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Can dogs and cats get along well in the same home? People who are thinking about getting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found that if the cat is taken back home before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is likely that the two pets will get along smoothly. In two-thirds of the homes cats and dogs have a good relationship.

However, it wasn’t all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression(侵略,好斗) and fighting were found in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body languages are just different. For example, when a cat turns its head away it means aggression, while a dog doing the same means submission(顺从).

In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers found a surprising behavior. They are learning how to talk each other’s language. It is surprising that cats can learn how to talk “Dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “Cat”.

What’s interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to become smarter. They can learn to read each other’s body languages, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was expected. Once familiar with each other’s body language, cats and dogs can play together, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa.

The importance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets — to people who don’t get along well, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even countries. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.

1.The underlined word smoothly in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. early B. mostly

C. quickly D. well

2.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?

A. They eat and sleep together.

B. They watch each other’s behaviors.

C. They learn to speak each other’s language.

D. They know something from each other’s voices.

3.It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs ________.

A. have common interests

B. have appeared to become smarter.

C. have a common body language

D. are not so smart as was expected

4.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?

A. We should learn to get along well with others

B.We should know more about animals.

C. We should live in peace with animals.

D. We should learn more body languages.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁沈阳第二中学高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As an experienced photojournalist in Nashville, Tennessee, I was hired by USA Today newspaper to photograph a spinal bifida (脊柱畸形) corrective surgical procedure. It was to be performed on a twenty-one week old fetus(胎儿)in uterus(子宫)at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. At that time, in 1999, twenty-one weeks in uterus was the earliest that the surgical team would consider for surgery. The worst possible outcome would be that the surgery would cause premature delivery, and no child born earlier than twenty-three weeks had survived.

The tension could be felt in the operating room as the surgery began. A typical C-section cut was made to access the uterus, which was then lifted out and laid at the junction of the mother’s thighs(大腿). The entire procedure would take place within the uterus, and no part of the child was to breach the surgical opening. During the procedure, the position of the fetus was adjusted by gently moving the outside of the uterus. The entire surgical procedure on the child was completed in one hour and thirteen minutes. When it was over, the surgical team breathed a sigh of relief, as did I.

As a doctor asked me what speed of film I was using, out of the corner of my eye I saw the uterus shake, but no one’s hands were near it. It was shaking from within. Suddenly, an entire arm thrust out of the opening, then pulled back until just a little hand was showing. The doctor reached over and lifted the hand, which reacted and squeezed the doctor’s finger. As if testing for strength, the doctor shook the tiny fist. Samuel held firm. I took the picture! Wow! It happened so fast that the nurse standing next to me asked, “What happened?” “The child reached out,” I said. “Oh. They do that all the time,” she responded.

The surgical opening to the uterus was closed and the uterus was then put back into the mother and the C-section opening was closed.

It was ten days before I knew if the picture was even in focus(对焦). To ensure no digital manipulation(篡改) of images before they see them, USA Today requires that film be submitted unprocessed. When the photo editor finally phoned me he said, “It’s the most incredible picture I’ve ever seen.”

1.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

A. it’s a very common surgery nowadays.

B. there was little risk in the operation.

C. the writer was really a terrific photographer.

D. the baby’s little hand reacted the doctor’s finger.

2.In 1999, people believed that it was ________.

A. possible for a fetus 21 weeks born to survive

B. likely for a fetus born 21 weeks to become abnormal

C. right time for a fetus born 21 weeks to receive an operation

D. risky for a fetus 21 weeks in uterus to receive an operation

3.From the second paragraph, we can see that the surgery was ________.

A. challenging but successful

B. demanding and unsuccessful

C. simple and short

D. long-lasting and difficult

4.The underlined “It” in paragraph 3 refers to________.

A. the uterus B. the arm of the fetus

C. the picture D. the head of the fetus


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江温州第二外国语高一下竞赛英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You will sound more polite if you ask _____________ a question.

A. in favor of B. in the shape of

C. in the form of D. in honor of


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北省高一3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Richard's father died when he was five. Later on he lost his mother. An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him. Of course he had no money to go to school. He had to work for a rich farmer. The man paid him nothing except food and clothes. 1. He found some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.

2. It connected the village and the town. One morning people found there was a big stone on it. It stopped them from going to town. They had to move it away, or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town. But the stone weighed thirty tons at least and the strongest young men couldn't do that. 3.

Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said, “I have a way to move it away.” But few men believed him. 4. Night fell and people went home. Only the boy stayed there.

To their surprise, the villagers found the stone was gone the next morning. They didn't know which spirit had moved it away. 5.

“How could he ?” the rich farmer called out. “He's only fifteen! He couldn't move it at all!”

“He dug a big hole beside the stone” , said the old woman, “And then he could easily pull it into the hole!”

Looking at each other, the farmers couldn't say a word.

A. There seemed to be nothing strange in the village.

B. The old woman said Richard had done it all.

C. There was a narrow path between two mountains.

D. But the boy didn't lose heart.

E. Some farmers even laughed at the boy.

F. The boy hoped he could do something for the villagers some day.

G. They discussed for a long time, but nobody knew what to do.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃省高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题







6.in search of_________________

7.think highly of_________________

8.as a result_________________

9.in addition_________________

10.to be honest_________________












科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南衡阳第八中学理科实验班高一自主招生二英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

This brief book is aimed at high school students, but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life.

Its formal, serious style closely matches its content, a school-masterly book on schooling. The author, W. H. Armstrong, starts with the basics: reading and writing. In his opinion, reading doesn’t just mean recognizing each word on the page; it means taking in the information, digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of himself. The goal is to bring the information back to life, not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees. Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other; in fact, the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text. I’ve seen it again and again: some one who can’t express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn’t read it at all.

Only a third of the book remains after that discussion, which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages, math, science and history. He generally handles these topics thoroughly and equally, except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion (激情) regarding history to his students, that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across. To my disappointment, in this part of the book he ignores the arts. As a matter of fact, they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do, though the study differs slightly in kind. Although it’s commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired, actually, learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.

My other comment is that the text aged. The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s—none of the references(参考文献) seem newer than the late 1950s. As a result, the discussion misses the entire computer age.

These are small points, though, and don’t affect the main discussion. I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student.

1.According to Armstrong, the goal of reading is to ________.

A.gain knowledge and expand one’s view

B.understand the meaning between the lines

C.express ideas based on what one has read

D.get information and keep it alive in memory

2.The author of the passage insists that learning the arts ________.

A.requires great efforts

B.demands real passion

C.is less natural than learning maths

D.is as natural as learning a language

3.What is a shortcoming of Armstrong’s work according to the author?

A.Some ideas are slightly contradictory.

B.There is too much discussion on studying science.

C.The style is too serious.

D.It lacks new information.

4.This passage can be classified as ________.

A.an advertisement B.a book review

C.a feature story D.A news report


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆市高三7月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


After a decade at the publishing company, I was fired.I had worked so hard for so long.I was always doing my job _________ ,clawing my way up the ladder.And _________ ? Doing these things had _________ me.in the end,very little of lasting value.I wondered what would happen if I let it all go—didn’t look for a job,didn’t keep my _________ ambition.

My husband thought it was a great idea.“Just _________ ,” he said.As a serious windsurfer, he suggested I try the sport as a path to clarity.I had windsurfed before , but only in _________ water.I didn’t like high winds.I didn’t like going fast—that was _________ .But I wanted to abandon the past.My _________ was to do nothing but read and windsurf every day.I wanted to feel the fear and do it anyway.I wanted to learn how to ride the currents,and I couldn’t think of a better way than to_________ myself to the invisible,ever-shifting wind.

I decided to sail at Swell City, a favorite outpost on the Washington side of the Columbia.That July _________ to be one of the windiest months on record.I grew to find that what I was doing did _________ for my standing in the world.It won me no friends.Then again,I was _________

One day, a friend and her l5-year-old son came,and after I explained my _________ , he said the simplest.but most profound thin9:“It’s all in the _________ .” This kid had windsurfed only three times , _________ he knew the secret.“If you go out there knowing you’re going to _________ it,you will,”he continued.“But if you go out there afraid you’ll get hurt , you will.” I smiled at him.Wasn’t that _________ the same problem I’d encountered in life? I’d always been terrified l wouldn’t reach the goal or _________ the job.I knew I had to let that fear go.And slowly I did.

The wind wanted nothing from me.It cared not at all about my ambition or accomplishments.It _________ me that the beauty of life is in the trying.And that’s where I am:still trying for the turnaround.in life and in the _________


2.A.what forB.how comeC.so whatD.why not








10.A.turned outB.set outC.picked outD.carried out




14.A.healthB.action C.attitudeD.behavior








科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西吕梁学院附属高级中学高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Swedish businessman Nile Bergqvist is delighted with his new hotel, the world’s first igloo (冰屋) hotel. 1. (build) in a small town, it has been attracting lots of visitors, but soon the fun will be over. In two week’s time Bergqvist’s ice creation _2.(be) nothing more than a pool of water. “We don’t see it as a big problem,” he says. “We just look forward to _3.(replace) it.”

Bergqvist built his first igloo in 1991 for an art exhibition. It was4.successful that he designed the present one, 5. measures roughly 200 square meters. Six workmen spent more than eight weeks 6. (pile) 1,000 tons of snow onto a wooden base; when the snow froze, the base 7.(remove).

After their stay, all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success. 8.no windows, nowhere to hang clothes at temperatures below 0℃, it may seem more like a survival test _9._ a relaxing hotel break. “It’s great fun,” Bergqvist explains, “As well as a good start in survival training.”

The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt: it is now attracting tourists _10.all over the world. At least 800 people have stayed at the igloo this season even though there are only 10 rooms


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考一轮复习新人教版选修8 词类复习(2)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

He ______ (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.

