important for us to be a good listener£®Õâ¸ö¾ä×Óit ×öÐÎʽÖ÷ÓÕæÕýµÄÖ÷ÓïÊǺóÃæµÄ²»¶¨Ê½£»In my opinion£¬no matter what we do£¬we are supposed to be ourselves Õâ¸ö¾ä×Óno matter what Ï൱ÓÚwhatever£¬Òýµ¼Èò½×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»Only by being respectful of others can we earn their respect£®Õâ¸ö¾ä×ÓÔËÓÃonly+×´Óï+²¿·Öµ¹×°£®

½â´ð How to be popular
     Many people desire to be popular with others£¬but not everyone can achieve this goal£®What is the secret to popularity£¿We have conducted a survey among the students recently and got the following results£®
     40% of the students surveyed believe that we should pay more attention to our appearance£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©We should make sure that we are dressed fashionably and in good spirits£®In addition£¬if we always keep smiles on our faces and act in a friendly way towards others£¬people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our attractions£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©
     However£¬60% of the students think a person popular with others is always honest and considerate£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©£®He is always ready to care for others and help others£®It is also important for us to be a good listener£®In this way£¬people will feel comfortable enough to get along with you£®Above all£¬we must remember not to speak ill of others at any time£®
     In my opinion£¬no matter what we do£¬we are supposed to be ourselves£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Only by being respectful of others can we earn their respect£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Meanwhile£¬if we are trustworthy£¬I am sure popularity will come our way£®

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7£®-It is reported that he was sentenced to life in prison for economy crime£®
-Really£¿       People would cheer for it£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®It all dependsB£®So what£¿C£®What's wrong£¿D£®He deserves it


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

8£®She recognized me       she saw me in the supermarket£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®in caseB£®the momentC£®as ifD£®even though


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

5£®The Tower of London is ____ the Church tower£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®twice high thanB£®two times as high as
C£®twice higher asD£®three times the height of


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

12£®Our local Community Youth Club is a very popular £¨61£©organization £¨organize£© with young people in my town£®I have been £¨62£©a member for four years now and I've taken part £¨63£©ina lot of interesting projects£®These include fun activities such as holiday camps and discos£®We have organized sports competitions and we have even made a video£®£¨64£©Butit isn't all just enjoyment£» we £¨65£©have started£¨start£© doing social work to help people in our neighborhood£®We have organized activities for small children during the holidays£®We have also formed a special support group to help young people stop£¨66£©smoking£¨smoke£©!We have £¨67£©particularly £¨particular£© proud of the most recent group we have created£®It organizes regular visits to the local old people's home£®The old people£¬£¨68£©who were very excited by our visit£¬told us their personal stories£®We sang songs and played games with them and had tea together£®Some of £¨69£©themwere in poor health and were very unhappy£®£¨70£©Afterthis visit£¬my friends and I decided we should do something to help improve the quality of their lives£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

2£®½üÈÕ½ÌÓý²¿£¨the Ministry of Education£©ÒªÇó¼ÓÇ¿ÖÐСѧÀͶ¯½ÌÓý£¬ÕâÒ»¾Ù´ëÒý·¢ÁËÈËÃǵÄÈÈÒ飮ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÏÂÃæ±í¸ñÖеÄÄÚÈÝ£¬Ð´Ò»ÆªÐÂÎű¨µÀ£®
Recently£¬the Ministry of Education has issued a requirement that students should be given labor education while at school£¬which arouses a heated debate£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

9£®---What is the most memorable interview you've ever done£¿
---It's hard to pick _______ because I have interviewed many famous people in my career£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

6£®On a hill 600 feet above the surrounding land£¬we watch the lines of rain move across the scene£¬the moon rise over the hills£¬and the stars appear in the sky£®The views invite a long look from a comfortable chair in front of the wooden house£®
Every window in our wooden house has a view£¬and the forest and lakes seldom look the same as the hour before£®Each look reminds us where we are£®
There is space for our three boys to play outside£¬to shoot arrows£¬collect tree seeds£¬build earth houses and climb trees£®
Our kids have learned the names of the trees£¬and with the names have come familiarity and appreciation£®As they tell all who show even a passing interest£¬maple£¨·ãÊ÷£©makes the best fighting sticks and white pines are the best climbing trees£®
The air is clean and fresh£®The water from the well has a pleasant taste£¬and it is perhaps the healthiest water our kids will ever drink£®Though they have one glass a day of juice and the rest is water£¬they never say anything against that£®
The seasons change just outside the door£® We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars'£¨ÑîÊ÷£©putting out the first green leaves of spring£®The rainbow smelt fills the local steam as the ice gradually disappears£¬and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter£®A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake£®
28£®What can be learned from Paragraph 2£¿A
A£®The scenes are colorful and changeable£®
B£®There are many windows in the wooden house£®
C£®The views remind us that we are in a wooden house£®
D£®The lakes outside the windows are quite different in color£®
29£®By mentioning the names of the trees£¬the author aims to show thatC£®
A£®the kids like playing in trees            
B£®the kids are very familiar with trees
C£®the kids have learned much knowledge        
D£®the kids find trees useful learning tools
30£®What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean£¿A
A£®The change of seasons is easily felt£®
B£®The seasons make the scenes change£®
C£®The weather often changes in the forest£®
D£®The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons£®
31£®What is the main purpose of the author writing the text£¿D
A£®To describe the beauty of the scene around the house£®
B£®To introduce her children's happy life in the forest£®
C£®To show that living in the forest is healthful£®
D£®To share the joy of living in the nature£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

7£®He can't figureout why he failed the exam£®

