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What is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products displayed at the entrance? Or the soft background music?

But have you ever noticed the smell? Unless it is bad,the answer is likely to be no.But while a shop’s scent may not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds,it is certainly there. And it is providing to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase.

A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance via scent machines.A smell may be attractive but it may not just be used for freshening air.One sports goods company once reported that when it first introduced scent into its stores, customers’ intention to purchase increased by 80 percent.

When it comes to the best shopping streets in Pairs, scent is just as important to a brand’s success as the quality of its window displays and goods on sales.That is mainly because shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.

Some years ago, the focus for brand name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants’ disproving attitude and don’t-touch-what-you-can’t-afford displays. Now the rise of electronic commerce (e-commerce) has opened up famous brands to a wider audience. But while e-shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks-and-mortar stores(实体店) can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave. Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop, but rather a destination.And scent is just one way to achieve this.

Now a famous store uses complex man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder floats through the kid department, and coconut(椰子) scent in the swimsuit section.A department store has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store’s windows to smell books, pots and drawers, in search of their perfect scent.

1.According to the passage, what is an increasingly powerful tool in the success of some brand store?

A.Friendly assistant.

B.Soft background music.

C.Unique scents.

D.Attractive window display.

2.E-shops are mentioned in the passage to ________.

A.urge shop assistants to change their attitude

B.show the advantages of brick-and-mortar stores

C.push stores to use sights and sounds

D.introduce the rise of e-commerce

3.The underlined word “destination” in Paragraph 5 means ________.

A.a place where customers love to go

B.a spot where travelers like to stay

C.a platform that exhibits goods

D.a target that a store expects to meet

4.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A.compare and evaluate

B.inform and explain

C.argue and discuss

D.examine and assess


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河北邯郸一中高一上期入学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One day, Mr. Arnold was teaching a lesson, and things were going as normally as ever. He was explaining the story of human being to his pupils. He told them that, in the beginning, men were nomads (游牧); they never stayed in the same place for very long. Instead, they would travel about, here and there, in search of food, wherever it was to be found. And when the food ran out, they would move off somewhere else.

He taught them about the invention of farming and keeping animals. This was an important discovery, because by learning to cultivate (耕作) the land, and care for animals, mankind would always have food steadily. It also meant that people could remain living in one place, and this made it easier to set about tasks that would take a long while to finish, like building towns, cities, and all that were in them. All the children were listening attracted by this story, until Lucy jumped up:

“And if that was so important and improved everything so much, why are we nomads all over again, Mr. Arnold?”

Mr. Arnold didn’t know what to say. Lucy was a very clever girl. He knew that she lived with her parents in a house, so she must know that her family were not nomads; so what did she mean?

“We have all become nomads again,” continued Lucy, “The other day, outside the city, they were cutting the forest down. A while ago a fisherman told me how they fish. It’s the same with everyone: when there’s no more forest left the foresters go elsewhere, and when the fish run out the fishermen move on. That’s what the nomads did, isn’t it?

The teacher nodded, thoughtfully. Really, Lucy was right. Mankind had turned into nomads. Instead of looking after the land in a way that we could be sure it would keep supplying our needs, we kept developing it until the land was bare. And then off we would go to the next place! The class spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what they could do to show how to be more civilized (文明的).

The next day everyone attended class wearing a green T-shirt, with a message that said “I am not a nomad!”

And, from then on, they set about showing that indeed they were not. Every time they knew they needed something, they made sure that they would get it using care and control. If they needed wood or paper, they would make sure that they got the recycled kind. They ordered their fish from fish farms, making sure that the fish they received were not too young and too small. They only used animals that were well cared for, and brought up on farms.

And so, from their little town, those children managed to give up being nomads again, just as prehistoric men had done, so many thousands of years ago.

1.Why would early humans travel about in the beginning?

A.To experience different lifestyles.

B.To go sightseeing in different places.

C.To find what they could to feed themselves.

D.To do more exercise to build themselves up.

2.From Paragraph 2, we can know that ________.

A.people got tired of living in the same place

B.people gradually got used to living in cities

C.people spent a long time in learning to keep animals

D.people tended to settle down after learning farming and keeping animals

3.The teacher thought Lucy’s argument was ________.

A. reasonableB. unbelievable

C. puzzlingD. shocking

4.Which of the following agrees with the message “I am not a nomad” (Paragraph 7)?

A.People eat young fish for its delicious taste.

B.People use recycled materials as much as possible.

C.Fishermen move elsewhere when there is no fish left.

D.Foresters leave the place where there is no wood left.

5.The writer tries to make us believe that ________.

A.mankind has been progressing mainly through traveling about

B.it’s unwise for mankind to use the land in an uncontrolled way

C.it’s quite good for students to learn more about the history of mankind

D.teachers should encourage students to voice their own opinions bravely


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年重庆万州第二高级中学高二上期入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Every country has its heroes.The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire. If you get a list of the heroes of a nation, it will tell you the potential(潜力) of that nation.

Today in America, if you ask the high school students to list their heroes, their choices would probably fall into three groups. The first group of heroes would be the rock stars—the people connected with rock music. There is no doubt that such people do have talent(才能). But one wonders if one should treat rock stars as a model. The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life is not all that good. The rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles. However, one should seek more in a hero than such things as money and good clothes.

A second type of hero for the American youth is the sports star. Again you have a person who has a great ability in one area—sports. However, too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of disorder. Too frequently drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star.

A third type of hero is the TV or movie star. This person may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome. However, the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and they should not be held up as a model of young people. Today, the rock star, the athlete and the actor all have become the models of the youth in America. Really, do you hear a young person say that his hero is a doctor, a teacher or a scientist? These people are not rich and do not wear fashionable clothes. However, they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.

What is really sad is that the young try to imitate(模仿) their heroes. They like to wear the same clothes and follow their styles. If the heroes of today for the American young people are limited only to rock stars, athletes and actors, the future does not look too bright.

1.The last sentence of the first paragraph implies that ________.

A. if a nation has a lot of heroes, it will be strong

B. heroes of a nation will make the nation itself

C. what the people admire will make the future of the nation

D. if you want to be a hero, you must admire the hero

2.According to the writer, people should admire those ________.

A. who are rich and wear the latest fashion clothes

B. who can express people’s feelings

C. whose personal life is good

D. who work for the interests of the people

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards American youth’s admiration?

A. He understands it.

B. He criticizes it.

C. He is angry about it.

D. He is uninterested in it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届云南临沧一中高三上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


The dark chocolate is one of the favorite food choices by many people because it has a lot of benefits. When it comes to your health, here are the effects of dark chocolates 1. health.

First of all, it contains different kinds of antioxidants(抗氧化剂) which 【小题2 (be) good for heart. Besides, the dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol (胆固醇), lowering the risks of stroke and taking away the risk of blood vessels which may 【小题3 (hard) for too much cholesterol in them.

Lastly, do you know the feeling of being overjoyed after 【小题4 (jog)? This feeling is like extreme happiness. The dark chocolate will give you the feeling of 【小题5 (please) and happiness. If you are feeling that the world has turned against you, then a dark chocolate can be 2. mood lifter.

It can benefit you especially if 【小题7 (take) with the right amount. 3. (approximate), 100 grams of chocolate 4. less a day is enough according to studies. If you have taken too much, try to lessen your other meals for the day. It is all about nutrition and taking the right amount of food in order to get the health benefit that it can provide 5. you.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届四川省高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








As a senior three student, I often imagine what I will be doing in the future.











科目:高中英语 来源:2017届山西长治二中等五校高三上第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







The International Volunteer Day approaching, some volunteers of our school are organized to assist the policemen with traffic control in our city. At 8 o’clock on the morning of last Sunday, we gathered at the school gate. One of our teachers was in the charge of this activity but he divided us into four groups. Then we went to different crossings near our school. The police officers told us that we should do and how to protect themselves from danger. We spent the whole morning keep the streams of traffic flowing smooth. With a red banner in our hands, we stopped some road user running the red light. Some citizens praised us our good deeds. Because we were very tired that morning, we were proud to have offered service to our society.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届山西长治二中等五校高三上第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Auckland, New Zealand

After two months of learning, Monty, and Porter were able to drive an automobile around a racetrack. “We wanted to prove how smart rescue dogs are,” animal behaviorist Mark Vette says. Vette first used voice commands and treats to teach the dogs how to turn a steering wheel and how to change gear(换挡).

The dogs’ ride only accelerated up to 7.5 miles an hour, and trainers could stop the auto using a remote control.


Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

Zoe the zebra’s markings are special. The animal has white and golden stripes. Zoe’s appearance resulted from a rare condition called amelanosis(黑色素缺失症). Her body doesn't make enough melanin, the substance in an animal’s skin and hair cells that produces color. “Only 25 other golden zebras are known to exist in the world,”says Ann Goody, who runs the wildlife refuge where Zoe lives. In the wild, life may be difficult for animals with amelanosis because predators(捕猎者) can easily spot them. But Zoe is protected at her refuge.


Vienna, Austria

When Figaro the cockatoo spots food lying just out of reach from his cage, he builds a tiny wooden tool to sweep the tasty prize in his way.

The bird first revealed his talent when a stone he was playing with rolled out of his cage. The cockatoo couldn’t reach the stone. So he flew away and returned with a small branch, slipping it through the fence to slide the stone toward him.

Wondering if he would do it again, scientists placed a nut exactly where the stone had been. This time, Figaro pulled out a small piece of wood in his cage and dragged the nut toward him.

1.If Zoe the zebra is set free in the wild, she will ________.

A. meet no natural predators

B. not get along with other zebras

C. manage to make enough melanin

D. be easily found for her appearance

2.What’ s special about Figaro the cockatoo?

A. He’ s particular about his food.

B. He’s extremely fond of stones.

C. He’s good at drawing support from outside forces.

D. He can tell the difference between stones and nuts.

3.What is the text mainly about?

A. Amazing animals.

B. Ways to help animals.

C. Animals’ unique talents.

D. Tips on training animals.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年内蒙古高二上第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Facial expressions carry meaning that is determined by situations and relationships. For example, in American culture the smile is in general an expression of pleasure. Yet it also has other uses. A woman’s smile at a police officer does not carry the same meaning as the smile she gives to a young child. A smile may show love or politeness. It can also hide true feelings. It often causes confusion across cultures. For example, many people in Russia consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual and even improper. Yet many Americans smile freely at strangers in public places (although this is less common in big cities). Some Russians believe that Americans smile in the wrong places; some Americans believe that Russians don’t smile enough. In Southeast Asian cultures, a smile is frequently used to cover painful feelings. Vietnamese people may tell a sad story but end the story with a smile.

Our faces show emotions, but we should not attempt to “read” people from another culture as we would “read” someone from our own culture. The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as members of another culture, but it does not mean that they do not experience emotions. Rather, there are cultural differences in the amount of facial expressiveness permitted. For example, in public and in formal situations many Japanese do not show their emotions as freely as Americans do. When with friends, Japanese and Americans seem to show their emotions similarly.

It is difficult to conclude about Americans and facial expressiveness because of personal and cultural differences in the United States. People from certain cultural backgrounds in the United States seem to be more facially expressive than others. The key is to try not to judge people whose ways of showing emotion are different. If we judge according to our own cultural habits, we may make the mistake of “reading” the other person incorrectly.

1.The author mentions the smile of the Vietnamese to prove that smile can ________.

A. show friendliness to strangers

B. be used to hide true feelings

C. be used in the wrong places

D. show personal habits

2.What should we do before attempting to “read” people?

A. Learn about their relations with others.

B. Understand their cultural backgrounds.

C. Find out about their past experience.

D. Figure out what they will do next.

3.What would be the best title for the test?

A. Cultural Differences

B. Smiles and Relationships

C. Facial Expressiveness

D. Habits and Emotions


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届贵州遵义航天高中高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



I have forgotten the name of the old lady, who was a customer on my newspaper route. Yet it ___________in my memory that she taught me a lesson in ___________ that I shall never forget.

On a winter afternoon, a friend and I were __________ stones onto the roof of the old lady's house near her garden. The _________ was to observe how the stones changed to missiles(导弹) as they __________to the roof’ s edge and fell into the yard like comets(彗星) falling from the _________ . I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and threw it. The stone was too _________ , however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight for a small _________ . At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were in _________ . We ran faster than any of our stones flew off her roof.

I was too _________ about getting caught that first night to be _________ about the old lady with the broken window in winter. _________ , a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn't been discovered, I started to feel _________ for her trouble. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the newspaper, but I was no longer able to act _________ when seeing her.

I decided that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I thought would _________ the cost of her window and sent it to her in an envelope.

The next day, I _________ the old lady her paper. She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of biscuits she had made herself. I thanked her and ate the biscuits _________ I continued my route.

After several cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the _________ . When I opened the envelope, I was _________. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that _________ ,“I'm proud of you.”

1.A. fails B. fades C. impresses D. remains

2.A. forgiveness B. value C. honesty D. gratefulness

3.A. collecting B. putting C. throwing D. placing

4.A. subject B. theme C. topic D. object

5.A. shot B. rolled C. got D. dropped

6.A. earth B. ocean C. sky D. universe

7.A. smooth B. square C. heavy D. beautiful

8.A. ceiling B. door C. chimney D. window

9.A. danger B. trouble C. surprise D. comfort

10.A. scared B. excited C. disappointed D. confused

11.A. frightened B. depressed C. puzzled D. concerned

12.A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D.Furthermore

13.A. honored B. guilty C. pleased D. pressed

14.A. proud B. active C. comfortable D. energetic

15.A. include B. increase C. cover D. mend

16.A. handed B. turned C. passed D. sent

17.A. because B. where C. since D. as

18.A. paper B. pocket C. bag D. wallet

19.A. annoyed B. surprised C. amused D. delighted

20.A. attached B. said C. told D. wrote

