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36. ________ is believed that the better–known companies spend about 70 percent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Indian Ocean tsunami at the end of 2004 is believed _____ more than 160,000 people and made millions homeless, _______ it perhaps the most destroying tsunami in history.

 A. to kill; making         B. to have killed; making

 C. having killed; to make D. killing; made


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Olympic Games are seen as the greatest test of an athlete’s ability and are supposed to celebrate the spirit of fair play. But in fact, sportsmen have been using drugs to cheat their way to victory since the Games first began.

       In the early years, athletes ate mushrooms(蘑菇)and plant seeds to improve their performance. Nowadays, this kind of cheating has a name doping(服用兴奋剂).

       Just last month, Britain’s top sprinter(赛跑选手) Dwain Chambers and several American athletes tested positive(呈阳性)for the drug THG. Until a coach secretly gave a sample of THG to scientists, no one knew how ho test for it.

       “We’re like cops(警察)chasing criminals—athletes are always adapting and looking for areas we haven’t investigated,” said Jacquew de Ceaurriz, a French anti-doping expert.

       Since the first drugs test was carried out at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, many cheats have been caught out. The most famous case in history is that of Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson.

He broke the 100 meters world record in winning gold at the 1988 Seoul(汉城)Olympics. But days later, he tested positive for drug use, lost his gold medal and was banned from the sport. Five years later, he returned to action—only to be found positive again and banned forever.

China has also had problems with drug cheats. At the 1994 Asian Games, 11 Chinese athletes—seven of them swimmers—tested positive for banned drugs. Sports organizations promised that cheating on this scale would not happen again.

Experts are also worried that doping can damage a person’s health. It is believed to increase the risk of liver and kidney(肝肾)diseases, and women may experience reproductive(生育) problems. As long as they can stay ahead of the scientists, it is unlikely the cheats will stop. But experts say there is a limit to what can be achieved and that athletes will not be able to change their bodies using gene(基因)technology.

“For the moment, genetic doping does not exist,” said de Ceaurriz. “Even in 10 or 15 years it will not be done easily—the scientific community(界)will not let it happen.”

Which of the following is not the way that some athletes cheat to their better sports achievements?

A. Eating mushrooms.    B. Taking drug THG. 

C. Taking genetic doping.   D. Eating plant seeds.

How many countries are mentioned in the passage in which there were athletes doping?

A. Two.                 B. Four.                C. Sic.                  D. Eight.

We can infer from the passage that ____.

A. scientists get a lot of information about drugs before the athletes take doping

B. taking doping will never happen again because of the serious test

C. few athletes used drug cheats before the first drugs test was carried out at the 1968 Olympics

D. problems with drug cheats are still serious though they are severely tested

Which statement of the following is true?

A. Many police are sent to chase criminals of taking doping during the Olympic Games.

B. The drug test was carried out until the 1968 Olympics.

C. There is the possibility that women athletes taking doping will give no birth to a child.

D. Ben Johnson was banned from sports forever for being tested positive for drug use at the 1988 Seoul Olympics.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河北省高三下学期二调考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?

The answer depends largely ?? 1.?? cultural values as well as personal experiences. To the Egyptians, green was a color ?? 2.?? represented the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. During the Spring Festival in China, children ?? 3.?? (give) money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect ?? 4.?? against evils(灾祸).

People’s ?? 5.?? (choose) of colors is also influenced by their bodies’ reactions toward them. Green is said to be ?? 6.?? most restful color. It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally ?? 7.?? physically. People ?? 8.? (work) in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.

Red can cause a person’s blood pressure to rise and increase people’s appetites(食欲). Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. And many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that ?? 9.?? (easy) catches a person’s eye.

Blue is another calming color. Unlike red, blue is believed to cause people to lose appetite. So ?? 10.?? you want to eat less, some suggest that eating from blue plates can help.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川棠湖中学外语实验学校高一月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Every culture has it own ways to show friendship. On the island of Hawaii, friendship is part of the “aloha spirit”. In the language of the Hawaiians who first settled the islands long ago, aloha had a very special meaning. That is “to be with happiness”.

Hawaiians believe that once somebody loves the land, they are ready to love their people or community. This is the second most important thing of friendship. It is called lokahi in the Hawaiian language, which means “oneness with all people”. To enjoy the land you should not be selfish. The land is for everyone who lives on. Today many different people call Hawaii their home. Indeed, Hawaii is a place where people make one big community from many smaller communities. Each person gives kokua(help) to other people so that all feel stronger. It is believed that the islands can be a paradise(天堂) when people live in peace. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea. When problems happen, people are asked to solve them with understanding. So when people of Hawaii talk about ohana(family), they are really talking about all those who live on the island.

Living in peace, Hawaiians have developed a third sign of friendship. This personal friendship is shown by giving leis to one another. The lei, a string of flowers, is put over a friend’s neck. Then the friend is given a kiss on the cheek. Visitors to the islands are also given leis. When they hear aloha, visitors began to feel at home. Aloha also means “goodbye”, so visitors will hear it again when they leave. It can mean “our hearts singing together”. Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.  

1.Which of the following can be the proper title for this text?

A.People in Hawaii                        B.Visitors to Hawaii

C.Traveling in Hawaii                       D.Friendship in Hawaii

2.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the first paragraph ?

A.Happiness matters most for Hawaiians.       B.Friendship is always together with happiness.

C.Friendship is every thing in Hawaiian culture. D.Friendship has special meanings for Hawaiians.

3.Which of the following proverb can best express the idea of friendship by Hawaiians?

A.Practice makes perfect.                  B.Love me, love my dog.

C.A penny saved is a penny gained.           D.An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

4.Which of the following is a sign to show friendship by Hawaiians?

A.A warm handshake.                      B.A kiss on the cheek.

C.A string of flowers.                      D.A big hug.

5.According to the text, which of the following Hawaiian word expresses more good wishes?

A.aloha             B.lokahi            C.kokua            D.Ohana



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届天津市高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How should one invest a sum of money in inflation (通货膨胀)? Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. Only a brave man, or a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market. Today it seems that one of the best ways to protect your savings, and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects from the past. Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks, which I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques.

I sometimes wonder what a being from another planet might report back about our way of life. "The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face with twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it fastens its young round people's wrists so that everywhere men go they are still under its control. This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves."

Whether or not we are slaves of time today depends on our culture and personality, but it is believed that many years ago kings kept special slaves to tell the time. Certain men were very clever at measuring the time according to the beating of their own hearts. They were made to stand in a fixed place and every hour or so would shout time. So it seems that the first clocks were human beings.

However, men quickly found more convenient and reliable ways of telling the time. They learned to use the shadows cast by the sun. They marked the hours on candles, used sand in hour- glasses, and invented water-clocks. Indeed, any serious student of antique should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past.

Antique clocks could be very expensive, but one of the joys of collecting clocks is that it is still possible to find quite cheap ones for your own home. After all, if you are going to be ruled by time, why not invest in an antique clock and perhaps make a future profit?

1.According to the passage, collecting antique clocks ________.

A.can hardly keep the value of your savings

B.will cost much of your savings

C.may increase your wealth

D.needs your bravery

2.By quoting (引用) the remark of a being from another planet, the author intends to ________.

A.suggest human beings are controlled by a clock

B.describe why clocks can rule the planet Earth

C.tell readers what clocks look like

D.compare clocks to human beings

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to measure the time?

A.Counting the beating of one's own heart.

B.Making use of candles, sand and water.

C.Observing shadows cast by the sun.

D.Keeping slaves busy day and night.

4.The purpose of the passage is ________.

A.to introduce the culture of antique clocks

B.to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks

C.to compare different ways to make a future profit

D.to explain convenient and reliable ways of telling time


