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  A study shows that more and more primary and middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time.

  The study surveys more than 1000 students.It shows that about half of primary school pupils and 80% of middle school students sleep fewer than nine hours every night.And too much homework is the main reason for it.Another reason is the students' bad habits.For example, some students are absent-minded(心不在焉的)when ________.Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games.

  The third reason is also important.Most schools start before 8 o'clock.Students have to get up early on weekdays to get to school on time.Some students live far away from school.They have to spend a lot of time on the way to school.

  In order to make students have more sleep, schools and parents should cut down some homework.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(within 6 words)


2.List three reasons for causing students to get shorter sleeping time according to the passage.(within 10 words)

① ________ ;② ________ ;③ ________

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph2 with proper words.(within 7 words)


4.Do you have any other suggestions to make students have more sleep? What're they?


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.



  1.Students' Sleeping Time

  2.Too much homework; Students' bad habits; School's timetable

  3.they are doing their homework




科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修三英语人教版 人教版 题型:051


  “No one is an island”is a well-known line from John Done's Devotion, written more than three hundred years ago.Even now people still agree with him.No one can live a completely isolated life.Without other people, life became empty and sad.We all need to have friends.

  For some of us, though making friends is not difficult, feeling sheepish, we may not want to make the first move.It is also difficult at times to keep the friends we already have.

  There are many books about friendship, but Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, written in 1936, is the most famous.This“how to”book about getting along with other people bacame a best seller.It was later put into 28 languages.

  Dale Carnegie's advice seems to be simple.But can his advice help you? Do you need to change the way you act? Here is the list of advice from his book.

  1.Be friendly and polite.

  Always greet with a smile.Begin with“excuse me”or“would you mind”when you want to ask somebody.Remember to say“thank you”and try to be as helpful as you can.

  2.Go out of your way to be nice.

  Find some time to do special things for other people.Making some soup for a sick neighbour may seem like a little thing to you, but it will make your neighbour feel a lot better.

  3.Remember names.

  They say that the sweetest music to a person's ears is the sound of his or her own name.

  4.Be open-minded.

  Try to understand other people's way and ideas and learn something from them.

  5.Listen patiently.

  When someone is talking to you, look at her, listen carefully and say something when necessary.

1.What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.What is the best title for this passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


3.Why do some of us feel it not easy to make friends?(Please answer within 15 words.)


4.Why should we remember others' names?(Please answer within 15 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph.



科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修二英语人教版 人教版 题型:051


  Nowadays, everyone tends to use EZ link card for transportation.

  Normally, when you get on board the bus, you flash your EZ link card and move in and when you get down the bus, you flash your card again at the exit door(located at the middle of the bus).We all know that if we forget to flash the card, full fare will be deducted(扣除)from the card.

  Below is something not known to public:

  If you get off from the entrance door and you flash your card, the card will capture another entrance fare instead of exit fare, thus meaning that two full fares will be deducted from the card as no exit was being captured for the two entrances.For example, you board a crowded bus at Pasir Ris(where it stops at Jurong East)and decided to get down ten stops later from the door you had entered.If you flash your card at the entrance door without informing the bus driver, a second entrance fare will be captured instead of exit fare thus you are paying two full fares(2×$1.90=$3.80)instead of one fare.This is useful information.

  Here’s the solution:

  Go to the “big” machine(i.e.machine for you to top up the card)located at the MRT stations.

  1)Insert your EZ link card

  2)Press the function key “Check card”

  3)Press “more”

  The above function will show you Information of the last 20 transactions(交易)on the screen.Please pass this e-mail to people you know so that they will not pay extra charges for nothing and burn a big hole in their pockets

  Last but not least, call the hotline:1800 767 4333 when the incorrect fares are deducted.

1.If a passenger had flashed his EZ card twice in one bus ride and it later showed that he had paid twice as much as he actually should, it suggested that _________.

(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Why does the author ask readers to pass on this e-mail to their friends?(Please answer within 10 words.)


3.What’s the best titles of this passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.What does the underlined words “top up” mean?(Please answer within ten words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.



科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修一英语人教 人教版 题型:051


  Movie producers love the idea, partly because it’s so afraid and partly because it could really happen.The scene is this:An asteroid(小行星)is rushing toward Earth.A collision is unavoidable.When this happens, lots of people will die.

  In the movies, a brave hero thinks of a clever plan to destroy the asteroid and save Earth.In real life, scientists have come up with more reasonable plans that might actually work if this situation comes up.

 One way, say scientists and astronauts, is a 20 ton spacecraft called a gravitational tractor.First, the tractor, would move quickly up to the threatening asteroid and stop a short distance away.It would hang there, firing its thrusters just enough to fight the force of gravity between the spacecraft and the asteroid.

  The tractor could then use its own gravity to pull the asteroid off course.It would take about a year for the spacecraft to draw an asteroid away from Earth’s path.

  The question is that the spacecraft would have to arrive at the asteroid about 20 years before it hits Earth.It would be easier then to move the asteroid out of the way than it would be if the asteroid was near the Earth.

  Still, the tractor idea is better than many ways proposed years ago for asteroid avoidance.Exploding asteroids, for example, wouldn’t work because the rocky bodies are too full of air.

  Don’t spend too much time worrying about asteroids’ falling on your house, however.The chances of a collision happening in your lifetime are very small.If ________, though, scientists will do everything they can to keep you from getting hurt, sounds very heroic to me!

1.What is the main idea of the article?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.How should we save Earth from a collision in real life?(Please answer within 10 words.)


3.Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.


4.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Pulling the asteroid off course when it’s still far away from Earth is more easily carried out when it’s near the Earth.?


5.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases.(Please answer within 10 words.)



科目:高中英语 来源:必修一导学英语外研版本 外研版 题型:051


  In the world today, an often heard term is “team work”, which is regarded as something utmost important for any companies, schools, businesses or whatever related to human work.So true is it that almost none would say anything against it once there are things, especially those we call hard nuts to be cracked that need to be done on a large scale.

  Take, for example, a can-only-be-worked-out-by-at-least-8-people software program.No matter how talented any of the eight advanced software engineers is, he or she is only part of the team who cannot, for one thing or another, complete the whole program alone whatever efforts he/she makes or however diligent he/she is, for, a software program, often needed badly and calling for lots of time and extremely pains-taking efforts of a programmer, ________.Time, as everyone who keeps in mind that this is a world of fierce competition knows, is money! Days’, even minutes’ delay would cause a business to lose thousands, even millions of dollars.From this point of view, the example tells everything-team work!

  A recent survey done by WEIO, shortened form of the Working Efficiency Investigation Organization, of University of Detroit, shows that all over the world 95% of work needs team work in one way or another unless it is completely personal-say, brushing one’s teeth.The organization concludes that team work stands for unity of a team and efficiency of human abilities.“Have you heard that ancient Chinese story of ‘One Chopstick and Nine Chopsticks’?”, says the director of WEIO smilingly, “besides unity, it has a spirit of team work in it!”

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

2.What does the proverb “One Chopstick and Nine Chopsticks” mean?(Please answer within ten words.)

3.What’s the purpose of the second paragraph?(Please answer within ten words.)

4.Please fill the blanks in the second paragraph in proper words and phrases.

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省卢氏县第一高中2011年高考6月冲刺试卷英语试题 题型:050


  My father was a keen baseball fan.Whenever he could, Dad took me out to the park and pitched balls for me to hit.

  One day at the park, a woman pushing a young boy in a wheelchair stopped to watch us play.My dad was over to them in a flash to ask if the child could join our game.The woman explained that her son had polio(小儿麻痹症)and wouldn't be able to get out of the chair.That didn't stop my dad.He placed the bat in the youngster's hand, pushed him out to home plate and assisted him in holding the bat.Then he yelled out to me, "Anne, pitch one in to us."

  I saw the delight in the boy's eyes, so I aimed at the bat and let the ball fly.The ball made contact with the bat(球拍)with an assist from my dad and the child screamed with joy.As I turned, I heard my dad singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game

  An hour later we all left the field, very tired but very happy.Dad told the mother to bring the boy back next Saturday and we would play another game.

  Dad and I were at the field the next Saturday but the mother and son never came.Twenty years passed, with my dad gone, I had very mixed emotions about leaving the neighborhood Before moving I decided to take one last walk around the park where Dad and I had spent so many happy moments.Two Little League teams were on the field just about to start a game.I felt the sting of tears in my eyes as I watched the children play the game.

  "Jeff, protect your base," one coach yelled.I cheered the runner on when the ball was hit far into the outfield.The coach turned and smiled, "I never thought I’d ever be a coach playing on this field.You see, I had polio as a child and was restricted to a wheelchair.Thanks to a man's assistance, I was able to hit the ball and hear him singing the song Take Me Out to the Ball Game.I believe that experience gave me the desire to walk again.I hope that some day I'll look up in the stands and see that man and his daughter again.I sure would like to thank him."


The author was tearful when watching the children playing the game because _________.

[  ]


she hadn't recovered from the loss of her father


she was reminded of her father playing with her in the park


she realized that her father hadn't received thanks from others


she was moved by the son who became a coach twenty years later


Which is the right order of the following events?

a.The author's father died.

b.The author played with the boy.

c.The author left the neighborhood.

d.The author waited for the boy to turn up.

e.The author saw the boy coaching a team.

[  ]










The passage conveys(表达)the message that _________.

[  ]


the boy is a miracle


the author's father is a hero


a simple act of kindness can change a life


ball games have a great effect on people's life

