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【小题1】I believe that it is good to ask        (挑战性的) questions often.
【小题2】You can put your       (私人) things in the next room.
【小题3】The expert is going to give out some        (问卷) forms to collect the opinions.
【小题4】Would you please tell me how many        (志愿者) will be sent to Zhouqu for rebuilding?
【小题5】She spent a        (宁静的)afternoon by the river,reading a novel.
【小题6】It is the ability that m       (很重要),not where you come from or what you are.
【小题7】The police officer is carrying out an important task       (附近的)the railway station.
【小题8】Though it happened in the        (遥远的)past, I can remember very clearly today.
【小题9】The new patient is in        (紧急的)need of medical attention.
【小题10】Teaching can be a tiring and       (紧张的)job,but I still love it.
【小题11】The new model of the car       (设计) by the engineer is popular with the youth.
【小题12】To build a road in the mountainous area was a real c          .
【小题13】An        helps to sell goods although something is false in it.
【小题14】Zhang Yimou created many famous        (角色) in his films.
【小题15】        (就自己而言), I prefer walking to going there by bus.




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年陕西省三原县北城中学高一上学期第三次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】I have some _________(怀疑) whether they will come here on time.
【小题2】“Would you please__________(搬开)the chair in the way and let me pass?”
【小题3】The suggestion you put forword is very _________(有价值的).
【小题4】The old man _________ (幸免于)two earthquakes. 
【小题5】This girl won one gold ________(奖牌)in the 2008 Olympic Games.
【小题6】We want several ___________(志愿者 )to help paint the house .
【小题7】Do come please, I’ll wait for you at the _________(入口处).
【小题8】Diamonds were once thought to have ________(有魔力的) powers.
【小题9】The thief ________(承认) his crime when he was questioned by the police.
【小题10】_______(无论如何),the second _hand car is worth buying.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年安徽省淮北一中高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】I have to believe that encouragement is so _____________ (强有力的) that it can change a person.
【小题2】 I’m g___________(感激的) to my teachers’ help.
【小题3】I’ve known Lucy for years. __________(实际上),we have been good friends since our childhood.
【小题4】The people ___________(受伤) in the accident were sent to hospital without delay.
【小题5】 Every year, many natural ___________(灾难) happen all over the world.
【小题6】Lucy! I’m sorry I didn’t r___________ you. You’ve had your hair cut.
【小题7】Father is thankful to me for p____________ him to give up smoking.
【小题8】Some people hold a wrong a___________ towards the disabled.
【小题9】She refused to give the taxi f________ because of the delay.
【小题10】He b________ into tears at the news that both of his parents died in the Yushu earthquake.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省安阳一中分校高二第二次阶段考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

第一节:单词拼写. (根据句意在答题卷写出下列单词的正确形式,答案写在答题卡上,共10分)
【小题1】I shouldn’t have been so difficult at school, but it was probably because I l_____ confidence.
【小题2】At first, people a______ of his studies and urged him to continue.
【小题3】These men knew that knowledge and understanding are more v_______ to a man.
【小题4】This p______ sad event left a deep impression on Pliny who had lost an uncle in the erupion.
【小题5】The meaning of love was still not a_______ to Helen but she kept on trying to understand,
【小题6】One can only feel sorrow and deep _______(同情) for these once-living statues.
【小题7】I hate to think what will become of my ______(名声) as an excellent accountant.
【小题8】Pompeii is like a “ time capsule” ______(保存) a frozen moment in history.
【小题9】As Helen’s knowledge and vocabulary  ______(扩大), she asked more and more questions.
【小题10】At that time, the church and many people ______(倾向于)to ignore the facts.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年四川省乐山一中高二上学期10月月考英语卷 题型:填空题

It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell how much            【小题1】 __ ___
I enjoyed my stay in your whole family last week. This was my      【小题2】 __ ___
first visit an English family. At first, I was worried about my          【小题3】 __ ___  
poor English. And when I saw your wife and children waiting for      【小题4】__ ___
me with warm smile of welcome on their faces. I immediately knew     【小题5】__ ___ 
that everything would be all right. There are many more happy         【小题6】 ___
memories of the week that I will keep with me forever. I particularly    【小题7】 ___ 
enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and saw the          【小题8】_ ___
changing colors of the leaves on the trees. I also like the              【小题9】_ ___
fishing trip. It was such much fun.                                                    【小题10】 __


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年吉林省吉林一中高一上学期期中考试英语试卷B(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】I have waited for her since two hours.        ____________
【小题2】You will make a great progress if you study hard.
【小题3】With society develops,computers will make our life convenient.
【小题4】After class Jenny and Linda went back home separate.
【小题5】He was determining not to make the same mistakes.
【小题6】Would Ma Li come to Brunei, I would meet her at the airport.
【小题7】If I am a fish, I could swim freely in the sea.
【小题9】They have run out their food supply.
【小题10】I am sorry I can’t help cleaning the classroom for you.

