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Take Actions for a   Better World: Volunteers Needed
Six months’   preparation in Denmark: Africa studies, team work combined with social work   with risk group teenagers.
Six months’   community work in Malawi in People to People Projects: Child Aid, HIV/AIDS.   Fights and Teacher Training.
Qualification(条件):18 years, hard working and social   engagement.
Please contact us   by e-mail: takeaction@betterworld.com
International   Summer Job
Hi, I’m ESL student   in China. I’m 20, quiet and polite, and I speak reasonable English. I’m   looking for a summer job in an English-speaking country. I can teach Chinese   or do house and garden work and cook Chinese dishes. Can anybody offer me a   job? I don't need to earn much, just enough in 2 months (July-August) to pay   my return ticket to China. My goal is to improve my English and see a bit   more of the world.
My email is: ram3462@hotmail.com
Part-time Work   with Exchange Students
YOUTH   International is a non-profit high school foreign exchange students   organization. We welcome teenagers from over 80 countries worldwide and   provide host families. The Community Representative is a part-time position   designed for people with a strong desire to do something rewarding (回报) in the community and earn some   extra money.
Applicants(申请人) best suited for this work should   enjoy teenagers, have a strong interest in cross-culture communication, and   feel comfortable networking. Full training and support will be provided   through branch offices throughout the U.S. Positions available in most   states.
If interested,   please email staff@youth.org or call 888-123-9872.
Call for Native   Speaker of English
I am looking for   native speakers of English to join in an experiment. This experiment is carried   out over the Internet. You don't need any specific knowledge other than   understanding and speaking English at a native level. The first task will   take you around 15 minutes. After this task, you can decide whether you want   to continue the experiment. The task involves reading texts and designing   questions and answers.
If you are willing   to help me, then please email me: club3564@hotmail.com

  1. 1.

    Who is suitable to work as a Community Representative in YOUTH International?

    1. A.
      One who wants to earn some pocket money in the program
    2. B.
      One who hopes to take action in fighting against diseases
    3. C.
      One who has a strong desire to improve his or her English
    4. D.
      One who enjoys working with teenagers from different countries
  2. 2.

    Where will Jack, a volunteer, receive the training before he is sent to work in Malawi?

    1. A.
      In some local offices in the U.S
    2. B.
      In an ESL organization in China
    3. C.
      In a preparation program in Denmark
    4. D.
      In an exchange student center in Africa
  3. 3.

    If Mrs. Black in the U.S. hopes to learn some Chinese at home, she may contact ___

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What are volunteers for an experiment over the Internet supposed to do?

    1. A.
      To interview people online
    2. B.
      To do some housework
    3. C.
      To offer advice on Child Aid
    4. D.
      To provide language exercises
1. D细节理解题。Applicants(申请人) best suited for this work should enjoy teenagers, have a strong interest in cross-culture communication, and feel comfortable networking.句意为:最合适这份工作的人应该喜欢青少年,有强烈的文化交流欲望。故答案应为D,喜欢和来自于不同国家的青少年相处。
2.C细节理解题。Six months’ preparation in Denmark: Africa studies, team work combined with social work with risk group teenagers.在丹麦有六个月的准备工作,主要涉及非洲研究,团队合作等故答案应为C。
3.B细节理解题。 I speak reasonable English. I’m looking for a summer job in an English-speaking country. I can teach Chinese or do house and garden work and cook Chinese dishes.句意为:我能够讲英语,我正在说英语的国家找一份暑期工作,我可以教中文,做家务和做中国餐。所以Mrs.Black可以雇佣这个学生在家里学汉语,故答案应为B。
4.D段落理解题。The task involves reading texts and designing questions and answers. You don't need any specific knowledge other than understanding and speaking English at a native level. 句意为:这个任务涉及到读文章,设计问题和回答。你不需要任何特殊的知识仅仅是理解和相当于本土水平的英语就可以了。故答案应为D。去提供英语训练。

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Scientists studying the impact of climate change on the Arctic need to consider ways to reduce their own carbon footprints(碳排放量), says Ryan Brook, a researcher who regularly flies north to study the health of caribous(驯鹿).He calls on scientists to show leadership by examining and sharing ways to reduce the impact of working in polar regions.

“The importance of the research is not at question here. It is important to our understanding of and adapting to climate change. But we need to think about better approaches,” says Brook.

“This is an issue for all scientists, though polar researchers often travel particularly long distances using commercial air travel. We also rely extensively on small aircraft, icebreakers, and snowmobiles, all of which produce large amounts of carbon.”

Brook studies the health of caribou herds in Nunavut and Northwest Territories. He works with northern wildlife managers. This work typically takes him north five or six times per year and when he calculated his own carbon footprint, he was not happy with the result.

“My research footprints are about the same as the annual footprints of an average Toronto resident. Basically, I have two footprints — my own personal life, which is moderate, and my research footprint.”

Climate scientists can rightly argue that Arctic research is a specialized field and the community of scientists who travel north is relatively small. Even if all scientists working in the north reduced their carbon emissions, it would not make a big impact on the global scale. For Brook, it’s the option that matters.

There are ways researchers can reduce the amount of carbon they use. Some helicopters use less fuel than others. Solar and wind power are alternatives to gas-fired generators. And while carbon offsets(抵消) don’t reduce the amount of carbon emitted, they are an easy first step.

“There aren’t necessarily any easy answers, but we need to start talking about it,” says Brook. “This is particularly important for the next generation of scientists being trained and I hope to see them become leaders in this issue.”

What did Brook find when he calculated his own carbon footprints?

A. His carbon footprints are more than the annual footprints of a Toronto resident.

B. His personal life footprints are more than the annual footprints of a Toronto resident.

C. His research footprints are about the same as his personal life footprints.

D. His personal life footprints are more than his research footprints.

Brook’s opinion is challenged by the statement that       .

A. arctic research is very important

B. the Arctic is a special environment

C. the footprints of Arctic scientists are small

D. Brook’s situation is a common phenomenon

We can infer from the last paragraph that         .

A. we should take actions immediately instead of just talking

B. it’s easy to start talking about the problem of carbon emissions

C. it’s necessary now to pay attention to the problem of research footprints

D. the next generation of scientists are more interested in research footprints

What’s the main idea of the text?

A. The importance of arctic research is not at question.

B. Climate change becomes worse because of arctic research.

C. Brook suggests ways of reducing the use of carbon.

D. Scientists must look at their own carbon footprints.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I feel that it was time for me to ____.

A. take actions          B. take an action          C. take the action       D. take action


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Not long ago the movie 2012 came into screen.The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood, severe earthquake, terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster.Luckily, they are just the director' s imagination, but the present situation is not heading a positive direction, either.

Take my own experience in Alaska as an example.Once I took a trip to the glacier.Along the way there stood signposts marking the snow lines of different years.They started from the foot of the mountain, but it was at the top that I finally saw melting glaciers(融化的冰川).My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every second.

Sad but true, they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact.Furthermore, each year the rising sea level will kill 56 million people, and that' s about the population of the entire Italy.According to studies, if the temperature keeps on rising like this, by the year 2050, some islands and coastal cities including New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney will be drowned in water.

Our fortune is in our own hands.It depends on us to shape our future, to reduce future human impact and find ways to form a peaceful relationship with our environment. Therefore, it's time for actions to be taken right now.Contribute a little to energy saving by using more efficient light bulbs and less hot water.Let recycle become our habit by thinking twice before throwing something away.Let us take public transportation as our first choice when going to a certain place.It might cost more time for now, but it' s to the benefit of a permanent future.Take care of every tree and grass around us by watering them or simply just avoid destroying them.

In a word, small drops of water make a big ocean The earth does not belong to us.On the contrary, we belong to the earth. Please bear in mind that the earth is our home.It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet and prevent what happened in the movie 2012 from becoming reality.                

1.Why does the author talk about the movie 2012 in the passage ? __________.

A.To give example.                      B.To lead into the topic.

C.To make prediction.                    D.To provide the evidence.

2.How did the author feel when he took a trip to the glacier? ____________.

A.Worried.        B.Puzzled.         C.Scared.          D.Bored.

3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that          .

A.56 million people in Italy have been killed owing to the rising sea level

B.Some islands and coastal cities will be drowned in water by the year of 2050

C.Human beings will be in danger if we don't take actions to prevent the global warming

D.It is certain that what happened in the movie 2012 will come into reality

4.According to the passage, you are advised to         .

A.drive our own private cars instead of taking buses to some place

B.recycle everything that is used

C.go to see the movie 2012 at once

D.work together to take good care of our planet

5.What does the author mean by saying "small drops of water make a big ocean"?

A.Think twice before taking action.

B.It's our duty to protect the ocean.

C.Everyone together can make a difference.

D.It's important to save every drop of water.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Not long ago the movie 2012 came into screen. The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood, severe earthquake, terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster. Luckily, they are just the director’s imagination, but the present situation is not heading a positive direction, either.

Take my own experience in Alaska as an example. Once I took a trip to the glacier. Along the way there stood signposts marking the snow lines of different years. They started from the foot of the mountain, but it was at the top when I finally saw melting glaciers(融化的冰川). My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every second.

Sad but true, they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact. Furthermore, each year the rising sea level will kill 56 million people, and that's about the population of the en tire Italy. According to studies, if the temperature keeps on rising like this, by the year 2050, some islands and coastal cities including New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney will be drowned in water.

Our fortune is in our own hands. It depends on us to shape our future, to reduce future human impact and find ways to form a peaceful relationship with our environment. Therefore, it's time for actions to be taken right now. Contribute a little to energy saving by using more efficient light bulbs and less hot water. Let recycle become our habit by thinking twice before throwing something away. Let us take public transportation as our first choice when going to a certain place. It might cost more time for now, but it' s to the benefit of a permanent future. Take care of every tree and grass around us by watering them or simply just avoid destroying them.

In a word, small drops of water make a big ocean. The earth does not belong to us. On the contrary, we belong to the earth. Please bear in mind that the earth is our home. It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet and prevent what happened in the movie 2012 from becoming reality.                

1.Why does the author talk about the movie 2012 in the passage ?     

A.To give example.                      B.To lead into the topic.

C.To make prediction.                    D.To provide the evidence.

2.How did the author feel when he took a trip to the glacier?

A.Worried.        B.Puzzled.         C.Scared.          D.Bored.

3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that          .

A.56 million people in Italy have been killed owing to the rising sea level

B.Some islands and coastal cities will be drowned in water by the year of 2050

C.Human being will be in danger if we don't take actions to prevent the global warming

D.It is certain that what happened in the movie 2012 will come into reality

4.According to the passage, you are advised to             .

A.drive our own private cars instead of taking buses to some place

B.recycle everything that is used

C.go to see the movie 2012 at once

D.work together to take good care of our planet

5.What does the author mean by saying "small drops of water make a big ocean"?

A.Think twice before taking action,

B.It's our duty to protect the ocean.

C.Everyone together can make a difference.

D.It's important to save every drop of water.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届广东省惠州市高二上学期期中考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

A company advertised in the newspaper for a sales position. Details of the requirements, salary and benefits were given. It was also clearly stated that applicants needed to take an aptitude test (能力倾向测试) and an interview. However, looking at the whole advertisement, one could not find any contact information of the company.

Most interested applicants thought that it was the company’s HR department’s carelessness or a printing error. They therefore waited patiently for the newspaper to publish an amendment(订正). But instead of waiting for the newspaper to publish the company details, another three applicants took the initiative(主动性) to find out the company’s contact information themselves.

Tim did a search on the Internet. By typing the company’s name, he easily obtained all the information including its contact number. Lisa called up the local telephone number search service and found out the company’s office number. She called up the office and got the required contact information. Donna put in a greater effort in her search. She remembered seeing a poster by the same company in the city so she drove all the way down and made a few rounds to search for it. She finally found it together with the company’s contact information.

Three days after that advertisement was published in the newspaper, most interested applicants were still waiting eagerly for an amendment. On the other hand, the application letters and resumes of Tim, Lisa and Donna had already reached the hands of the company’s HR manager. They were then called up for an interview. During the interview, all went well and immediately they were hired. The three of them were a little surprised at how fast things went on. They were expecting for an aptitude test as stated in the advertisement. The HR director answered them, smiling, “Our test is hidden in the advertisement itself. To be a good salesperson in this age, he or she has to be broad-minded and very importantly, does not follow rigid (死板的) steps or rules. You are all clever. In a short time, you’ve managed to find ways of contacting us. It shows clearly that you have passed the test with flying colors!”

The fools sit around waiting for their chances whereas the wise actively take actions with great initiative.

1.According to the passage the company wanted to test the applicants’ ______.

A.sales skills




2. Whose search skill is the easiest of all?





3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The HR manager of the company made a mistake.

B.The company meant to omit (遗漏) its contact information.

C.The HR manager of the company was unfit for his / her job.

D.A printing error occurred in the advertisement in the newspaper.

4.Which of the statements is NOT correct according to the passage?

A.Many applicants thought the company made a mistake.

B.The advertisement was very special to many applicants.

C.Whoever found the company’s contact information didn’t need to have an interview.

D.The company needed broad-minded and clever salespersons.

5.The writer wants to tell us through this passage that ______.

A.no contact information seen in an advertisement might not be the company’s mistake

B.applicants should be careful not to be fooled by the company’s advertisement

C.opportunity always belongs to whoever is active and broad-minded

D.there are many successful chances to be found in this age


