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14. "Life is like walking in the snow,"Granny used to say, "because every step     (show) ."

14. shows此处是奶奶过去常常说的一句话,是直接引语,句子的内容是生活哲^ ,所以用一般现在时。句意:奶奶过去常常说:"生活就俛在雪中行走,因为每走一步都看得见。"

题目来源:2015年全品作业本高中英语必修1外研版 > Module 1 My first Day at Senior High


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 My family came to America in 1985. 1      of us spoke a word of English. Each morning, I disliked going to school for fear of not 2      what people were saying.

Very soon my mother noticed something was 3      me. The pain and care I saw in her moonshaped eyes made me burst into tears. I explained to her the 4     I had of going to school. " Learning English is not 5      ," my mother said. She cheerfully 6      the two of us work together to learn the language at home. The 7      and determination my mother had were admirable because English was as 8      to her as it was to me.

That afternoon,I saw my mother in a different light as she 9      me by the school fence. Although she was the 10      of all the mothers there,her face with her welcoming smile and big,black eyes was the most11      The afternoon sun shone 12      on her long,black hair creating an atmosphere that 13      her from others.

My mother and I immediately began reading together and 14      five new words a day. My mother, with her encouraging 15     ,made the routine fun and interesting. The fact that she was sacrificing her 16      time before going to work so that I could learn English made me see the 17      she possessed. Very soon I began to comprehend what everyone was saying.

It has been seven years since that reading 18      with my mother. She is now 43 and in her second year at college. My brother and I have a strong 19      of who we are because of the strong values my mother established for herself and her children. My 20      and gratitude for her are endless. This is why my mother is truly the guiding light of my life. 

(   ) 1.A. All   B. One   C. Some   D. None

(   ) 2.A. hearing   B. mastering   C. understanding   D. noticing

(   ) 3.A. changing   B. disappointing   C. hurting   D. troubling

(   ) 4.A. fear   B. emotion   C. sense   D. difficulty

(   ) 5.A. dull   B. necessary   C. impossible   D. easy

(   ) 6.A. decided   B. suggested                  C.promised   D. allowed

(   ) 7.A. hope   B. consideration   C. confidence   D. progress

(   ) 8.A. new   B. strange   C. familiar   D. rough

(   ) 9.A. sent for   B. picked up  C.waited for   D. looked for

(   ) 10.A. earliest   B. latest   C. tallest   D. shortest

(   ) 11.A. promising   B. relaxing   C. confusing   D. exciting

(   ) 12.A. directly   B. brightly   C. slightly   D. clearly

(   ) 13.A. separated   B. distinguished   C. saved   D. prevented

(   ) 14.A. discussing   B. reviewing   C. memorizing   D. writing

(   ) 15.A. virtue   B. teaching   C. attitude   D. skill

(   ) 16.A. working   B. shopping   C. learning   D. resting

(   ) 17.A. determination   B. kindness   C. trick   D. consciousness

(   ) 18.A. experience   B. course   C. practice   D. comprehension

(   ) 19.A. sense   B. duty   C. influence   D. intention

(   ) 20.A. care   B. admiration   C. feeling   D. envy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Two years ago,our 14-year-old son,Ben,asked us for a set of drums for his birthday. At first,we were very much against the idea because of the noise. "It's better than watching television or playing computer games in my free time," Ben argued, "and it'll keep me out of trouble. "In the end we gave in. "All right,"we said, "but you must consider the rest of the family and the neighbours when you play.” That was just the beginning. Because drums are not the easiest instru?ments to move,the other members of Ben's band started appearing at our home with their guitars and other electrical equipment (电子设备) .And so,for several times a week,the house shakes to the noise of their instruments and their teenage singing.

  At least Ben's hobby has been good for our health:whenever the band start practising,my husband and I go out for a long walk. And I must admit that,al?though their music may sound a little strange,they are a friendly and polite group of young men. I cannot judge their musical skill―after all I didn't expect my parents' generation ( —代人) to like the same music as I did when I was a teenager―but they do play in local clubs for young people at the same time each week.

  Our main worry is that they won't spend enough time on their schoolwork because of their musical activities,though this hasn't happened yet. I am al?ways stressing (强调) to Ben how important his studies are. But one thing is certain―Ben was right:it has kept him out of trouble and he is never bored.

6. What is the writer's purpose in writing this text?

   A. To introduce her son's friends.

   B. To give advice to teenagers.

   C. To describe her son's hobby.

   D. To compare herself with her parents.

7. Why did the writer give Ben the present he wanted?

   A. She wanted to reward him for studying hard.

   B. He already had too many computer games.

   C. She knew he would use it properly.

   D. He persuaded her it would be a good idea.

8. Why do the band always practise at Ben's house?

   A. It is difficult for Ben to move his drums.

   B. The neighbours don't mind the noise.

   C. Ben's parents enjoy listening to them.

   D. They can leave their equipment there.

9. What does the writer say about the members of the band?

   A. Their influence on her son worries her.

   B. Their taste in music is different from hers.

   C. They play their instruments well.

   D. They avoid any touch with her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. I don't want to buy a new house because I    (save) money for my son,who is going to have further study abroad.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. "How did you know that?" he asked,with a     (surprise) look on his face.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. I don't mean that. There must be some     between us.

2. There are some mistakes in your composition that need     .

3. I get a lot of     from my grandchildren. They are so lovely.

4. The film was said to be good,but I found it          .

5. Her     gave me a lot of confidence.

6. Can you give me some advice on improving the     in speaking?

7. While reading new words,make sure you give each word its correct     .

8. I am waiting to hear your        for your being late.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. ―Would you mind        (show) me the way to the station? ―Sorry,I am a stranger myself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  I took my 7-year-old daughter to a restaurant by tho heach for lunch. When we arrived,I saw Jojo,a rich man in the hotel business. We sat down to chat in an open-air cafe. Suddenly,our conversation was inter rupted (打断) by a stranger,who politely asked to speak to me alone.

  We stood a bit away from my table. Usually,peo?ple who asked to talk to me told me their opinions on the shows I hosted (主持) .But he was different. He said, "I'm James,the father of a 7-year-old girl who's very sick. Doctors have said that if she is treated in the UK,she will probably become better. I don't have much money. Can you please help me?"

  I looked into the man's eyes,which were filled with tears. Then I went to sit back at the table. Jojo asked, " What's wrong? Your face changed. " I told him why.

  I thought of James and his daughter all the week?end. I even thought of doing a special TV show to col?lect money for the sick girl. On Monday morning,I was at the office when Jojo walked in,which was surpris?ing because Jojo was so busy. I never thought he would have time to come and see me at the studio (演播室) . With a checkbook in hand,he said, " Please call James and tell him I'll pay for his sick daughter's treat?ment. I've been married for 35 years,but I'm not lucky enough to have a child. I love children and want to help this child."I picked up the phone to call James.

  The daughter is living a normal life now and Jojo visits her sometimes. I'm so happy that there're so many good people in this world.

1. Why did the writer go to the restaurant?

   A. To meet the father of a sick girl.

   B. To have lunch with his daughter.

   C. To have a conversation with Jojo.

   D. To have coffee in an open-air cafe.

2. The father talked alone with the writer in order to__________

   A. ask the writer to introduce him to Jojo

   B. ask the writer to give him a lot of money

   C. ask the writer for help to save his daughter

   D. tell the writer what he thought of his shows

3. After hearing the father's story,the writer most probably felt _________.

   A. sorry   B. hopeful

   C. angry   D. disappointed

4. We can learn from the fourth paragraph that the writer_________ .

   A. did not try to help the sad father

   B. was usually very busy with his work

   C. was sure he would find a way to help the girl

   D. didn't expect Jojo would come for the sick girl

5. The writer was thankful that _________.

   A. Jojo and he are such good friends

   B. so many people helped the sick girl

   C. Jojo came to the studio especially to see him

   D. there are good people who are ready to help others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  In traditional (传统的) education,the teacher may feel that the students are not very grown-up. Usually,teachers are older than students,and teach?ers feel that students are young and do not know much about the world. The teachers feel that they must tell the students what to do most of the time,and that they must also make the students study specific (特殊的) things.

 In open education,the teachers' methods are very different. These teach?ers feel that the students are human beings (人) first,and students second. They expect the students to be responsible for the things that they do,just as adults are. A student's ideas and feelings are just as important as the teacher's. The teacher allows the students to decide what they want to do,and does not make them study what they do not want to. The teacher lets them decide what to study and how much to study. It's very important for the teacher to show how he or she feels about students.

6. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. Traditional education

   B. Open education

   C. The students are human beings first

   D. Two kinds of education

7. What's the theory of open education?

   A. The students are human beings first,and students second.

   B. The students should be responsible for what they do.

   C. The students' ideas and feelings are very important.

   D. The teachers should allow the students to do what they want to do.

8. In traditional education,the teachers consider that      .

   A. they should praise the students all the time

   B. they should tell the students what to do all the time

   C. the students should know much about the world

   D. the students should learn much about the world from their teachers

9. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. In open education,the teachers know less about the world than the students.

   B. Students can decide what they want to do in traditional education.

   C. In open education,the teachers needn't be responsible for what the students do.

   D. The teachers' opinions about the students are different in different edu?cation.

