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某国际文化交流中心将于5月份组织一些英、 美学生来北京学习、交流,现正在招募志愿者。假如你是第二中学的孙新,请根据以下提示给该项目负责人格林先生(Mr. Green) 写一封申请信,要求成为这次活动的一名志愿者。

提示:Why do you want to be a volunteer in the program?

What (使具备资格) you to do the volunteer job?

When can you do the volunteer job?

要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。信?格式已给出, 不计入总词数。

Yours,Sun Xin

Dear Mr. Green.

    I’m Sun Xin from No. 2 Middle School. I want to help out as a volunteer in your program. The reason is that r m interested in other countries and their cultures and want to make new friends from other countries,r m good at English and I* m outgoing. What* s more,r m always ready to help others. I think that is important for a volunteer,r m free to help on the weekend. If I can get the job,r m sure 1 can be a great helper.


Sun Xin 

题目来源:2016年英语周报八年级新目标 > 第32期 英语周报八年级新目标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    现在很多中学生被近视困扰,下周的英语课 上,你们将就“近视”这个问题进行小组讨论。请你 根据下面的图表信息写一篇英语短文为此做准备。



参考词汇:视力eyesight保护protect 近视的 short-sighte?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

72. 假如你外出,谁照顾你的猫?

Who will your cat if you go out?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

15. think twice 

16. run out (of sth.)

17. take risks 

18. take a break 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


fix up,call up,hand out,care for,make a difference,give away 

1. I most of my books when I left college.

2. Mike’s parents are in hospital but he doesn’t have time to them.

3. Can you my watch? It doesn’t work.

4. Will you help me to the materials (材料) for the meeting?

5. Eating more fruit and vegetables can reallyto our health.

6. Mary is studying in New York. She her mother twice a week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



() 21. Your advice will certainly make a difference the way I do my job.

   A. for   B. to   C. about   D. from 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          A   易读度★★☆

     Each of these hotels (提供) something special and interesting.

    Sleep in a train at the Train Station Inn. This hotel is in an old train station in Nova Scotia. The owners use the station and the train as rooms. There are seven old train cars. There is a restaurant in the dining car. Prices are from $89 to $169 per room or train car.

    Sleep in a jail (监狱) in .Ottawa. Here ,-you can sleep in the old downtown Ottawa Jail. There are still bar(钦栅) on the doors!Prices are from $25 to $65. Don’t worry,there aren’t any criminals there!

    Sleep in tepee(圆锥形帐篷) in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. This hotel is in Alberta's Banff National Park. There are guided tours and lessons about culture in it. The best part is sleeping in a real tepee outside. The price is around $300.

    Sleep in a lighthouse(灯塔) at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn. This hotel is on Newfoundland’ s Quirpon Island. You can see the ocean from the windows. Prices are from $225 to $350. The hotel has the traditional look and feel of the lighthouse,so no Internet,TV or telephones are in the rooms. It offers guided tours.


() 51. If Nadia only has $50,she can choose to live in the.

   A. Ottawa Jail   B. Train Station Inn    C. Quirpon Lighthouse Inn   D. Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

() 52. How many hotels offer guided tours?

   A. One.   B. Two.   C. Three.   D. Four.

() 53. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?

   A. There is ? big museum in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.

   B. The Internet is not available at the Quirpon Lighthouse Inn.

    C. There are lessons about culture at the Train Station Inn.

   D. Some criminals are still living in the Ottawa Jail.

() 54. Who may be interested in the material?

   A. Doctors. B. Teachers,

    C. Travelers. D. Criminals.

() 55. You may find the material in a  .

   A. dictionary   B. storybook 

    C. magazine   D. diary



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. My watch is (break) . Can you help me repair it?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

66. I stayed up late last night and have a (head) now.

