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1What’s the probable relationship between the two person?

A. Boss and secretary. B. Teacher and student. C. Shop assistant and customer.

2When should the man arrive in London?

A. Before 5 p.m. B. Before 11:45 a.m. C. Before 11:30 a.m.








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1It’s easier for two parties to reach ________ (agree) than for three.

2Jenny was vey sad over the _____ (lose) of the photos she had shot in Canada.

3I used to try effective methods to ______ (achievement) my academic goals.

4A new study has found no ______(evidence) proof that sunscreen increases the risk of skin cancer.

5The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work where a good ___________ (impress) is a must.

6The study shows some people are more_________ (可能的) to have back problems.

7It started as a hobby, but it got so _______ (上瘾的) that I had to keep on doing it.

8When I told him about the possible crash, he simply shook his head in_____ (belief).

9________ (rare) have I eaten such fatty food.

10Many local businesses offered to________(contribution) to the rebuilding of the school.

11be meant for

12care about





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I felt 1(luck) to have won a place to go on a cultural tour to sites of lost civilizations. We visited Pompeii in Italy and Loulan in China. Pompei 2 (found) in the 8th century BC, then taken3by the Romans in 89 BC. Later, Pompei was destroyed by a volcano. It erupted and covered Pompei with ash.4 (fortunate), many people were buried alive. The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a stone with writing on it was discovered by a farmer. People started to dig in the area 5treasure and caused much damage. Thus, in 1860, the area was governed by the government so 6could be preserved and studied.

Differently, Loulan disappeared under the sand. There were just a few 7(ruin) left. There was 8ancient water system 9 (run) through the middle of the city. The desert was once a green with huge trees, but they were cut down, 10 resulted in the city being buried by sand.

They were both important commercial cities about 2,000 years ago. It was a pity that they disappeared for ever.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It was a hot day, and my brother Walt and I had decided that the only way to survive it would be to go swimming in a deep swimming hole across Mr. Blickez's Pasture(牧场)and through some woods.
The only problem with our plan was that this pasture was guarded by a huge, mean Hereford bull(公牛). Mr. Blickez had told us that Elsie was the meanest bull in the town, maybe even in the county, and we believed him. But the hotter it got, the more we thought there was something fishy about his words. For one thing, we remembered Mr. Blickez liked telling tall tales; for another, Elsie seemed like a strange name for a bull.
Finally, I talked Mom into asking permission for us to walk through the pasture, but then another problem surfaced. Mom said she would talk to Mr. Blickez if we would take our cousin Joanie along with us. Joanie was almost two years older than me and a head taller. If her teasing ever got around my grade school, it would be all over for me. In fact, I still had a headache from a quarrel with her that morning. “I'm not going swimming with that silly girl cousin,” I told my mom.
“Either Joanie goes with, or you stay home alone,” Mom said in her serious tone(语气). I gave in and we set out. On your way across the pasture, Walt yelled suddenly. Elsie had approached him quietly and was licking(舔)his back. Joanie and I dove under the wire fence, but while I was on the ground I looked up and saw that Elsie wasn't a big mean bull after all. She was going to keep licking my brother's back as long as he stood still.
We had many good days growing up and visiting our secret swimming hole guarded by the so-called “big mean bull”. And as it turned out, for a girl cousin, Joanie hasn't been too bad. She's been one of my best friends over the years.
(1)What's the meaning of the underlined word “fishy” in Paragraph 2?
(2)What's the second problem the author had to face?
A.His mother failed to ask permission for him.
B.His mother insisted on his cousin going with him.
C.He quarreled with his cousin and had a headache.
D.His cousin made jokes on him in his grade school.
(3)We can learn from the passage that Elsie .
A.was his owner's favorite bull
B.was aggressive because of her nature
C.disliked to play with little children
D.was actually friendly to people
(4)What's the passage mainly about?
A.The bull guarding Mr. Blickez's farm.
B.The story of visiting the swimming hole.
C.How friendly the so-called “big mean bull” was.
D.How the author changed his attitude to Joanie.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why does the wise author write the fable?

A. To earn more money. B. To tell a lesson. C. To sell animals.

2What’s wrong with the hare in the fable The Tortoise and the Hare?

A. It shows off. B. It runs too fast. C. It shouldn’t attend the match.

3Where can animals talk according to the passage?

A. In real life. B. In the fables. C. On the farm.

4What can you learn from the fable about the crow?

A. One should show off. B. One should work hard. C. One should be careful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

At 27, after serving in World War II, I dreamed of owning a piece of land. So I moved from central Illinois to Shelbina, Missouri, and bought 236 acres for $6,000. The land was situated on a dirt road and was half farmland and half trees, with an old house that had no running water or electricity. Obviously, it was not what you'd call a perfect farm. But it was mine.
I was alone for the first time in my life, and I found it liberating. My days were filled from dawn until dusk with plowing and planting corn. Dinnertime came and went, and I barely remembered to eat.
I wouldn't say I was a great success at farming in Missouri. However, when I went to the store to buy some tools, I met a nice woman named Claudette working behind the counter. I also ran into her at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Shelbina each week. I found out later that her manager kept asking her about “that tall boy from Illinois living out in the country in an old house with no water, no electricity and no housekeeper.”
Claudette and her sister soon visited my farm and put up some curtains. To show my appreciation, I took Claudette out for a ride in my truck. We married in 1954 and have now been together for more than 62 years!
I later sold the Missouri farm for a $3,500 profit and bought 40 acres in Illinois. For many reasons, buying the Missouri farm was a good idea. I will always cherish memories of owning the farm and meeting my beloved.
(1)Why did the writer buy the Missouri farm?
A.To marry a nice girl.
B.To live a liberating life.
C.To have his own land.
D.To earn more profit.
(2)What was Claudette when the writer met her?
A.A manager.
B.A storekeeper.
C.A housekeeper.
D.A shop assistant.
(3)What can we learn about the Missouri farm?
A.It was well furnished.
B.It led to a happy marriage.
C.It was 40 acres.
D.It made a successful farmer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



2. 旅行前的准备。了解天气,带好衣服、相机、常用药品等。

3. 旅行时注意饮食卫生和安全,防止小偷。












科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In the fall of 1959, Freed suffered a bad reputation for rumors of bribery (贿赂行为), and his troubles were too strong to be resisted. When WABC asked Freed to sign a statement swearing that he had never taken bribes, he refused and was fired. Although he later signed such a statement for WNEW-TV, he lost his television show as well.
Finding himself unwelcome in New York, Freed fled to the West Coast, where he managed to land a daytime disc jockey (流行音乐播音员) job at KDAY in Los Angeles in 1960. Legal problems continued to bother him, though, and he was charged with taking bribes of more than $30,000 from a number of record companies. Publicly, Freed denied that he had ever accepted direct bribes, although he acknowledged that he had accepted gifts from record companies, but only for playing records that he was certain would become hits anyway. After a short time at KDAY, he left when the station management refused to let him promote his live rock ‘n' roll shows. He returned to New York, but not as a broadcaster. At the height of the great enthusiasm for the twist dance, he hosted a Manhattan twist revue (时事讽刺剧), but when this enthusiasm cooled, he found a disc jockey job at WQAM in Miami in 1962. During this difficult period, Freed began drinking heavily and lost his job in Miami after only two months. In December of 1962 he was found guilty in New York of two charges of commercial bribery and was given a six-month sentence and fined $300. This effectively ended his career.
Freed spent the last years of his life in Palm Springs, California. Although he had redefined what it meant to be a disc jockey and named the music that had become an anthem (圣歌) for the world's youth, he was a disgraced (耻辱的) and broken man, no longer able to work in the business he loved. On January 20, 1965, he died in a hospital in Palm Springs.
(1)Why was Freed fired by WABC?
A.Because he took bribes.
B.Because he swore he didn't take bribes.
C.Because he refused to admit taking bribes.
D.Because he refused to make a statement as WABC required.
(2)According to Freed, he accepted the gifts from record companies only when _______.
A.the gifts were not valuable
B.the gifts had no connection with playing records
C.the records he was asked to play were very famous
D.the records he was asked to play would surely become popular
(3)What can we learn from the passage?
A.Freed didn't take bribes at all.
B.Freed showed no talent for music.
C.Freed had made contributions in his career.
D.KDAY fired Freed because of his addiction to alcohol.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In 1971 a young man who grew up very poor was traveling across the country,trying to make a new start for himself. Along the way he had completely run out of money and was forced to spend the night in his car.

This continued until one morning,after a week of sleeping in his car,he walked nervously into a diner and ordered a big breakfast. After eating his first good meal in weeks,he found himself lying to the waiter,telling him he had lost his wallet. The waiter,who was also the owner,walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting.

He bent down,and took out a $20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor. “Son,you must have dropped this,” the owner said. The young man couldn't believe his ear! He quickly paid for the breakfast,left a tip,bought gas with the bill,and headed West.

On the way out of town,he understood. “Maybe nobody dropped the money at all. Maybe that owner just knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didn't embarrass(使困窘) me. I'd been praying for a few days before that,and right then I just made an engagement.I said,‘If ever I have a chance to help other people,I will do it.’”

Now older,the man lives in Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars. He is known as the “Secret Santa(圣诞老人),” because at Christmas time each year,he personally hands money out to those on the street,and at diners. Last year,he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City.

1The underlined word “engagement” in Paragraph 4 has the same meaning as ________.

A. promise B. apology C. explanation D. friend

2The young man had to stay in his car in the night because ________.

A. he had to travel day and night B. he couldn't find any hotels on his way

C. he didn't like living in a hotel D. he was too poor to live in a hotel

3Whom did the $20 bill belong to?

A. The young man. B. The diner owner. C. A customer in the diner. D. Secret Santa.

