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—Don’t be a slave to work, Ralph! You must take it easy sometimes.

—I can’t help it._________.

A. Easier said than done

B. Nothing is easier than fault-finding

C. Easy come, easy go

D. Better late than never



试题分析:考查谚语。A说比做容易;B站在说话不腰疼;C来得快,去得快;D晚来总比不来好;句意:—Ralph,不要做工作的奴隶!有时候 ,你不要担忧。—没办法,说比做容易。根据回答句中的I can’t help it表示后者不同意前者的说法,认为很难做到不担忧。故A正确。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东实验中学高三阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达










1. 利用PPT展示图片及调查结果:空气污染致我国每年约25万人过早死亡,数万儿童健康受危害;

2. 小组讨论:如何应对雾霾天气;

3. 班主任点评。







As the atmospheric pollution worsens and the air quality declines, smoggy weather has occurred in many parts of China.








科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建厦门第二中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

As a teacher,I often make it a rule that when we are on a field trip,there will be no talking as we enter a building.This rule to entering any place,whether it is a cinema,a church,a theatre, or any other place.

Once,in New York City,I took my class to see a(n) near Times Square.When we arrived at the theatre,there were about twenty other classes outside waiting to get in.The students from the other schools were not and there was pandemonium(乌烟瘴气).I told my students to stay in a line and keep .I told them that we would not carry ourselves like those other .Soon we started to file into the theatre,and it was very disorganized.There was a lady trying to the groups and get them to their seats, students were everywhere and really knew where to go.My class,observing our rule,walked in in two single-file lines.We stood near the door behind everyone else,and we .All of a sudden,the lady who was noticed us and she walked our direction.She asked the students the teacher was for our group, and I raised my .She asked,“Very, very nice to meet you.Come this way.”We were led into the theatre, ,and we were given front-row seats.

Sometimes for others may not seem like it is going to have an effect,especially when you no one around who is taking manners into .However,that is usually the time when such actions will be most appreciated and recognized.

1.A.applies B.leads C.turns D.belongs

2.A.lady B.play C.teacher D.exhibition

3.A.sorted out B.settled down C.lined up D.turned away

4.A.listening B. behaving C.concentrating D.watching

5.A.time B.contact C.watch D.order

6.A.places B.seats C.classes D.teachers

7.A.scold B.dismiss C.attract D.organize

8.A.and B.but C.so D.while

9.A.anyone B.nobody C.everyone D.somebody

10.A.anxiously B.immediately C.quietly D.hurriedly

11.A.passed B.chatted C.rushed D.waited

12.A.in trouble B.on guard C.in charge D.on business

13.A.in B.to C.for D.under

14.A.how B.where C.what D.whether

15.A.voice B.arm C.head D.hand

16.A.finally B.somehow C.first D.instead

17.A.love B. respect C.concern D.support

18.A.receive B.visit C.meet D. recognize

19.A.practice B.account C.effect D.operation

20.A.kind B. urgent C.legal D.firm


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高三第四次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)汉语提示;2)首字母提示;3)语境提示, 在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确。(每题1分;共10分)

As is known to all, it is one of the Chinese traditional virtues to be grateful to whoever has been kind and helpful to us.

In my opinion, our gratitude should first go to our parents 1. they not only2. ______(提供)us with food and clothing but also care for us in many ways. They are always willing to do3.______they can to ensure our happiness. Second, we should thank the teachers who are making every 4.e______ to give us wisdom and5.k_______ and help us become useful persons.

As the saying goes, actions speak 6.l___ than words. Therefore, we should devote ourselves 7.____ studying so that we can live up to their 8.____(期待). It’s also important to 9._____(表达) our gratitude whenever we get help from them.

In short, we should strengthen our sense of gratitude and take10.a______ to repay their love and kindness.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高三第四次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

How did you find your visit to the museum, John? --- ______

A. By taking a No. 3 bus.

B. Oh, wonderful, indeed.

C. I went there alone.

D. A classmate of mine showed me the way.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建福州第八中学高三第四次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

But for the fact that George __________ the exam, he would have driven his car to our college yesterday.

A. didn’t pass B. would not pass

C. hadn’t passed D. doesn’t pass


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江台州书生中学高一上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


As a matter of 1. , the Amber Room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I. 2. , the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the Amber Room 3. , decided to give it to Peter the Great. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room 4. (move) and told her artists to add more details to it. Sadly, although the Amber Room was 5. (consider) one of the wonders of the world, it is now 6. (miss).

In September 1941, the Nazi army was near St. Petersburg. This was a time 7. the two countries were 8. war. The Nazis secretly stole the room. 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. 9. is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for a German city. After that, 10. happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江台州书生中学高一上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party, _____________.

A. he will either B. neither will he

C. he neither will D. either he will


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东乐陵第一中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

1.The girl doesn’t feel _______(尴尬的) in public places when she makes a speech.

2.I can’t bear his ______(态度) towards me.

3.He was _____(失望的) because Ms. Shen won’t teach him any longer.

4.In our chemistry class, we are often ________(分成) into six groups.

5.The teacher has a very good______(关系) with her students.

6.I feel very f_______ living in such a beautiful city.

7.Only a few people s_____ the mine accident last month.

8.I can’t a______ to buy so expensive a car because I’m only a worker.

9.At the sight of the snake, the girl was almost f______ to death.

10.You’ll just have to be p______ and wait for your turn.

