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First Man-Bear-Pig , and now global warming; it seems Al Gore never stops to surprise the world. Recently Al Gore produced them movie An Inconvenient Truth which explained the threats and told us how to control global warming. What it left out is that there is no proof that human activity is even causing global warming, let alone if global warming is even taking place.

Global warming is the idea that greenhouse gases that shut in infra-red(红外线)radiation in the earth’s atmosphere are becoming more powerful and heating our planet up. The theory is that if the planet continues to heat up, the polar ice caps could melt and cover the earth in water.

Over the last 100 years the Earth has increased one degree in temperature, and sea level has risen millimeters. Even though this “eye-opening” news is taking place, there is no clear proof saying that it is due to global warming. It could be just a regular weather pattern the earth is circulating . The polar ice caps have not grown or reduced in size since man began tracking them. Also the ground-based temperature has remained the same besides growing cities. In fact most clues support the idea that global warming is not taking place and human activity isn’t causing any earth to melt down.

Although Al Gore insists the world is on its way to certain destruction, the facts say otherwise. It seems that driving to work won’t lead to the doom(末日)of mankind , and the movie Water World won’t be happening any time soon.

72.  It is likely that Al Gore     .

A. is concerned about the threat of global warming

B. holds that human doesn’t cause global warming

C. knows how to stop global warming successfully

D. doesn’t believe global warming is taking place

73. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. The earth has risen 1℃ temperature in the last century

B. The sea level is incredibly higher than any time before

C. Some people are upset at the news of global warming

D. The poplar ice caps haven’t grown or reduced in size

74. The author believes that      .

A. most proofs support global warming is happening

B. human activities contribute little to global warming

C. driving to work will lead to the end of mankind

D. A “Water World” will be happening very soon

75.      can be the best title of the passage.

A. A Threatening the Film by Al Gore

B. The Causes of Global Warming

C. The Doom of Mankind ?

D. The Polar Ice Melt Down!







科目:高中英语 来源:广东省揭东一中2009-2010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

①Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player. He was one of the most honored musicians in the world. He was an international cultural ambassador. He was a major supporter of the arts in America and in other countries. He was a teacher and activist.
②Issac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine. His parents moved to San Francisco, California the following year. His mother began teaching Isaac the piano when he was six. He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the instrument. Later, he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory (音乐学院). He progressed quickly. When he was 16, he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. The next year, he performed in New York City and was praised by music critics.
③During World War II, Mr Stern played for thousands of American soldiers. It was the first time many of them had heard classical music. After the war, he was the first American violinist to perform in a concert in the Soviet Union. He also supported young musicians and cultural organizations in Israel.
④In 1979, Isaac Stern visited China. He met with Chinese musicians and students. He taught them about classical Western music. His visit was made into a film, which is called From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. It won an Academy Award for best documentary film.
⑤In 1984, Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture through music. He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life. He said he believed that music makes life better for everyone, especially children.
⑥Mr Stern supported and guided younger classical musicians. They include violinists Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and pianist Yefim Bronfman.
⑦Isaac Stern died in 2001 at eh age of 81. He was a major influence on music in the 20th century. He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.
1. Which of the following is the RIGHT time order for these events in Stern’s life?
a. He began learning music in an institution.
b. He received the Kennedy Center Honors Award.
c. He visited the Soviet Union.
d. He met with Chinese musicians.
e. He performed for American soldiers.
A. a,e,c,d,b     B. a,e,b,c,d     C. e,a,b,c,d     D. e,a,c,d,b
2. Paragraph 2 is mainly about ______.
A. how Stern began to learn music   B. how Stern began his musical career
C. Stern’s early education          D. Stern’s achievement in music
3. Which of the following statements about Stern is TRUE?
A. He was an activist in opposing war.
B. He was active in cultural exchanges between countries.
C. He had an interest in both playing music and making films.
D. He made a lot of money from music.
4. The Underlined word “cellist” in Paragraph 6 may refer to ________.
A. someone who supports young musicians
B. someone who wants to be a musician
C. someone who has a gift for music
D. someone who plays a certain kind of instrument
5. Which of the following shows the RIGHT structure of the text?
A.       ①                              B.       ①
↓                                         ↓
②③④⑤                                ②③④⑤⑥
↓                                         ↓
⑥⑦                                      ⑦
C. ①②③④⑤⑥                            D.    ①②③
↓                                           ↓
⑦                                      ④⑤⑥⑦


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省温州中学高三10月月考英语卷 题型:填空题

Peter, Catherine, Helen, Elizabeth和Levin 正在澳门科技大学学习,在休息日他们想去参观澳门的众多的博物馆(A-F),请根据他们各自的兴趣帮助他们选择一个适合个人兴趣的场馆,并在答题纸上相应的选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。
【小题1】 Peter: I’d like to go to some larger museums, where I can get an over-all view of Macau’s history and culture.
【小题2】Catherine: My family runs a small wine mill in China, so I’d like to learn about wine production.
【小题3】Helen: I’m crazy about car races. I’d like to visit some museum related to car races.
【小题4】 Elizabeth: The idea of Macau’s returning to China has always excited me. I’d like to see the location where the exciting moment took place.
【小题5】Levin: I’d like to take the chance to see a collection of traditional and modern art works.

A.Macau Museum
The Macau Museum is a historical and cultural museum with a vast number of objects of great historical value, which demonstrates the way of life and cultures of the various communities which have been inhabited the city for ages. The Macau Museum was opened on 18th April 1998, consisting of two underground levels and a third one above the fortress’ top platform where the old Meteorological Services is housed. The architectural character and special configuration of the architecture has been retained and preserved.
B.Maritime Museum
If the history of Macau is really connected to the sea, there is no better place for the Maritime Museum, than the Square of the Barra Pagoda, dedicated to the Taoist goddess "A-MA", the protector offishermen, and also believed to be the place where the Portuguese first landed. The precise spot is where the Maritime Museum is located, the building is in the shape of a sailing ship anchored in the waters of the Inner Harbour.
C.Wine Museum
This 1400 square-metre space is divided into a number of areas (Historical information/Wine Cellar/Museum and Exhibitions), using maps, texts, photos, tiles and videos, among other things to relate the history of wine. The aim of each section is not only to provide information regarding wine and grapevines, but also to recreate the atmosphere of the production of wine, showing the visitor the modern and traditional tools connected to wine production.
D.Grand Prix Museum
Opened 1993 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix, which features a number of automobile and motorbike races and takes place every year in November. It started in 1954 due to the enthusiasm of a group of Macau residents and the support of the authorities. Today it is an international sports event that attracts thousands of tourists and racing enthusiasts to Macau, to watch the classic "Guia Race" and the "Formula 3 Grand Prix". As it takes place on a street circuit, which inevitably leads to a comparison with Monte Carlo, the Macau Grand Prix has been developing into a race that, due to the exactness and the need for precision which it imposes on the drivers, has had the participation of great names of the motor racing participating and which has also served as a launching platform for many other names, the visitor will certainly recognize while visiting the Grand Prix Museum.
E. Macau Museum of Art
Under the management of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Macau Museum of Art is the only art museum in Macau, and provides the largest space dedicated to visual arts. It is situated in the Cultural Centre of Macau in the Outer Harbour area, and was inaugurated on 19 March 1999, with a total area of more than 10,000 square meters and expositive capacity of almost 4,000 square meters. The artistic works and cultural artifacts include Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings, Seals, Ceramics, Copperwares, Western paintings, Contemporary Arts, Photography artworks, and other significant collections.
F. Handover Gifts Museum of Macau
The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau is located next to the Macau Cultural Centre in Avenida Xian Xing Hai (NAPE). The location of the Museum is also the area that was used for the Handover Ceremony on 20th December 1999 in which Macau was returned to the Mainland. When the hall was dismantled after the ceremony the area became part of the Macau Cultural Centre. The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau was opened December 2004. The main aim of the Museum is to commemorate the handover for its significance in Macau’s modern history. The inauguration of the Museum on the 5th anniversary of the handover is also indeed significant and momentous.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届四川省实验学校高二3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

①Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player. He was one of the most honored musicians in the world. He was an international cultural ambassador. He was a major supporter of the arts in America and in other countries. He was a teacher and activist.

②Isaac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine. His parents moved to San Francisco, California the following year. His mother began teaching Isaac the piano when he was six. He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the instrument. Later, he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory (音乐学院).He progressed quickly. When he was 16, he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. The next year, he performed in New York City and was praised by music critics.

③During World War Ⅱ, Mr. Stern played for thousands of American soldiers. It was the first time many of them had heard classical music. After the war, he was the first American violinist to perform in a concert in the Soviet Union. He also supported young musicians and cultural organizations in Israel.

④In 1979, Isaac Stern visited China. He met with Chinese musicians and students. He taught them about classical Western music. His visit was made into a film, which is called From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. It won an Academy Award for best documentary film.

⑤In 1984, Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture through music. He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life. He said he believed that music makes life better for everyone, especially children.

⑥Mr. Stern supported and guided younger classical musicians. They include violinists Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman, cellist Yo -Yo Ma, and pianist Yefim Bronfman.

⑦Isaac Stern died in 2001 at the age of 81.He was a major influence on music in the 20th century. He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.

1.Which of the following is the RIGHT time order for these events in Stern’s life?

a. He began learning music in an institution.

b. He received the Kennedy Center Honors Award.

c. He visited the Soviet Union.

d. He met with Chinese musicians.

e. He performed for American soldiers.

A.a, e, c, d, b         B.a, e, b, c, d         C.e, a, b, c, d         D.e, a, c, d, b

2.Paragraph 2 is mainly about _________ .

A.how Stern began to learn music

B.how Stern began his musical career

C.Stern’s early education

D.Stern’s achievement in music

3.The underlined word “cellist” in Paragraph 6 may refer to _________ .

A.someone who supports young musicians

B.someone who wants to be a musician

C.someone who has a gift for music

D.someone who plays a certain kind of instrument

4.Which of the following shows the RIGHT structure of the text?

A.①→②③④⑤→⑥⑦                    B.①→②③④⑤⑥→⑦

C.①②③④⑤⑥→⑦                      D.①②③→④⑤⑥⑦



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

①Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player. He was one of the most honored musicians in the world. He was an international cultural ambassador. He was a major supporter of the arts in America and in other countries. He was a teacher and activist.

②Issac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine. His parents moved to San Francisco, California the following year. His mother began teaching Isaac the piano when he was six. He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the instrument. Later, he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory (音乐学院). He progressed quickly. When he was 16, he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. The next year, he performed in New York City and was praised by music critics.

③During World War II, Mr Stern played for thousands of American soldiers. It was the first time many of them had heard classical music. After the war, he was the first American violinist to perform in a concert in the Soviet Union. He also supported young musicians and cultural organizations in Israel.

④In 1979, Isaac Stern visited China. He met with Chinese musicians and students. He taught them about classical Western music. His visit was made into a film, which is called From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. It won an Academy Award for best documentary film.

⑤In 1984, Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture through music. He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life. He said he believed that music makes life better for everyone, especially children.

⑥Mr Stern supported and guided younger classical musicians. They include violinists Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and pianist Yefim Bronfman.

⑦Isaac Stern died in 2001 at eh age of 81. He was a major influence on music in the 20th century. He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.

1. Which of the following is the RIGHT time order for these events in Stern’s life?

a. He began learning music in an institution.

b. He received the Kennedy Center Honors Award.

c. He visited the Soviet Union.

d. He met with Chinese musicians.

e. He performed for American soldiers.

A. a,e,c,d,b     B. a,e,b,c,d     C. e,a,b,c,d     D. e,a,c,d,b

2. Paragraph 2 is mainly about ______.

A. how Stern began to learn music   B. how Stern began his musical career

C. Stern’s early education          D. Stern’s achievement in music

3. Which of the following statements about Stern is TRUE?

A. He was an activist in opposing war.

B. He was active in cultural exchanges between countries.

C. He had an interest in both playing music and making films.

D. He made a lot of money from music.

4. The Underlined word “cellist” in Paragraph 6 may refer to ________.

A. someone who supports young musicians

B. someone who wants to be a musician

C. someone who has a gift for music

D. someone who plays a certain kind of instrument

5. Which of the following shows the RIGHT structure of the text?

A.       ①                              B.       ①

↓                                         ↓

②③④⑤                                ②③④⑤⑥

↓                                         ↓

⑥⑦                                      ⑦

C. ①②③④⑤⑥                            D.    ①②③

↓                                           ↓

⑦                                      ④⑤⑥⑦



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省高三10月月考英语题 题型:信息匹配

Peter, Catherine, Helen, Elizabeth和Levin 正在澳门科技大学学习,在休息日他们想去参观澳门的众多的博物馆(A-F),请根据他们各自的兴趣帮助他们选择一个适合个人兴趣的场馆,并在答题纸上相应的选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。

1. Peter: I’d like to go to some larger museums, where I can get an over-all view of Macau’s history and culture.

2.Catherine: My family runs a small wine mill in China, so I’d like to learn about wine production.

3.Helen: I’m crazy about car races. I’d like to visit some museum related to car races.

4. Elizabeth: The idea of Macau’s returning to China has always excited me. I’d like to see the location where the exciting moment took place.

5.Levin: I’d like to take the chance to see a collection of traditional and modern art works.

A. Macau Museum 

The Macau Museum is a historical and cultural museum with a vast number of objects of great historical value, which demonstrates the way of life and cultures of the various communities which have been inhabited the city for ages. The Macau Museum was opened on 18th April 1998, consisting of two underground levels and a third one above the fortress' top platform where the old Meteorological Services is housed. The architectural character and special configuration of the architecture has been retained and preserved.


B. Maritime Museum

If the history of Macau is really connected to the sea, there is no better place for the Maritime Museum, than the Square of the Barra Pagoda, dedicated to the Taoist goddess "A-MA", the protector of fishermen, and also believed to be the place where the Portuguese first landed. The precise spot is where the Maritime Museum is located, the building is in the shape of a sailing ship anchored in the waters of the Inner Harbour.


C. Wine Museum

This 1400 square-metre space is divided into a number of areas (Historical information/Wine Cellar/Museum and Exhibitions), using maps, texts, photos, tiles and videos, among other things to relate the history of wine. The aim of each section is not only to provide information regarding wine and grapevines, but also to recreate the atmosphere of the production of wine, showing the visitor the modern and traditional tools connected to wine production.


D. Grand Prix Museum

Opened 1993 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix, which features a number of automobile and motorbike races and takes place every year in November. It started in 1954 due to the enthusiasm of a group of Macau residents and the support of the authorities. Today it is an international sports event that attracts thousands of tourists and racing enthusiasts to Macau, to watch the classic "Guia Race" and the "Formula 3 Grand Prix". As it takes place on a street circuit, which inevitably leads to a comparison with Monte Carlo, the Macau Grand Prix has been developing into a race that, due to the exactness and the need for precision which it imposes on the drivers, has had the participation of great names of the motor racing participating and which has also served as a launching platform for many other names, the visitor will certainly recognize while visiting the Grand Prix Museum.


E. Macau Museum of Art

Under the management of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Macau Museum of Art is the only art museum in Macau, and provides the largest space dedicated to visual arts. It is situated in the Cultural Centre of Macau in the Outer Harbour area, and was inaugurated on 19 March 1999, with a total area of more than 10,000 square meters and expositive capacity of almost 4,000 square meters. The artistic works and cultural artifacts include Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings, Seals, Ceramics, Copperwares, Western paintings, Contemporary Arts, Photography artworks, and other significant collections.


F. Handover Gifts Museum of Macau

The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau is located next to the Macau Cultural Centre in Avenida Xian Xing Hai (NAPE). The location of the Museum is also the area that was used for the Handover Ceremony on 20th December 1999 in which Macau was returned to the Mainland. When the hall was dismantled after the ceremony the area became part of the Macau Cultural Centre. The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau was opened December 2004. The main aim of the Museum is to commemorate the handover for its significance in Macau's modern history. The inauguration of the Museum on the 5th anniversary of the handover is also indeed significant and momentous.


