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【题目】The International Painting Contest on Google’s homepage in 2015 may look pretty strange,but it spotlightings a very serious issue:clean water, which is unusual for an 11-year-old from Long Island.

Audrey Zhang,a fifth-grader from Levittown,N.Y,is the winner of this years Doodle 4 Google contest,rising to the top of some 100,000 entries on the theme ofdraw one thing to make the world a better place.

Her piece,titledBack to Mother Nature,describes a detailed water-cleaning machine.Zhang worked with a team of artists at Google to animate(使……生动)her drawing.

To make the world a better place,I came up with a transformative water purifier, a machine used to remove dirty or harmful substances,Google quoted Zhang as saying.It takes in dirty and polluted water from rivers,lakes and even oceans,then massively transforms the water into clean,safe and pure water. When humans and animals drink this water, they will live a healthier life.

She created a whole world around the deviceone populated by humans, a whale in a top hat and dragons.

Zhang,s piece isso vivid and so rich and so full and so complete,’’Google Doodle team leader Ryan Germick told the Washington Post.Every leaf seemed to have life in it.

Along with having her artwork featured on Googles homepage,Zhang wins a $30,000 college scholarship.In addition,her school will receive a $50,000 Google for Education technology grant,and the company is donating $20,000 in her name to a charity devoted to bringing clean water to schools in Bangladesh.

On Sunday, the night before her work was revealed on net,Zhang told Newsday she was excited by the big win,but said she wouldn't be awake when her art first went online at midnight.

I have school-tomorrow, so I cant stay up late,she told the paper.

【1】Whats the passage mainly about?

A.The winner and her work in the painting contest.

B.The team of artists at Google to animate drawings.

C.The painting contest of Googles homepage in 2015.

D.The water-cleaning machine in the painting contest.

【2】According to the passage,we know that______.

A.Audrey Zhang is creative and self-disciplined

B.a water-cleaning device was made in the contest

C.$50,000 will be donated in Audrey Zhangs name

D.Zhangs piece was printed in all major newspapers

【3】The underlined word in Paragraph l probably means_____

A.put up with B.1ook for ward to

C.breakaway from D.focus attention on








【2】A推理判断题。根据文章描述可知,Audrey Zhang是一个很有创造力的小女孩,根据最后一段她从不熬夜可知她是一个很自律的人。故选A。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr. Garfield ?

A.They forget about their dreams.

B.They don’t want to tell the truth.

C.They have no bad experiences.

2Why did Davis stop having dreams?

A.He got a serious heart attack.

B.He was too sad about his brother’s death

C.He was frightened by a terrible dream.

3What is Dr. Garfield s opinion about dreaming?

A.It is very useful.

B.It makes things worse.

C.It prevents the mind from working.

4Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?

A.To sleep better.

B.To recover from illnesses.

C.To stay away from their problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E F)中,选出符合各小 题要



City: Lhasa

Temperature in July:15-17

Attractions: blue sky, fresh air and wonderful dances


City: Harbin

Temperature in July: 24-30

Attractions: some old buildings

in Russian style


City: Chongqing

Temperature in July: 28-30

Attractions: tall mountains, hot food and friendly people.


City: Hong Kong

Temperature in July: 29-30

Attractions: nice and cheap clothes, all kinds of tasty food and chances to find good jobs.


City: Guilin

Temperature in July: 29-30

Attractions: fantastic hills, clean rivers and many other natural sights.


City: Sanya

Temperature in July: 27-32

Attractions: exciting water sports, lovely beaches and great tropical fruit.


【1】Joe comes from Moscow(莫斯科). He has studied in Beijing for two years. So he misses his hometown very much. He hopes to go to a city where he can find the feeling of returning home.

【2】Mary is an American girl. She likes going shopping. This year she’ll graduate from a famous Chinese college. So she is planning to travel to a city where she may find a job.

【3】Henry is from Canada. He is interested in surfing and diving. But the city in which he is living is far from the sea. So he is expecting to get to a place where he can do these activities and taste bananas and pineapples(菠萝).

【4】Rosa comes from Britain. She cannot stand hot weather. And she thinks some Chinese cities have too much pollution. So she wants to go somewhere clean and peaceful.

【5】Timmy comes from Japan. He has great interest in taking photos. He is looking forward to staying close to nature. He even wants to take a boat while taking photos. However, he doesn’t like hot food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


(2011年湖北)In today's throwaway society,dealing with the city's growing mountain of waste is an increasing challenge for the city council(市议会).

Recently,Edinburgh is faced with the problem of disposing of(处理) about 250,000 million tons of waste a year. Despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green manner-largely through encouraging recycling-its aging facilities such as the Powderhall landfill do not have the ability to deal with it.

The European Union (EU) has issued a new policy,regulating how such mountains of waste are to be disposed of. The five councils (Edinburgh,East Lothian,West Lothian,Midlothian and Borders) face fines around £18 million a year from 2013 if they don't increase recycling levels and rely less on landfill. With this in mind,the councils got together with the idea of building a large incinerator plant(垃圾焚烧厂) to burn half of the waste produced in their districts. But this plan fell apart after the change of target levels by a new UK government waste policy which required that no more than 25% of the city's waste should be disposed of in this way by 2025.

After the plan was abandoned,a private company which already transported millions of tons of the city's waste by train to a landfill site near Dunbar,offered an alternative solution when it suggested opening a huge waste site near Portobello.

Since Powderhall is supposed to close in 2015,it seemed necessary for the members of the Edinburgh Council to accept the suggestion. But soon they turned/span> it down-after 700 local objections reached them-because it would have meant hundreds of lorries a day making loud noise through heavily populated areas.

That still leaves the council with a problem. By 2013,only 50% of 1995 levels of waste will be allowed to be sent to landfill. Even if recycling targets are met,there will still be a large amount of rubbish to be burnt up. Due to this,Edinburgh and Midlothian councils have now decided to work together to build an incinerator plant as time to find a solution is fast running out.

【1】The main way of handling waste in a green manner in Edinburgh is ________.





【2】The five councils worked out a plan to build an incinerator plant to ________.

A.reduce the cost of burying waste

B.meet the EU requirements

C.speed up waste recycling

D.replace landfill sites

【3】The city council of Edinburgh rejected the suggestion to open a huge landfill site near Portobello because ________.

A.it came from a private company

B.the council was not interested in it

C.it was not supported by EU

D.the local people were against it

【4】What is the final decision of Edinburgh and Midlothian councils?

A.To open a new landfill nearby.

B.To close the Powderhall landfill in 2015.

C.To set up a plant for burning waste.

D.To persuade people to reduce their waste.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



参考词汇:have a gathering party(聚会)


Dear Mrs Brown,

We are so glad that you're coming to join us on Saturday. Here is how you can find us. ____________________________________________________________________________







Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The rising costs of health care have become a problem for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the government's health budget be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment. Actuallymany kinds of diseases are preventable in many ways and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For examplepeople could avoid catching a cold if they dressed warmly when the weather starts getting cold. But many people get sick because they fail to do soand have to spend money seeing a doctor.

Daily habits like eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients had taken measures for early prevention. For instance, keeping a balanced dietsuch as not consuming too much animal fat and insuring a steady intake of vegetables and fruitsseems to be quite important.

One very effective and costless way of prevention is regular exercise , which is necessary for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise such as runningwalking, and playing sports is a good way to make people feel better or reduce stress.

In addition, health education plays a key role in improving people's health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it. For example, knowing one's family medical history is an effective way to help keep healthy. Information about health problems among close relatives will make them aware of what they should do to prevent certain diseases through lifestyle changes, which will work before it is too late.

Howeverstressing disease prevention does not mean medical treatment is unimportant. After allprevention and treatment are just two different means toward the same effect. In conclusion, we could save money on health care and treat patients more successfully if our country spends more money on health prevention and education.

1 What's the best title of the passage?

A. Prevention or Education? B. Prevention or Treatment?

C. Health or Illness? D. Exercise or Illness?

2 Which of the following can replace the underlined word "bankrupt"?

A. Unable to be cured.

B. Unable to pay one's debts.

C. Stronger than ever before.

D. More successful than ever before.

3 We learn from the passage that ______ .

A. dressing warmly can prevent diseases

B. a balanced diet is cheaper than regular exercise

C. the more health educationthe better

D. the government's health budget should be increased

4 Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

CP( Central Point) P( Point) Sp( Sub-point 次要点)C ( Conclusion)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】Biondi is ________his second gold medal in swimming.

【2】We have asked the neighbors to ________the house for us while we are away.

【3】The army has ________road blocks round the city.

【4】How can you expect me not to _______my own son?

【5】It ________the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities,including Peking University and Tsinghua University.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Today is Sunday. I’ve been in Russia for two months. This is the first time that I’ve been away my family for such a long time. With the help of Annie, a roommate of me, I soon get used to live without my parents around. Annie, like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively. We became friends shortly after we met each other. Although his English is a little hardly to understand, we enjoy chatting and we usually talk a lot about our friends. We’re both surprising that Chinese culture and Russian culture were so different. Now, we are planning a small party for the next Sunday. There, Annie will introduce me to some of her friends, one of who has been to China several times. I just can’t wait.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】While most teenagers were studying to get into a top university,one 19-year-old was starring in his first movie,Blue Gate Crossing.It was a film about love on campus and it was well received in Taiwan.Many say it was this film that put Bolin Chen in position for his later glittering career in show business.

In fact.it was not until he played a troubled young man in the movie Buddha Mountain three years ago that he regained his passion for acting.

While being called a“youth idol”may seem like a compliment,it is a title that Chen has tried to shake off.He believes that “a youth idol means you simply rely on your appearance,not your acting talent”.

The most important thing for Chen now is to take more initiative(主动性)as an actor.“To me,an actor is like a chess piece,waiting for producers and directors to put him somewhere they want him to be.”Chen,29,told NetEase.“But I want to be the game player.”He even took his ambition a step further,setting tip his own production company.

But just when Chen started to focus on off-screen work,his life on screen took another turn.He won the title of Best Leading Actor at the 2012 Golden Bell Awards on Oct 26 for his role in hit TV drama In Time with You.When asked why he accepted the part,which is another “youth idol”role.he told Yangcheng Evening News:“I played it for my grandfather.He tells everyone around that I am an actor.but I used to play in movies,not TV series.Now he is in the hospital.I hope that he can watch my performances by simply turning on the TV.”

Chen is a veteran(老手)in the entertainment world,but unlike many stars,he hasn’t led a luxurious(奢华的)life.He doesn’t even have a car but walks,rides a bike or takes a taxi whenever he goes out.He doesn’t have a house,either.“Everyone will eventually find some place to live anyway,why bother to buy property (地产)?”he asked Taiwan magazine Business Today.

【1】What does Bolin Chen think of his title“youth idol”?

A.He likes it very much. B.He thinks it a compliment.

C.He wants to get rid of it. D.He is not worthy of it.

【2】Bolin Chen’s words in Para 4 suggest that he______.

A.1ikes to play games such as chess

B.wants to take an active part in producing his films

C.cannot get along well with some directors

D.thinks producers are more important in making a film

【3】Bolin Chen played a part in the TV drama In Time with You because he_____.

A.failed in off-screen work

B.had become a“youth idol”

C.wanted to delight his grandfather

D.wanted to succeed in the new field

【4】【改编】In what way is Bolin Chen different from many stars?

A.He hasn’t led a luxurious life

B.He doesn’t like to be a “youth idol”.

C.He acted for his sick grandfather

D.He has become famous since he was young.

