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12.Molly,my mother once gave me a special number to call ____  I run into an emergency.(  )
A.as ifB.so thatC.in caseD.even though

分析 Molly,我妈妈曾经给了我一个特殊的要拨打的号码,以防我遇见紧急情况.

解答 答案:C.A.as if好像,B.so that 以便,C.in case以防,D.even though即使,根据句意"Molly,我妈妈曾经给了我一个特殊的要拨打的号码,以防我遇见紧急情况."应选C.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Harper Lee,whose 1961 novel To Kill a Mockingbird on the racial troubles of the American deep south,has died at the age of 89.
Until last year,Lee had been something of a one-book literary legend.To Kill a Mockingbird sold more than 40 million copies around the world and earned her a Pulitzer prize,remaining a towering presence in American literature.Another novel,Go Set a Watchman,was controversially published in July 2015 as a"sequel"to Mockingbird,though it was later confirmed to be Mockingbird's first draft.
But from the moment Mockingbird was published to almost instant success,the author consistently avoided public attention.Lee had lived for several years in a nursing home near the house in which she had grown up in Monroeville,Alabama-the setting for Maycomb of her famous book.Her neighbor for 40 years,Sue Sellers,said,"She was such a private person.All she wanted was privacy,but she didn't get much.There was always somebody following her around."
James Naughtie,BBC Books Editor,commented on the novels of Harper Lee:"I think she stands,particularly among American readers,as someone who shone a light into a very dark place.She was writing at a time when people were beginning to lift the lid on everything in the South which they'd chosen not to understand.That all changed in the 1960s.So I think her status for writing that book in its extraordinarily direct way will remain."
24.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean?C
A.Lee became successful with stories on American south.
B.People owe Lee's success to luck to some degree.
C.Mockingbird makes Lee a wonder in American literature.
D.Mockingbird was a bestseller by selling 40m copies.
25.What does"Maycomb"in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?C
A.A nursing home.
B.Lee's hometown.
C.A fictional place.
D.A main character.
26.Which best describes Americans'attitude towards racial troubles before the 1960s?B
27.What can we learn from the text?C
A.Lee based all her stories on her life.
B.Lee had to avoid being followed by her fans.
C.Lee wrote Go Set A Watchman before Mockingbird.
D.Lee lived in the house where she grew up for the whole life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.These days,young people in some English-speaking countries are speaking a strange language,especially when communicating on social media.
Look at these words chosen by The Washington Post:"David Bowie dying is totes tradge,"and"When Cookie hugged Jamal it made me totes emosh."Or this sentence:"BAE,let me know if you stay in tonight."
What on earth do they mean?Well,"totes"is a short form of"totally".Similarly,"tradge"means"tragic"and"emosh"means"emotional".It seems that,for millennials(千禧一代),typing in this form is not only time-saving but fashionable.
As you can see,many millennial slangs(俚语)are formed by so-called"totesing"-the systematic abbreviation(缩写)of words.The trend might have started with"totally"becoming"totes",but it now has spread to many other English words.
The origins of other millennial slangs are more complex than"totesing"."Bae",for example,has been widely used by African-Americans for years.It can be an expression of closeness with one's romantic partner or,like"sweetheart",for someone without romantic connection.After pop singer Pharrell used the word in his work,"bae"became mainstream.
Some people might think millennial slangs lower the value of the English language,but Melbourne University linguist(语言学家)Rosey Billington doesn't agree.She says when people are able to use a language in a creative way,they show that they know the language rules well enough to use words differently.Two other linguists,Lauren Spradlin and Taylor Jones,share the same view.The two analysed hundreds of examples of totes-speak and discovered totesing has complex roots.
    It isn't simply an adult version of baby talk,nor a clever way to minimize your word count.Rather,it is a highly organized system that relies on a speaker's mastery of English pronunciation.It is about sounds,follows sound system of English and has strict rules.
28.Why do young people like using e-slangs?B
A.They are time-consuming.
B.They are in fashion.
C.They are complex.
D.They are in order.
29.What's the author's purpose of mentioning"Bae"in Paragraph 5?D
A.To support that totesing is no baby talk.
B.To analyse the usage of millennial slangs.
C.To inform people how it became mainstream.
D.To explain the complex origins of millennial slangs.
30.Which statement may Rosey Billington agree with?D
A.Totesing is a loosely organized system.
B.Millennial slangs lower the value of English.
C.It's simply a clever way to reduce the word count.
D.Totes-speak requires a good command of English.
31.What's the best title of the passage?A
A.E-slangs Catch on Among Youth           
B.Linguists Disapprove of Totesing
C.Millennial Slangs Take the Lead         
D.English Has Greatly Changed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.If your job invo1ves standing for several hours at a time,then this innovative(创新的)    Archelis chair is just the product you've been waiting for.The strap-on wearable chair    effectively enables you sit while you're standing.
Technically,Archelis isn't really a chair.It's more like a leg brace that wraps around your buttocks and 1egs,helping you choose a stance(站姿)that's more comfortable than standing upright.You can lock the device at various positions to adjust the angle of you ankle and knee joints.Once you select the position of your choice,you'11experience the relaxation of sitting without actually being seated.The device distributes the pressure over your shin and thigh,reducing overall muscle and joint fatigue.
Archelis is made entirely of carbon parts,which are flexible and comfortable for use over    1ong periods of time.It does not require batteries or power too perate.It was originally developed to help surgeons rest their legs while performing long surgeries,but it is also expected to appeal to people in other professions like teaching,hospitality,or factory work.
Developed by Nitto,a Japanese company that makes all kinds of model,in cooperation  with Chiba university's Center for Frontier Medical Engineering,Hiroaki Nishimura Design,and Japan Polymer Technology,the product is still in development and is expetcted to hit the market later this year.
The concept of wearable chair isn't entirely new.In fact,Swiss start-up Noonee also has a similar concept called Chairless Chair,a hydraulic(水力的)powered device that provides lower body support to people who have to stand upright for long periods of time.Archelis looks much cooler,though.
28.What does Paragraph 2mainly tell us about Archelis?B
A.What it looks like.    
B.How it works.
C.When it is most effective.
D.Why it is put into use.
29.Which of the following best describes Archelis?A
A.F1exible and comfortable.    
B.New and expensive
C.Wearable and inconvenient.
D.Innovative and productive
30.In what aspect is Archelis similar to Chairless Chair?D
A.Neither of them is coo1.
B.They are both operated by electricity.
C.They are only developed for use in hospital.
D.Thev help you relax while standing.
31.What can be inferred from the text?C
A.Chairless Chair is more comfortable.
B.The idea of Archelis is first created.
C.Archelis hasn't been put into production.
D.Archelis will be practical in every field.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.Using a Cellphone to Improve Your English
When students think of learning a foreign language,the first thought is books,exercises,and recorder-tapes.Those are important to learning but sometimes a little bit boring.(36)E
Things like a cellphone can keep your interest level high.(37)A You have it with you day after day,you are familiar with how it works and you can use it to practice English whenever you have time.You don't need to have your books by your side or stay in your room to listen to tapes.Let's take a look at how to add your cellphone to your study tools.
(38)FGo to the menu,find settings,locate language and Change it to English,which benefits your language learning.
Look at the buttons and connect those items with the new vocabulary.This enables you to master simple words and phrases with little effort.For example,each time you you're your cellphone,you'11see"messages","games''and"calls made".(39)G
When you have time,take out your cellphone and start hitting buttons.You'11be surprised at all the vocabulary you can learn by playing with the different menu items.Some things you'1l recognize immediately.(40)D It can keep your learning fresh and interesting.And that's important because boredom is a big problem with language learners.You need changes and cellphone is one way to get it.

A.It's a perfect study material.
B.Cellphones are not allowed in classrooms.
C.Books and tapes are useful for your English study.
D.And others you can guess just by where you find them.
E.Therefore.it is time for us to make things a bit interesting.
F.Set up your cellphone to use the language you want to study.
G.These words begin to take root if you see them again and again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.They say that after a parent dies,the surviving children can take on some of their parent's characteristics.I resisted for years becoming anything like my dad or at least acknowledging that I was anything like him because,well,because I wanted to be me,not him; but there I sat at his memorial service several months ago,telling myself,"You've got a lot more of your dad in you than you think."
There's this phrase my dad used,and I know I'm going to sound rude to complain about it,but it did use to bother me."I'm so proud of you,"he told us kids,whether we'd won a sailing race (like my older brother) or run a marathon (like my younger sister) or managed to get a book published (like me)."I'm so proud of you."That should be a good thing,but here's what always went through my unforgiving mind:"You're taking credit for what isn't really yours.You can be proud,but the achievement is mine."Ain't it like a son?Your parent is doing his best to give you praise,and you're cutting him down to size."I'm so proud of you."It came out of my dad's mouth all the time,on those long-distance calls where I might have mentioned something that happened at work or when he and Mom came to visit and we showed off the talents of our two boys."I'm so proud of you"was the remark that was often repeated.
I knew the feeling of parental pride well,especially when my boys achieved in ways that were beyond my comprehension and ability,but I looked for other ways to express it."That's an incredible story you've written,"I would say about the composition."I can't believe how fast you solved that problem,"I would admire the work of the math genius.But never just the blanket phrase.
I thought that by making my praise specific,it would feel like I was claiming their achievement less as mine and more as one they could own themselves.But there I was at Dad's memorial,about to eulogize him,thinking that I could say exactly what my brother said,"He lets me be me."That was his achievement.In the bland phrase that I promised I would never utter to my children was a world of forgiveness,care and appreciation.We kids could do no wrong in my father's eyes,and because of that we found the freedom to fly far from the nest.What I took for a bad thing was love.So just the other day when my older son,now a promising manager,sent me an email about the thank-you dinner his latest client threw him,I thought hard for clever things to say,finally realizing your kids don't really need your praise.They just want what my dad gave me."I'm so proud of you,"I wrote.Just like the old man.
55.Why did the writer resist becoming like his father?A
A.Because he wanted to have his own character.
B.Because his father was a man with no ambition.
C.Because he desired to be a well-educated gentleman.
D.Because his father failed to be responsible for the family.
56.What does the underlined sentence imply?B
A.The writer's father loved him more than anyone or anything.
B.The writer has taken on many characteristics of his father.
C.The writer misses his father very much in his deepest heart.
D.The writer's father has sacrificed too much for his development.
57.When the writer's father said"I'm so proud of you"to him,the writer thoughtB.
A.he should work harder
B.his father took his own fame
C.he should respond to his father politely
D.his father should express his pride clearly
58.Why does the writer make his praise for his children specific?C
A.To make them realize his love for them.
B.To let them know why he is proud of them.
C.To stress they achieve a lot by themselves.
D.To show that praise can be given differently.
59.The underlined word"eulogize"in the last paragraph probably means"A".
60.What is the best title for the passage?C
A.An unforgettable experience
B.A successful father
C.Five magic words
D.A sad son.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.-How's your project work going,Jack?
-        .I'm half finished with it.(  )
A.So far so goodB.It's up to youC.Never mindD.Forget it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

1.Ways to spend more time together
August is Family Fun Month!For many of today's work-focused families,it may come as a surprise that spending regular,quality time together is one of the best ways to improve your family's health and well-being.Here are a few simple,fun and creative tips on spending more quality time together.
(36)AIf work and activity schedules are making family time or meals together impossible,check to see if you can adjust or even remove some commitments.What can you change to make more time together?If evenings are out,what about making breakfast time or weekends the new family time?
Turn off the TV.Turning off the television or computers may be one of the best (and easiest) ways to improve your time together.(37)GMovie nights can also be a fun and inexpensive way to spend time together,but try not to make sitting in front of the television your only family ritual(惯
Volunteer together.(38)CIs there a local soup kitchen,a special event or an animal shelter that can use your help?Check online for more ideas!
Make time for table talk.Mealtime is perfect for family conversation,so long as you're open to new topics!(39)ETry using this time to engage your children in ideas that excite them and give yourself an opportunity to learn more about their other interests.
Read bedtime stories.It is perfect for one-to-one time.(40)FMany experts suggest reading to your child for at least 20minutes a day,even after kids can read themselves.
A.Check priorities(优先考虑的事).

B.Make the most of little opportunities.
C.As a family,discuss places where you can make a difference to others.
D.You can also make a recording that they can play in the morning.
E.Sometimes we don't want to talk about work or school after a long day.
F.Take turns reading aloud to one another,or just let your child listen to your voice.
G.Instead of sitting in front of the TV every night,try taking a walk or a bike ride together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Whenever we see a button,we want to press it because we know that something will happen.This is true in most cases,for example,on a doorbell.But some buttons are actually fake (假的),like the"close"button on a lift.
Many people are in the habit of pressing the"close"button because they don't have the patience to wait for the lift doors to shut.But lifts'"close"buttons are a complete trick,at least in the US-the doors will not close any faster no matter how hard you press.
It started in the 1990s when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in the US,making sure that all lifts stayed open long enough so that people with disabilities could enter.Only US firefighters and repairmen can use the buttons to speed up the door-closing process if they have a code or special keys.
But to normal lift riders,the buttons aren't completely useless.According to psychologists,fake buttons can actually make you feel better by offering you a sense of control.
"A sense of control is very important.It reduces stress and increases well-being,"said Ellen J.Langer,a psychology professor at Harvard University.Experts also added that a lot of buttons that don't do anything exist in our lives for this same purpose.
For example,pedestrian crosswalk buttons don't live up to their names either.Pressing them used to help make the traffic signals change faster,but that was before computer controlled traffic signals were introduced.
But psychologists found it interesting that even when people are aware of these little"white lies'',they still continue to push fake buttons because as long as the doors eventually close,it is considered to be worth the effort.

25.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?A
A.To analyze the functions of fake buttons.
B.To describe different fake buttons.
C.To explore various habits of pushing buttons.
D.To explain the disadvantages of fake buttons.
26.What can we learn about the"close"buttons on a lift in America?D
A.They work when people press them hard.
B.They were designed for a sense of control.
C.They never speed up the door-closing process.
D.They take the safety of the disabled into account.
27.What can we infer about pedestrian crosswalk buttons?A
A.They can make people feel better.
B.They help computers work faster.
C.They can control the traffic signals.
D.They help pedestrians cross safely.
28.Which may be the best title for the passage?C
A.Buttons in the USA
B.Buttons Always Lie
C.Buttons May not Work
D."Close"Buttons on Lifts'

