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12.[1]If you don't have good nutrition(营养),you're missing a key weapon against colds.Basics include vegetables and nuts.The following are five surprising foods that can improve immunity(免疫力).
[2]Yogurt.Yogurt,a milk product,contains probiotics(益生菌).These probiotics change the immune system and help reduce the severity of colds.Choose the yogurt that contains live and active probiotics to make sure you're getting the benefits of the yogurt.
[3]Green tea.A cup of green tea can help cure a sore throat and lift spirits.Green tea can help prevent damage in the body.It may also fight against colds.
[4]Garlic(大蒜).Garlic has received widespread attention for its possibility of disease-prevention and immune-improving functions.In a study,researchers found that people who _________ regularly were two-thirds less likely to catch a cold.The best way to get garlic's benefts is eating it without cooking.
[5]Orange-fleshed(有橙色的果肉的)vegetables.Pumpkins,sweet potatoes,and other orange-fleshed vegetables are high in beta carotene(胡萝卜素),which the body uses to make Vitamin A.A diet low in beta carotene can reduce immunity,so eating vegetables is a great way to ensure your body has the nutrientsitneeds.Vitamin A is also important in keeping skin healthy.
[6]Oysters(牡蛎).Oysters are definitely not the first thing that comes to mind when a cold or other illness attacks you,but they are a great source of zinc(Zn).Zinc is important in the development of white blood cells.It's best to get zinc from a balanced diet.In addition to oysters,beef and chicken are good sources.
66.What does the text mainly talk about?(no more than 8 words)
Five surprising foods that improve immunity
67.What kind of yogurt should people choose according to the second paragraph?(no more than 8 words)
The kind containing live and active probiotics./The kind that contains live and active probiotics
68.List two benefits of green tea.(no more than 10 words)
(1)Curing a sore throat.
(2)Lifting spirits.
69.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
ate garlic.
70.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?(no more than 2 words)
Your body.

分析 本文是一篇说明文.文章介绍了提高免疫力的令人吃惊的五种食物.它们是酸奶、绿茶、大蒜、有橙色果肉的蔬菜、牡蛎.

解答 66.答案  Five surprising foods that improve immunity.考查信息提取.根据文章第一段中的The following are five surprising foods that can improve immunity(免疫力).可以提炼出答案.这是文章的中心句.
67.答案 The kind containing live and active probiotics./The kind that contains live and active probiotics..考查信息提取.根据文章第二段中的Choose the yogurt that contains live and active probiotics to make sure you're getting the benefits of the yogurt.可以提炼出答案,题干只是要求答出类别,注意提炼要点.
68.答案 (1)Curing a sore throat.(2)Lifting spirits.考查信息提取.根据文章第三段中的A cup of green tea can help cure a sore throat and lift spirits.Green tea can help prevent damage in the body.It may also fight against colds.可知答案.
69.答案 ate garlic.考查信息提取.根据文章第四段中的The best way to get garlic's benefits is eating it without cooking.可知答案.
70.答案 Your body.考查信息提取.根据文章第五段中的so eating vegetables is a great way to ensure your body has the nutrients it needs.可知,it此处指"身体所需要的营养".

点评 考生在对题目进行作答之前,要先对题干进行详细阅读,检查题目中是否有提示词语存在;而后判断出所填词语在句子中所充当的句子成分,例如,主语、谓语等;最后根据其所充当的句子成分,加之其所处句子的语态等,选择词语的正确形式,例如,动词的现在分词或者过去分词,或者形容词的比较或者最高级的使用等.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-We are going to Canada for a couple of days.
---______.How I wish I could get away for a while.(  )
A.Forget itB.It doesn't matter
C.I can't agree moreD.I really envy you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Imagine a stranger walking past you on a cold,rainy day."Lovely weather,isn't it?"the stranger says.Do you laugh,or even smile?If not,you may not have a dry sense of humor.
British people,and particularly the English,are well-known for our dry sense of humor.We often say the opposite of what we mean in order to be funny,and tell jokes in a tone of voice that makes it sound like we are being completely serious.As US writer Julian Tan put it on the HuffPost Students blog:"It is as if it is‘Opposite Day'every day in Britain."
If the people of Britain are known for having a"stiff upper lip"and not showing emotion,then our dry sense of humor shows this through jokes.Often it will take a long time or several beers,to get a British person to tell you what they actually think about something and get behind the wall of humorous sarcasm (讽刺) that they have in front of them.
English comedian Ricky Gervais put it like this:"We play jokes on our friends.We use sarcasm as a shield (护盾) and a weapon.We avoid being serious until it's absolutely necessary."
It can be annoying and confusing if you haven't been raised with these types of jokes:"Why did he just say such a ridiculous thing?Is he making fun of me?"But it is also true that understanding this type of humor is a good way to make friends with people in the UK,even if you don't find it funny.
It's important to remember that the person telling the joke may actually be making fun of himself or herself,not you.One of the characteristics of British humor is"its strong theme of self-deprecation"(making fun of oneself),according to Tan.So don't worry-often,English people,and British people in general,just want to make fun of themselves!

60.According to the passage,we can know that someone with a dry sense of humor canD.
A.not use sarcasm as a shield and a weapon.
B.not make friends with people in the UK
C.pretend to play jokes on their friends
D.say funny things in a serious way
61.Which of the following words best describes British humor according to Julian Tan?A
62.The underlined phrase"stiff upper lip"in Paragraph 3refers to a quality ofA.
A.remaining calm                                   
B.communicating feelings
C.taking a positive attitude                            
D.focusing attention
63.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.British people are famous for being emotional
B.British people's humor is often misunderstood
C.it's a tradition for British people to make fun of each other
D.it doesn't take a long time to make friends with British people
64.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.why British people like laughing at themselves
B.some tips on how to make British people laugh
C.the importance of humor in British culture
D.what British humor is like.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

7.On June 17,2012,my daughter gave me a new wallet as a Father's Day present.It was the perfect gift considering that my purse used for nearly a decade was much (11)C I took the opportunity as well to (12)D any cards,notes,or small pieces of paper in it that were no longer needed.As I (13)B out the old wallet I was amazed at how much it (14)B Carefully 1went through its (15)D piece by piece and (16)C them to their new home.As I was looking at them I (17)A the organ donor card (器官捐赠卡)that I had signed nine years ago.(18)B,it hadn't yet been called into use.Still,it felt good knowing that (19)D  something should ever happen to me I would be giving another person here a second chance at (20)C 
As I (21)A the card into my new wallet I started thinking about all the (22)B things we can donate to help others today-We can donate our time,our talents or our wisdom.We can (23)D our kindness.We can (24)A our light into the darkness.We can donate every bit of love and joy inside of us.And the greatest thing of all is that when we do,we (25)A that we have even more to share than when we started.
If you wish then by all means (26)D an organ donor card so you can give something back after you (27)C,but don't be afraid to also give something now while you are still (28)B.Be a donor.Make your entire life here a(n) (29)C to others.Donate all your (30)A things to make this world a better and brighter place.

12.A.keep backB.put asideC.get throughD.throw away
17.A.came acrossnB.got throughC.went overD.brought about
18.A.UnexpectedlyB.ThankfullyC.Regret fullyD.Unfortunately


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.A person has a comparative advantage at producing something if he can produce it at lower cost than anyone else.
Having a comparative advantage is not the same as being the best at something.In fact,someone can be completely unskilled at doing something,yet still have a comparative advantage at doing it!How can that happen?
Let's get some more vocabulary.Someone who is the best at doing something is said to have an absolute advantage.Lance Armstrong (自行车环法七冠王) has an absolute advantage at cycling.For all I know,Lance Armstrong may also be the fastest typist in the world,giving him an absolute advantage at typing,too.Since he's better at typing than you,can't he type more cheaply than you?That is,if someone has an absolute advantage in something,doesn't he automatically have a comparative advantage in it?The answer is no!If Lance takes time out from cycling to do all his own typing,he sacrifices the large income he earns from entertaining fans of the Tour de France (环法自由车赛).If,instead,his secretary does the typing,the secretary gives up an alternative secretarial job-or perhaps a much lower salary as a cyclist.That is,the secretary is the lower-cost typist.The secretary,not Lance Armstrong,has the comparative advantage at typing!The trick to understanding comparative advantage is in the phrase"lower cost."What it costs someone to produce something is the opportunity cost-the value of what is given up.Someone may have an absolute advantage at producing every single thing,but he has a comparative advantage at many fewer things,and probably only one or two things.
57.The underlined part in the second paragraph means a comparative advantageB.
    A.is equal to an absolute advantage
    B.doesn't necessarily mean the best skill at something
    C.is not completely based on an absolute advantage
    D.can fully reflect one's ability for work
58.The theory of comparative advantage can remind us of the old saying thatA.
    A.there must be a use for one's talent
    B.where there is a will,there is a way
    C.all roads lead to Rome
    D.action speaks louder than words
59.If Lance Armstrong types today for 60 dollars,but he gives it up and attends the Tour de France for 100 dollars,his opportunity cost isBdollars.
60.According to the author,when we cooperate with somebody,we shouldC.
    A.compare the absolute advantage
    B.consider the time of cooperation
    C.find the comparative advantage first
    D.neglect the opportunity cost.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Are you a media addict who would go mad after two hours without TV,friend requests,exciting online games and your mobile-or would you easily survive?
Recently,university students around the world were asked to volunteer in a global experiment called Unplugged.It was designed to see how young people would react if they were asked to observe a total media ban (禁令)by unplugging (切断,拨掉)all forms of media devices for 24hours.
Unplugged is being run by Dr Roman Gerodimos,a lecturer in Communication and Journalism at Bournemouth University.Dr Gerodimos said there were already signs of how much the exercise affected volunteers."They're reporting withdrawal symptoms (脱瘾症状),overeating,feeling nervous,lonely and disconnected."
During the 24-hour experiment,three of the experiment's guinea pigs had to bear one intrusion (侵扰)from the media:a BBC reporter and cameraman who followed them around for the day.They were asked to write down 100lines about their day offline,but of course,they all waited until the next day when they had access to their laptops.
Elliot Day wrote:‘Today,my whole morning routine (常规)was thrown up into the air______.Despite being aware of the social importance of the media,I was surprised by how empty my life felt without the radio or newspapers."
And Charlotte Gay wrote:"I have to say the most difficult item for me to be without has been my mobile; not only is it a social tool,it's my main access point of communication."
Earlier in the year,a UK government study found that in the UK we spend about half our waking hours using the media,often plugged into several things at once.
So,with technology continuing to develop at an alarming rate,how much time will you set aside for sleep in the future?

45.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?C
A.To ask for information.
B.To entertain the readers.
C.To lead to the topic.
D.To present an idea.
46.About Dr.Roman Gerodimos'experiment,we know thatA.
A.volunteers felt uncomfortable in it
B.three pigs were included in it
C.a BBC reporter discussed the experiment
D.volunteers were allowed to take their laptops
47.The underlined expression"Was thrown up into the air"in the sixth paragraph
A.went on normally    B.was completely disturbed
C.turned out perfect  D.was badly designed
48.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?B
A.Surviving without the Media
B.Unplugging Your Life
C.Valuing Social Communication
D.Setting Aside Time for Sleep.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.The Thinker,head in hand,resting his right arm on his left knee,gained its current title when________in Paris in 1890.(  )
A.exhibitingB.exhibitedC.was exhibitedD.being exhibited


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.If not _____________a lift on her way,Jerry couldn't have got to the station in time.(  )
A.offeredB.to be offeredC.offeringD.to offer

