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【题目】请认真阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。

China Using Mobile Apps to Follow Spread of Coronavirus

People in China are using apps on mobile phones to follow and perhaps help slow the spread of the new coronavirus, COVID-19. Some of the apps provide the latest information about areas hit by the virus, while others collect data on infected persons.

The Chinese government is working with two of the country’s largest technology companies to keep track of the disease. The two, Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings, created color-based systems that record the health of individuals and identify carriers of the coronavirus.

In February, Alipay, a payment app operated by Alibaba, released a system that uses colored QR Codes to show the health of people in the city of Hangzhou. A QR code is a sign a smartphone can read with its camera. Once the sign is recognized, the phone takes the user directly to an internet link with information about a subject.

After completing the questionnaire, users receive a mobile phone message. It includes a color-based QR Code that relates to the health situation they described. Users with a red code are told to quarantine themselves for 14 days and continue reporting their condition by using Alibaba’s DingTalk messaging app. Users with a yellow code are told to stay in quarantine for 7 days, while those with a green code can travel freely.

Chinese state media said the Alibaba system would be deployed at train stations, along major roads and other travel checkpoints. They added that the system is also being used in some neighborhoods. People are asked to show QR Codes when entering their apartment buildings. Customers are asked to do the same before entering the local supermarket. Alipay said it was working with the government to expand the system nationwide.

Tencent, which operates China’s popular messaging app WeChat, reported the launch of a similar QR Code-based tracking system. Tencent developed the system with help from China’s National Development and Reform Council, which is currently in use in the southern city of Shenzhen. Officials said they expected it to be deployed to other parts of Guangdong province soon.

Even before the latest systems were announced, many Chinese were already using mapping and travel apps in an effort to avoid areas with coronavirus infections. One of the apps, developed by WeChat, uses official reports to identify places in the cities of Shenzhen and Guangzhou where coronavirus cases have been confirmed.

One user of the apps told Reuters she finds the maps can provide “psychological comfort.” The woman, who did not want her full name reported, said: “You can’t guarantee there won’t be fresh cases, but you can avoid an area that’s already hit.”

The technology website Abacus reported that citizens can request location data from their mobile phone carrier to show they had not been in affected areas. The report said that if requested, China’s state-owned telecommunication companies will send users a message listing all the areas they had visited within the past 14 days.

China Using Mobile Apps to Follow Spread of Coronavirus

New mobile apps

* These specially designed apps in use are 1at following and slowing the spread of COVID-19.

* These systems may help to reveal the 2of the person infected with the virus.

Alipay system

* People can get 3to online information once the QR codes are recognized.

* The colors of QR codes 4between red, yellow and green in line with different health situations.

* The system is now connected with people’s 5life in some areas.

* The company plans to promote it at a 6level.

Tencent system

* Tencent received7help in developing the system.

* This system 8that of Alipay as they are both based on QR codes.

* WeChat 9official data with its mapping apps and provides psychological comfort for users.

Telecommunication companies

* Subscribers can 10their travel connection with the infected areas through the service of the companies.















1信息捕捉、词义转换题。由第一段句子“People in China are using apps on mobile phones to follow and perhaps help slow the spread of the new coronavirus, COVID-19.”可知,中国人使用手机软件是为了跟踪和减缓新型冠状病毒COVID-19的传播。原文使用不定式,表目的,此处是be aimed at doing sth.(以……为目的)。故填aimed

2信息捕捉、词性转换题。由第二段句子“The two, Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings, created color-based systems that record the health of individuals and identify carriers of the coronavirus.”可知,基于颜色的系统能记录个人健康状况,识别冠状病毒携带者的身份。故此空可以用identify或词义接近的词,因为the ___2___of the person是名词所有格,所以此空应填名词identity。故填identity

3词性转换题。由第三段句子“Once the sign is recognized, the phone takes the user directly to an internet link with information about a subject.”可知,一旦识别出该标志,手机会将用户直接带到一个互联网链接上,即一旦识别出二维码,人们就可以获得在线信息。此处用get access to“获得,可以使用”故填access

4信息整合题。由第四段句子“Users with a red code are told to quarantine themselves for 14 days and continue reporting their condition by using Alibaba’s DingTalk messaging app. Users with a yellow code are told to stay in quarantine for 7 days, while those with a green code can travel freely.”可知,有红色二维码的用户被告知要隔离14天,并继续使用阿里巴巴的DingTalk短信应用程序报告自己的病情,有黄色二维码的用户被要求在隔离区停留7天,而有绿色二维码的用户可以自由旅行。故这里可以把句子转换为“根据不同的健康状况,二维码的颜色在红色、黄色和白色之间变化。”故填vary/range。

5信息整合题。根据第五段内容可知,阿里巴巴系统用在了火车站、主要道路沿线、其他旅行检查站和一些社区,甚至出入公寓和超市也要出示二维码。故这里可以把句子转换为“根系统现在已联系到人们生活的多个领域。” 故填routine/daily/everyday

6信息捕捉、词义转换题。由第五段句子“Alipay said it was working with the government to expand the system nationwide.”可知,支付宝表示,正与政府合作,在全国范围内推广这一系统。故这里nationwide可以用national替换故填national

7信息转换题。由第六段句子“Tencent developed the system with help from China’s National Development and Reform Council”和“Officials said they expected it to be deployed to other parts of Guangdong province soon.”可知,腾讯是在国家政府的帮助下开发了这一系统,且官员期望此系统用到其他地区。故填governmental/government/official

8词性转换题。由第六段句子“Tencent, which operates China’s popular messaging app WeChat, reported the launch of a similar QR Code-based tracking system.”可知,腾讯在微信上发布了一个相似的基于二维码的跟踪系统。故这里similar可以用resembles替换故填resembles。

9信息整合题。由倒数第二段句子“One user of the apps told Reuters she finds the maps can provide “psychological comfort.””可知,使用者发现这些地图可以提供“心理安慰”。故这里可以把句子转换为“微信将官方数据与地图应用程序结合为用户提供“心理安慰。”。故填combines。

10信息整合题。由最后一段句子“The technology website Abacus reported that citizens can request location data from their mobile phone carrier to show they had not been in affected areas.”可知,市民可以向他们的移动电话运营商索取位置数据,显示他们没有去过灾区。故这里可以把句子转换为“订阅用户可以通过这些公司的服务澄清他们与受感染地区的旅行联系。”故填clarify


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Here is a story about an old wise man. One day, the wise man was on his way to teach a village. In the village people were very 1 (interest) in his ideas. Each person in the village had prepared well, thinking about 2 question he or she might ask the wise man.

The wise man finally arrived and went into a large room 3 people asked their questions. There was great expectation and 4 (excite).

The wise man walked silently around the room and sang a sweet and soft song. One by one, people 5 (take) up the song. Soon everyone was singing along with the wise man. As people became 6 (comfort) with his song, the wise man started to dance 7 the music. He danced everywhere in the room, and one by one, people danced with him. Soon everyone in the whole village was dancing 8 (wild) together.

Later at night, 9 wise man slowly slowed the dance and finally stopped. He said, “I trust that I 10 (answer) all of your questions.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Popularly known as the “Oriental Hawaii,” Sanya in South China’s Hainan province is considered as one of the best diving resorts in the South Pacific Ocean. The followings are the top four places for diving in the city.

Wuzhizhou Island

Wuzhizhou Island is regarded as the best place in Hainan province for underwater diving. It is one of the few islands in the world without rocks. The island covers an area of 1.48 square kilometers and is in an irregular butterfly shape. The sea around the island is clear, providing a visibility of 6 to 27 meters.

Xidao Island

Xidao Island is shaped like a turtle living in the tropical area. It is also the largest of a series of islands in Sanya. Located 8 nautical miles off the coast, the island enjoys surroundings of sandy beaches and rocky caves. It also has clear waters with a wide variety of underwater animals to explore.

Dadonghai Bay

Dadonghai Bay, surrounded by hills on three sides, is a moon-shaped bay. The area enjoys agreeable weather all year round, with the water temperature keeping about 20 even in winter. Though the water here is not as clear as that in Yalong Bay and Wuzhizhou Island, this diving spot is easier to get to.

Fenjiezhou Island

Fenjiezhou Island is also called the Sleeping Beauty Island for what it looks like from afar. It is a national 5A scenic area in Lingshui Li autonomous county. It is the only site in the country that allows visitors to dive with dolphins. In addition to possessing a range of marine recreational programs, the island has the only sightseeing submarine in China, which is 18.6 meters long and can accommodate 46 people.

Regulations for underwater diving:

1. Applicants who are in good health and over 7 years old are allowed to dive.

2. People who are drunk or have heart disease or high blood pressure are not allowed to dive.

3. Be sure to travel with your diving instructor.

4. Several gestural languages must be mastered before diving: OK, going up, going down, uncomfortable, poisonous living creatures, and no touching.

Click here to enjoy the breath-taking scenery of these beautiful resorts.

1Which is the largest among these four places?

A.Wuzhizhou IslandB.Xidao Island

C.Dadonghai BayD.Fenjiezhou Island

2Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Wuzhizhou Island is the only island in the world without rocks.

B.The four places are all animal-shaped.

C.People are not permitted to dive alone without an instructor.

D.People can feel free to touch underwater animals when diving.

3Which of the following people can get a chance of diving?

A.a drunk manB.a child aged 6

C.a man with heart diseaseD.a graduate in good health

4You may find this passage from .

A.a websiteB.a travel brochure

C.a geography bookD.a newspaper


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你叫李华,你校的外籍教师Mr. Brown上周末踢足球时摔伤并住院了。请你代表全班同学,用英文给他写封邮件,要点包括:

1. 询问他的伤情,并打算去看望他;

2. 告诉他不要担心你们的学习;

3. 祝他早日康复。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It happens from time to time that after a whole morning of studying, you are tired in the afternoon. It’s then that you might want to eat something sweet, perhaps a Coke or a chocolate bar, to lift your mood. After all it’s popularly believed that a “sugar rush” gives us energy.

But a study published in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews in April suggests that sugar can make us feel worse rather than boost our moods.

The German and UK researchers collected data from 31 studies involving nearly 1,300 adults. They studied the effect of sugar on various aspects of mood, including anger, alertness, depression and tiredness.

They found that people who have too much sugar become more tired and less alert within an hour and that these feelings become more intense over time.

According to the researchers, when people take in sugar their blood sugar levels rise rapidly, leading to a burst of energy and a short “feel good” period. However, as they begin to digest the sugar, their blood sugar levels decrease quickly leading to a bad feeling.

To remain on a “high” people are likely to eat more and more sugar until they become addicted to it. As with caffeine, this prevents the body from relaxing, leaving people feeling tired and less alert.

But the study findings needn’t make us think we must give up sweet food altogether. According to the World Health Organization, it is healthy to have the sugars found naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk so long as these make up less than 5 percent of daily total energy intake.

So the next time you feel tired and can’t concentrate, perhaps you should think twice before you bite into a chocolate bar. Maybe a spot of exercise at midday would be a better idea!

Tips for beating afternoon fatigue.

* Head outside and sit in the daylight for 10 minutes.

* Get into the routine of a mid-afternoon cup of tea.

* Plan group activities for midday.

* Add variety to your routine.

1What does the underlined word “boost” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?


2How did the people feel after they had sugar in the study?

A.They felt more tired.B.They felt relaxed.

C.They were more alert.D.They felt energetic.

3What do we learn from Paragraphs 5-6?

A.Our mood is connected to our blood sugar levels.

B.Taking in more sugar benefits mental health.

C.Getting caffeine is another way to relax.

D.Sugar and caffeine are all the same.

4What would the author suggest people do when they are tired?

A.Give up sweet food.B.Have a bar of chocolate.

C.Do an hour of exercise.D.Eat foods with natural sugars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】To solve the shortage of electricity,the government has taken some measures, but it will be some time________the situation returns to normal.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是李华,你校交换生Terry打算参加你市举办的中国美食节(Chinese Food Festival),发邮件向你咨询有关情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 You may say that rain comes from clouds, but you can also say that rain is clouds.1, you should know the mechanism through which water moves from the Earth to the atmosphere and back again.

Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense (凝结) and becomes water droplets that can fall as rain. Dew point can vary anywhere from the 30s (Fahrenheit) to, on rare occasions, the 80s.

2. Once the air has cooled past the “dew point", it condenses around a nucleus, which are usually tiny particles of dust, smoke or even salt that are floating in the air. Then tiny water droplets are formed.3. If you pay close attention to clouds in the sky, you'll see char they’re constantly shrinking and growing,

Water vapor that has formed clouds is on its way to becoming rain, bur it's not there yet. For now, the water droplets are 80 tiny that the air currents keep them in the air, just as swirling particles of dust can stay in the air.4.

When water droplets combine with one another, they become heavier than the uplift of the air around them. Eventually they fall down through the cloud as rain.5They attract more water vapor to themselves and grow quickly until they're heavy enough to fall as snow.

A.Rain cloud is formed when there is enough water in the air

B.As warm air rises with the water vapor it contains, it cools

C.If you are curious about what kind of cloud will become rain

D.Sometimes the droplets rise high enough to freeze into ice crystals.

E.The tiny water droplets that initially form are what you see as clouds

F.If you want a better understanding of why rain comes down from clouds

G.As those droplets continue to rise, they have two ways to come back to Earth


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What will the woman probably give the man?

A.Her new address.B.Her mobile phone.C.Her mobile phone number.

